Love Challenge

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   Hey umm, I don't want to write today...

   Just today, I don't know why but I just really don't feel like doing it. I would rather procrastinate it for a bit then I'll come back, maybe.

   But I was going through Instagram and I came across this cute little challenge that I thought would be cool to try.

   It's called the Love Challenge, and pretty much about saying a bunch of positive things.

   Ok, let's jump right into this. I'm actually excited for this.

   1. Why are you doing the love challenge? Because I wanna and I'm bored, duh

   2. Positive words that describes you?Well I have people tell I'm extremely smart and sarcastic. It's gotten so bad, sometimes people don't know is serious or being sarcastic.

   3. A note to past self? Oh man
Everything is going to be ok, maybe not now, but eventually. I promise
Oh and karma's a bitch to those who treat you poorly😊

   4. A note to future self?
You better have gotten a dog. No I don't care about a husband and kids, I want a doggo!

   5. Object that is yours and love?
My stitch pillow. Ok I know that's dumb, but I got it when we went to Disney world and I had it since I was little. Brings back good memories from there.

   6. A quote about beauty?
This world is full of beautiful things, just like you. Also, remember that feeling beautiful has nothing to do with what you look like. I promise

   7. A fear you're overcome?
Like I said previously, I really want to start trusting others again and giving them second chances. I know that's easy for most, but all my life I've been taught that people love braking your trust and using it against you. And now, I don't want to go through all that all over again. That was a dark time for me and I don't want history to repeat itself. So it's going to be hard for me.

   8. Something you like about yourself?
I love how selfless I am. Today I see people just worrying about themselves and don't even think twice about others. Which makes me sad that society is like that. Some people say I'm to selfless and people can take advantage of me, but I would rather give up myself for someone then caring for myself and hurt someone because of my selfish needs.

   9. Something that makes you feel beautiful?
When someone compliments me, it really does. Even if it's something like u look nice, you've already made my day.

   10. Something you love to wear?
I love my converse. It's simple, classy, and it looks cute.

   11. What makes you unique?
I really don't know, I guess my creativity? I come up with many ideas, but it's hard to express them sometimes. Luckily I'm able to share some of it to this book.

   12. What makes you happy?
Honestly, YouTube. Dan, Phil, Mark, Jack, etc. All makes me happy

   15. What makes you laugh?
When YouTubers fail, I don't even care what they fail at. Or when they laugh. Seriously just play a video of Mark laughing and you'll die of laughter to.

   14. What makes you feel pretty?
Isn't this just like question 9? Oh well, I guess any type of makeup that involves my eyes.

   15. What would make you happier?
I wish my family would stop doing favoritism and stop bullying me. I already had other kids doing it to me, now my own family?

   So that's it, what do you think? I kinda liked it. I didn't like the personal questions, but at least y'all got to know me better.

   Oh and they were tagging people. So here's the list


   I'm only doing five because I don't know anyone and I have no friends.😁

   Buh-bye y'all, I'll update soon


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