Chapter 16

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They flew for another hour or so, Brooklyn having passed out from the drugs in his system that continued to give him fever dreams. Coldstone did his best to ensure Brooklyn wouldn't fall out of his arms, anxious to get him home to heal.

The couple managed to pass the East River, and had by now gone over the Brooklyn Bridge, seeing the sights of the city from afar.

Coldfire studied Brooklyn's body too while flying, seeing how over bloated his belly was, and his face battered up, a sad frown on it spelling submission. She felt angry at her brother for doing this to such a young one.

"The clan had better accept Brooklyn back," Coldstone then said, recalling at how avoiding some of the others had been since that day. Coldfire put a hand on Brooklyn's arm, the young fledgling teen squirming lightly, moaning.

"I know they will, my Love." She said gently. "He really needs a lot of love and care now."

Soon, the couple could see the lights of the Eyrie Building in the distance at last in some relief for they only had about two hours left for sunrise. They sped up as much as possible but not to hurt Brooklyn either. He was still letting loose small whines from his trauma, Coldfire eager to see him safe among his family.

Elisa and Goliath had both been waiting, telling the others to remain inside for now since they decided to halt patrols until Brooklyn was home again. She suddenly looked up when hearing the sound of a jetpack.

"I believe that is Coldstone with Brooklyn," the detective said in worry, pointing upward at the sight of the gargoyle cyborgs coming their way.

Goliath's veins flooded over with worry for his Second, hoping he wasn't too badly injured, but his eyes would soon see what he wouldn't be able to unsee for a while.

Coldstone at last landed, still holding Brooklyn, giving a firm look to Goliath. "We're back, Brother. Your Second is home." He said, Elisa breathing a sigh of relief but saw how awful the young male looked. His body size wasn't the same as before; a tad rounder and looking pretty clammy.

"What has happened to him?" Goliath asked in concern.

"Our brother likely beat him up. He looks like he had his confidence whipped out of him." Coldfire declared sadly.

"He also looks like he's gained some weight while he was with him." Elisa noticed.

"We'll focus on that later. Let's get him to the infirmary." Goliath declared. He took Brooklyn out of Coldstone's arms and hurriedly took him to the medical ward. "Elisa, go call the doctor." He ordered.

"Will do." Elisa replied and hurried out the door.

Elisa called Dr. Sato and told him that Brooklyn had been found and he needed to come right away, that Brooklyn was injured. He said he would come.

Goliath passed by the others on the way to the infirmary. The others were shocked at what their red clan mate looked like upon his return.

"Brooklyn?" Angela gasped.

"What happened to him?" Broadway asked curiously but in concern too.

"We don't know right now. He's just unconscious." Goliath replied to them. "Right now, we must wait on the doctor to get here. I'm taking him in now."

Lex noticed that Brooklyn was fatter in the belly, but his face was badly bruised. They didn't have a clue as to what happened until Brooklyn told them what happened to him.

They hoped that Brooklyn would be able to tell them what happened when he woke up.


Dr. Sato soon arrived along with Elisa at the infirmary. The rest of the clan was left waiting in the waiting area. They walked through the doors to go see the patient. Coldfire also came with them because they might likely need a female gargoyle in there to comfort Brooklyn too.

When they got into the exam room, Goliath was already in there sitting with Brooklyn on the exam table.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" Sato asked upon entering.

"Brooklyn is unconscious. We don't know why." Goliath replied.

"It's possible he could be drugged, or just passed out from pain that he's in, if he was beaten a lot." Sato explained.

Brooklyn's face was bruised from being hit earlier.

"He also looks a little overweight. He didn't used to be that big in the belly." Elisa noticed.

Sato noticed Brook's belly too. He first listened to his heart and lungs to make sure he was okay. They sounded fine if a little slower. Then he felt Brook's stomach. There was indeed a roundness to the red gargoyle's belly, but from what?

Dr. Sato decided to take a blood sample to see if there was anything in the red Second's body that was causing the unconsciousness or anything else. "I'm going to take a little blood sample to see if there's anything concerning in his body that may be causing his fatness and unconsciousness."

Little did they know that Brooklyn was starting to come out of the drugs now. He moaned at first.

"I think he's waking up." Elisa declared.

"I must hurry to get his blood sample." Sato said. "Elisa, get his bicep tied up so I can find a vein."

Elisa tied an elastic strip around Brook's right bicep. Goliath was watching and he would be ready to step in if necessary.

The tight tying of his bicep got Brook to focus more. "Ugh! What's going on?" he asked in shock.

"It's alright, Brooklyn. You're home. We just need a little blood from you." Elisa told him. "Just lay back and stay calm."

"Blood?" Brook mumbled.

"Yes. I'll be quick about it." Sato replied. He had the needle ready.

Brooklyn could barely make out the shapes above him, but he was also able to make out the needle. Seeing some red eyes too also made him remember Coldsteel.

"NO! NO! DON'T DO THIS, PLEASE!" Brooklyn yelled out of fear, suddenly remembering everything.

Goliath and Coldfire had to step in and hold him down. "It's alright, Brooklyn, the doctor just wants to help you."

Brooklyn tried struggling and gasping at what was going to be done to him. "No! Don't take my soul!" He cried out in despair.

"We're not going to take your soul, little one." Coldfire tried to soothe him.

"Brooklyn, please, calm down. We're just trying to help you." Elisa said gently.

Goliath held Brook's arms down. Coldfire had his legs held down. Elisa had tried to hold his middle down.

In his blurry vision, Brooklyn just couldn't see who was with him but he felt his struggles were in vain. He soon gave up for a moment, breathing hard in a panic.

"That's good, Brooklyn. Just relax. The doctor is just taking a small blood sample." Elisa said gently.

Sato was able to move in with the needle. He felt for the vein and he found it, quickly poking Brook's arm and getting the blood he needed. Brook winced at the poke. Sato was able to withdraw the needle quickly.

He had his sample. Elisa applied a pressure bandage after that to keep it from bleeding.

"Please... don't hurt me... anymore..." Brooklyn pleaded.

"We're not going to hurt you, Brooklyn. You're safe here at home." Goliath spoke gently.

"We're just holding you down so you don't hurt yourself or us." Elisa explained.

"No more... feeding me... bad food... please..." Brooklyn thought he was going to be fed again too. That was what he was used to being tied down for.

"What bad food?" Goliath asked him.

"Don't... feel... good... Bad food..." Brooklyn mumbled.

"What foods were you given, Brooklyn? Can you tell us?" Elisa asked him gently.

"Hmm... junk foods." Brook managed to get out. "Want... water..."

"We'll let you have some water once you're more awake. You're not awake for it right now." Elisa said.

Dr. Sato quickly was trying to examine Brook's blood sample under the microscope in the room. He saw some disturbing sights.

"He's been drugged, guys." Sato spoke up moments later. "I'll have to examine more of his blood from this sample to find out what foods he's had. He might be able to tell you more what they gave him when he comes out of that sedation. He's still in a sedation mode right now. He probably doesn't see you perfectly right now to know that you're his friends." Sato explained.

"What should we do?" Coldfire asked.

"Keep him calm. Keep him from harming you or himself. Keep him on the bed." Sato instructed.

"We'll do our best." Goliath replied.

Elisa let go of Brooklyn and left the room to go talk to the others. She wanted to let them know what was going on. When she came out of the doors, the clan stood up.

"How is the lad?" Hudson asked in concern.

"He's awake now, but clearly traumatized. From what we've been able to make out from his saying, Coldsteel was also using food in a bad way to fatten him up. Why, we don't know. He still hasn't told us that part, but he did say something about taking his soul too." Elisa explained.

That shocked and scared the clan silent for a moment before they resumed speaking.

"That no good dirty dealing maniac! He can't do that to Brooklyn!" Broadway snarled. He couldn't believe that Coldsteel had used food to punish his brother. Food was supposed to be a good thing, not a bad thing.

"Coldsteel inhabited Brooklyn's body once, Elisa. He might have been wanting to take it over again, but he said he wanted the robot body back when we last dealt with him." Lex explained to Elisa.

"He must have changed his mind." Elisa guessed.

"What foods was he using to hurt Brooklyn with?" Angela asked.

"We don't know. Sato is going to look at the blood sample more and unless Brooklyn comes out of his sedation more, we don't know. But he said junk foods." Elisa replied.

"He should be fine by tomorrow night. Perhaps taking Brooklyn to his room will help him calm down." Lex advised.

"Yeah, it might help." Elisa agreed. "I have to get back to them now."

When she got back in, she saw that Goliath was holding Brooklyn down again for wanting to get up. "Let me go!" Brooklyn cried out.

"Brooklyn, calm down. You need to keep resting." Goliath was nearly shouting instructions because his Second was scared and not wanting to cooperate.

"Brooklyn, it's alright. We're here to help you. Please calm down." Elisa ran over to help.

"Perhaps let me up by his head." Coldfire insisted.

"Alright, Sister. See what you can do for him." Goliath said and he quickly traded her places.

"It's alright, Brooklyn. You need to remain calm." Coldfire soothed him. She then placed one of her hands on his face to calm him.

It got the red male's attention. It got him to hold still for a moment.

Coldfire stroked his face gently as she could with her metal hands. "Lay still. Your body is exhausted. We'll ensure you feel better," she said softly.

Brooklyn's eyes were still dilated in fear, but the female he heard before when being rescued continued to soothe him, even humming a lullaby. Brooklyn couldn't be too panicked before turning to stone.

Brooklyn was still shaking but the singing was slowly getting to him, making him think he really was safe, eyes drooping, breathing slowing down, until soon, his head fell to one side and was asleep.

Goliath sighed in exhaustion and relief after seeing his Second finally sleep now, for it wasn't too long until sunrise. "Coldfire, Elisa, could you two stay with him until he turns to stone? We'll take him to his room in the morning so he can wake up there," he asked.

Elisa nodded, smiling sadly. "Of course," she replied.

Elisa held Brooklyn's hand after Goliath and the others went out to change to stone. Though Bronx remained, whining and pawing Brooklyn softly.

Coldfire held him back. "Enough now, boy. Brooklyn needs to sleep."

Bronx gave a soft moan, Elisa seeing the sun peeking up. She whispered some words to Brooklyn before it showed more. "You can beat this. You're strong, Brooklyn. We're all here for you." She saw Brooklyn's ear twitch, indicating that he heard her, as the sun soon began to change him to stone along with Bronx after Elisa let go of his hand, hoping the next night will be better.

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