Airport Disaster

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Admit, y'all sung that instead of reading it😏

Down & Dirty- Little Mix

Hey y'all, before we start, I wanna ask you something. Do y'all want to do song requests? I really don't mind since I just usually search up songs relating to the chapter or a random song I really like on my Spotify like this one. Just comment what songs you want to hear while reading and I'll see what I can do.


I woke up to my alarm going off. It toke a while until I turned off the alarm. I really want to go back to bed, but I need to start packing. Also, I know once I go back to sleep, I'm not going to get back up. I look at my phone and it's 9 o'clock in the morning. My plane doesn't leave until 2pm so I'm good.

I slowly get out of bed and stretch out my back. I yawned and scratched the back of my neck. I looked around the room and noticed my clothes laying on the ground, even the clothes I haven't even worn. I don't even what to know how...

I then get to work. I made my bed, even though the maids do that, and moved all the clothes on the bed.

'Ok, what to wear today?' I ask myself. I then went through and found a decent outfit for the airport.

I love this beanie, it's my favorite. Also this sweatshirt is to big for me and it makes me feel warm. I put of my outfit, but not my beanie yet. I then go into the bathroom to get my makeup and hair situated.

I decided to just leave my hair wavy and just brushed it out. I then put the beanie on my head, and it looks cute! I then put on some mascara and carmax. What? It's just the airport, it's not like anyone I know is going to see me. Well my mom and sister when they pick me up, but that's besides the point. I added some blush to just to brighten my face up more too.

Once that's done, I enter back into the bedroom and got started to packing up. I can barely fit everything once I'm done, I'm actually sitting one top of it right now. I don't understand, I only wore like two outfits! I then go into the bathroom to pee, when I realized something...

I forgot to put my bath stuff in my bag.


I just leaned back and groined. I don't want to do that torture all over again. Can someone just end my suffering? Please...

I then wiped myself and washed my hands. Once I'm done, I pack up all my bath stuff in a little bag and walk back out to the bedroom. I open back up the suit case and it pretty much exploded. I move some stuff out of the way to try to make room for the small bag. Once I do, I then start the hard part. I try just doing my hands first but only got 1/3 done. I then sat on the bag and zipped up the rest. Man, and it only toke five minutes this time, new record.

I then grab my phone on the bed side table and looked through it. Wow, I don't have to leave to home for another three hours and the airport is half a hour away. I'll just stay here on my phone for half a hour then I'll leave. I know I should go ahead and be there early, but this is my choice. Either it's a good one, or a bad one.

I've been on my phone just checking through social media. I see a picture from Phil's Instagram with Dan sleeping on a plane. Aww, he's adorable. I hope he answers back soon. Also that they are safe. It's been a day since I texted to Dan and I still haven't gotten a text back yet. Even with different time zones he still would have seen it by now.

Maybe he's jet lagged or busy, I shouldn't worry and trust him. If he needed me, he would tell me. Also if he couldn't, Phil would definitely.

I then look at the time and it's been half a hour now. Man does time fly by when you're on the internet. I put all my essentials in my carry on bag and pull my bag out the room. I make sure the door is locked and head down the elevator. I then ended up at the lobby and went up to the counter. I quickly check out and I'm now outside. I wave down a taxi and got in the car.

"Where to?" The guys ask. He has a cigarette in his mouth with the window down. God I hate the smell of cigarettes, it makes me sick. I'll just suck it up and wait for the torture to be over with.

"The airport." I said quickly

"Alright, we'll be there in 20 minutes tops." He says as he takes of. I don't think he's going the speed limit. Oh my, please don't let me die because of this guy.

I look down at my phone and noticed that Dan texted back. I open my phone he he said, 'Sorry I just answered back, I just woke up. Jet lagged really got me.' I then responded back, 'I thought so, are you feeling better now.'

He then responded back, 'Ya, I had a good night sleep. I was comfortable last night.'

I then asked, 'That's good to hear, glad you made it there safely. Hey, where are you at anyways?'

'We are at Japan.' Was all he said

'Wow, lucky. Phil is really nice to do that for you. You better send me some picture.' I said back

'Of course, we are actually just going to walk around and sight see today.' He said back

'How long until y'all get back home' I responded

'Not entirely sure yet, but Phil says that he really wants to stay here for a while. So maybe two weeks.' He responded

'Well I'm in a cab now on the way to the airport. The trip was amazing and now I'm ready to go home.' I said back

   'Be safe. Me and Phil are about to leave, I'll talk to you later.' He responded

   'Talk to you later, have fun.' I responded ending the conversation. Man I want to go to Japan, I've never been. Maybe one day.

   It takes a while until we arrive at the airport. I quickly get out of the cab and go into a coughing fit. Once I'm ok, I turn around and pay the guy. Man, he doesn't even ask if I'm ok, jerk. I go in the back and grab a luggage. Once I made sure I have my carry on and bags, I walk inside. I walk up to the ticket counter and get my ticket. The lady then grabbed my bags and a guy puts it in the back.

   I then walk up to security and wait in line. They check my ticket and now I'm putting my stuff on the thingy so they can scan it. I walk through the metal detector and grab my bag on the other side.

   I then get on a train to get to my gate. It takes a while until I arrive. Once I'm there, I decided to look around to see if I can find a place to have lunch at. I'll be fine, I still have a hour left until the plane leaves. I then spot a Chic-Fil-La and decided to go there. I get in line and ordered my food. I pay the cashier and wait for them to get my food.

   While I'm waiting, I hear girls Whispering to each other. Something about 'you go talk to her'. I don't pay any attention because I'm assuming they are people who are trying to order and are to scared to do it. Hey, I used to be like that for a while...

   I then hear them call my name and I get my food. But when I turn around, I bump into someone. I look down and noticed a 12 year old girl. She blushing and couldn't stop saying sorry.

   "Hey, it's ok. No harm done." I tell her to calm her down.

   "OMG!!! It's really you!" The girl screamed as she gives me a hug. I'm guessing these are fans than.

   "Wow, didn't expect that." I joke with her while hugging back.

   "Elsa, it's really her. Come say hi." The girl says to another girl on the other side of the room.

   "Calm down Emma." She says as she walks over.

   "Are y'all sisters? You look alike." I ask them.

   "No, we are just really good friends. We are traveling from Finland and vacationing here in New York." Elsa answered

"But we did not expect to see you here, AND I'M SO HAPPY!!!" Emma said as she gives me a hug again.

"Well aren't you just a bundle of joy." I said hugging her back.

"Oh, she's the exact opposite at home. She's lazy and spends to much on the internet." Elsa said shrugging

"I have no regrets." Emma says as she looks up at me with a serious look.

"Well we should be going soon, our parents are waiting for us. But before we leave, can we take a picture with you?" Elsa ask

"I don't see why not." I say back as I let Emma go.

We all get together and Elsa hand me her phone. I take a selfie of us and we look pretty good. Except I put my hand on my collar bone again, I'm trying to stop that.

"Ok, here y'all go. Have a fun trip." I say as I give them one final hug.

"Thank you so much, I can't wait to show it in people's faces that I meet you. I mean, I will treasure this photo forever." Emma said sarcastically

"Emma, you're to funny. But I have to get going. I need to eat this amazing sandwich before it gets cold. Oh, and make my flight." I say

"Ok, bye Y/N." Elsa and Emma said at the same time. I think they were scared since they both looked at each other with a scared face.

"Bye y'all." I say back as I start walking back to the gate.

What nice girls they are. Total opposites though. I guess it's true that opposites attract.

I arrive back at the gate and found a seat near the end. I take out the sandwich and start eating, until I tasted something funny. Crap, I forgot to take out the pickles!!!

I quickly spitted out the pickles and toke them off my sandwich. Ugh, I hate pickles so much.

I recovered and continued to eat my sandwich. I look to my left side and I see a black bag leaning against my seat. I guess someone left it. I decided to open it up to see if there's some information on the owner. But what I saw instead made my heart stop.......

   There was a gun, and not just any gun, a machine gun. One, how did it get through security. Two, how can someone just leave this here. Three, WHY ME?!

   I decided to remain calm and looked around for a worker. Instead I found airport security, even better. I slowly put the bag down and put on mine. I then carefully picked it back up and slowly walked over to the cop.

   "Excuse me, miss." I say getting them to turn around.

   "Yes? How may I help you?" She responded

   "I don't want to cause a panic, but you need to see what's inside this bag." I said carefully holding the bag up.

   "Why?" She asked suspicious as she takes a step back.

   "Miss, I don't want any trouble. Just please look inside." I say standing still

   After much hesitation, the cop finally decided to see instead. She slowly opens it up and her eyes go wide when she sees what's inside.

   "Come with me." She says as she closes it up and takes the bag.

   "But I have a flight to catch." I say pointing to the gate.

   "I'll delay it so you can answer some questions." She says walking away.

   What choice do I have? I decided to follow her and we come to a door that says staff only. She unlocks it with her ID and holds the door for me.

   We walk a bit until we come to a small room. She opens the door again and I walk in. Inside the room was a single black chair with a matching desk. Am I at a police station or what?

   "Take a seat while I get this taken care of." She says as she points to the bag. She then leaves to put the bag up and call some people.

She comes back in and starts asking me questions. I answered honestly and she seemed pleased that I did. We also looked over the footage and sure enough, there's me never placing the bag in that place. We did see who left it and she said she will keep looking for the suspect. But I'm done now and she said I can get on the plane, but to hurry since I only have ten minutes.

I quickly grabbed my bag and ran back to my gate. Sure enough, my gate is still loading the people. I looked at the time and realized it's been 30 minutes since I've been in there. Meaning they had to delay that long, I don't think people are very happy.

I go up so they can scan my ticket. Once they do, I go into the tunnel of death to get to the plane. Hey, I hung out with Dan for to long...

I get on the plane and get a first class seat. I sit down at the window with an open seat next to me. It's a two person aisle. Hopefully I don't have to share, or at least have someone nice.

I wait a while and it seems that it's everyone, until someone makes it in time. It's a teenage, or maybe early twenties. She's has a neon pink crop top with jean shorts. How can she wear that, it's so cold her in New York. She walks down the aisles and she stops at my aisle. She takes a seat and pulls out her phone. I take a better look at her and she has a pound of makeup on. She has long straightened blonde hair and long fake nails. I don't wanna judge her, but I don't think she's innocent...

She looks over at me and says, "Hey, can you do me a favor and take a selfie with me?" She asks as she puts her phone on camera.

"Sure." I said back. Ok, maybe I judge her to fast. Maybe she's actually nice.

"Ya, thank you." She says as she gets into position and I do to. We take the picture with the window behind us to show the outside.

"Great, thanks. I need to show people what I have to deal with for a few hours. Hey, what's your Instagram?" She asks with a smirk

Wait, what?!

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I ask her

"Just tell me your stupid Instagram so I can tag you in this photo. My fans are waiting." She says rolling her eyes.

"If it's not rude to ask, but how many are we talking about?" I ask her. Just wait, I have a plan.

"A thousand, and how many do you have? 50?" She says as she starts laughing. Perfect

"No, I have more than that. Here, I'll show you. May I?" I ask holding my hand out so I can put my Instagram on her phone.

"No, you're not allowed to touch my phone. Just tell me already." She says getting impatient.

"Fine, mine is StarStruck." I said shrugging

"Lol, what kind of name is that?" She said laughing her head off. Sure bitch

After a while, she finally calms down.

"Ok ok, I'm done." She says wiping away a fake tear. "Ok, let's see how many desperate people follows you." She says as she types my name in.

In 3... 2... 1...


"Shh, we're on a plane. And to answer your question, let me introduce myself. Hello, my name is Y/N, aka Starstruck. I'm a successful youtuber with over 9 million subscribers, almost 10. And I'll appreciate if you stop acting so immature and please stop acting like you're the queen of social media." I said sticking my hand out.

"You're lying, you have to be. How can someone like you be so successful. That belongs to me Bitch." She says getting out of her seat. Someone hold me back, I'm
about to...

K̨̠̥̤̥̣̹̫̗͖̂ͫ̓ͤ̇͆̿̈́i̗̱̳̘͙̤ͩ͌̓́̈̈͑̔̔̕͢͠l̤̥̳̞̯͖̱̈ͭ̆ͬ̊̈́̚l͗͌ͥ҉̗̤͇̘͉͢͡ ͍͔̝̱̙͋̓͆̈̌̐̅ͮ̚͠ͅt̶̨̹͙̿ͦͫ̉ͥĥ̵̙̖̗̒i̧͇͔͙̠͓ͤͯͭ̓̉͞͠ͅs̓͂̄͋͛ͧ̂̒̋͜͡҉͎̩̩͕̲̙͎ ̱̱ͧ̎̒̇̓̊̇ͧ̚͘͡ḃ̷͓̜̗̣̩̘͖̩ͪͩͦ̒̕i̸̝̥̙͇̥̪̝̫̯͌ͬẗ͖̞̰̜̤͖̞̣́̀̏ͫ̎ͦ͝͞ͅc̶͍͎̀͋̈́͊͛ͩ͜͡h͂̃̌̑̂ͣ҉҉̶͖̥̗̳̫͎̘͙ͅ

But before I get the chance to, security comes. "Miss, you're coming with us." One of them says

"What, no. You can't make me!" She screams at them back.

She then jumps at them and starts attacking them. She didn't do a lot of damage nor have long since they look like bodybuilders. Then in a flash they have her arms behind her back and on her knees.

"Wow." Was all I said

"You're coming with us." The guys says as she picks her up and out of the plane. Good thing we didn't leave the gate yet.

I look over and see someone recording the whole thing, guess that's going on YouTube. She then points the camera back at me and I blow a kiss to her. Hey, this is going to be going viral, might as well show off.

The girl then puts her phone up as she comes to me. "Aren't you Starstruck?" She asks me as she takes a seat next to me.

"I sure am, please tell me you recorded everything." I asked her

"I recorded everything since you came on the plane. Crap, that sounded creepy." She says blushing. Aww

"It's ok, I'm guessing you're a fan?" I ask her

"Ya, but nothing like my sister. She's going to be so jealous." She giggles

"I'm so sorry miss that happened. Please if there is anything we can do, tell us." The flight attendant said out of breath

"It's ok, I'm fine. Luckily y'all got here before she could do any damage." I said. I know I can take advantage, but I'm already taking advantaged of them. Long story

"I'm glad to. I'm sorry, but who are you? Please go back to your seat, we are about to take off." She says to the girl next to me

"I'm sorry, I'll be going." She says getting up

"Oh no, it's ok. You can stay, I really don't mind." I said grabbing her shirt gently

"Are you sure?" She asks me

"Of course, I need some company anyways." I said as she sits back down.

"Ok, I'll be going back to work. Please tell me if you need anything." The flight attendant says to me.

"I will, thank you." I said waving as she leaves

For the next few hours, I've been talking to the girl next to me. Her name is Sarah and she's 16 years old. She's a few inches shorter and long brown hair. She also has glasses and is extremely smart. Huge book worm that loves talking about fun facts. About half way through the flight, she said she had to go to her seat with her mother. We said bye to each other and I'm alone. I decided to plug my phone in the tv and decided to sleep. I put on my Spotify and closed my eyes...

   About three hours later, we arrived. I woke up to the flight attendant telling me we are about to touch down. I stretched out my back and text my mom I arrived. Almost instantly she replied by saying, 'I can't wait to see you baby. Oh, we also have a surprise for you.😏'

   Uh, wonder what's she is talking about? Maybe she was able to bring Sadie in? Oh well, I guess I'll wait to see.

   It takes a few minutes until the plane lands and we are walking out of the plane. I thanked the staff and walked out of the tunnel. I then start making my way to baggage claim. I come to the carousel and start looking for my bags. I finally found them and I'm about to walk away. When I accidentally bump into someone, a tall someone.

   "I'm sorry, I wasn't loo..." I stop mid sentence as I look at the giant I bumped into. A giant I haven't seen in a long time and would never expect him to be here...

   Bum bum BUM!!! This is getting juicy now. So, a lot of shit had happened in this chapter uh? None of that happened to me, mostly not the whole being famous thing will ever happen anyways to me... Anyways, guess what...
It feels so good to be older and I had a great day today. I dressed up, I usually never do, and everyone said how pretty I was and I was slaying.😂
They asked why I dressed up and I told them you do that for your birthday and then they all started wishing me a happy birthday. It felt so good getting that much love, because I usually never get attention. Well I don't like getting so much all the time, but it still feels good getting it once a while. Oh, and I got a publix cake, where they make the BEST CAKES EVER!!! I think I got a to big of a slice and now I feel like I'm going to throw up. The cake is fighting back!!!😂😂😂
Oh, and 3738 words!!! I'm still surprised I'm doing this well. Y'all don't understand.
Ok, that's all. Buh-Bye y'all!!!


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