Battler's Bloopers 8

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Tantetra left this message 15 minutes ago: 7:46 PM

Hexice, pronounced as Hecks-iss, is derived from the words Hex meaning 6 and Dice.
Being the Deity of Luck/Fate his whole being is about luck, from the spade, diamond, clover and heart to his name and abilities.

Tantetra: We are created with the inspiration of the Tarot.

Tantetra: Here is another trivia: Which of the deities known are of which Tarot?

Haeji: So, Breloq = fool card 10:11 PM

Tantetra: You have Breloq already. Now, Felin, ParaVi, Hexice, and me, Tantetra.

Tantetra: If you wish, you can do, though he is a cameo, Pathalias
Brandon: Am I missing anyone? 10:12 PM

Brandon: I feel like I am 

Haeji: Felin is trust right?

Haeji: ParaVi is justice right? 

Tantetra: Incorrect

Haeji: I forgot!

Tantetra: There titles are not direct with teh Tarot 10:13 PM

Tantetra: They are only inspired by them 

Haeji: Hexice = wheel of fortune 10:14 PM

Tantetra: Correct 

Haeji: YASSS 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Oooo

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 64 new posta 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 After a TINY break 

Tantetra: Welcome back

tkl.artist 🎶I hate me now🎶 - Pilly Wonka of Day6 10:15 PM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Thank yoj 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 *You

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 My keyboard hates me 

tkl.artist: Shadow we're dYING here 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 WhY 

Tantetra: They seem to be dying of using their brains

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 That is truly a tragedy 

Haeji: ParaVi is is the deity offff?

Haeji: Tell mee! 10:16 PM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 No fricking idea 

tkl.artist: I'M SMART I SWEAR

Haeji: Give me a tiny clue!

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Mmmmmm

Tantetra: Here is a hint: His ability to see/watch the world 

tkl.artist: Deity of Realms

Tantetra: He is the Deity of Realms 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Um 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Oh wow 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Ya 

tkl.artist: Got it! 10:17 PM

Tantetra: Which Tarot has that resemblance? 

Haeji: paraVi = the emperor

Tantetra: Incorrect 

Haeji: Or judgement 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Oh ya the King?

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀: I'm pretty sure Hexice is the Joker

tkl.artist: i also am just sketching out the designs, with the minimal info i do have. will fill in the blanks later 


Tantetra: Incorrect 10:18 PM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 I don't know anything about cards

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Let me Google it hehe

Tantetra: He watches the world 

tkl.artist: me n u both sis 

tkl.artist: I AM TOO LAZY TO GOOGLE 

Tantetra: Use all your resources to help your findings

tkl.artist: fine 10:19 PM

Tantetra: Then, how about me? 

Tantetra: I should be the easiest 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Queen? 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Oh, so is ParaVi the Ace? 10:20 PM

Tantetra: Incorrect

Tantetra: You seem to be mistaken

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Oh my 

Tantetra: The Major Arcana are the references

Haeji: Hermit? 

tkl.artist: The deity of what?

tkl.artist: tantera is the deity of what?

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 History? 20:21 PM

Tantetra: I am the Deity of Discipline


Tantetra: He is not 

Haeji: DAMN

Tantetra: Though his actions may make him seem so


Tantetra: Incorrect 10:22 PM

Tantetra: Breloq is infatuated by that deity

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Um 

tkl.artist: what is the hierophant what does it mean?

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀  gets mad at Google 10:23 PM

tkl.artist: what does hierophant mean 

Tantetra: The Hierophant is like a teacher. He gains wisdom and shares them with others 


Tantetra: Incorrect 

Haeji: Hexice = tower 10:24 PM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Oh boi

Tantetra: I believe you have already covered Hexice

Haeji: Oh right

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Judgement?

Tantetra: Incorrect

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Is Tantetra the Judgement card?


Tantetra: Incorrect

tkl.artist: DAMMIT 10:25 PM

Tantetra: What are my powers? 

tkl.artist: F IF I KNOW 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀: By our progress I'm guessing none of us know

tkl.artist: i know

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 OH 

tkl.artist: im sed 10:26 PM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 The female pope 

Tantetra: I control the base elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Air

tkl.artist: SHT I FORGOT 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Last judgement? 

Tantetra: Incorrect
Haeji: Tantera = world 

Tantetra: Do not read to deep into this

tkl.artist: TANTERA = WORLD

Tantetra: Incorrect

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Justice 

tkl.artist: wHAT

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Oh my 10:27 PM

tkl.artist: THE TOWER


tkl.artist: THE TOWER

Haeji: Felin = star 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Moon?

Tantetra: Incorrect


𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Oh yeah

Tantetra: Incorrect for Felin 

tkl.artist: IS SHE THE TOWER? 10:28 PM

Tantetra: Incorrect for Tower 

tkl.artist: WhAT

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Oh mY

Tantetra: As much I dislike the Tarot position, I am placed next to Breloq

Tantetra: usually 

Haeji: Magician 10:29 PM

tkl.artist: SHE IS THE MAGICIAN 

Tantetra: That I am 

tkl.artist: I SAID IT FIRST KIRA

Brandon: Lol 

Haeji: Felin = justice


Tantetra: Tha is incorrect 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Hehe

Tantetra: What is Felin? 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 OH 10:30 PM

tkl.artist: felin = lovers


Tantetra: Incorrect for both

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Sun

Tantetra: That is your hint: What is Felin?

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 time out before anyone figures it out 10:31 PM

tkl.artist: deity of trust

Tantetra: Not her title 

tkl.artist: STRENGTH

Tantetra: Correct

tkl.artist: SHE A LION

tkl.artist: U LOSERS

Brandon: Lmao

tkl.artist: I LOVE MYSELF 

Haeji: WAIT

Tantetra: Yes, Haeji? 10:32 PM

Haeji: Paravi? 

tkl.artist: can we clarify who was who again?

Haeji: Is he the tempest?

Tantetra: No he is not 

tkl.artist: he's the joker 

tkl.artist: right?

Haeji: I don't know why I said that

Haeji: So, paraVi can see right?

Tantetra: Though he looks like an idiot, he is not 10:33 PM

Tantetra: He sure can

Tantetra: For he has mnay eyes

tkl.artist: he's the hanged man

Tantetra: Correct

tkl.artist: CHALK UP ONE FOR TKL

tkl.artist: BE PROUD MOM

Tantetra: Would you like to list them again?

tkl.artist: idk why i said the hanged man even 10:34 PM

tkl.artist: o yes pls

Brandon: The hanged man represents a person hanging upside down viewing the world from a different perspective

tkl.artist: ooooooh

Tantetra: Breloq = Fool, Tantetra = Magician, Felin = Strength, Hexice = Wheel of Fortune, ParaVi = Hanged Man 10:35 PM

Haeji: Is that it?

Tantetra: There is one brethren that made a verbal cameo: Pathalias 10:36 PM

Haeji: What is his line?

Brandon: Checking

Haeji: Cause I can't remember

tkl.artist: also out of the blue but ethnicities? i'm 100% filipino but born in good ol US.

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Arguments 10:41 PM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Heehee 10:42 PM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Wait Breloq is the Fool?

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 I thought that was Hexice

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Oh well

Brandon: Nevermind. Found the quote. Chapter 10. "Breloq requested the severance of the mind connection between you and him," Pathalias explains. 10:50 PM

Tantetra: Though not mentioned, he is the Deity of Bonds

Tantetra: Breloq is inspired by the Fool 10:51 PM

Tantetra: The Fool represents possibilties. That can also mean the Freedom or Liberty to use what you want to be at places you want to be 10:52 PM

Brandon: Lol I had a stroke 10:53 PM

Tantetra: The Wheel of Fortune represents a change of fate or a continuation of fortune or misfortune. Something Hexice loves. 10:54 PM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 I'm surprised 9:54 AM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Not so much of an explosion this night 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Which one of you sits in bed with a phone at 1 AM? 

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 I forgot. 9:55 AM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Hehe 

Brandon: Your 1 am or my 1 am? My 1 am I'm already asleep. Your 1 am I may be awake...11:28 AM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 Mine 11:34 AM

𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀 But it may be the same. I'm in Florida 11:35 AM

Tantetra: To answer Micah, I can manipulate blood. As for the other information provided, I do not know of your human or rather your world's technology and terminologies. 12:33 PM

Brandon: I reside in British Columbia. 12:34 PM

Brandon: Which is the opposite side of you 12:34 PM

Brandon: Therefore, I am mostly likely to be awake than asleep.

Tantetra left this message 118 minutes ago:1:22 PM

ParaVi, Deity of Realms
His name rhymes with "part of eye".
Deriving from the word Para meaning outside, and Vi the Roman numeral for 6, he is the symbolizes an entity that watches over the ideological 6 realms of Buddhism.
Though he does not have a set of eyes on his face, eyes are placed upon his body instead. He has one vertical eye in the centre of her face which only opens when he is paralyzing his target as he reads their thoughts.
He enjoys watching people and worlds rather than to interact with them. If he needs to fight, he uses a pole as his weapon.
As for his abilities, he has an item known as Oculli, a big mirror that shows multiple images/events in present time. Unfortunately, perhaps, the Oculli does not produce sounds. It can be repair itself, and break off to create a smaller version of itself. Being a Deity of Realms he is also a guardian of one, and that is the the realm of the afterlife. Coincidentally, his name is can be a conjugated form of the Italian word, parare meaning to parry, ward off, or fend. He can open the gates of the afterlife to interact with the dead.
He came to be when a group of children his themselves throughout their captured village. They observed their raiders and attempted assassination to win back their home. Though victorious, many lives were lost.
He represents the present as Hexice represents the future. As mentioned, there are 22 deities in total, thus, there is another that represents the past. However, she will not be noted, for she is not an important role. At least not the moment.

Haeji: I see

Micah Araganism: "Very well." 3:33 PM

Micah Araganism: "Let's get outta here, Spacey." 3:34 PM

Stella Spacey: "I'll be fighting in the Redemption Round tonight. Bye!" I waved goodbye at Micah. 3:35 PM

Micah Araganism: "Whatever, it's your funeral." I walk away. 3:36 PM

Micah Araganism: Pathalias may be the HERMIT.

Herring Ja: "I can't wait to find out who my opponent is gonna be."

Brandon: 🚫 Incorrect 3:41 PM

NatTheRat96: Haeji loves boba, and Herring loves sake.

Brandon: The Hermit belongs to someone else that has been mentioned, though I believe he wasn't named.

Micah Araganism: "Coccus!" 3:42 PM

Micah Araganism: Missed.

NatTheRat96: Haeji and Herring would have a debate about their favorite drink. 3:43 PM

NatTheRat96: Herring would name his fanbase TEAM SAKÉ. And Haeji would name her fanbase TEAM BOBA. 3:44 PM

Brandon: If those are the only choices then I'll have to side with HaeJi.

Herring Ja flips table. 3:45 PM

Herring Ja: "Well, at least it's not fish oil."

Tantetra: I do not know of this Boba therefore I must go with sake 3:46 PM

Herring Ja: "Yes!" 

Herring Ja: QUALITY SAKÉ. 3:47 PM

Violet: "I prefer herbal tea." 3:48 PM

Tantetra: A fine drink

Violet: "Indeed." 

Violet: "Too bad most markets are selling rum and sake nowadays." 3:49 PM

Tantetra: That indeed sounds unfortunate 3:53 PM

Violet: I don't talk much. 3:54 PM

Tantetra: And I talk only when necessary 3:55 PM

Violet: That's another thing we can agree on. 3:56 PM

Tantetra: Would you like to be enlightened by the knowledge of another brethren? 4:01 PM

NatTheRat96: Please do.

Faim: "So that's it for today." 4:04 PM

Tantetra: Which would you like to hear first? Breloq's interest, the missing trio, or the first deity? 

NatTheRat96: Oooh, the 1st deity. 4:05 PM

NatTheRat96: Followed by Breloq's interest, and lastly, the missing trio. 

NatTheRat96 👀 4:06 PM

Tantetra: Ah... Yes, Vivanastra, Deity of Desires

Mewmi (I'm adding filler with Mewmi and Faim in the meantime.) "I've been wanting to fight for a while now." Then Mewmi overhears about vacant bosses. 4:09 PM

Mewmi: "I want it!" But before she could do so, one of the employees take out the flyer. "Sorry, it's full." Said the employee before he walks away. 4:10 PM

Mewmi: "Nyooh! It's not fair!" Mewmi shapeshifts into a cat, chasing the employee, clawing the hem of it's pants." 4:12 PM

Faim: Picks up Mewmi as she flailed angrily at the employee. "No! Bad kitty." 4:14 PM

Faim: Mewmi whined as she laid her haid on Faim's shoulder, sobbing. 4:15 PM

Faim: Then he takes Mewmi to the foodstands to buy comfort food. 4:17 PM

Tantetra left this message 108 minutes ago:4:22 PM

Composed of the words Vivan which is derived from the word to live or living, and Astra meaning star.
She is the first deity to come into being. And as such, the most powerful entity for she can alter reality. However, once she uses her power she goes into slumber.
Born from the faith and desires of the first human settlement, she gathered their wishes and input them into theur dying chief. That chief had powers close to the God's though limited quantity. From the point of his creation, unfortunate events followed, involving magic and faith. He later was known as Prometheus.
Being the first and strongest diety, only her powers can be undone by her.

Faim 👁👄👁 4:25 PM

NatTheRat96 👁👄👁 4:26 PM

Tantetra: I agree with your response 4:29 PM

Tantetra: Her existence can be a lot

NatTheRat96: Must be overwhelming, imagine countless children wishing upon a star and Vivanastra doing all the work. 4:30 PM

Tantetra: Aside from the first appearance, she only grants one wish every time she appears. 4:31 PM

Tantetra: And she appears before the person who's desire is the deepest

NatTheRat96: That's very clever on her part. 4:32 PM

NatTheRat96: 1 wish for 1 mortal.

Tantetra: It is not her choice for that is what she is 4:34 PM

NatTheRat96: Oh.

Tantetra: In a way, she nothing more than a slave to human desires 4:35 PM

Tantetra: Of course, she does not see it that way at all 4:36 PM

NatTheRat96: Ok.

Haeji: "In this world, we all suffer at least once." 4:43 PM

Haeji: "I've had my share of it."

Haeji: "But, in this world............there are many beautiful things too!' 4:44 PM

Haeji: -Hwa Hae Ji

Haeji: Ok, woohoo 7:48 PM

Eimy: Looks at her brothers scars. "Looks like you're healing since the incident."

Haeji: What is Faim's sis name 7:49 PM

Faim: "Yeah, I thought that the scratch marks wouldn't go away." 7:50 PM

tkl.artist: Uiwo, right?

Haeji: Oh right

Faim: "Her name's Eimy."

tkl.artist: sowwy 7:50 PM

Haeji: "OHH right! Mochi's better"

Faim: "It's ok."

tkl.artist  eats popcorn 7:51 PM

Haeji: "*cough cough*


Eimy: "I almost thought you died."

Eimy: "Mewmi did a number on you." 7:52 PM

Faim: "Yeah." Remembers Mewmi in her feral form when they met.

Haeji: So, I know this is weird but, what would Mochi look like as a human like Mewmi? 7:53 PM

Mewmi: "Were you guys talking about me?"

Mewmi: "Oh. Would probably have brown hair and tan skin. Maybe."

tkl.artist: why did Eimy do this?? 7:54 PM


Eimy: "Do what?"

tkl.artist: wHY did MEWMI DO THIS?? 7:55 PM

Faim: "It's kinda of a long story."

Mewmi: "And they're gone." I leaned to whisper into Faim's ear, "kinda rude if you ask me." 7:56 PM

Eimy: "They probably have urgent matters to attend to." 7:57 PM

Dirlu: "What did I miss?" 7:58 PM

Tantetra: Which one would like to know first: Breloq's interest, or the missing trio? 7:59 PM

NatTheRat96: Breloq's interest.

Dirlu: "Oooh, I love a good story." Opens fan.

Hostess of Colosseum left this message: 8:13 PM

The Boss slots are full. BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!

Hostess of Colosseum flipped a coin. The coin showed: Heads 8:16 PM

Hostess of Colosseum: Aw yeah!

Tantetra left this message 3 minutes ago: 8:24 PM

Rekēr, Deity of Secrets
Her name is comprised of the words Repair, and Key, which are the opposite to Breloq.
As his opposite, her powers revolve around locks, cages, cells, and imprisonments.
She was the one that, ironically, unlocked Breloq's potential. At first, he only travelled by existing doors, not by conjuring them up. When she came to be, and they met, she told him three hints of his powers: 1) Not all doors have to look like doors, 2) Not all doors can be seen, 3) Just because it can't be seen, does not mean it does not exist. Despite helping him, she also created an array of cages to trap him in, and in order to restrain his actions. She believed his liberal acts is contradictory to deity's nature.
She was born from the first witch hunt. A girl was ousted for having a taboo magic, blood magic. At that time, a mysterious man came by. He told the villagers how to contain that witch, a sacrifice to conjure a deity. That, however, was just a theory, an untested hypothesis. The villagers, though, were naive and scared to think of other plans. So, the village gathered to pray upon the divine, hoping to manifest a deity that would deal with the 'heathen'. Two sisters stepped forward as offerings. One sister was taken and Rekēr was born, while the other became a tether, a contractor to keep Rekēr at bay.
Because Breloq likes puzzles, and believes he can undo any locks, he enjoys the thrill of all the cages and cells Rekēr place him in. His claustrophobia only occurs after a set period of time when he is unable to escape his imprisonment.

Mewmi flipped a coin. The coin showed: Heads

Mewmi: "Ooh! Let's see if I get tails this time. 8:25 PM

Mewmi flipped a coin. The coin showed: Heads

Mewmi: "Boo!"

Mewmi rolled a die. The die showed: 6

Mewmi: "I was thinking 3, but that works too." 8:26 PM

Mewmi: Noe to test the other commands. "Mewhahahah!"

Mewmi plans to sneak in to the Redemption Round. 8:27 PM

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