2 Bloopers 8

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Penguin left this message 81 minutes ago:6:14 PM

In full backstory of the Emperor and his lover, Lin ShuiXian (林水仙), I had in mind that he was a prince and next in line for the throne. While he was supposed to be studying to become Emperor, he'd snuck off to the towns and had fun. There he met Hong YuHua's mother, ShuiXian. They eventually fell in love. Her father was sick, while her mother was a concubine to the current Emperor. In doing so, they received money to treat her father's sickness. But he is still bed ridden. The Prince met the father and decided to sneak money to pay for medicine. When the father was better, yet still frail, he allowed their marriage. They had a small unofficial wedding ceremony with just the 3 of them. When the current Emperor found out about the Prince and his concubine, Shui Xian's mother, he threatened his son to never see ShuiXian again or else her whole family dies. Shui Xian's mother was kept in the prison until his son did so. The Prince helped ShuiXian's mother escape, and with ShuiXian and her father, they ran to the countryside. The Prince was caught and brought back to the palace. The Prince's father forgave him since the 'peasants' were no longer within the walls of the palace and city.

Shui Xian was a known weaver. Unbeknownst to the previous Emperor, she was able to create webs from her finger tips like a spider. Hong adopted that ability. The Prince, current Emperor back then, didn't know about Shui Xian's ability until the night they fled. She created what he called the Shining Dawn. When he was caught, her family had to continue. The guards caught up. ShuiXian used her webs and covered an area. The patterns of the webs looked like a glowing sun upon the horizon.

Hong YuHua took her father's name, Hong(红). While her given name is derived her mother's name 水仙 which means daffodil. They lived somewhat happily. YuHua was born. Her parents help ShuiXian raise YuHua. Sadly, the grandfather died from the relapsing illness. When bandits and other bad people came, her grandmother would comfort her while her mother fought them. After the grandmother died, YuHua's mother became overprotective and paranoid about strangers. ShuiXian later crossed paths with some imperial guards. This struck a nerve. And even more so when they placed a heavy living tax on them. With her mental state and bad memories of the palace, she retaliated. She ends up dying to them. However, before she died, she told YuHua that when and if YuHua ever sees her father, even without knowing his face or name, she will know. "当你遇见他时,你就会知道他是你父亲."

YuHua grew up quite alone and became a prisoner then a concubine in another kingdom. Abused in many ways, she became twisted. With her newfound and honed powers, she killed many nobles before escaping.

Penguin: Woops... Hong红 is the grandfather's family name. Lin林 is the grandmother's family name. ShuiXian gave YuHua the grandfather's family name to hide her better. The Emperor, the Prince at that time, thought Lin林 was the father's family name since paternal lineage was dominant and more common.

AquaSky: Wow!

NatTheRat96 was at Walmart guarding the shopping cart.

NatTheRat96 in the parking lot.

Penguin: What is Warlin's story?

NatTheRat96: Since Warlin is Adrian's OC, I'll have to wing it.

Penguin: Hong's mother died when Hong was a teen, thus dead before the Colosseum. If Warlin knew and met Hong's mother, that would mean he has to be related to the imperial if he is not one.

NatTheRat96 left this message :5:32 PM

Warlin's backstory:

With what I could come up with for Warlin's story: Warlin was a frail boy from a poor background, his powers didn't kick in until he reached puberty. He became a bookworm, once he got his hands on his first book, determined to get out of poverty. Since his mother was physically frail, just like him. Warlin's mother suffered from anaphylaxis. So he decided to dabble in medicine to learn more about plants and herbal medicine.

He succeeded in treating his mother's illness, though a plague spread throughout his homeland. A plague, which was a hybrid of the black death and Covid claimed the lives of 68% of the population, including Warlin's mother.

Despite his knowledge in medicine, he couldn't cure the infected population that were within his jurisdiction. His contact with wizardry came in the form of a dying patient.

He anointed the dying patient with an antiseptic and a rare herbal medicine and erroneously casted a spell on the man. The dialect of the spellbook that was found within his textbooks were similar and casted a spell to restore the rotting tissue and blood vessel and the words of the spell alleviated the patient's state of mind.

The mix up with the textbooks and spellbook led him upon his discovery and interest in wizardry.

In his adolescence, he encountered delinquents and spellcasters and patiently prepared to wipe them out. Warlin would gradually earn his reputation as one of the most powerful wizards in his region. And would occasionally receive unwanted attention from nobles and politicians. Though he kept his private life private, including his orientation, he kept an aspect of himself in the closet and became a workaholic. He would use the "no luck with women part" as an excuse to prevent anyone from interfering with his personal life.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between CC AU and no CC AU. Chatzy chose: CC AU

NatTheRat96: So the Watty Version of the CC is canon now?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yeah and nope. Chatzy chose: nope

NatTheRat96: Hue Man AU of the CC it is.

Penguin: Okay. So, Warlin is not connected to ShuiXian, Hong's mother. However, we can make him threaten Hong if she plans to reveal herself as the Emperor's child.

Penguin: The Emperor meets Hong and sees the physical resemblance to ShuiXian. Also, similar ability, the spider webs. Hong creates the web in her body and the gloves she has have liquid metal in them so when the webs are shot out, the liquid metal coats the webbing and hardening, creating metallic strings.

Penguin: Due to this, the Emperor only speculates a possible connection to ShuiXian. And only after she is captured, and tries to escape by using the same method as her mother's 'Shining Dawn', does the Emperor confirm his assumptions.

NatTheRat96: Yep. 

NatTheRat96: That's a good idea.

Penguin: I feel like the Emperor and Hong YuHua should have their own book

Penguin: Wondering if the Emperor should have a name or a nickname 

Penguin: After some agonizing Chinese name searching of the characters and meanings, I have came to the result of naming the Emperor, 黄源森Huang YuanSen, which means Yellow Spring Forest.

Penguin: and his nickname is 小森 Small Forest

Penguin:Since unlike other Emperor

Penguin: who want many concubines, he only want ShuiXian, a single daffodil that grows within his forest of a palace

Haeji: Hey nat do you have discord?

NatTheRat96: No, I don't have discord.

NatTheRat96: And the harem thing was my idea since the GT Emperor didn't have concubines, only Warlin and Gilgamien.

NatTheRat96: I wanted the harem subplot for one of the female characters to infiltrate, find the weak spot and dismantle the Empire from the inside out.

NatTheRat96: I checked the recent reviews from Discord, you sure there aren't any malfunctions or glitches with the update?

NatTheRat96: Plus, I'd definitely read the Emperor and Hong story.

NatTheRat96: Just say the word and I'd make the cover for it in a heartbeat.


1. Organize Tantetra's scene extracted from the chat
2. Write Annabell's fragment
3. Write Buid's fragment (which is indirectly linked to Herring's return to the stadium
4. Write Piros's confirmation to the RR (which will be moved by June.)
5. Edit Adrian and Akane's POV
6. Write 1st chapter that will resume the story.

Penguin: I'm using the discord on phone and computer. It seemed to be stable 

Penguin: Twas thinking of a title for a possible Chinese inspired story for Hong YuHua, 花的森林. Flower of the forest, flowered forest (based on Google translate). Which is perfect considering that 森 is part of the Emperor's name and 林 is part of her mother's name.

NatTheRat96: Nice. 

AquaSky: .... what's discord? Lol sorry I do indeed live under a rock 

NatTheRat96 doesn't use social media.

NatTheRat96 has installed and uninstalled discord.

NatTheRat96: "I don't trust that app." 

NatTheRat96: "Doesn't let me log in. And when I register, it picks up my number, gmail, country, etc. Like the f***? So nah.

Penguin: is all right 

tkl.artist: b-but Nat we can voice call and do fun stuff with bots on discord 🥺 and you only need like ur number OR email 🥺 and no one can see that stuff 🥺

tkl.artist: pls úwù 


tkl.artist: ŌUŌ

NatTheRat96: Prologue is ready.

Penguin 👏👏👏

tkl.artist: ooooo 

NatTheRat96: Check Collateral Storyline for the prologue.


AquaSky... found it

AquaSky proceeds to glare at her various other social media platforms

AquaSky: um ... discord told me ... to bring pizza ... literally ... but I don't eat pizza

AquaSky: Lol 

AquaSky: SO what I was saying ...

AquaSky: where's the Skittles

tkl.artist: THE ART IT IS DONE


tkl.artis:t waiwaiwai nat just give me ur id for some reason i can't get into ya server

NatTheRat96: Just checked the art, and I'm fangirling. THAT CLIFFHANGER!!!

AquaSky: The art is wonderful

NatTheRat96: Yes.

NatTheRat96 left this message 2 hours ago:2:37 PM

Ratu: "You'd adopt me."
Me: What the-
Faim: looks at poem assignment
Some random classmate: "Weren't you underage yesterday?"

Me awake: Faim, I already posted chapter 5 yesterday. WHADDAYA WANT FROM ME!?

Faim blinks.

NatTheRat96: First, I saw you wearing a cosplay that looked like the designer for Genshin and Kingdom Hearts threw up on you, last Wednesday. Then someone mentioned you to fight 2 nights ago and now you're in a classroom with frames of martial artists fighting. LEAVE ME ALONE!

Faim: Then stop thinking about me. 👐

NatTheRat96: Literally saw Herring and Piros make a cameo 4 nights ago.

NatTheRat96 points accusingly at Faim. "Stay away from me."

Haeji joined the chat 22 minutes ago


Haeji: O wait nvm

This is Ruben II getting SMACKERELED  to the face.

This should be a meme.

Hey TKL, I also added dialogue for the 2 panels.

Ok, the typography I added to the last one is trash, but I'm stoked to see it on webtoon like. 👁👄👁

Penguin: lol

NatTheRat96: Chatzy, should I make a Wattys Edition for the collab?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: yes

Penguin joined the chat 15 hours ago7:33 PM

Penguin: Wattys Edition?

NatTheRat96: I wanna make one for the Wattys 2021 since Wattpad says that the novel has to be entirely written by me so Wattpad is a PARTY POOPER!

NatTheRat96: Writing 50k words ain't an easy feat.

Penguin joined the chat 12 hours ago

NatTheRat96: And if Wattpad doesn't like the baby we made, they can shove it.

Penguin: So, you are planning to create a Watty for people who also had collaborations/co-written things?10:18 PM

NatTheRat96: Nah, I'm just gonna pile up what I only wrote in the collab and dedicated it to you guys.

Penguin: Gotcha. 😁

tkl.artist joined the chat 10 hours ago

tkl.artist: Haeji Shadow Stella Faim Astrid or Luna?

tkl.artist: *astrid

tkl.artist: for the second ep lineup :3

tkl.artist: i got started on Haeji and finished her cover i just forgot to turn it into a doc lol

Stella Spacey typed on her phone to text Micah.

Stella Spacey: "My ovaries are being obliterated right now."

Micah Araganism: "What do you want me to do about it?"

Stella Spacey: "Get me some pads, pretty plz."

Micah Araganism rolled her eyes.

Micah Araganism: "Mammals."

Micah Araganism: "Only because you brought me my cocoa cappuccino." Goes to the spaceship to find the cotton pads.

Micah Araganism: Grabs pads and shoves it inside a duffle bag, and goes to the restrooms to find Stella. Looks under the bathroom stalls until she spotted Stella's cyan boots and slid the pads to her.

Micah Araganism: "When was the last time you had your period?"

Stella Spacey: "Idk, probably around 16 months."

Micah Araganism: "Your time frame or in general chronology?"

Stella Spacey: "General." Doubles over from menstrual cramps while Micah leans her back against the stall, arms crossed, looking sideways.

Micah Araganism: "It's a good thing your biological clock didn't kick in during the Redemption Round. Your opponent could've sniffed your uterine lining and drained you. I've seen how that vampire-raptor drained the bowl of blood like spaghetti sauce."

Micah Araganism mimicked the slurping sound while Stella cringed, more from the cramps than the sound effects.

Stella Spacey groaned "STOOOOOP."

NatTheRat96 left this message :6:54 AM

Suzanne sniffed as her nostrils picked up the scent of blood and licked her upper lip. "Smells fresh."

NatTheRat96: Would Suzanne try alien blood?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: no

NatTheRat96 left this message :7:16 PM

Suzanne: I prefer human blood THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

Hostess of Colosseumenters into the chatroom, only to find Eimy, Faim, Herring, Piros, Ratu, Ruben II, Maggie, Micah and Stella.7:19 PM

Hostess of Colosseum: What happened to the other guests?

Eimy: "They've abandoned the chat room to go to Discord."

Eimy: "Even Mewmi has gone there and she hasn't come back since." 😌

Hostess of Colosseum: Then you mean to tell me. That everyone has moved on to Discord.

Herring Ja: "Well duh!"

Hostess of Colosseum: "The chat already collapsed and I only posted the prologue and the 1st chapter of Collateral."

Hostess of Colosseum: Checks clipboard for schedule.

Hostess of Colosseum left this message :7:31 PM


Buid's side story (66%)
Herring's return (1%)
Piros's confirmation (1%)
Chapter 2 (89%)
Spellcaster Skirmish (0%)
Neutralize hack (0%)

Hostess of Colosseum: Guess this is the last of the Battler's Bloopers.

Hostess of Colosseum: Hey, Glen! The Auctor Fam collapsed for real this time!

Hostess of Colosseum asked a question: Will the Auctor fam return to the chat again?

Eimy answered: No

Eimy: I highly doubt it.

Faim answered: Maybe

Ratu answered: No 

Ratu: Nope.

Ruben II answered: Never again

Ruben II: This place is as good as dead.

Violet answered: Never 

Chatzy closed the question after 5 responses:

Will the Auctor fam return to the chat again? No 2 Eimy, Ratu
Never again 2 Ruben II, Violet
Maybe 1 Faim
Yes 0 

Violet: It was bound to happen eventually.

Hostess of Colosseum asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and goodbye and good riddance. Chatzy chose: goodbye and good riddance

Penguin: Lol

Penguin: Chatzy is ruthless

NatTheRat96 hasn't resigned completely.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Replace users, invite new users, let Nat take over and leave. Chatzy chose: leave

AquaSky: Hi! 

AquaSky: Welcome to the graveyard.


NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between 😒 They're back, so you're back, not again and welcome back. Chatzy chose: 😒 They're back

NatTheRat96: The COL-league AIN'T DEAD, we moved out!

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between GO HOME! and Sure you are *eyeroll*. Chatzy chose: GO HOME!

NatTheRat96 flips the bird at Chatzy then leaves.

NatTheRat96 asked a question: Should the COL-leagues return to Chatzy?

Penguin answered: Maybe. Depends, if Chatzy is still alive

Penguin: Muahahhahahahaaaahahahajaahaha

Penguin *coughs*

Stella Spacey answered: Yes, come back.

Stella Spacey: What did I miss?

Micah Araganism answered: No, stay dead.

Chatzy closed the question after 3 responses:

Should the COL-leagues return to Chatzy? Or stay on THE OTHER SIDE?
No, stay dead.1 Micah Araganism
Yes, come back.1 Stella Spacey
Maybe. Depends, if Chatzy is still alive 1 Penguin

Micah Araganism: Apparently, these individuals want to return to this platform, though the room itself doesn't want them back.

Micah Araganism asked Chatzy to choose between Exactly, You got that right, Long time no see and And who might you be?. Chatzy chose: Exactly

Stella Spacey: Oh, am I banned from this room?

Stella Spacey asked Chatzy to choose between no and yes. Chatzy chose: yes

Micah Araganism: Obviously, this chatroom is what this is called? Has a low tolerance for idiots.

Micah Araganism asked Chatzy to choose between Correct, You got that right, You're also banned and Nice try Nat. I know it's you. Chatzy chose: You're also banned

Micah Araganism: 😠 I stand corrected. This chatroom is an imbecile.

Micah Araganism asked Chatzy to choose between Run along puny alien, Begone Amoebian and Sayonara sucker!. Chatzy chose: Begone Amoebian

Baci Llus: "You just got p'owned by a machine, bruh."

Baci Llus: "Can I get my refill of cherry cola? I left it near the desk over there."

Baci Llus asked Chatzy to choose between Go ahead, Right this way, Nice try, Go the other way and Bye!. Chatzy chose: Right this way

Micah Araganism: "You gotta be kidding!?"

Baci Llus: "Thanks."

Ratu sneaks in to steal the cherry cola.

Ratu asked Chatzy to choose between Chatzy stops Ratu and Chatzy kicks Ratu out. Chatzy chose: Chatzy stops Ratu

Ratu: "What the-"

Baci Llus asked Chatzy to choose between Baci leaves with cherry cola, Chatzy bans Ratu and Ratu gets kicked out. Chatzy chose: Chatzy bans Ratu


Baci Llus slurps on cherry cola. "This is a good soda, thanks Chatzy."

Baci Llus asked Chatzy to choose between Any time, No problem, Have a nice day and 👍. Chatzy chose: No problem

Ruben II: "Why are you crying, runt?"

Ratu asked Chatzy to choose between "Chatzy banned me", "I want cherry cola" and "I'm thirsty!". Chatzy chose: "I'm thirsty!"

Ruben II: "Quit your whining! We're going to the pub."

Ratu: "Yay!" 😀

Ruben II: 😒 "Whatever, let's go."

Ruben II asked Chatzy to choose between You're welcome to join, Goodbye lardo! and You're also banned. Chatzy chose: You're also banned

Ruben II: "See if I care, you don't have the prize money."

Ruben II asked Chatzy to choose between Oh but I do, I know where it is and so long fatso. Chatzy chose: so long fatso

Piros: "Am I also banished from this domain?"

Piros asked Chatzy to choose between Banned!, not you, you too and you're banned pretty boy. Chatzy chose: not you

Piros: "Thanks, I guess."

Piros asked Chatzy to choose between Come on in, C'mon in handsome, Welcome to the chatroom and Right this way. Chatzy chose: Right this way

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