Date Me Part Two

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~Astrid's P.O.V~

Went back home quick as I automatically said yes to Hiccup that we're going on a date. And now I'm really upset that I went to this path, I cannot believe this is really happening in my life.

What happen to my serial killer instincts and just murder the boy, but I can't because my girly set is controlling my actions.

This is becoming agitated that I'm not the Berkian Killer anymore.

I went to my room, drop my backpack on the floor and quickly went to my dresser. I open it and dig in to grab my trusty knife.

I pick it up and held it to my view, I frown knowingly my knife is hungry for blood. And I'm hungry too so if I can just do it now or wait more, after all I may have to worry about the feds, otherwise they'll follow the trail to here.

I know I'm smart enough to cover my tracks but I send movies that law enforcement can determine and examine small details to track suspect. I never leave any evidence behind otherwise it's my downfall for my path to bloodiness.

I then crash on my bed and kept thinking and thinking over this silly date. I then notice I even brought a dress in too, which I haven't wear often. I got out of my bed to walk over in my closet as I got tons of clothes, usually black or red, not many colourful colours.

Viewing my shirts as I move them on the side as I spot my red dress.

"I haven't worn this since I dated that Boy"I creepily smile"it was the best kill I ever did. Cannot believe he wet his pants".

I slight chuckle"still funny".

(Hiccup's P.O.V)

We enter the restaurant as we went to our table which is the waiter have guide us kindly.

We both sat across from each  other and felt so awkward, I couldn't help my self to smile.

"What?"Astrid chuckles lightly.

"Oh it's just, you look nice"I smile, feeling kinda blushy.

She giggles"thanks once again. But seriously this is too much for an actual than the movies".

I then look over the menu"I know, but since we've worked so hard in school. Decided to treat ourselves".

"But seriously, how'd you get a reservations here? This is too fancy"She phase around the restaurant, it is a five star restaurant.

"I have my ways"I smirk, not telling my tiny ways around Berk.

She raise her brow at me"You Hiccup Haddock is so predictable".

"Astrid Hofferson, lets enjoy our night"I footies across from her.

She smirk, attempting to footie me back"I will then. But we're splitting the bill-"

"Nope"I chuckle.

She raise her eyebrow and giving me this challenge look.

She proceed to her menu and was amazed of it"for once this menu doesn't have pictures on it".

"Why so surprised?"I asked, as I closed my menu.

"Nobody haven't took me out or never been into a fancy restaurant. My Mother is always busy, and my Father just recently passed"She sighs.

"I'm sorry"I said, hoping to comfort her from her devastating loss.

"It's alright, my Father and I weren't close"She shrug.

"Oh, understandable"I assured her.

She slightly smile"so Hiccup, whatcha you think?".

"I have no idea, this is my third time coming here"I chuckle, staring at the menu.

"Well I'm new so, I can't decide"She shrug.

"Well the salad here is good"I said.

"Really? Salad is my favourite, even though it's only lettuce and vegetables on it"She smile, putting away her menu.

Suddenly the waiter appear with our drinks"are you ready to order?".

"Yes, I'll have the clubhouse and Caesar salad"I smirk over at Astrid who also did the same to me.

Waiter nods and glance over at Astrid"what about you madam?".

"I'll have what's he having"She replies back.

The waiter leaves us both.

I brush my hair with my hand"so, what are your plans after graduation?".

She tap her chin"hmmmm, I'm not sure yet, hard choice. What about you?".

"Berk University"I said, hiding my secret.

"What are you taking them?"She raise her brow.

"I'll tell you after graduation"I chuckle, not revealing the program I apply for.

I raise my glass of my drink as she did the same.

"Let's enjoy our night"I smile.

She smile back"Okay Hiccup".

~Astrid's P.O.V~

I stare down at my mirror, knowingly I actually enjoy that date. We had fun, telling our small stories and some silly stuff in Berk High.

"I cannot allow this anymore"I clenched my teeth, squeezing my hand and went over to my drawer.

"Do it"Stormfly says, landing my shoulder.

I smirk at myself and decided to do it.

The weekend had passed and I'm out of my mind that me and Hiccup went on a actually date. And I got all girly on it too. I can't believe I actually said yes but this girl type of feelings are getting to me.

What if I cannot kill again, what if I become those girls in high school wanting love desperately.

I then mentally scream in my pillow"I hate this!!!!!".

~Hiccup's P.O.V~

I enjoy my weekend, and somehow felt so happy that date went well, I just hope it doesn't change anything other than our friendship. It's friendship right? Or we're officially a couple? No I haven't asked her that.

She haven't even asked me about that, we enjoy our night and somehow bond. Went to my locker and staring down at my textbooks, wow I didn't expect to have this many textbooks in my locker.

"Hey Hiccup"

I flinch as I was quite spoke but it was Jack as usual.

"Oh hey Jack what's up?"I greet, closing my locker.

"So how'd it go?"He asked, giving me a grin.

I narrow my eyes"it was awesome".

He grins widely"my man, you actually went on a date with someone!".

I cover his mouth"not so loud man, people might start drama".

"Please Hiccup, High School is always about drama"Jack movies my hand away form his mouth.

"I know but, I might start an conflict, you know how girls are around me. The crazies"I shriek after thinking about the other two.

"Oh nonsense I heard, they're quiet down. I think"He scratches his head.

Until suddenly I saw Astrid walk towards this way.

"I'll meet you later, gotta go"I walk by Jack and continue forward to see Astrid.

"Make love you will"!"Jack teases.

I smile at Astrid, stopping my tracks"Hey Astrid".

She give me an nonchalant look"we need to talk. Privately".

"What's wrong?"I gave her my concern look.

She grab my hand"come with me, we'll talk privately".

She quickly grab hold of my wrist and rush me out of the school. Man she had a tight grip.

~Jack's P.O.V~

Saw Hiccup went with Astrid as they met in the hallway.

"Man that was fast as I anticipated"I laugh, watching him getting drag out.

Authors note: college got me so busy, but I'm not giving up this story! 🎃🎃

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