Chapter 28

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The clan had been more than happy to return home. Even though Brooklyn's leg was still stinging from being cut by the piece of scrap metal from Coldsteel's now exploded body, he did his best not to let it bother him since he knew stone sleep would soon cure it.

They all soon landed just a few hours away from sunrise, Brooklyn looking forward to sleeping this ordeal away. Still shaking from having nearly died, knowing he would have to get new chest armor from Xanatos.

Brooklyn was escorted to the medical ward, still feeling rather fatigued that his enemy was finally dead but rather deprived and tired, leaning on his leader's arm as they managed to get there, sitting Brooklyn on the medical bed and taking off some of his armor.

He flexed his muscles when the armor was finally off, heart thumping wildly while trying to breathe, Sato looking him over as well as changing the bandage around his leg.

"Your leg didn't take any severe damage. It should heal with your stone sleep," Dr. Sato informed, making Brooklyn sigh in relief but held onto some of his armor, knowing he may probably use it a lot in the future but keep improving the quality.

"Thanks," Brooklyn replied softly but really wanted to eventually talk to Coldfire what he desired to say, which was to have his 'mom' be able to return to a flesh and blood body.

Hudson helped Brooklyn off from the table and taken to his room to rest his exhaustion of the final battle off and asked Broadway to get him some tea.

Coldfire got Brooklyn back into his bed, making Brook feel more relaxed and Xanatos even came in to visit him. "I see the armor I made for you helped you survive." He stated, a grin on his face.

Brooklyn nodded, grateful to Xanatos for it. "Yes, it did. And thanks for helping destroy Coldsteel." The red gargoyle responded.

Xanatos bowed. "It was hard to destroy the robot body I built, but I knew that we did it for you, Brooklyn. From someone who used to be your rival, you are worth fighting for."

Just from hearing that from his old enemy, Brooklyn's eyes watered, but inside he still desired a female to love. He loved Coldfire but his life wasn't complete without a mate. He then turned to Coldfire. "Mom, this is going to sound weird, but... is there any way we can find a spell to bring you back to life in flesh and blood?"

That made Coldfire start for a moment, her face looking surprised. "Oh... I don't... really know love. That is something to ask Puck about, sweetie."

Brooklyn's ears fell from those words, but he didn't want to give up on his request. "I really want to see you again in your original form, Mom. And you deserve it after everything you have done in taking care of me." He said in a shaky voice, his face begging.

Coldstone himself was stunned of Brooklyn's request, but inside, he did long to be able to breathe the air once more and share a meal with his old clan. His eyes closed for a brief moment then he opened them again. "Little one, we are most grateful for you in your offer. We shall question Puck and see if he can change us back."

Goliath put a hand on Coldstone's shoulder. "It would be great to have you back alive with us, brother," he said, the cyborg nodding.

Brooklyn hugged Coldfire some more until eventually, she laid him back to rest, for he was exhausted after the long fight against Coldsteel.

Coldfire gave him a little kiss, stroking his hair. "Sleep well, young one. I'll tell you what we will do the next evening." She said gently, humming softly until Brooklyn's eyes fluttered shut, letting out a little sigh of peace, glad to have no more nightmares about his old enemy now.

The cyborg couple then stood together once the rest of the clan went to change into stone, wanting to go and talk to Puck now, who was watching over Alex after Lexington left him to take over.

Puck had seen the arrival of the two cyborgs, grinning. "Oh, and what is it that has brought you two to me?"

Coldstone narrowed his eyes, for he didn't completely trust Puck. "Puck, we need to fulfill the request of a fellow clan mate. He wishes for us to be able to live and breathe once again in our old flesh and blood forms."

The fae man stroked his chin. That was something that only the queen of the fae-folk could do since he was stripped of his powers. "Titania would be the only person to do such a powerful spell. We would have to summon her here."

Coldfire narrowed her eyes. "Do what you will, for my son!" She snapped, referring to Brooklyn.

Puck had heard that, a smile on his face when Coldfire called Brooklyn a son even though she wasn't his biological mother. "Very well then." He turned to Alex. "Alex my boy, you must help me summon your grandmother." Alex cooed, Puck taking him in his arms, and the two began doing a spell together, a summoning one.

After some bright flashing of lights, the queen herself appeared, waving her arms regally in the air. Coldstone and Coldfire watched in awe from her appearance since they'd never seen her before. So, this was Fox's mother.

Titania turned around, wondering who could have called her, then she spotted her grandson, a smile on her face. "Hmm, hello, my dear grandson. But why would you and your mentor bring me over to Wyvern?"

Puck bowed. "Milady, these two wish to live with their clan in their old bodies again. Surely, you couldn't deny them that? Coldfire had been a loving mother to Brooklyn ever since he escaped the clutches of Coldsteel who tried possessing him."

Titania narrowed her eyes. "Oh really? And is this true, Coldfire?" She asked. She nodded. "Please Your Highness, we beg of you." Coldfire pleaded.

The queen thought for a moment, then saw the desperation in Coldfire's eyes. She soon smiled, knowing she couldn't ignore a mother's request since she was one too. "Very well. This shall be the ultimate gift. But first, we must take out your souls from those cyborg forms."

The couple both nodded, sitting down and getting ready. Titania waved her hand, her eyes glowing.

"For the spirit to be willing, the flesh must first grow weak, just long enough for soul in flight to pass from cheek to cheek!" She chanted, Puck watching as the two gasped, silver clouds of their spirits coming out of their mouths, leaving the two metal shells behind.

Titania next summoned the former bodies of Desdemona and Othello too, lifeless corpses at the moment. She chanted another spell, Alex watching in awe.

"A boon, a reward for duty done. Your wish, one of your mortal souls, to be restored, once more made whole. So, Titania shall make her decree... What was undone, shall once more be!"

Bright light beams emerged from Titania's fingers, guiding the souls of the two spirits to emerge into the corpses of the gargoyles, their bodies lighting up bright.

"Now, make them once more as they were born! Let it be as it was in days long done, and become two gargoyles, in flesh and stone!"

Titania's eyes flashed white, both her hands pointed at the corpses, one masculine and one feminine, as they became more vibrant with life, their features more refined now, their eyes opening and both roaring aloud, making Alex cover his ears.

Othello and Desdemona's roars rang through the castle, both their bodies shaking and trembling from the life force flowing through their lungs and heart, making their hearts beat again, and once more, Othello thought he could actually smell. The cold stone, the fire, everything else.

The bodies were lowered to the ground, Puck watching and wishing he had the power to be able to do it himself, happy to see these dead gargoyles back to their normal forms.

Titania smiled proudly, taking little Alex into her arms. "Your wish has been granted. Brooklyn will now be able to hug you in flesh once more. You're Coldfire and Coldstone no longer."

Othello's eyes opened groggily, looking about as his actual vision came that wasn't from a robot's view, and he gasped, feeling his own heart beat in his chest. He turned to see his love there too, her skin pink once again. "My... My love?" He asked, tears beginning to fall.

Desdemona trembled all over from herself returning to life again too, reaching to touch her mate's hand, and she could actually feel his skin! "Oh, we're back!" She sobbed, her eyes now watering as well, the two of them hugging each other, taking in their scents.

"We have got to give you new names now that you are no longer called Coldfire and Coldstone. I've thought of some. How about Othello and Desdemona?" Puck suggested.

"What do you think, my love?" The male asked his mate.

"I like it." The female replied.

"So those names you shall be then." Titania decreed.

"Thank you, great Titania." Desdemona declared; right on time as the sun soon changed them to stone at that moment with their embrace.

Titania knew they were grateful. "My work is done then. I shall see you again soon, Puck. Alex." She handed Alex back to Puck, teleporting back to Avalon once more.

Puck chuckled, watching the stone forms of the former cyborgs. "Won't Brooklyn be surprised and happy the next night." He said to Alex cheerfully who cooed.

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