Spectator: Hexice Enters the Colosseum

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Hexice twirled around his foot. His clover patterned skirt swayed behind him. He took off his wide brim hat and tossed it into the air. The other eye finally opened revealing its diamond pupil. His eyes glittered with joy. And his body, ecstasy.

"How wonderful!" He shrilled. "A future I cannot see from people I do not know. The excitement is overflowing!"

As Hexice was venting his delight, ParaVi was observing the worlds with his Oculli. His eyes hung at each tip of his green and purple jester hat, six different view from six eyes. The eye on his back kept watch on Hexice while the eye on each shoulder were asleep.

"If you desire to know the outcome, why don't you spectate them from inside the arena?" ParaVi spoke turning his eye-less face towards Hexice. "Front row perhaps, if you are lucky."

Hexice crossed his arms, closed his eye with the diamond pupil, and tilted his head to think. He then traced the red heart on his porcelain white lips. "I don't need to see it there when I can just borrow your Oculli to watch from here." His fingers formed a monocle around his eye with the spade pupil. "That is enough information, I need to see the future."

The eyes on ParaVi's shoulders opened. "My powers are not your toys," he clarified. "I only lent it to you because I was on a break."

"Then take another," Hexice teased.

ParaVi turned away. "He won't open a gate for you."

Hexice tapped his fingers and pouted. "No... Well, it is not his job to do so anyway." He pranced his way up to ParaVi. "So, just let me watch from here."

A golden pole suddenly erected from beneath Hexice, almost hitting him. ParaVi grabbed the pole and pointed at Hexice. "I assume you very well know how this will end if you continue your act."

Hexice replied with his spade eye smiling.

Without warning, a person spoke, "I can make some arrangements."

Hexice turned and ParaVi's eye on one of his shoulders shifted to see Patricia several meters from them. She stood with her legs close together. Her hands met at her thighs as they held a letter. She greeted them with a wide smile and closed eyes.

Hexice's eyes darted at ParaVi, asking him 'when she was there', only to have a reply of a shrug and lowering of the pole.

"As a worker of the Colosseum, you are both invited to join the stands as you watch and cheer for the participants," Patricia explained, presenting the letter.

Hexice, the seven feet deity, walked up to her, looked down on her, and surveyed her and the letter.

"I'm no expert in magic, but I am positive you came by teleportation, a magic governed by Breloq," Hexice said unamused. "And I am quite sure he qould not assist the transportation of you or your fashion."

Thought short, there was an ominous delay before she replied, "I agree, but he or any of you use, is, as similar as it may seem, different from the ones entering the arena." Her green eyes deadlocked with his black spade.

Their battling glare broke as ParaVi told Hexice to take the letter. "Stop acting coy and just take the free ticket."

Cautiously, Hexice's elongated white fingers pinched the letter at its cornerand removed it from Patricia's hands. As he read the letter, he turned to ParaVi, only to see that he was no longer within his world. He was already at the Colosseum.

"Intriguing," he uttered with a smirk. His diamond eye opened a slit.

"Glad to hear that," Patricia said from behind him. "I hope you will continue to enjoy your stay."

Hexice tossed the letter into the wind. The letter vanished just as quickly.

"Well," he said while stretching his back and arms, "since I'm here, I might as well try and find Breloq." He began to skip down the hall and sang aloud, "Oh, Breloq!"

Written by: PenguinMaestro

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