Chapter 27

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It was now the big moment where Brooklyn would go to face down his mortal enemy, which was making the red gargoyle feel extra nervous, even with all the armor he wore.

In the living room of the castle, the clan was wishing him luck on his challenge, Goliath himself giving Brooklyn the biggest hug.

"I know you will be able to face him, Brooklyn. You're stronger than Coldsteel, as Coldsteel thrives on hate and vengeance. Your spirit is strong and hopeful." Goliath said gently while Brooklyn looked at him with flattened ears, still not sure if he wanted to do this.

"W-What if Coldsteel gets the upper hand with me? Will Lex be there on time with that bazooka to get rid of him? I don't want to leave you all again!" Brook said in a scared manner.

Coldfire came next to him then, her motherly smile on her features that calmed him a little but not quite. "My son, you will be able to defeat him. I know it inside. My brother has caused trouble for long enough."

Brooklyn hugged her then too. "I wish you could come with me." He begged, gazing into her eyes. Coldfire stroked his cheek. "This is your inner battle, sweetie; one you have to be able to face on your own. But we have a tracker to give you to lead us to where you are."

Coldstone and Xanatos handed him that tracker along with a small map. "This map has my directions to where Coldsteel is. He is in your namesake town, Brooklyn." Coldstone informed, Brook's eyes widening at that but took them both.

Lexington grinned at his bigger brother. "I'll be there soon to help you blow him to kingdom come." He assured, taking Brooklyn's hand in his own, making Brooklyn grin half-heartedly, happy to see his little brother looking braver than he did.

Angela gave him a kiss on his beak that he accepted with a small blush. "Just don't get yourself too hurt or killed. It wasn't the same without you, being gone before." She reminded Brooklyn, who nodded.

Bronx whined, rubbing against his leg, making Brook laugh and pet his head. "It'll be ok, boy. I'll be back." He said gently, Bronx giving him a dog kiss on his cheek.

The clan ventured on the parapets where Xanatos and the others wished him luck once more, Brooklyn climbing up, then taking off into the air. He glided his way towards the Brooklyn district where Coldsteel's lair should be thanks to Coldstone's directions.

Brooklyn glided a ways for a little while above the city until he soon spotted Brooklyn after crossing the river, gulping before gliding downwards, hoping to find it soon. He and the clan had a plan to lure Coldsteel to his doom, but it didn't make this any less daunting.

Suddenly, his eyes casted onto some creepy looking abandoned lab building. Shaking, Brook looked at his map again and figured this must be it. Sighing, Brooklyn landed near the entrance.


Inside the old lab building, Coldsteel himself had been trying to track down Brooklyn until one of his men had called him over.

"There's a disturbance from outside! Someone is out there!" The man yelled, pointing to a security camera. It had Coldsteel rush to the camera, looking in.

An excited smirk appeared on his face when Coldsteel spotted the one he had been looking for right there on his doorstep! Though Brooklyn now looked quite different from the chubby weakling he had seen him last. Now he was back to being scrawny but wearing some kind of armor.

No matter though since Coldsteel soon would easily take care of that. "Come on, let's greet my little prisoner again. Maybe this time he will let me enter his body." Coldsteel exclaimed, grinning wider, as he and some of his men ventured out to greet Brooklyn.

Brooklyn stood there, shaking but doing his best to stand firm as he watched a door open like a garage one, revealing his old abuser. He watched as his enemies filed out to greet him.

"Ah! Long time, no see, Brooklyn." Coldsteel greeted him. "You know I have been looking for you to conclude our business that we agreed upon a long time ago."

"I had a feeling you would be. But I will no longer let a creep like you mess with my mind anymore, literally or figuratively." Brooklyn retorted, trying not to show his fear of him. "You are not going to inhabit my body again anytime soon."

"That's where I beg to differ, young one. You have always been mine to do with as I please. Now that you're back, let's get this process on." Coldsteel smirked.

"You forget, you need the spell to make it work and you don't know the spell that was used. Only someone who knows magic can do the spell." Brooklyn stated.

"Ah! But I have. I have also contacted my sister, Demona. I told her the words to the spell, and she said she would be glad to do it for us." The cyborg gargoyle proclaimed, making Brooklyn's eyes widen fearfully. That would not be a good thing. He began backing up.

"No!" Brooklyn felt a tingle of fear go down his spine.

"Oh, yes. How about we go to her now?" Iago suggested.

"NO!" Brooklyn exclaimed. He turned on all fours and took off running in the opposite direction. The men tried to block him, but he used his wings to jump over them and keep on running. Iago growled and took off after his target.

"You won't get away from me again, Brooklyn." Coldsteel sneered.

The red male ran until he got to the edge of a bridge and then spread his wings and took to the air to begin luring his enemy to the trap place.

Coldsteel saw him take to the air and stopped. He didn't have to worry about being winded or anything. He also didn't have to climb to get to the air. He just got his jet engine going and he flew off the ground to go after his target.


Brooklyn was the second fastest glider in the clan. He managed to keep ahead of the robot gargoyle. "Go on! Leave me alone!" He exclaimed.

"I don't think so! You come with me now!" Coldsteel ordered him.

"NO!" Brook just tried to keep ahead of him.

Coldsteel chased him all over the city. They crossed the bridge from Brooklyn back into Manhattan, and Brooklyn led the cyborg to Pack Media Studios.

Inside, the clan was waiting to back up Brooklyn as he would was luring him there as the bait. Lexington had a bazooka that he was going to use on the cyborg.

Normally, the clan was against killing other gargoyles, but there was nowhere for Iago to be banished to, and he would just return. He had harmed others for far too long. He had to be stopped, once and for all. They were all in place, waiting for the action to begin.

Brooklyn soon landed, and he ran into the building with Coldsteel landing right behind him and ran after his prey. To Coldsteel, the red gargoyle was making this harder than it needed to be.

"You can't avoid me forever, Brooklyn." Coldsteel followed him into the building.

Brooklyn ran down some corridors until he ran into a dead end. "Ah!" He was panting hard trying to keep ahead of Coldsteel, but now he had nowhere else to go, his heart thumping badly, wanting to be rid of this maniac.

"Nice running, my body, but you have nowhere else to run," Coldsteel sneered as Brooklyn turned around, eyes rounding when Coldsteel suddenly ran, kicking Brooklyn in the stomach where there was no armor.

Brooklyn winced out, slamming down to the ground, Coldsteel stalking closer then ripping off his chest armor with ease as a way to remind the red male of his place, Brook yelping aloud further from small fear but he still tried to be brave but didn't want Coldsteel to slice his chest open, using his wings to shield himself.

Coldsteel smiled sinisterly. "Even with that armor on, you're still pathetic." He mocked, Brooklyn's ears lowered in anger at his nemesis, breathing harshly.

"You're... wrong... you won't win!" Brook roared, sweat coming down his face, Coldsteel laughing until Brooklyn suddenly grinned, spotting Lexington from behind Coldsteel with the weapon. "Also, I was just bait to lure you here." Brooklyn looked up and smiled smugly.

"For what?" Coldsteel questioned curiously.

But before he could get a good look, there was a loud blast, and a firing missile came downward at the cyborg gargoyle. It made his eyes widen in shocked surprise. The missile blew Coldsteel's body to pieces.

Brooklyn had jumped to the wall and started climbing upwards to get away from the force of the blast, but a piece of debris ended up shooting upwards and scraped across the back of Brooklyn's right thigh.

The red male cried out in pain from it, but he kept climbing. He got to the top of the wall where his clan was. He was greeted by the others.

"You alright, Brooklyn?" Goliath asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Brooklyn replied.

"You're bleeding." Lex noticed blood running down the back of his leg.

"Just a piece of metal scratched me climbing up here." Brook stated.

"Here, let me wrap it up." Angela said. She got a piece of bandage out and got on her knees to wrap up Brooklyn's right thigh. It stung as she tied it off, but the pain was worth it to have this over with.

"Thanks, Angela. And thank you, Lex, for getting him for me." Brooklyn thanked his clan.

"Now he'll never bother ye again, lad." Hudson declared.

"We should all be able to rest easier now that our evil brother is gone." Coldstone proclaimed.

"Coldsteel said that he had talked to Demona about casting the spell to transfer his soul into my body." Brooklyn stated. "It made luring him to you all the more terrifying."

"I bet it was, but it's all over now." Coldfire declared, Brooklyn giving her a relief hug. But when he felt her metal body, in his head Brooklyn felt like he desired to feel her real skin again since a robot's body doesn't give off a motherly warmth.

"Mom, I want to talk to you about something when we go back." Brooklyn said, his ears low but Coldfire nodded. "Sure. But let's get your leg healed first."

Goliath spread his wings. "Come on, let's go home." He said to his clan who all nodded, Lexington taking a hold of Brooklyn's hand before they left after giving Xanatos back the bazooka with a little grin which Brook returned, before the brothers took off together with the others, eager to be back where they belonged, Brooklyn's heart and soul no longer feeling the linger of Coldsteel haunting him anymore.

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