Work out from Hell

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Halsey- Colors


I'm about to go to bed, I'm under the covers, when I realized something. Where the fuck is Sadie at?

I start freaking out because I haven't seen her since I came home. How can I be so stupid and didn't remember my baby?!

I quickly shot out of bed and slammed opened my door. I run down the hall to my mothers room and open the door.

"MOM!!!" I screamed as I jump on her bed

"What? What's wrong sweetie?" My mom asks tiredly

"Where is Sadie?! I haven't seen her since I got here!" I screamed back

"I don't know, ask Dan or Phil if they seen them. Please quite down, Violet is asleep." My mom said placing her head back down on the pillow.

"Fine." I said grumpy

How can she be sleeping with a crisis going on?

I leave her room and start my way to Dan's room. I would go to Phil's room, but it's more fun to see Dan grumpy about sleep.

I knock on his door and wait for a response. After a few seconds I didn't get one, I open the door. And I kid you not, Sadie is curled up in a little ball next to Dan.

That little shit, and I'm talking about Dan.

"DANIEL JAMES HOWELL!!!" I screamed at him

"Arg!!!" Dan said as he jumps of the bed, making me laugh my head of.

"What was that for." Dan said as he struggles to get back up.

"You stole my snuggle buddy, that's what." I said as I pick up Sadie, who is wagging her tail and licking my face. Oh, she's playing the innocent card.

"Well it's not my fault, she was already in here when I was going to bed." Dan tried to defend himself.

"Excuses excuses, night Howell." I said as I'm walking out the door.

"Ugh, and I just went to sleep on this uncomfortable bed." Dan complained as he gets back into bed.

"You can always sleep on the floor Daniel." I said as I open the door

"Shut up! Just let me sleep." Dan said grumpy as he throws a pillow at me. Aww, he's acting like a teenager getting up for school. Adorable😒

"Night." I singed as I shut his door

I hear mumbling behind he door. But I don't care, he can complain as much as he wants.

I then walk back to my room, with Sadie still in my arms, and opened the door. I jump on the bed and got underneath the covers with Sadie next to me.

"How could you you cheat on me for that, thing?" I ask said as I pretend to be sad

She then wattles over to me and gets on my belly. She then curls up into a ball, then shuts her eyes.

Great, now how am I supposed to sleep knowing I have to be careful and not crush her by accident? I guess I'll wait until she's asleep until I'll move her next to me, man this is going to be a long night.

Daniel's POV

Ugh, I'm so tired. That bed was not comfortable at all and it was so hard to sleep. Also I miss Y/N's bed, it was perfect for me. One, I don't feel springs digging into my back. Two, her sheets smelled of her.

   I know that sounds creepy, but I can't help it. I love the smell of Rose Mary and lavender.

   I slowly get out of bed and stretched. I miss Sadie. I admit, I may or may not have called her up when everyone was asleep. Come on, SHE'S ADORABLE!

   I should really get a dog.

   Kinda sucked when Y/N woke me up, and toke her way. It was so hard to go back to sleep after that.

   I get out of bed and immediately grab my phone. I sit on my bed and start going through my notifications. It's not much, so I start my way to he door.

I open the door and start my descent down the hall. I see Phil's door still shut, but Y/N's is opened. Strange?

I look inside and all I see is a made bed. I decided to check down stairs and look around there. I look in the kitchen and I see her mom and Violet making waffles.

"Morning." I said to the both of them

"Oh, morning Daniel. Breakfast should be ready in a few minutes." Her mother replied

"Ok, but have you seen Y/N? I didn't see her this morning." I asked them

"Oh, she's in the living room. She's been waiting for you." She replied

What does she mean by waiting for me?

"Ok, thank you." I said back

I then start my way to the living room, which is only next door. I enter and I see Y/N on the couch with her phone. I get a better look at her and noticed that she had on shorts and a tank top. She looks like she's about to...


She's getting ready to work out, and I remember last night promising her I will do it with her. I got to get out of here.

I try as quietly as I can to back up to the doorframe, but she must have some six sense because she turns around Immediately.

"Oh, morning Dan. Wait, why are you still in your pjs?" She asks me confused

"Uhhh..." what am I supposed to say?!

"Go on, you need to hurry and get ready. As soon as we finish breakfast, we're heading to the gym." She tells me

She then returns her attention back to the phone. Fuck, she knows I'm awake now. How am I supposed to get out of this now?

I guess I can't. Even if I somehow come up with a clever plan, she will destroy it in seconds.

I go upstairs and look around my suitcase. I look around for about 5 minutes and I can't find anything. I mustn't have back anything sporty. Yes!!!

I then quickly run downstairs to the living room. I'm kinda out of breath, but I quickly recover it. I then go up to Y/N and tap her on her shoulder.

"Ya Dan? Dan! You still haven't gotten an outfit?! Breakfast is almost ready." She said as she gets up

"I'm sorry, but I forgot to back some gym wear. I guess I can't go." I said trying to sound disappointed while taking a seat at the couch.

"Oh, that's it? Why did you just asked me? I have some of my dads clothes, he was about your height, so y'all should be in the same size." She says as she starts going upstairs

You see what I mean by destroying my plans? I guess I really can't get out of this. 'Good bye cruel world, glad the suffering is finally over.'

I thought to myself, as I hear footsteps behind me.

"Here you go, hope you like football."
Y/N says as she hands me basketball shorts and a, what is this jersey?

"This isn't a football jersey." I said as I hold it up for her to see.

"Oh, I forgot that y'all call that football instead of soccer. Ok, that's an AMERICAN football jersey." She tells me

Great, I feel like a kindergartner. Thanks for that mate

"Oh, ok. I guess I'll be going." I said as I grab the clothes and I start walking.

"Yep, and hurry please. But before you leave..." she says that makes me stop

I turn around and Y/N gives me a hug.

"Thank you so much for joining me, I appreciate it a lot. I want to spend as much time as I can with you while you're here. Also, this can be a fun experience for the both of us." She says as she pulls away at the end

"It's no problem, I have to get changed if I'm going." I say pointing to the stairs

"Ya, you do that. While you do that, I'm going to eat all the waffles!" She screams the last bit as she takes off running to the kitchen.

"You better not eat them all!" I screamed back

That sneaky girl

I then start my way up stairs and I see Phil standing on the top. He still has on his pjs and his glasses. Man what a blind bat

"You're actually doing it?" He asks surprised

   "How do I get out of it?" I asked him back

   "True, well have fun with that. I'm going to get something to eat and see Elizabeth." Phil says

   "Oh ya, your girlfriend, you're ready to see her? It's been what, four months?" I ask him

   "Five, but ya I'm ready. I had the whole day planned out for the both of us." He said smiling

   He must really be happy to be seeing her again. I mean, they dated for about 3 years I think. She's actually Y/N's best friend since high school. So when Y/N went to see us for the first time, she thought bringing Elizabeth would be a good idea. And I kid you not, when Elizabeth and Phil saw each other, they locked eyes with each other and would not look away. Phil tells me it was love at first sight, or some mushy gooey crap like that.

   They were staying a week with us, and Phil wanted to make it last. He did what ever he could to hang out with Elizabeth and followed her like a lost puppy. It was actually quite adorable.

   Me and Phil recorded videos with Y/N, since that was the whole point of the trip. At the time for me and her, we just thought of each other as friends. Only about a year later I finally had the courage the ask her out, and she said yes.

   But with Phil, he already knew he wanted to be with her. So when the second last day came, he finally asked her out. But the best thing was that it wasn't anything big like a fancy dinner, but they went to the carnival. They stayed there all night until they were closing the park. By then, Elizabeth started to grow feelings for him.

   I should know, she asked me if Phil felt the same way. I told her he did, but I honestly don't think she believed me. I still don't know why to this day.

   Then the next day, we drove them to the airport. Y/N said bye to us and waited for Elizabeth to finish. Liz just gave me a quick hug, but when it came to Phil, they wouldn't let go. Suddenly, Y/N shouted, 'JUST KISS ALREADY!' She also knew about their feelings towards each other. Also, I wasn't surprised she said that. Patience isn't her strong suit.

   Elizabeth was so shy, she tried to pull away. Key word; Tried

   Phil then pulled her into a kiss. Me and Y/N was so surprised, we didn't think he had it in him. Of course Elizabeth kissed back. It wasn't a full on make out session, this one had meaning to it. They really meant it.

   Finally Elizabeth pulled away and looked up at Phil and smiled, and she's blushing so hard. They stay like that, then Phil asks her to be his girlfriend. She says yes and they kiss again.

   By this time, me and Y/N started to get the luggage out of the car and gave them privacy.

   Ever since then, they would always call and text each other every day. Also they would also visit each other constantly.

   But then things turned for the worse, Elizabeth was promoted and she was at work a lot more. She would go on trips like the Bahamas and Hawaii constantly. She would even be gone months at of the time. She's became so busy, she didn't really have much time for Phil. But every chance she has, she would give him a call or a quick trip visiting him, which is only like two days.

She told me that she feels so bad for doing this for Phil, but she can't back out now. She went through so much hard work, and she didn't want to lose that. I won't blame her. She went to college for six years and worked the night shift at the aquarium she works at now for six months.

   I still felt bad for Phil, but he seems happy. I asked him way, he would always tells me he's happy that she's living her dream.

"I wish you the best of luck mate, I'm sure you guys will have a amazing day today." I said to him while patting his shoulder.

"Thanks, also good luck to you to. Try not to end up at the hospital." Phil joked

"Haha, I have to get changed. If you're already gone when I come out, bye." I said going around him

"See ya." He replied while going down the stairs

Great, now to get dressed. I'm so gonna die.

   Time skip to when they arrive at the gym. This should be fun😈

No no no, bags of nope. This isn't happening, this isn't happening!

"Come on Dan, get out of the car. It's been five minutes." Y/N says as she opens my door

"Uh, sorry. Must of doss of." I said while scratching the back of my neck

"Ya, well while you've been thinking about life in here, I got us checked in. I just signed us up for the treadmill and a few weights." She says while I get out of the car.

"What do you usually do?" I asked shocked

"A lot of other stuff, I like to try multiple things. My favorite is the bicycle thing. Because it does both your legs and arms." She said excitedly

How does someone actually ENJOY working out?!

"How do you like doing this?" I asked confused

"I didn't at first, I hated it. But after a couple weeks, I started to like it. I didn't feel like I'm forcing this on myself, but a hobby instead. Also, it's a good way to pass time." She explains as we entered the gym

I look around, and this place is huge. Lines and lines of different machines. Not many people are here luckily, so I didn't have to embarrass myself. I look to my right and see a play center for kids.

"Hello Miss. Quinn, it's good to see you again. It's been awhile." The lady said cheerfully at the front desk

She looks to be in her early 30's, with short blonde hair. Blue eyes and she has on a black tank top.

"It has, I've been traveling again. But I'm staying for a while so be expecting me a lot me. How has your day been." Y/N says to her as we stop at the desk

"It's been slow, But who is this? Your boyfriend?" She asks

I start blushing, great

"No, he's just a good friend that what's to try to work out." She tells her

Wow, I have never been friend zoned this hard. I actually feel like I've been stabbed, not fun.

"A shame, y'all look cute together. Anyways, you're good to go in." She says as she pushes a button to open the tiny gate.

"Thank you." Y/N tells her

We then start walking until we reached a bench.

"Dan, did you not bring a bag?" She asks me

"I must of forgotten." I said. Of course I forgot, she didn't tell me I need one!

"Great, you're lucky I bought two towels. But I only brought two bottles, so if you need to refill, just use the fountain." She says pointing to them

"Ok, shall we get started?" She asks me

"Sure?" I said unsure

"Ok, let's go. Let's start with the treadmill. I would do stretches with you, but I honestly don't think you'll enjoy them. I've seen you try yoga." She joked

"Haha, let's get started." I said as me and her take a treadmills next to each other.

"Ok, I'll get you set up on a easy level." She says as she leans over and starts typing stuff on the key pad thingy.

"Hey, you can listen to music to. Did you bring your phone and earbuds?" She asks

I then hold up my phone with earbuds out of my pocket.

"Ok, hand it here." She says as I hand them to her. "What your password?" She asks

"0715." I tell her

"Aww, my birthday. You kept that code? That's cute." She says blushing while doing something to my phone

Crap, I forgot to change it. At least she thinks that's cute.

"Ok, I started your Spotify. Now just let me..." She says as she bends down and straps my phone on the left side of the treadmill.

"It literally toke me a month to realize that was there and what it's for. Here's your earbuds. Now when you're ready, click the green button in the center. If you want to increase or decrease your speed, it's on the left side. And that's it. Oh I almost forgot, he's your water. Ill place it in the cup holder." She says as she gets of her treadmill and goes to my right to to place it there.

"Wow, you make a good teacher." I said jokingly

"What can I say, I'm good with kids." She says as she gets back on her treadmill.

"Hey!" I said once I realized what she says

She then giggles and then also starts to set up.

I then put my earbuds in and I click the green button. The treadmill started, but it's super slow. I can even walk faster then this. I look over at Y/N and I see her doing a jog. I wanna do a jog.

I take a glance at her screen and see her speed is at four. I look at mine and it's at one and a half. She has to be joking, right?

I then start to increase my speed when I get to three. I think that's a good starting spot for me.

Then Halsey- Colors starts playing. Good song

I stay at this speed for about five minutes and I'm already getting tired.

I look over and I'm shocked at what I'm seeing. Y/N is doing a full on sprint at nine and she's doing really well. How?!

I then increase my speed to five and then I start kinda running. No where near as close as her.

She then takes a glance at me and smirks. She then increases her speed to eleven, going even faster. HOW?!?!?!

She's going so fast, I can't believe the treadmill isn't braking.

Is she trying to show of? Or is she trying to prove she's better then me?! Either way, I don't like it.

I did something I really regret. I increase the speed to eight. I'm struggling to keep up, and I'm holding on the sides of the treadmill. I must look like a giraffe trying to not fall and die.

Y/N then looks over and her eyes doubles in size. She quickly starts to decrease her speed and tries to help me. But it to late because I fall flat on my face and am thrown off then machine.

I'm now laying on the ground, with hands on my face. My nose hurts. Oh, and I pull my earbuds out of my phone. I now know why they strap the phone to the machine.

Y/N then stops her machine and stops mine too. She then gets off hers and gets on her knees near my face.

"You idiot, why did you do that? Let me see your face, let's hope you didn't break anything. You fell pretty hard, everyone heard it." She says as she removes my hands from my face. Great, now I've embarrassed myself. What next

"OH MY GOD!!! Dan you're bleeding! Let's get you cleaned up." She tells me as she tries to help me up. Great, I broke my fucken nose.

She then got on her tippy toes and moved my head back. She then lead me back to the bench and made me sit down. She then starts digging around her bag and pulled out her water bottle and a towel. She then puts water on the towel then she came back over to me.

She first starts rubbing the blood of that was tripping down my face, then place it in my nose.

"There, now hold it there." She tells me

I then moved my hand and grabbed the towel from her hands, but I keep the towel on my face.

"Let me take a look at your nose." She says as she gentles left my chin down so she can have a better look.

She keeps her hand there, while the other is feeling my nose to make sure I didn't break it. And the entire time, I'm just studying her. She looks so focused, so determined. But yet, still soft. Her eyes looks so calming, like I'm not bleeding and don't have a threat of a broken nose. I love seeing her like this.

"Ok, good news and bad news. Good news is that it's not broken. I don't feel a bumps or anything like that. Bad news, there's going to be a nasty bruise there. It's already turning purple." She says looking me in my eyes.

"Thanks, I appreciate the help." I tell her still looking at her

"Thanks? I'm the one that asked you here." She tells me as guilt consumes her face.

"Hey, I agreed to do this. Besides, it's my fault. I may have been envious that you were able to run so fast, while I can't." I tell her honestly

"It's fine that you're not good at it now, it toke me about a month and a half until I was able to run like that without fail." She tells me

We just stare at each other, with her hands on my face. Until we hear coughing. I look to my left and I see the same lady at the counter.

"I was going to ask if y'all are ok, but it seems you guys are." She says smirking

Y/N then pulls her hands away then starts walking away to get our stuff from the treadmills.

   "How are you two not dating?" The lady asks me as she takes a seat next to me

   "We were, but it's really complicated now." I said sighing at the end

   "Well, I hope the best of luck to y'all. She's a sweet girl, been here for a couple of months. She's one of the many few that actually gets to know me. Most people just come to get a workout in and leave." She tells me

   "That's sad, but you're right. She really is caring." I tell her

   "Well I better get back to work. Hope your nose gets better. And don't worry, you're not the only person to do that." She's reassures me and pats me on the shoulder while walking away.

   "What did Brenda have to say?" She asks as she comes back handing me my phone.

   "Just making sure I'm ok." I tell her

   "Ya, Brenda is really nice. To bad people don't respect her enough. I'm guessing you want to go home." She says sad to me

   "I don't want to ruin your day of working out, I'll wait here." I tell her

   "You sure?" She asks unsure

   "Ya, I'll be ok." I reassure her

   "Ok then, it will only be about 45. I think I'll just do the treadmill today since I don't have time for the weights. That's 15 minutes I'm never getting back." She jokes

   She then grabs my towel, the one with no blood, and water. She already has her phone and earbuds in one hand so she starts walking back to the machines.

   At least my phone is still in the 90's so my battery will last

   Time skip to when they get home

   In the car, Y/N told me to go to the bathroom and take a shower first since I still have some dried blood on my nose. I get to my room and get a pair of cloths. Then I get into the bathroom and started to undress myself. I then hopped in the shower and rinsed off.

   I think I've been in here for about 10 minutes and I get out of the shower. I start rubbing myself off and change into my outfit for today. I'm about to leave when I look at the time, and it's only noon. How am I already ready for bed?

   I get out of the bathroom and I told Y/N to get in. She then runs up stairs to take her shower.

   Oh, and they have more then one shower. It's just that they don't use the other one. I've asked them and they just said just don't use it. Weird

   I then sit on the couch in the living room and start going through my phone.

   It's been about 15 minutes and Y/N comes out with her hair in a bun. She then takes a seat next to me.

   "Hey, where's your mom and sister at?" I asked her

   "Violet is at school and mom is at work. They couldn't take anymore days off." She tells me as she grabs her remote

   "Wanna have a Harry Potter marathon?" She asks me

   "Sure." I tell her

   She then goes through Netflix and gets the very first Harry Potter on.

   Time skip to when they are on the fourth one and it's 8 o'clock. I know, a lot of time skips, but this is the last one!

   Me and Y/N are still watching Harry Potter when my phone starts going off. I look at the caller id and I see it's Phil. But wait, isn't he on a date?

   "Hey Y/N. Can you pause the movie for a sec so I can talk to Phil?" I ask her

   "Sure." She says as she pauses the movie

   I then answer the phone. "Hello?" I say

   "Dan? Oh thank goodness you answered. I need you and Y/N at Elizabeth's house NOW!" Phil said panicking

   "Whoa whoa whoa, calm down. What happened?" I asked trying to calm him down.

   "There's no time to explain. But just tell Y/N she needs to be here for Elizabeth quick. She needs her." He tells me as he hangs up

   "Y/N, we have to go." I said as I get up to get my shoes from the steps

   "What's wrong?" She asks me also getting up

   "I'm not sure, but it's about Elizabeth. Phil said she needs you." I tell her stopping what I'm doing.

   She looks scared at first, but then covers it up in seconds with determination.
Don't do it, I know you want to.😡

   "Ļͪ́̂҉̛̞̣e̡̧̫̺̥̻̐ͯ̿ͪ͛ͦ̊͟t̞̳̮̍ͯ͟'̡͚̦͚͉̱́͒͗͑͆ͩͥ̀͢ş̴̞̲̟̺͍̫̘͇̝̂͗̏ͭͧ̅̅̚͢ ͚̖̳̿͊ͬ͊͟͠g͒̇̄̉͐̾̚͞҉̲͕̘̰̼̜o̮͖̣ͤͯ͛ͤͦ͟."

   She says differently than she usually does as she grabs her car keys and puts on flip flops by the door.

   Me and her then rush to to the car and pull away instantly.

   "Hold on Elizabeth, I'm coming." I hear Y/N say to herself

   Done, so what did you think. Funny at first, but then some serious shit happened. I wonder what happened? Oh wait, I already know😈

   Also, this was one long ass chapter. 4630 words, damn

   Ok, buh-bye


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