Chapter 1

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The competitors have gathered to compete in the tournament to test their worth. Their strength, skills, and valor.

Master Yin arrived at the stadium, though it looked more like a dome. At the entrance he found a young receptionist. That wore a red and white uniform with her black hair tied in a bun. 

"Welcome sir, are you here to watch the tournament?" She asked.

"No, child, I came to compete." Yin replied. 

"You would have to sign the form." The receptionist passed the form which was read and written in Japanese. He signed his name as 陰. "Arigato." The receptionist thanked him for his cooperation.

He and the receptionist gave each other a court bow as it is part of their custom. The Yamitzu master entered the stadium before the receptionist followed him.

Hwa Hae Ji signed up to enter the tournament. 

Don't worry Joon, once I get the money, you'll get the treatment that you need.

The New Korean thief received a phone call from an unknown number. "Hello?"

"I have your brother." Hwa Hae Ji froze in fear. "If you want your brother back in one piece, you will have to do as I say. Unless you want him in pieces." The phone hung up.

No, it can't be. Nonononono. 

Hae Ji sprinted to the entrance before she stood in front of a blonde receptionist, her green glinting with malice against Hwa Hae Ji's heterochromic eyes.

"Welcome to the Gladatorium! My name is Patricia..." The blonde pulled a bracelet from her three coloured jacket and slapped it on Hwa Hae Ji's wrist as the bracelet tightened around the Korean thief's wrist like a handcuff as it latched on to her skin like a leech. "...and I will be making sure that no thief comes in to steal within these walls. You will be following my instructions if you want your brother returned safe and sound, unwilling to comply will result in an instant death for your brother. The same fate will also befall on you if your brother attempts to escape. Have a nice day!" Patricia allowed Hwa Hae Ji to enter after the warning.

Chris drove on his blue car, taking the quickest route to the Colosseum. "Are you sure that competing in a tournament is the best option?" His brother asked him.

"It is the only option I have at the moment." 
Chris said before taking a left turn, swerving the car.

"Father already found us. He won't stop until he kills us and blows up this planet." Tony said, nearly reminding Chris of all the times they had to transport from planet to planet after their father destroyed the one they were residing at the time. They had been planet hopping since they were children, long before they managed to keep a low profile on planet Earth during the 1960s, Chris turned 200 back then, he became an adult by Venusian standards. Tony however, was just a teenager back then. Their slow aging raised questions, so they had to resort to moving from country to country and changing their identities until they settled in Australia. When Tony turned 200, he abandoned Chris to start his own life during the late 80s. Even if they were apart, at least Chris felt that he was free of his father's shadow, until now.

"NOT ON MY WATCH!" Chris yelled, stepping on the gas pedal harder. Reaching nearly 68 MPH.

Their father smirked as he looked at the outskirts of the city. "No matter where you run or where you hide, I will always find you. I can sense your energy signature from here my sons, and once I have you in my clutches. I will take away your powers and turn you to ashes along with this miserable planet." He said. A predator awaiting for his prey.

Chris needed to get to the Colosseum, the prize that they were offering was similar to a gem that Chris took from Brianna's hands. A gem that had enough power to wipe out the electricity of an entire city. If she wanted the gem to control a majority of people to do her bidding. Imagine if the large gem fell into his father's hands. He would use it to control the minds of many or he would use it to power his deathray to cause another genocide. He needed to win in order to make the switch.

He needed more time. He knew that entering the tournament was just a distraction to hide from his father for a while until he was prepared to face him. But also he needed to test himself just to see how strong he has become. 

He released the gas pedal, as the car slowed down. That's what he needed, to slow down and take a break. A reprieve.

"Not now, Tony."

Chris sky blue eyes were looking at the stadium. It looked just like the one from the poster. At one side, it looked like the Sydney Opera House and on the other side, it looked similar to a roman Colosseum.

He got out of the car.

Tony saw Chris walk to the stadium. A brunette wearing a blue and white uniform was standing at the entryway.

"Welcome to the Gladatorium. How may I help you?" Jane Doe asked.

"My name is Chris. I'm here to participate in the tournament." 

"As a competitor? Or as a spectator?" Jane Doe asked.

"Competitor." Chris replied.

"Would you like to fight in the Magic Division? Or in the Melee Division?" Jane asked.

"Magic Division. Are there any other questions?" Chris asked her.

"Would you like to sign this form?" Jane asked before Tony catched up to him. While Chris was signing the form she asked Tony the same questions.

"He is only here to spectate." Chris clarified so that his brother didn't have to go through the same ordeal with the trivial questionnaire.

"That will be thirty dollars." Jane clarified before Tony paid for the ticket. "Glad to be of service." The receptionist gave a superficial smile before the Venusian brothers entered the stadium.

"State your name please." The receptionist asked.
"Astrid Matsumoto."
"Welcome to the Gladatorium. Are you here to compete in the tournament? Or to spectate?" A man in a red and white jumpsuit inquired.
"To compete." The silver haired girl replied.
"Magic or Melee?" The receptionist asked.
"Magic." Astrid responded.
"Right this way." The female receptionist brought her inside.

Alexander Halt entered into the underground HQ to give a report on the Raves (white robots) that have been captured and dismantled. His black and blue bodysuit had scorch marks, his dark blue eyes surveyed the perimeter before arriving in Peterson's office.

The team leader of the crew adjusted his round thinned glasses as he had been working on the latest device to deactivate the Raves, through an EMP wave, that with the right frequency. It could send an electromagnetic signal to shut down the machines. The blonde heard someone drop the folder on his desk.

"Here are the reports." Alexander said, exhaustion laced in his tone.
"Good work Halt, though I'm kind of busy at the moment." Logan recalibrated the device before he took a quick glance at his comrade.
"The rest of the gang are almost done with the reports, I'll go take a shower before I pick up Astrid."

"About that, I sent Astrid to investigate the new hotspot that popped up. There had been rumors about a tournament going on around and I need intel to check if they're not using the tournament as a cover up for selling Rave parts." Logan stated as he pressed the keyboard. The security system got activated before he received a video call from Ash.
She showed her ombre braided blue hair as her gray eyes contrasted with her tawny skin. "I completed my task within my jurisdiction. I just sent my report a minute ago, did you get it?" She asked.

"Sorry about that Ash, I've been focused on recalibrating the security, you know how long these updates take." Logan responded.
"Has Astrid contacted you yet?" Halt asked.
"No, not yet anyway." Sorchya replied, right before Logan received another video call from Tr Hills, the screen showed his black hair with red tips before his green eyes could be seen. Robotic sounds coming from the Raves could be heard.
"I just dismantled the Raves. How's the security system coming along?" Tr asked.
"I just installed it." Logan replied.
"Great, I'm done here. I'll file the report after I get something to eat. Hey Alex, didn't see you there." Tr hollered.
"Sup man." Alexander said to Tr, before Octavia also came to the video chat with gold and black steampunk glasses. 
"Hi, sorry I'm late, I had to catch the Rave that tried to steal the microchips. Someone planted a bug that can be seen inside the mainframe." Octavia showed the mainframe of the Rave's head with a faulty chip.
"Octavia, Astrid went to investigate Hokkaido Stadium near your district, has she come out yet?" Logan asked.
"Well, you know Astrid, once she gets into trouble there's no stopping her." Octavia commented while she saw something move her white shoulder length hair with blue tips swayed above her shoulders along with her golden hoop earrings. "Gotta go, I'll be there after I take care of another Rave." Octavia said before logging out, then Tr and Ash did the same.

At the stadium, they stood in front of the entrance. "State your name please." The receptionist asked.
"You gotta be kidding right?" Alexander scoffed.
"State your name please." The female receptionist asked the second time in a robotic tone.
"Logan Peterson." The team leader responded.
"Logan, you're not serious are you?" Alexander whispered at Logan.
"Welcome to the Gladatorium. Are you here to compete in the tournament? Or to spectate?" A man in a red and white jumpsuit inquired.
"To spectate." Logan replied.
"Enter to get your ticket." The female receptionist said while she gestured to the entrance.
"State your name please?" The receptionist asked.
"Alexander Halt." 
"Ash Sorchya."
"Tr Hills."
"Octavia Kumar." Each stated their names one by one.
"Welcome to the Gladatorium. Are you here to compete in the tournament? Or to spectate?" A man in a red and white jumpsuit inquired.
"To spectate." Alexander responded, then Ash, Octavia, and finally, Tr.
"Enter to get your ticket." The female receptionist said while she gestured to the entrance.

Ryo Balthyra signed up for the Magic Division, and entered into the Colosseum. "Welcome, Mr. Balthyra." An elven woman greeted.

It won't be long until Nulekai comes. Ryo thought as he walked inside.

"Please sign this form if you want to participate." A blonde receptionist requested. Phixa signed up for the Magic Division with beautiful calligraphy. "Welcome to the tournament. Have a nice day!"

Indoraptor - basic pattern (Ripper)

Indoraptor - vivid pattern (Shadow)

Indoraptor - albino pattern (Cinderella, aka Indy)

Indoraptor - taiga pattern (Suzanne)

Velociraptor (Bluefen is the same body structure but her feathers and body are gray and her eyes are yellow)
Sorry for the pictures, but I wanted to put them in here if anyone is confused what they look like or something. The Internet yields many things!
"Welcome to the Colosseum! How may I help you?" The receptionist greeted the Indoraptors while they breathed down her neck, mostly Suzanne, while Shadow licked her bloody teeth in a way that suggested the receptionist was her next meal. 
"I wanna join the tournament. I have a poisonous bite, and I'm hungry." Shadow smiled creepily, the kind of smile that makes you feel like it wants your hand.
"I have to warn you that killing - and eating - your opponent is strictly forbidden within the tournament. If your poisonous bite is not deadly, you can still participate," the receptionist clarified. "Since your species can't hold a pen, I have a jar of ink available. Simply dip your claw to sign. Or would you prefer a paw print to confirm your entry?" The receptionist asked before the Indoraptors looked at each other. "I can hold a pen," snapped Shadow in high dudgeon, before wrapping her hand around a pen and scrawling something barely legible as an S  before the pen broke in half under her grip. 

"Have a nice day!" The receptionist grabbed the form after the Indoraptor stalked into the Colosseum with her cronies. The receptionist entered the stadium some time after the Indoraptors - just in case - to change her blouse since it was splattered with ink.

A receptionist stood behind the booth, waiting for any contender to show up. Any contender at this point, he was bored out of his mind that no one signed up to compete. Sure, the Colosseum was packed with spectators, but not a single fighter came to sign up, that is until he saw a tall man with silver hair stepped forward. Accompanied by a girl with brown hair and tan skin, though she was a lot older than she looked.  

"Are you here to compete?" The receptionist asked.
"No, I'm only here to spectate," Eros said, though the receptionist couldn't hide his disappointment, "but m'lady would like to participate in the tournament." The silver haired wizard gestured towards the girl.
The girl took off her hood to show her face and her brown wavy hair.

"It's the human evolution," the receptionist thought, he had heard rumors about her, but he never thought that he would see her face to face. "Would you like to fight in the Melee Division or in the Magic Division."

"Magic..." Annabell said before the receptionist slipped the form for her to sign. 

He looked at Eros, "the ticket costs thirty dollars." 

A steep price for a small ticket? No matter. A small price to help lady Luna help her regain her honor. The handsome wizard paid for the money after Annabell finished signing the form.

"Welcome to the Gladatorium." The male receptionist gave a cynical smile.

June Lily walked up into the entrance where María dropped her off. "You have made progress since our first session. Practice what I've taught you."

"Thank you." June smiled as she watched the brunette walk away.

After she completed her training she finally saw her little sister, though she couldn't see June. "Let me talk to her." June requested, practically begging.

"Only after you compete in the tournament. We will allow her to watch you fight in the arena." One of the guards of the underground told her.
"But–" June started.
"When you defeat all the competitors, we will let your sister go. If not, both of you shall be the master's henchmen. That is the message we were to relay to you." The man responded.

That conversation happened the night prior, now, she was determined to win. "Wait for me sis, I'll get you outta there." She said to herself, almost like a vow.

June walked up to the entrance.

Jane Doe prepared the forms by the time she saw the first client. "Is this where I sign up for the tournament?" June Lily asked her.

"Of course, welcome to the Gladatorium. Sign this form to confirm your participation for the tournament." Jane Doe passed the form as she passed the pen to the young blonde.

After June signed, the receptionist took the form. 

"Just take a left turn to reach the hall and then take a right turn to meet up with the other contestants, have a nice day." The receptionist instructed before she left her post to bring the forms to the office.

"Yeah, I know that already. What do you think I am, stupid?"

Alexandra sketched the architecture of the stadium that she was going to enter. The stone walls, the wide entrance and the five stories. She couldn't wait to draw her angel form and her flaming swords against her opponent. The light shedding on the arena. She was curious what her opponents would look like. Would they like superheroes and manga like I do? Alexandra asked herself as she pressed the eraser of her pencil again, her olivine eyes beaming with new found inspiration.

Then she flipped a page from her sketchbook to draw herself in her angelic form, standing in a heroic pose, fists on her hips as her flaming wings were outstretched in a flaming light with a heroic smile, Horikoshi style. 

Alexandra loosened her hair from the french braid that she had all day and turned off the lamp to get some sleep. In the dream, she found herself in her angel form as she stood in front of the large stadium.

As she walked in, a blonde receptionist stood in front of the entrance to greet the participant. "Welcome to the Gladatorium, my name is Patricia, how may I help you?"

"My name is Alexandra, I would like to compete in the tournament."

"Splendid, all I needed was your confirmation." Patricia moved aside to let Alexandra pass as she gestured her had to the entrance, "Right this way."

That was odd. Alexandra thought though it wasn't going to dampen her mood to enter so she dashed right in a matter of seconds.

"Your name, sir!" The receptionist asked. 
"Scale." The reptilian replied in a nervous mutter.
"Welcome to the Colosseum, Scale! Since you're the last competitor that we needed for the tournament. We hope that you don't mind entering the Melee Division since the rest of the competitors are waiting for the match to start." The receptionist said. "As for your friends, you can get the tickets for 20 coins each."

On hearing the receptionists last remark, Scale looked over at the one that had led him here to this arena. He felt like making a sly comment that Grim was far from his friend but thought better of it, as he saw no reason to cause an unnecessary scene. 

Blade didn't like the receptionist, but he was willing to ignore him for Melon's sake. Though Grim gave an insidious grin at the receptionist. "I will gladly take your soul." Though the receptionist found Grim menacing, he kept a straight face. 

"I should remind you that killing is strictly forbidden." The receptionist countered though he was sweating. 

"You're kidding?!" The Shadow Soldiers said in unison.

Grim gives of a grumbling humph, while Scale breathes a deep sigh of relief.

"Those are the rules." The receptionist shrugged. Grim grumbled behind them as they entered the tournament.

"The time has almost come for the tournament to begin." The hostess spoke as she watched from atop of the room that had a one-sided glass, eyeing one of the contestants enter the stadium.

Elsewhere in another dimension, a cloaked warrior came to the Colosseum. "Welcome to the Gladatorium. Are you here to compete, or to spectate?" Patricia asked before silvery hands uncovered his hood to reveal a sleek fighter, his face akin to a shiny statue, using sign language to confirm his entry.

"Welcome back Mr. Mirror. How was your vacation?" Patricia asked. "Dull, I'm glad to be back." Mirror signed, "Who will be the lucky contender to face me?" Combat Mirror asked in sign language as his glassy face locked on to Patricia.

"Beats me," Patricia paused, "the new competitor will have to try really hard to take your title." She smiled, Mirror shapeshifted into Patricia's likeness, though paralleled.

"You got that right sweetheart. My skills are unparalleled." Mirror said as he spoke just like Patricia.

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