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Skyscraper- Demi Lovato
Please read the quote

Please don't play yet. Wait until I say it's ok to.
Oh, and trigger warning⚠️

   Y/N's POV

   I'm in the car with the kids now and with mrs.Brown also. We played for about a half hour and it was a lot of fun. Also, I never knew that Mrs.Brown was this attractive. I can't believe she's in her mid 50's, I hope when I reach her age I'll that the attractive. Heck, the guy that works there was flirting with her. She of course turned him down saying she's married and left.

We're in her van and I'm getting car sick. Luckily I'm in the front while the kids are in the back.

"So, Y/N, how is it so far?" She asks

"I love it, everyone is so nice. And I haven't had this much fun in a long time. With me traveling and making videos is just so much work. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it. It's still a lot of work to make sure people actually enjoy what I do." I said sighing at the end.

"I understand, it's hard work. Especially with you since you have millions of people to please." She said

"That doesn't help." I said chuckling

"But that just makes you stronger. You have been able to do the work, even with people doubting you. You're able to handle criticism, and still able to do everything at once. It's like they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." She said shrugging

"You're the one talking, you amazing too. You're able to pull this whole experience last minute, and still able to save lives everyday." I said

"I'm not the only one saving lives Y/N, you know that." She said looking at me for a sec, then looked back a the road.

   "I don't think I actually save people lives." I said looking out the window.

   "Y/N, you meet Natalie, right?" She asked

   "Ya, what about her." I replied still looking out the window.

   "She tried to kill herself..." she said

   "What?" I said looking at her shocked

   "She's in the hospital for a disease that messes up her intenseness and it's hard for her to process food. After a year, she had a enough of it and cut her arms. Luckily we found her in time, but she wasn't the same. She was even more distant and the only person that can actually have her talk was Sam. Then Sam told her about YouTube. She was curious and she somehow stumbled across your channel. After the first video, she was smiling again. And she actually laughed. After a year of trying to make her laugh, and u did it with one video. She never thought of killing herself again." She said as a tear falls down her face.

   I don't know what to say, so I don't say anything at all.

   I just look out the window and try not to cry. The kids were to busy playing with each other to notice anything.

   I never realized what effect I had on people like that. Sure I know people love me, but not use me as a reason to live. I don't know what to feel. I need to do something special for them, for everything they do for me. But what?

Also, why do I always either make a topic sad or embarrassing. WHY?!

   "We're here." She says as we pull up at the back of the hospital.

   Everyone gets out of the car and walk into the building. I'm the last one behind since I have no idea where to go. I just look down and try not to draw attention to myself.

   "Ok, Y/N. I want you to wait in the waiting room. I'll take the kids up to their rooms and make sure the camera is set up for everything." Mrs. Brown says.

   "Ok, I'll be here." I said walking towards the room.

   There're a lot of people here, I mean a lot. Some people are even standing. Must be a busy day.

   I look around and see a seat at the end. I go take a seat and seat next to a old woman.

   "Hello dearie, what are you here for?" The lady next to me asks

   "Visiting, you?" I ask back

   "Same, I'm trying to check in on my husband. He was rushed here in the ambulance a while ago after he fell down the stairs." She said wiping her tears with a tissue.

   "I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure he will get better." I said sincerely

   "Mrs. Lokey, your husband is ready for you in room 701." The lady at the counter said

"I guess that's me. I'll be going now." She said getting up

"I'll visit you if I have time." I told her

   "You don't have to do that sweetie." She said back

   "But I want to. Now I think I'll be done in about half a hour or two. Will u still be there?" I asked her

   "I'm not leaving him until visiting times are over. Thank you." She said before walking off

   I then pulled up my phone to past the time. I decided to text to Dan to see if his flight has landed yet. Probably won't get an answer though. I then went on to Instagram and went through old photos of Dan. I know that's creepy and everything, but I honestly do miss him. Hope to see him real soon.

   I then stumbled on to a picture of me and Dan together. We're at an ice cream parlor and we are eating our favorite flavors. And I noticed Phil in the background making a silly face with ice cream on his face. I remember that day.

   I'm so into it that I didn't noticed Mrs.Brown in front of me. "We're ready. All you have to do is play video games with her for half a hour then talk the other half. Let's go, shall we?" She said

   "Yep, let's go." I say as I put my phone up.

   We walk for a bit when we walked up to an elevator. She clicks the button and the doors open. We walk in and she pushes the 15th button. Man, there is 25 floors in this place.

   The elevator then stopped, and we got out of the elevator to this long hallway. Man, I'm getting freaked out. This is something you see in horror movies and I hate hospitals. I hate the smell, the look,
and the atmosphere. I think I know why I hate it so much...


   We keep walking until we come up to a door with streamers surrounding it.

   "I'm guessing this is the place?" I ask

   "Sure is. You ready? We already have the camera set up in there and she's a sleep. So what you have to do is wake her up." She tells and ask me

"I was born ready. Also, seems easy enough. But can you finally tell me what game we are play?" I ask

"You'll see." She says smirking

Crap, what game is she talking about. Wait... it better not be that one.

Before I can respond back, she opens the door and walks in. I follow in after her and see two hospital beds. Ones empty, while the other one has a 10 year old girl in it. She's so beautiful. Gorgeous blonde hair that is extremely long. Dark eyebrows and eyelashes. Small little nose and lips too. She's so precious.

I look over and see a woman looking out the window. She seems to be in early 30's and she is about my height. She has brown hair with red streaks. She turns around and she has stunning ocean blue eyes that lights up the room. When she sees me, she puts a hand on her mouth and her eyes start watering up.

   Before I can ask her what's wrong, she comes almost running at me and gives me a bear hug. I was taken aback by this, but quickly rap my arms back around her. We stay like this until we are face to face. She's crying now.

   "You're actually here." Was all she said before she pulls me back in for another hug.

   "Yep, I'm here. Please stop crying, I can't take it." I said pulling away with my hands on her shoulders.

   "I'm sorry, I'm just so happy. You have no idea how much this means to me." She says wiping way her tears.

   "I'm sure I can take a guess, and I'm extremely thankful that I'm able to make y'all smile. Now, let's wake up little Katie. Shall we?" I ask her trying to cheer her up.

   "You are really nice, that's what we love about you. But you're right, you wake her up." She says stepping back

   I walk up next to Katie and knee down so I'm next to her. I then lightly shake her saying 'get up sleepyhead'.

It takes a while until she starts moving. When she rolls over to my side, she slowly opens her eyes and just looks at me. Her eyes are just like her mom's, lucky. But they seem so dull, so empty when she first looks at me. But after she rubs her eyes and looks back at me, well her eyes had joy in them.

She then jumps on the bed, then jumps on me while she strangles my neck. I quickly rap my arms around her so she won't fall.

   "Omg omg omg!!! I can't believe you're here! Wait, why are you here?" She asks as I set her back down on her bed.

   "I came here to see you, duh. Why else would I be here." I said rubbing the top of her head

   "Hey, cut it out!" She said giggling.

   "So, you're ready?" I ask her

   "Ready for what?" She asked confused

   "Well, Mrs. Brown told me that we are going to be playing video games. I don't which one though, she wouldn't tell me." I said looking at her in the doorway.

   "Well Y/N, you guys are going to be playing Gang Beast..." she said before I cut her off

   "YES!!! I love that game!" I said cheerfully. Its true, I love that game so much. I am the champion at that game!

   P.S, if you don't know what gang beast is, here is Jack playing it as an example.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

   "Oh man, but she's the queen of gang beast." Katie whined

   "Oh come on, I'll try to go easy on you." I said winking

   "Fine, but can I be the dinosaur?" She asks

   "Sure, I'll be Pinkachu." I said back.

   Ok, before y'all get mad. I can already tell someone is going to say. "Haha you noob, you can't spell pikachu right." But she's talking about what she always picks, which is a PINK Pikachu. So she combined them to make PINKachu. Ok, on with the story.

   We get everything set up and now at the menu. We choose our characters and choose three lives at the trucks. I'm a pink pikachu while Katie is a green dinosaur. She told me it's a Danasaur...

   "Ok, can you please teach me how to play before I mess something up." Katie said.

   "Ok, here's how it goes..." I then explain to her how to play.

   We play for a while and most of the times I won. Of course, I let her win some. Also, she told me not to go easy on her so that's why I'm doing so well.

   After about 25 mins, we decided to do a final round. Three lives, wrestling arena, and with our characters. We decided not to hold back and are out for blood. We play until we both have one life each. I decided I would be generous and let her knock me out. She then picked me up and won. She's so happy.

   "Haha, in your face." She then started to do a little dance on the bed. My god she is adorable.

   "Katie you're adorable, so now what do you wanna do?" I asked her

   It's been thirty minutes already and Katie gets to decide what to do for the other half.

   "Can you sing for me?" She asks

   "Sure, just let me..." I then start freaking out. I forgot my Guitar back at the apartment. I had to pay to have that in the plane and this happens. The one thing I needed too.

   "I'm so sorry Katie, I forgot my guitar back at the apartment." I said looking down in disappointment

   "It's ok. Wait, Natalie has a guitar." She said getting up. "Maybe she'll let us borrow it."

   Mrs. Brown then said, "Let me go ask, you guys stay here. I'll be back in a sec." she then left.

   We waited and we talked about random stuff. Like some up and coming projects I've been planning and about her personal life. It's been about 10 minutes until Mrs. brown came back.

   "Sorry about that, but I had to convince someone to use this. But you're not only playing for Katie now." She then moved out of the way to show Natalie.

   "Y/N!!!" She screamed as she gave me a hug.

   "I thought I already said bye to you." I said jokingly

   "Haha, very funny. There's no way I'm going to miss you perform. Also, it's my guitar." She said sarcastically

   "Ok, you can stay. So, what do you want me to play Katie?" I asked her while Natalie takes a seat next to Katie while I sit in a chair with the guitar.

   "How about Skyscraper? It's one of my favorite original songs you wrote." She asked

   "Mine too. It just haves so much meaning to it, and relatable." Natalie said looking down

   "Ok, I love that one to. I toke a long time writing that one. I just had to make sure the words were meaningful and it worked out in the end." I said as I start tuning the strings.

   "I can't believe you're about to sing right now. I'm so happy!" Katie said clapping her hands

   "Me too Katie." Natalie said hugging Katie

   "Aww, y'all are adorable. Ok I'm ready." I said

   Everyone in the room became silent as I start.

   PLAY NOW!!!

I sang in a soft voice

"Skies are crying, I am watching
Catching tear drops in my hands
Only silence as it's ending
Like we never had a chance
Do you have to make me feel like
There's nothing left of me?"

I then picked to pick up the pace

"You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper"

I then gotten softer again

"As the smoke clears, I awaken
And untangle you from me
Would it make you feel better
To watch me while I bleed?
All my windows still are broken
But I'm standing on my feet"

I then picked it pack up again

"You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper"

Still in the same pace

"Go run, run, run
I'm gonna stay right here,
Watch you disappear
Yeah, oh
Go run, run, run
Yeah, it's a long way down
But I am closer to the clouds up here"

"You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Oh Oh
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Softer again

"Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper"

   I finished as I take deep breath. I haven't sung like that in a while. Everything is quiet and I was scared that I messed up. Then when I was about to say something, the girls started freaking out saying how good I was.

   While they were doing that, I look over to Katie's mom and Mrs. brown and their mouths are wide open.

   "Close them mouths, y'all don't want to catch flys." I said sounding southern while winking

   "That was perfect, how are you so good?" Katie's mom asks

   "Practice and luck. Practice makes perfect." Was all I said as I put up the instrument

   "You girls only have 10 minutes left before Y/N had to leave." Mrs. Brown said

   The girls awwed.

   "Natalie, you're not even supposed to be here. Please go back to your room." She says

   "No, it's ok, really I don't mind. Besides, it's only for a few minutes." I said trying to convince Natalie to stay

"Fine, I need to discuss something with Katie's mom anyways. You girls only have ten minutes." She said as her and Katie's mom walks out.

"Y/N, can you sing us another song?" Katie ask

"Are y'all sure?" I ask back

"I can listen to you all day." Natalie said falling back dramatically

   "Y'all are to funny. How about we sing all star?" I ask them

   "Yes!!!" Natalie said, but Katie just looked down sad

   "I can't sing." She whispers

   "Chin up princess or the crown slips." I said as I pick back up her chin.

   "We're not going to judge you, so don't be afraid. Just let loss, and have fun." I said trying to cheer her up.

   "Yes ma'am." She says nodding

   "Ok, now... SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD WAS GOING TO ROLL ME!!!" I started to scream/sing the words.

   "I Ain't the smartest tool in the shed!" The girls joined in.


   We continued like that until it was time to go.

   "Goodbye Natalie, again." I said jokingly as I hug her again.

   "I know, I know, I'll go now. Bye Y/N, I'll see you later Katie." Natalie said as she walks out the door. Now comes the sad part.

   "I don't want you to go." Katie said crying as she hugs me.

   "Shh, it's okay. Let me make this easier than saying goodbye: Let me tell you hello in advance for the next time I see you." I said hugging her back.

   "Who told you that?" She asks with tears in her eyes

   "My dad. You see, he was always traveling for work. And even though he's gone a lot, I used to always cry when he leaves again and again. He would always say the same thing. The last thing he said to me was hello because of it." I said as I wipe away her tears.

   "That's so sad." She says back

   "It is, it really is. But I promised him I'll be Strong for the people I love and care about, and that's exactly what I'm doing." I said still hugging her.

   "Well, in that case, Hello Y/N." She said giggling with watery eyes

   "Hello Katie." I said as I walk out the door. Please let her make it. Please oh lord above let this angel make it. I pry that she makes it.

   I look to my right and I see Katie's mom looking down at the ground.

   "Thank you." She said not looking up

   "For what?" I asked back

   "For making her happy again." She says as she walks back in the room but gives me a quick hug before that, and shuts the door, before I can respond.

   Instead of just staying there, I start walking to the elevator. I go down and walk up to the front desk. I see Mrs. Brown talking to the lady behind the counter and I approach her.

   "I'm going to be leaving now." I tell her

   "Oh course dear, hope you have a safe flight. I'll hope to see you again." She says hugging me

   "I'm sure you will." I say pulling away. I then start walking back to the door when I remembered something important.

   I then turned around and asked for the room number for that lady. They tell me and I start walking there. It isn't that far and I'm already at the door. I knock and hear a quiet come in. I walk in and see the lady in tears holding a mans hand.

   "Mrs. Lokey, is everything ok?" I ask as I enter the room.

   "Oh, hello again dearly, I'm sorry to say but it isn't." She says quietly looking back at her husband sadly

   "Do you mine telling me." I say as I taking a seat next to her

   "You see, they don't think he's going to make it since he can't breath on his own. They want me t-to..." she then broke down grabbing on to his hand

   I don't need her to finish, I know already what she's going to say. They want her to pull the plug...

   Instead of saying anything, I pull her in for a hug and let her cry. Sometimes it's best to say nothing at all.

   We stayed like that for a while until she calmed down.

   "I'm sorry." She said wiping her tears with a tissue

   "It's ok, it's normal." I said cheering her up

   "What should I do?" She asks me. I was taken aback by this, what should I say

   "That's really not my position to say, it's yours. But that won't mean I won't support you. Just think about him. Do you think he will be happy trying to fight this battle and maybe win at the end, or should he finally rest?" I ask her

   "I'll think about it..." she whispers

   I hope she makes the right decision for her and him.

   "I'm sorry to say this, but visiting hours are up." A nurse says at the door

   "Thank you." I say as she walks away to tell the other visitors.

   "Let's go Mrs." I said getting up leaving my hand out for her

   "You're right, let's go" she said as she takes my hand

   We eventually got out and I walked her to a cab.

   "Here's my number, please talk to me about what you decided or if you ever need me." I said as I hand back her phone

   "Thank you sweetie, have a good day." She says as she gets in the car. The car pulls away leaving me on the side of the rode.

   I then waved down a cab and got back to my hotel. I noticed a Taco Bell down the street and decided to get dinner there. I get four tacos and went into my room.

   I sit down on my bed and turned on my tv. It takes a while but I finally found a good movie to watch. It was deadpool😏

   And that's how the night ended for me. I should really pack up though, but I think I'll let my future me handle that. For now, I'll just set my alarm after I take a shower and go to bed.

Man what a sad chapter. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it so depressing. It's just I'm dealing with family issues and it's not going well. Also, I'm sorry for not updating for a while. I had end of course testing for a while and, again, family problems. I'll update soon and I'll tell you how my personal life goes. Oh I almost forgot, thanks Dan for changing your name, that really helps me. I'm not joking, I even had to change the title to Daniel Howell fan fiction. If you don't know what I'm talking about, this was posted around when he changed his name from Danisnotonfire to Daniel Howell.
Also, 4001 words, glad it's above 4000.
Anyways, Bye-bye!👋

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