Battler's Bloopers 16

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Shadow: Oop computer stuck on all caps sry

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between CC, RR, Collateral and Epilogue. Chatzy chose: RR

NatTheRat96: Even Chatzy wants the Redemption Round done.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Collaboration Colosseum, Redemption Round and Collateral.. Chatzy chose: Collaboration Colosseum

NatTheRat96: Ur teasing me Chatzy.

NatTheRat96: Now for the tie breaker...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Colosseum and Collateral.. Chatzy chose: Colosseum

NatTheRat96: Chapter 30 it is then.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between 30 and 40. Chatzy chose: 30

NatTheRat96: Perfect. Chatzy has decided to end the CC by Chapter 30. (Or after the CC hits 2k views)

NatTheRat96Chatzy, answer me this... who is Haeji's mate?

NatTheRat96: Herring? Ryan? Or Grim?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Herring, Ryan and Grim. Chatzy chose: Herring

NatTheRat96: Chatzy freaking called it!

NatTheRat96: Now Chatzy, answer me this... who is the host's mate? Adrian? Brandon? Glen? Johnathan? Or Saw?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Adrian, Brandon, Glen, Johnathan and Saw. Chatzy chose: Johnathan

NatTheRat96 😃

Byrr-Abang: "Will I get some sweet tender lovin'?"

Byrr-Abang asked Chatzy to choose between Yes and No. Chatzy chose: Yes

Byrr-Abang: "Woo hoo!"

Haeji: What do you mean "mate?"

Samm answered: Eating alive

Haeji: Ello

tkl.artist: Sup

Samm left this message 11 hours ago: 12:09 AM

Hello ?

Haeji: Yo

tkl.artist: What's poppin ppl

Haeji: My heart

Chloe entered for the first time 11 hours ago12:11 AM

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:11 AM

I am drawing like everyday :)

Chloe answered: Tickling To Death

Haeji: Cool me too

Chloe: Hi 

Haeji: Wanna trade art? 

Do anyone have twitter? So we can share art :)

Haeji: I gots google docs lol 

Chloe: i have iMessage 😂

Haeji: No twitter for me i'm 11 lol 

Chloe: Oof 

Haeji: Yes 

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:13 AM

I think trading art is when you draw something for me and I do the same thing for ya, is it ?

Haeji: Well imma give you some of my art and you give some of urs 

Chloe: Oki 

Haeji: I forgot to save better ones but here ya go

Haeji: This one is from, like 2 months ago? I have better ones lol

Rae entered for the first time 11 hours ago12:15 AM

Chloe: I don't use apps to draw yet ;-; 

Haeji: That's oki 

ChloeI use paper and pencil 

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:15 AM

Ohhh you make really good art :0

Haeji: Nice, i used to do that too but lately i haven't 

Rae: Hewwo 

Haeji: Tank chu 

Haeji: Hrwo

Rae :3 

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:16 AM

I guess i am gonna arttrade you haej but idk how do i send files lol

Haeji (●w●)

Chloe: E

Haeji: Oh, you have google docs? 

tkl.artist: It's easy ya have Google docs?

Haeji: Or ate just shows me it via kaokao


Rae: What's happening?-

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:17 AM

I don't have google docs

Haeji: HELL 

tkl.artistt answered: Bishounen

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:18 AM

Oh ok whats tour kakao id ?

tkl.artist: Stupid me exited the chat w out leaving

Rae: I--

Haeji: i am 11 lol

tkl.artist: Ok lemme show Kira the art samm

Haeji: No kaoako for me lol 

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:19 AM

What about gmail?


Rae: ;-; 

K.L.L artist/writer answered: Bishounen

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:20 AM

:0 then how can i send you the done work lol

K.L.L artist/writer: Ooh nice art style samm

K.L.L artist/writer: Oof 

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:21 AM


K.L.L artist/writer: Anywho,

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:22 AM

What about line ?

K.L.L artist/writerNope12:22 AM

K.L.L artist/writerI saw you art tho12:22 AM

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:23 AM

Oma ... what about intsagram ? Lol

K.L.L artist/writeriM RiGhT bEHInd yOu12:23 AM

K.L.L artist/writerI like your chibi art style tho it cute12:23 AM

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:23 AM


K.L.L artist/writerYES I AM I AM EVERYWHERE12:24 AM

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:24 AM

How can you see my art if you don't have kakao ? Omagad chatzy is confusing me

K.L.L artist/writerate showed me lol12:24 AM

Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:24 AM


Samm left this message 11 hours ago:12:25 AM

Who is ate ?

K.L.L artist/writerTala12:26 AM

K.L.L artist/writerI would call her as-

Shadow *hides behind curtain*

Shadow: Too many people for me

Shadow: I'm not an introvert but ... ya.

Shadow: Gtg. Sunny just ripped all of the toilet paper off the roll.

Shadow: Hope he didn't eat some. He'll throw up.

Herring Ja: "Isn't a mate your best friend?"

Stella Spacey: "It's more of a partner."

Stella Spacey: "Or a soulmate."

Ratu: "Eww! Mushy rumance." 🤮

Stella Spacey: "Chatzy, will I return home?"

Stella Spacey asked Chatzy to choose between Yes, No and Never!. Chatzy chose: Never!

Stella Spacey: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Micah Araganism: "Fate must really hate you." Smirks cynically.

Micah Araganism asked Chatzy to choose between You'll never return home either, you'll be disintegrated and you'll return home pennyless. Chatzy chose: you'll return home pennyless.

Micah Araganism: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!"

NatTheRat96: I knew it!

NatTheRat96: Chatzy help me write Stella's ending.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Death by supernova, death by blasters and flayed alive by a mob. Chatzy chose: death by blasters

NatTheRat96: New protag, yes or no?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: no

NatTheRat96: So no sibling for Stella?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no!. Chatzy chose: yes

NatTheRat96: Boy or girl?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between boy and girl. Chatzy chose: boy

NatTheRat96: What's his name?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Furuj Jr, Daw and Yll. Chatzy chose: Daw

NatTheRat96: No girl?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and obviously!. Chatzy chose: no

NatTheRat96: No sibs for Stella then.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between U mad?, Then why ask? and That's your problem. Chatzy chose: U mad?

NatTheRat96: No, I'm disappointed. I wanted to make Stella's sis the next protag to investigate Stella's death. Zodie Yildiz.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Smirnah Spacey, Seres Spacey and Zodie Yildiz. Chatzy chose: Seres Spacey

NatTheRat96: Nevermind, it's better to leave it as it is.

NatTheRat96: Will Stella meet her father?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and never gonna happen. Chatzy chose: yes

NatTheRat96: So the Space Pirate saga is still a go.

NatTheRat96: Which installment?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Cat's Eye, Red Rectangle, Red Square, Helix, Sombrero, Whirlpool and Pinwheel. Chatzy chose: Red Square

NatTheRat96: Nice.

NatTheRat96: I won't consult you about spinoffs.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between good, fine by me, have it your way, whatever and nevermind. Chatzy chose: have it your way

NatTheRat96: When will Haeji die? By Collateral or by Collapse?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between By Collateral and By Collapse. Chatzy chose: By Collateral

NatTheRat96: Halfway or by the end?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between halfway and by the end. Chatzy chose: by the end

NatTheRat96: Excellent.

NatTheRat96: Will Herring get hitched?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no, maybe, never gonna happen and you wish. Chatzy chose: you wish.

NatTheRat96: Nah, that's never gonna happen.

NatTheRat96: Will VilGrim become canon?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no, you wish and only in your dreams.. Chatzy chose: yes

NatTheRat96: Johnathan! Chatzy freaking CONFIRMED IT!

NatTheRat96 knows that Herring and Piros will reconcile regardless of the outcome but asks Chatzy anyway.

NatTheRat96: Chatzy 🎶, will Herring and Piros reconcile?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no, maybe, perhaps and you wish. Chatzy chose: yes

NatTheRat96: Chatzy, who is Piros's mate?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Chika, Herring, Maori Knaiver and Phixa. Chatzy chose: Chika

NatTheRat96: I knew it.

NatTheRat96: Does Warlin have a man crush on the Emperor?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Yes, No and That's classified information. Chatzy chose: Yes

NatTheRat96: Too bad Adrian won't get a hold of this. He'd be like, 😡 {"No!"]

"I did not consent to this. I allowed you to put the Gladatorium Tryout to make the collab epic. Not this."

"And make Mirror the winner."

NatTheRat96: Chatzy: Who'll win the tournament?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Astrid, Annabell, Alexandra, Phixa, Mirror, Ryan, Ryo, June, Scale, Haeji, Chris, Faim, Yin, Violet and Sora. Chatzy chose: Mirror

NatTheRat96: Oops, forgot to add Shadow.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Alexandra, Annabell, Astrid, Breloq, Chris, Faim, Haeji, June, Mirror, Phixa, Ryan, Ryo, Scale, Shadow, Yin and Violet. Chatzy chose: Ryan

NatTheRat96: Speaking of which, these two will be fighting against each other.

NatTheRat96: Now for the most important question.

NatTheRat96: Who will win in the Redemption Round? Sora, or the Delbwöare dragon?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Delbwöare Dragon and Sora Hasaki. Chatzy chose: Delbwöare Dragon

NatTheRat96: Sayonara Sora!

Brandon: Hello, new comers. And lol Chatzy has the insiders. It be giving spoilers with no hesitation.

tkl.artistt: NeWS 

Brandon: Ello 

tkl.artistt: Mello finished the color for the first ep on Ryan's part

tkl.artist: So I just have to match it up w the lineart

tkl.artist: Amanda I also started an anti-hate group chat on kakao

tkl.artistt and i 

tkl.artistt: Wait brb

Shadow: Finished the prompt thingy.

Shadow: Uh.

ShadowThe dialogue thing for the prompt.

Shadow left this message 87 minutes ago:8:32 PM

Shadow perched on a bench, watching Micah take the blood samples.
Spino and Bary stood with Shadow, the trio untrusting.
"I'm not sure about that stand," muttered Bary uneasily.
"Yeah," agreed Spino, grabbing the "trash bin". He dug through it and found a needle, smirking. "You've got the plan now, Ari."
Bary nodded, "Oh yep, evil of you."
"What?" said Shadow.
"Confusion is king," snorted Spino.
Suzanne let Micah take the blood test. Micah frowned. "What ..." No blood was coming out.
Suzanne smirked. "Figured it out yet?"
Micah looked confused. "No ..."
Suzanne dropped her fangs and Micah stumbled backward.
"Dumb alien," she snorted, and waltzed away.
Blue was up next, taunting Micah as she let her do the test.
Bary snuck up behind Micah and quickly drew blood before sprinting back to Spino and the big bag called the trash bin.
She got out a microscope and a slide. Spino helped her drip the blood on. Meanwhile he ran some tests on this blood and another blood sample from Micah.
Shadow analyzed Micah closely, suspicion rising as Verdauga flat-out rejected the test.
Trevor accepted it.
"Blunderhead," snarked Shadow as Verdauga trotted over to join Shadow.
Bary yelled, "Stop!" at the same time as Spino.
"The DNA of this imposter and Micah do not match!" exclaimed Bary once they had huddled together.
Spino added, "Yeah. Definitely. I can search through the intergalactic criminals."
"Why?" Blue was confused.
Spino snorted, "It just makes s e n s e, doesn't it. Micah is an alien. RIGHT? They could pick anyone else but they picked Micah."
"I still think that's dumb," grumbled Blue. She was not happy that "Micah" had a blood sample of her.
"Does that mean she can change into a ghast?" Blue was appalled that the imposter might gain her powers.
"No," Bary said hastily, "she'd have to combine that blood sample with one with you in ghast form."
"Hmm so no pyrokinesis?" asked Verdauga.
"We should ask Blue to demonstrate her powers every time we think we see her," mentioned Suzanne, thinking quickly.
Blue grumbled and switched her feather color as her ghast temper started to flare.
Spino opened his phone and slid the slide with the blood sample into a slot.
"I found a match," announced Spino. "And you won't guess who it is."

Shadow: Lol. Chatzy has the info.

Shadow: Which reminds me bc I was thinking about an extra power for Shadow/vampire

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between there should be one, nope and no need to know. Chatzy chose: nope

Shadow: Owch 

Shadow: Suzanne?

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and maybe .... Chatzy chose: yes

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between pyrokinesis, haemokinesis, hydrokinesis, terrakinesis, ferrokinesis, telekinesis, aurokinesis and corpaekinesis. Chatzy chose: aurokinesis

Shadow: Oh gosh 

Shadow: The ability to manipulate gold

Shadow: Wow

Shadow: But Blue should have exogíinokinesis

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between Shadow will have a power NOW and no she won't. Chatzy chose: Shadow will have a power NOW

Shadow: Yessssssss

Shadow: Let me figure it out 

Shadow: Either mind control or the ability to conjure something she'd seen before



Haeji: pls no more death 

tkl.artistt: Wait what

tkl.artistt: How do you do the choose thing

tkl.artistt asked Chatzy to choose between ryjin and haerring. Chatzy chose: ryjin

tkl.artistt: Wow

tkl.artistt asked Chatzy to choose between juuzoxhaeji and notjuuzoxhaeji. Chatzy chose: notjuuzoxhaeji 

tkl.artistt: Chatzy ON POINT LMAO

Brandon: Collapse people collapse. people will die!!!!

NatTheRat96: Stella won't die during the collab. She'll die like 45-60 years later at a solo mission.

NatTheRat96: It'd be her last mission at the I.B.I.

NatTheRat96: She planned to solve the case in time to arrive at her mom's wedding.

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between mind control and ability to conjure. Chatzy chose: ability to conjure

NatTheRat96: But she didn't make it.

Shadow: Aw that's sad

NatTheRat96: Even sadder is that she didn't know that her mom was prego.

NatTheRat96: And lost the chance to meet her baby sib.

Shadow: Awww

NatTheRat96: That's why I wanted to make the sib investigate.

Micah Araganism: "Noooo."

Zodie Yildiz answered: Shooting

Zodie Yildiz: "Mom! Why didn't you tell me I had a sister?"

Zodie Yildiz: It'd be nearly 250 yrs since Stella's death.

Shadow: Let's see if Verdauga should get a new power

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and try it again. Chatzy chose: yes

Shadow: OK 

Shadow: Great.

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between pyrokinesis, haemokinesis, hydrokinesis, terrakinesis, ferrokinesis, telekinesis and aurokinesis and corpaekinesis. Chatzy chose: haemokinesis

Shadow: Oh gosh

Shadow: What power does Sicariss have?

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between haemokinesis, terrakinesis, telekinesis and ferrokinesis. Chatzy chose: haemokinesis

Shadow: En pointe 

Shadow: What about Loreley 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between terrakinesis, hydrokinesis and ferrokinesis. Chatzy chose: ferrokinesis

Shadow: That is the first time it's been wrong

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between terrakinesis and hydrokinesis and ferrokinesis. Chatzy chose: terrakinesis

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between terrakinesis and hydrokinesis and ferrokinesis. Chatzy chose: hydrokinesis and ferrokinesis

Shadow: Uhhh no 

Shadow: One of those 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between terrakinesis and hydrokinesis and ferrokinesis. Chatzy chose: hydrokinesis and ferrokinesis

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between terrakinesis, hydrokinesis and ferrokinesis. Chatzy chose: terrakinesis 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between terrakinesis, hydrokinesis and ferrokinesis. Chatzy chose: ferrokinesis

Shadow: Okay it's hydrokinesis 

Shadow: Sheesh

Hostess of Colosseum: Chatzy, tell me who'll win at the GT?

Hostess of Colosseum asked Chatzy to choose between Chris, Faim, Felix, Hong Yuhua, Maggie Mazzi, Maori Knaiver, Mewmi and Saki Chong Soo. Chatzy chose: Saki Chong Soo

Hostess of Colosseum: The mute girl. Ooh!

Hostess of Colosseum: What are the chances?

Hostess of Colosseum rolled a die. The die showed: 2

Hostess of Colosseum: Pretty slim. Let's see the others.

Faim rolled a die. The die showed: 6

Faim changed name to Mewmi

Mewmi rolled a die. The die showed: 1

Mewmi: "Boo!" 

Maggie answered: With love! 

Maggie rolled a die. The die showed: 2

Hostess of Colosseum: What are Felix's chances of winning?

Hostess of Colosseum rolled a die. The die showed: 3

Hostess of Colosseum: Maori's? 

Hostess of Colosseum rolled a die. The die showed: 5 

Hostess of Colosseum: And Hong's?

Hostess of Colosseum rolled a die. The die showed: 6 

Hostess of Colosseum: Since Faim and Hong have the highest chances of winning: who would win?

Hostess of Colosseum asked Chatzy to choose between Faim and Hong. Chatzy chose: Hong

Hostess of Colosseum: I knew you'd be a straight up despot about it. 

Hostess of Colosseum: Chris's chances?

Hostess of Colosseum rolled a die. The die showed: 5 

Hostess of Colosseum changed name to Mewmi 

Mewmi: "I'm still no.1, losers!" 

Jinx answered: Poisoning, Drowning Slowly, Then Eating 

Jinx: "Meow!"

Hostess of Colosseum: "I'm still doin it my way."

Hostess of Colosseum: Who will defeat Gilgamien? Chris, Faim, Felix, Hong, Maggie, Maori, Mewmi or Saki? 

Hostess of Colosseum asked Chatzy to choose between Chris, Faim, Felix, Hong, Maggie, Maori, Mewmi, Saki, Simon, The Rat, The Penguin and all the contestants. Chatzy chose: Saki 

Hostess of Colosseum: Who will defeat Warlin?

Hostess of Colosseum asked Chatzy to choose between Saki, Simon, The Rat and Penguin Maestro. Chatzy chose: Simon 

Hostess of Colosseum: Who will defeat the Emperor?

Hostess of Colosseum asked Chatzy to choose between The Rat, Penguin Maestro and Both. Chatzy chose: Penguin Maestro

Hostess of Colosseum: Nice. 

Hostess of Colosseum: Now I see why Chatzy is doing it.

Hostess of Colosseum: Maggie will be the distraction before Saki signs rune magic.

Hostess of Colosseum: Simon will kill Warlin for imprisoning him in the pocket dimension.

Hostess of Colosseum: And Brandon will destroy the Emperor. 

Hostess of Colosseum: Now this is marvelous.

Brandon: Hạ! 

Brandon: That'll be great 

Hostess of Colosseum: YESSSSSSSS 

Breloq: "I wonder if the Emperor is like Lexikreign"

Felin: "Are you still angry that he took your voice?"

Breloq: "I'm over that long ago. But it's great to beat someone like him." 

Ryan: "I don't know if that is better or worse."

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