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This is Gospel- Panic! at the Disco


   Y/N's POV

   On the car ride home, I told them all that happened. Everyone was so shocked about how much crap I had to deal with today. Dan said he felt bad that he and Phil made my day more chaotic, even though I told him a million times that I'm happy he and Phil are here.

   It's really good seeing Dan again. I missed him. When I left, it was before Dan decided to leave his hair curly, so this is the first time I've seen it in real life. Well then again, I've seen his bed head before when I stay with him, but it never last long. I quite like this new look for him, he looks so adorable.

   I'm in the middle seat next to Violet and Dan, while mom is driving and Phil is next to her.

   It's been about 30 minutes and we are still a hour away. Why did we decide that moving this far away from the airport was a good idea?

   "You ok sissy?" Violet asks me worriedly

   "Ya, I'm just really tired. Even though I slept on the plane for a couple hours, it feels like I haven't slept in years." I said yarning at the end.

  "Then go asleep honey." My mom says while looking at me for a sec, then returning to the rode.

   "I probably should have gotten the window then. Also, I'll be fine." I said yarning again. Ok, maybe I won't be fine...

   "You can just lay on my shoulder then, I won't mind." Dan said out of sudden

   "You sure." I ask

   "Of course." Dan said getting situated

   "Ok then, don't blame me if I use your arm as a body pillow." I say jokingly

I then laid my head against his shoulder, while curling my legs up into a little ball on my seat next to Violet.

"Hey Vi, you don't mind that I put my legs next to you, do you?" I asked her

"Sure, just don't kick me please." She says back

"No promises." I said back while relaxing on Dan

Man, he's so warm. It's like spooning a warm marshmallow.

Sorry, I watch big hero six after deadpool that night.

It only toke me a minute or two until I'm out like a light. But before I'm out, I feel Dan rapping his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. I don't mind

Phil's POV

Ha, I bet you thought I was going to do Danny again, didn't ya?

Aww, they are so cute together. I'm pretty sure Y/N is asleep now and Dan rapped his arm around her.

"I can't wait till you guys get together." Y/N's mom says

"Me too." I Cut in

"Me too guys, but I'll wait until she's ready. I don't want her to do something she isn't sure about yet." Dan replied. Man, what a gentleman he is acting today.

But honestly though, I bet tomorrow he will go back to be the same socially awkward Dan he is.

"She will come around Danny, just wait." I said trying to cheer him up.

I still fell bad for him, he's been really down lately. Whenever he filmed a video, he would always hid what he was truly feeling. Heck, at first, he would stay locked up in his room, only coming out to eat something. But luckily he's gotten a bit better. I just hope things work out in the end.

But on other news, I can't wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow, I get to see my girlfriend after five months!!!

She's been really busy with work lately and she's been traveling along the coast, but Y/N's mom told me she's back for a few weeks. You see, she's a marine biologist, and a good one at that. That's why she's need all over the place.

She's 28 years old with beautiful hazel eyes. She's about 5'7, and she has amazing hair. Thick brown hair with highlights scattered across it. She recently got it done and showed me a picture of it.

Man, I can't wait to see her. Did I already say that? I wonder how she's doing?

I wonder if she still thinks of me. We talk everyday, but only text messages and a few phone calls. It's strange though. Whenever I try to Skype or FaceTime her, she always declines and make up an excuse. I know she hated phone calls like that, but she usually doesn't stop that from talking to me face to face. I hope she's ok...

I'm just nervous that something is wrong with her. She had a pretty tough childhood and has affected her greatly. She's become introverted, even though she wasn't at first. Also, She's now extremely shy and only gets close to a hand full of people. She's gotten better though because of me, but I'm just scared that she's falling back into old habits of blocking people out since I've been gone for so long.

I really need to stop worrying, I'm sure she's ok. She maybe shy, but she's tough.

I'm going to surprise her tomorrow at the aquarium where she works at and take her out for dinner. I already talked to her boss asking for permission and he says it's fine.

I even brought her a dress today just for the occasion. I want to treat her tonight, to make up for the lost time.

"We are home." Y/N's mom says while pulling in the driveway

Man, has it been that long already?

"Y/N, wake up. We're home." Dan said shaking her lightly.

"Nooooo, shut up. Another five minutes. I'm to comfortable." She says back while snuggling into Dan more.

I quickly got out my phone and toke a picture.

"That's a keeper." I said smirking while getting out of the car.

"Phil you piece of shit, delete it!" Dan yelled at me.

"Nope!" I said back while I put up my phone so I can get the luggage out of the back.

"Delete what?" I hear Y/N tired voice ask

"Nothing." Dan said grumpy

"Come on Dan, help me out!" I said while struggling to get the guitar case out of the back. How did I even get it in there in the first place?

   "Ok, I'm coming." Dan said back

   I hear Dan mumbling something to Y/N then he got out of the car. I just realized that Violet was already out, along with her mom. So that just left Y/N in the car.

   Me and Dan then carried the cargo into the house and crashed onto the couch out of breath.

   "Wow, y'all are really out of shape. Y'all realize how long I had to carry this crap." Y/N said as she locks the door for the night.

   "Shut up." Dan said rudely, still out of breath

   Ha, I knew he couldn't keep up the good guy act for long. I should have made a bet with him...

   "You know Dan, you should come work out with me. It'll be fun." She said while trying to sound cheerful.

   "Ya, I'll do that when pigs fly. I would prefer to stay at home and be lazy, thank you very much." Dan said grabbing his phone out of his pocket.

   "Seriously, I think it would be really good for you. I have to go in tomorrow since it's been a couple days. I won't go hard on you, unlike Phil's ex trainer." Y/N said while taking a seat in between me and Dan.

   "Ugh, don't remind me about him." I said leaning my head back while remembering the past. I can still remember the awful taste of the vom...

   "Again, Y/N, I would rather not." Dan said seriously

"Please! I promise just this once. For me!" She says as she pouts doing puppy eyes

In 3... 2... 1...

"Fine!" Dan said sighing

"YES!!! Oh, I can't wait." She says smirking

Oh no Daniel...

She then gets up and goes upstairs.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Dan said to himself, but I still heard it.

"I don't know mate, but you're on your own this time Danny." I said patting his shoulder

"Fuck." He whispered

When I'm about to get up after Y/N left about five minutes ago, I hear running foot steps above us and stomping down the stairs.

"Mom?" Y/N said to her mom, who is in the kitchen with Violet.

"Yes sweetie?" She asks

"Why is my bed messed up?" She asks

Oh no, Dan why didn't you make the bed before you left?

I look over at Dan and I see color drained from his face. He knows he fucked up...

"Umm..." her mom says back. Oh no...

"It was me sissy, I slept in your bed because I missed you." Violet said tiredly. Man, I just realized it's 11 o'clock. It's way past her bed time.

"Oh, ok then. I thought someone broke in the house and slept in my bed for a second." Y/N said laughing. Man, Violet gets away with everything.

"Why would you think that? What would happen if you just forgot to make your bed?" I asked curiously

"Phil, you know how I feel about unmade beds. My OCD won't allow me to leave the room unless I fix it." She said

"Oh ya, I forgot. You even made Dan's bed because he left his door open and you saw it." I said as I start laughing at the memory.

The reason why it was so funny, was because Dan caught her doing it and was super embarrassed that she had to clean his mess. He even left the house he was so embarrassed. But the best thing was, when he got back, he left his keys inside so he was locked outside. Let's just say, me and Y/N had fun teasing him.😈

"Please don't remind me of that." Dan said

"Ok y'all. I'm going to bed now. Night." Y/N said going back upstairs

"Night." We all said at the time. Wow, that was weird...

"Thanks Vi for saving me back there." Dan said to her as she walks into the living room.

"You owe me five bucks just for that." Violet said grinning

"What? You're making me pay you." Dan said shocked

"Well ya, how else am I supposed to make money." She said in a duh tone

Wow, she reminds me a lot of Y/N it's scary

"Fine, I'm to tired to care. Night. Oh wait, where is the guest room you got ready while we were out." Dan asks her mom

"Across from Phil's room. Night boys." Y/N's mom said as she carries Violet upstairs to bed.

"Ok mate, let's go." I say as I go upstairs

"Wait up." Dan said behind me

We walk down the hall and end up at our rooms.

"Night Dan." I say as I open the door

"Night Phil." He says back as he shuts his door

I shut my door, then walked over to my suitcase. I open it up and grab boxers and a random t-shirt. I'll take a shower tomorrow morning. I change out of my outfit, into my pjs. I then get underneath the covers, but quickly get back up again because I forgot to get my phone out of my pocket. All the fucken time

I grab my phone, and plugged it in to the outlet. I get back underneath the cover, and get back up again because I forgot to get out my contacts. This better be the last time.

I quickly take out my contacts and brush my teeth. Haha, I'm thinking a head.

I then get back into my room, and get underneath the covers. I then think to make sure I got everything done, and realized I'm ok. I shut my eyes, and start thinking about how tomorrow is going to be.

Woop woop, two chapters in two days!!! I'm so proud of myself.😊

So, tomorrow is a big day for both boys. Dan's going to work out, while Phil goes on a date. Which one would be more exciting, and which one will cause the most drama?

Oh, and 2090 words. Ok, I think I'm going to set my bar at 2000, instead of 1000. I really want to challenge myself, and honestly I hate short chapters like that

Ok, buh-bye y'all!!!


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