Battler's Bloopers 15

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NatTheRat96: Brandon, translate this: I just want some sweet tender lovin.

NatTheRat96: Admiral Ackbar's: It's a trap!

NatTheRat96: And Achmed the dead terrorist's catchphrase: SILENCE!... I KILL YOU.

NatTheRat96: Also, translate this in Elonian: Brandon, u handsome Asian Canadian.

Brandon: Funky events 

Brandon: i like

Brandon: I just want some tender lovin

Brandon: is

Brandon  O nebca-es buri ba-ic cishiv pudos'.

Brandon: buri-o

Brandon: whoops lol scratch that... O nebca-eso buri ba-ic cishiv pudos

Brandon: And I don't translate proper names, nouns (pretty much things with a capital letter including nationality, names, and ethnicity, unless they are part of the Elonian dictionary), but I will change the spelling to fit it phonetically as possible Brandon, you handsome Asian Canadian is just, Brandon, a meshburi Asin Canadin


Brandon: I'm not finished, because I don't know how to finish it.

NatTheRat96: This fragment could work for the sequel.

NatTheRat96: Since this fight is occurring by Collateral. Emperor would be appeased seeing Mirror fight.

NatTheRat96: Though he would send Warlin to search for Gilgamien (or the remains of Gilgamien).

NatTheRat96: Hexice had already seen the outcome, though he is still recovering from the RR.

NatTheRat96: Also me: DUN TA-DAAAHHH! CH29 & BB14 📖

NatTheRat96: The possibility Hexice saw was that Mirror was the top of his game until he saw something that indirectly made him slip up. Mirror made a misstep or a miscalculation and Breloq erected a door or portal from under Mirror. And Mirror fell into the portal that would make him fall out of the arena. Ending in a ring out.

NatTheRat96: If that possibility became a reality, Hexice would get bored at Mirror and look at something that might pique his interest.

NatTheRat96: Hence why Hexice told Mirror to "watch your step."

NatTheRat96: Maybe Mirror caught sight of the Emperor from a far and it reminded him of the Nether realm or smth.

Haeji: Noice

Shadow: Me: tries to type ideas for The Spook Show

Shadow: My brain: *thinks a serial killer is behind me*

Shadow: THIS is why I rarely update.

Shadow: I may need a windowless basement w/acoustics for writing.

Brandon: Honestly mood 

Shadow: Oh well, I will go and try to not look behind me for five minutes while writing.

Shadow: Good luck to me.

NatTheRat96: Marie, I had an idea for the Raptor Squad.

Shadow: Cool!

Shadow: OH 

Shadow: That is a good idea!

NatTheRat96: Carina puts a fake Covid test stand to steal samples for usurping. The Raptor Squad see Micah (but it isn't her).

NatTheRat96: Oh, you already read it. My bad.

Shadow: That's a great idea.

Shadow: My brain is too occupied with paranoia to think of ideas.

Shadow: Sadly. 

Shadow: Huh, but if Felix even managed to shoot one of the Squad (1/100 chance of that happening) a normal bullet would just ricochet off the thick scales.

Brandon: Felix can shoot magical bullets. Bullets that don't leave physical wounds

Brandon: But still hurts like getting stabbed

Shadow: Oh ok 

Brandon: He can start off with an actual bullet to see if it is effective then change it into a magic one.

Brandon: He does like the thrill of the hunt

Brandon: wether it's chasing or being chased 

Shadow: The Raptor Squad does not like being chased.

Brandon: No surprise 

Shadow would probably use her reflexes to set up a decoy (rustling bushes) then attack from behind Felix as he is occupied with that bush.

Shadow: Blue would probably be so insulted she'd lose her wits. 

Brandon: He has hunter's sense not to be occupied by one bush 

Shadow: Ooh, so he is magical ...?

Brandon: Somewhat 

Brandon: the only ability/ magic he has is ammo creation, magic bullets, and magic beam...?

Shadow: Oh ok. Is he competing in the CC or who brought him?

Brandon: he doesn't need to use his musket to fire

Brandon: he has the musket for actual bullets 

Brandon: he is part of the Gladitorium 

Shadow: Oh right, I saw that on Auctor.

Brandon: So he'll be around within the CC

Shadow: Right. 

Shadow: It would be juicy if he attempted to shoot the Raptor Squad.

Brandon: every conflict is juicy 

Shadow: Yeah XD 

Brandon: but yes, riling up a Raptor Squad is not preferred in a crowded place 

Shadow: Definitely not if there are some "nice thick columns for crushing heads" (Suzanne)

Brandon: Okay, I am done with my battle scene

Shadow: Cool!

tkl.artist: Idk if yall remember house

tkl.artist: Bit he may or may not work on that text

tkl.artist: I asked the gc I have on kakao 

tkl.artist: Yall have kakao

Haeji 👁👄👁

Haeji: Okie, so anything for me to do?

NatTheRat96: Idk yet. 

NatTheRat96: Maybe write a scene where Haeji got the locket back and returns it to Joon.

NatTheRat96: And gets surprised to see Juuzou at the infirmary.

NatTheRat96: TKL: I don't have kakao. Is there an app to fill in the text box or smth?

Shadow: Although I have Facebok, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Wattpad, somehow I have never heard of kakao.

Shadow: Lol. But I do not.

Shadow: *have kakao

Shadow: Yay 

Shadow: I survived my math test.

Shadow: *groan* but I am half dead

Shadow *faints*

Shadow: Legends never die ... and since I am not dead, I am a legend.

Shadow: XD 

Shadow: Ok I was just kidding but I AM half dead.

NatTheRat96: I used another doc to update Haeji's match.

NatTheRat96: Plus, I added Brandon's fragment for the plotline.

Haeji joined the chat 9 hours ago 4:28 AM

Haeji 3:28 am 

Haeji: 3, effin', 28, effin' am 


NatTheRat96: We won 1st place at the Action category. Pat yourself on the back WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIENDS!

Shadow: WOO! 

Blue: "Bring out the blood!"

Shadow *subtle cough*

Shadow: "You mean the lemonade."

Blue: "No, I mean the blood. Seriously?"

Shadow *steps on Blue's toes* 

Shadow: "The lemonade." 

Shadow *whispering*

Shadow: "There are people around and I don't want to scare them because I want to eat them! Okay? Is that clear?

Haeji: Noice 

Haeji: Welp i'm feeling empty inside

tkl.artist: Yo why this lemonade so thicc and red??

tkl.artist: Yall i finished the preview and imma ask house (i call him boo) to proofread it

Brandon: Oooo nice font 

tkl.artist  It's called Jackson Armstrong bb

tkl.artist: OwO I also need Chara deets for all yalls avatars (-nat I already got hers)

Shadow: That is a rly cool font!

Haeji: Ooh, nice sis

Brandon: Avatar?

Haeji: Like how Brandons a mechanic

Brandon: Just realized, it looks like she commanded the door to open. One panel she is holding the handle and the next she is like pointing at it 😂

Shadow: I love it!!!

NatTheRat96: KLL, I have an idea for a prologue. How did the Ji clan get involved with Patricia?

Shadow: Very dramatic event. Fell off a ladder and then promptly lost a tooth.

Shadow *applauds in sarcasm*

Shadow: Stretched my leg muscles while I was at it.

Shadow: That did not affect my sarcasm whatsoever.

Shadow: Lost a tooth not from falling though haha.

tkl.artist: The hostess is magical, all she needed to do was touch the handle and WOWOOQOWOOWOWOWOWOOWOOOOOOSH

tkl.artist: JKJK 

tkl.artist: Aight imma work on ep1

tkl.artist: Backgrounds

Haeji: The Ji clan’s relationship with Patricia will prolly be introduced in the back story with Yu Jun and Si Nae Ji




Brandon: I imagined Patricia's life and backstory to be as innocent as possible. Her present wicked acts are a result from childish greed and desires. She just wants to see her parents again. I did not fully work out the story of how her parents die. Though I did thought of it as something normal like old age and disease. Something that doesn't trigger vengeance and all that negative emotions.

Brandon: I thought of something. Her dad went off somewhere, perhaps travelling like a merchant or perhaps he is a merchant and dies from an accident. The mother dies shortly after from heartbreak. This will give Patricia the desire to see her parents once again for closure. The only trigger I will allow is that the father's death was not an accident. This will cause her to break if she finds the truth. Also, this can give ParaVi a motive to prevent the truth from surfacing since he likes the corrupted innocence and fear that dwells within Patricia.

Haeji: Aight

NatTheRat96: What I'm working on at the moment…

Stella Spacey makes friends, and picks up a stray cat

Shadow: I MADE IT

Micah Araganism *questions credibility*

Stella Spacey: Hi.

Shadow: Hey. 

Micah Araganism: How you feelin?

Micah Araganism: After the fall that is.

Shadow: Pretty good. Stretched my calf muscles somehow tho

Shadow: Should be ok in two weeks.

Micah Araganism: Hopefully.

Shadow: How are you doing?

Micah Araganism: I'm good.

Micah Araganism: Thanks for asking.

Micah Araganism: I'm sitting at the sofa.

Shadow: Me too haha

Micah Araganism: With my big bro.

Shadow: Noice.

Micah Araganism: He writing words that rhyme.

Micah Araganism: He's distracting me.

Shadow: Lol.

Shadow: Are the RR matches written yet? Just wondering.

Micah Araganism: Yeh.

Micah Araganism: Only need to finish Haeji's and Sora's.

Shadow: Oh, cool.

Micah Araganism; Imma send you links if you want me to finish faster.

Shadow: Sure! 

Micah Araganism

Micah Araganism:Haeji & Ratu.

Shadow 👍

Micah Araganism

Micah Araganism: Sora's fight with John's OCs.

Shadow: Ok!

Micah Araganism: I'm considering moving them by Collateral.

Shadow: Ooh. 

Micah Araganism: I know you guys want me to post all the RR matches now.

Micah Araganism: I wanna finish the culminating chapters that lead to the RR.

Micah Araganism: And finish them all at once.

Micah Araganism: I blame my inner perfectionist for the delay.

Shadow 🙂 take your time

Micah Araganism 👍

Shadow: Gtg

Brandon: Exciting!

Brandon: About the Avatar : Can it be anything? Like a penguin with steampunk goggles and thick eyebrows, and holding a orchestra stick thing, and wears a Cape with a crown stitched on it

Haeji: It would be best if it was human proly

Haeji  And I thought haeji was fighting ryo

Haeji: Oh! And probably Haeji would win against Sora.

Brandon: If it has to be a human, then all that minus the cape, and wears capris pants with suspenders and a white t-shirt underneath and thick, brown, 'welding' gloves.

tkl.artist: Man in a penguin esque outfit who's a mechanic

tkl.artist: Ofc the outfit Brandon said but penguin colors?

Brandon: Blue! Or purple!

NatTheRat96: I have a spoilery fragment.

NatTheRat96 left this message :6:06 PM

Warlin: "I have searched for any trace of Gilgamien, sire, but alas--"

Emperor: "Fret not, Warlin, even without Gilgamien, we can still take control of the Gladatorium. I only need one champion to step forward to commence my revenge. The host will rue the day she crossed me. Once I take over, Nat will scurry away like the rat she is, and the penguin will perish for destroying my pet."

Shadow: Hiiiiiiiii

Shadow: I see everyone is talking about avatars ... O_O

NatTheRat96: It's probably TKL making avatars for the webcomic or smth.

Shadow: Ooooooooh.

Yoshiyuki Matsukata entered for the first time 2 hours ago 7:11 PM

Yoshiyuki Matsukata answered: With love!

Shadow: Uhhhh hello?


Haeji: ok like my bigger sis keeps talkin’ bout chu



tkl.artist: STFU KIRA

tkl.artist: AND YES 


Haeji: oh btw if you wanna join just press the pencil button


Haeji: And then press join chat or write. Something like that 


Haeji: Oh I'm sorry too. I was dying 

Haeji: *sips big sad*


tkl.artist: AND SUGGEST STUFF 


Haeji: Ye

Haeji: *me procrastinating *

NatTheRat96: I decided to name Mirror's illegitimate offspring:

NatTheRat96: I named the 2 females: Mimi, and Crystal.

NatTheRat96: The 4 males: 1) Espe Jo. 2) Glasgow 3) Bellamy 4) Kristoff

NatTheRat96: I may change their names if I could find better ones.

Brandon: Omo. Mirror has bastards...? With whom?

Brandon: Also, welcome new person 

Haeji: Hey Brandon

Haeji: The summoner thing is passed by blood right?

NatTheRat96: Emperor mentioned in the GT that Mirror was a "ladies person". Implying that he begat these bastards with the women he seduced.

NatTheRat96: The naked mirror like teens were forced to fight for survival (cause Emperor is a straight up despot and could feed them to Gilgamien.)

NatTheRat96: One of the mirror boys confessed (as Faim's mirror image) before he got killed off.

NatTheRat96: In this version, we have free reign to give them character development. Aight?

NatTheRat96: I have a hc that either Mirror didn't know he had children, or knew and travelled through dimensions to dodge child support.

Brandon: Yes the binding contract to Breloq is passed through blood.

Brandon: And so is the Rune Magic without the stylus

Haeji: So, would the chirren have the summon powah?

tkl.artist: Uh just so you all know the new person's name is Yos

tkl.artist: Or that's what he told me to call him uwu

Shadow: Okkkkk

Shadow: That is good to know 🙃

NatTheRat96: I was thinking that during the necromancer uprising; the fighters of the GT (minus Chris and Faim) would fight off the undead corpses while Tantetra ensnared the necromancers or something.

Brandon: That can work

tkl.artist: Kira is too puss to tell yall this

tkl.artist: She keeps saying that some if this story stuff yall be talkin abt doesn't adhere to the plit

tkl.artist: Plot 

tkl.artist: She isn't mad she just has concerns

tkl.artist: She didn't want me to tell you this btw kira don't kick me

Brandon: Well, just tell us. Specifically.

Brandon: Perhaps, it does, but not yet fleshed out. Or perhaps it's a plothole that we missed

BrandonI know that there are some, and I am trying to weave it into the plot as a subplot.

Brandon: Meanwhile, I made somewhat of a chronological summary of Ryan's bloodline. It started off as something simple, but as I wrote it, I couldn't stop writing the details. You'll know

tkl.artist: Jdkdkskendjdnjfjfjgjgjfkfjgi

tkl.artist: Uh so any of you subscribed to my webtoon

tkl.artist: Cos I goofed up i forgot to upload a WHOLE AS CHAPTER

Brandon: I am. Was wondering why a sudden mass upload

Haeji: Dayum, so, da baebs are gonna be quarter golem.

Brandon: Well, yes, but actually no. 😬

Shadow: Uhhh. Where is the webcomic?

Shadow: I has ton of apps on the phone.

Shadow: Had to clear up to install Webtoon.

NatTheRat96: *reads Ryan's bloodline* that's hardcore.

NatTheRat96: *Realizes that Rēker was Ryan's grand aunt in a past life.

NatTheRat96: (Brandon, was Sebastian able to find Aurora? If not, sad.)

Brandon: She died. While locked in the ballroom with Ruby and the other 'guests', Ruby killed them in order to survive as long as possible. Her Blood Magic allowed her to use their blood as nutrients

Brandon: When Ryan came to the world with Breloq, Ryan found the seal and accidently opened it when reading the Runes inscribed on the cylindrical key. This allowed the souls trapped in the room to be freed. Sebastian woke after Ruby's blood dripped onto the tree residing in the castle's garden.

Brandon: Sebastian went into rage as he hunted Ruby and Ethas after seeing the pool of blood from the ballroom, and recognised the belongings of Aurora.

Brandon: In summary, Yes, But still sad.


tkl.artist: To shadow: you don't actually need the app uwu just your email or facebook if you have one

tkl.artist: ANYHOO 





tkl.artist: Oh funny story i came out to my cousins and DJ (this one Korean dude who works for my aunt who i walked into the room of on accident once)

tkl.artist: And like they were all pretty chill abt it

tkl.artist: Oh my gaw

tkl.artist: Yall need to stan takayan 😤

tkl.artist: And i want cuffed jeans

tkl.artist: But nOoOoOo

tkl.artist: Jeans just gotta be all uncuffed where i live 

tkl.artist: Catfishing is only fun when you do it with other people

Brandon: Where did the catfish come in? And I think catfishing people is not a good thing regardless of purpose.

Shadow: Oh well I got the app XD

Haeji: He right doe

tkl.artist: I don't do it anymore since the ppl i did it with are not active anymore

Haeji: Sad 

tkl.artist 🙄

tkl.artist: Aight imma study 

Haeji: Also, I’m workin’ on chara designs

tkl.artist: Also Kira told me I'd have to draw this scene in the future so I need practice

tkl.artist: uwu

NatTheRat96I'm in a procrastinating mood after I finally finished editing Haeji's fight with Ratu. 1 down, 1 (or 2) to go.4:43 PM

Haeji: Noice 

Shadow: I told Sunny the family is getting a replacement (Papillon) for him.

Shadow: He almost bit me.

Shadow: almost bit me

Shadow: But uhhh when we do get a dog it will not be a replacement for Sunny

Shadow: If Chihuahuas live up to 20 years and Sunny is 14 he still has 6 years to go XD

Shadow: But judging by his bite force he is not going anywhere anytime soon.

Shadow: TKL, I can't find the webcomic on WebToon. Is it up yet? Everyone is talking about it like it is up, and because I am me, I have zero clue because I am always behind.

Shadow: Thank youuuuu 🙂

Brandon: She was referring to her WebComic, Children of the Ivy (CotY)

Brandon: CotI*

Shadow: Ahhh yeah I saw that.

Shadow: I am trying to document Shadow's history. I should not try to pack that much history.

Shadow: Idk if I should "bring back" Aithne, Arya, or Azalea. I kinda liked them.

tkl.artist: i'll send the link, shadow uwu

tkl.artist: anyhoo, i was thinking i make a webtoon acct for the Auctorians or should we be called Auctor fam?? anyhoo we'd upload the prologue and see how it's recieved.

tkl.artist: on second thought, i'll wait til ep1 is finished

tkl.artist: we'll upload ep1 in 5 separate parts

tkl.artist: maybe we should upload once a week?

tkl.artist: i think that's the best way

tkl.artist: and also i'll ask mello abt the coloring. she hasn't been quite active lately

tkl.artist: and also i'm working on the backgrounds, im done with 3/5

tkl.artist: once the colors and backgrounds are done, i'll make speech bubbles and ask boo to put the text

Shadow: For a new account you'd need an email address.

Haeji: If we're starting we should update 2 times a month? Nvm, 1nce a week 

Haeji asked Chatzy to choose between sat, mon, sun, tue, wen and thur. Chatzy chose: thur

Haeji: It'll update on thursday.

Haeji: But, it's better if we already have half of season 1 done already

Haeji: Then we should make an account


NatTheRat96: Lol, copy-write.

Brandon: Well, if time allows post after finishing epi 1, and post weekly. If it seems like busy and may be of inconvenience, then do as suggested, doing, at least the drafts, up to half the season.

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