Sora Hasaki

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Sora Hasaki was just a young girl who knew not of her parents. She had weird dreams of them, and she knew they lived. It was almost as if she was separated from them in an alternate world. Anyway, it was about 6 years old that she knew she could break the walls of reality and go to a place between worlds called the 'cosmos'. She met up woth a boy named Trever, who was also like her. They found out from an old Baker man that they were what they were called Arivex. A type of soul that is a guardian for the cosmos and can travel dimensions.

When she was 10, Trever's world died. It had been dying for a while and that's why Trever left. He blamed Sora and chased her through the dimensions. 1 year later, she was cornered in the cosmos when she found a purple dimension crystal. These crystals hold their use their magic to hold together the cosmos. One called to her, and it linked causing her to use its power to make her weapon 'Daybreaker' which is like a two pointed Trident looking staff. She used it to banish Trever between the fabric of reality. The power caused a lightning bolt like scar from her left eye down to her waist.

She then found a few other dimension crystals which were linked to other people. She found them making a team of 'Dimension Guardians'. Though Thomas, Stacey, Maria and Zack are not Arivexes, they use their crystals to follow Sora. Later on the present day, ish, Trever escapes and fights him again. Trever is currently on the loose, though more of a rogue and not after Sora anymore. Sora now protects the Cosmos and dimensions with the group against many types of black magic...


Sora Hasaki was in the natural realm staying inside her house during quatantine. After months of the virus outbreak, she prepared herself to decide which online course she was going to take, when she clicked on the webpage. An unwanted advertisement popped up, it was about a stadium. It had romanesque architecture and had a crystals above the entryway of the stadium. When she took acloser look at the image, it looked eerily similar to the gem on her necklace.

That is when she felt a disturbance, her gem glowed. Her supernatural body felt a shift in the Cosmos. A red light blinked when she looked below, as she took a step back, she spotted a round building in a shape of a spikey wreath, as small as a firefly before it vanished. It had a similar energy to Thomas's crystal, though it had a different aura to it.

"Thomas? Is that you?" She asked before she felt a similar spark before she turned slightly to her left. Her purple necklace lit up again as it tilted slightly to the side to show an orange light blinking before it glowed to show a ring as bright and golden as one of María's bangles. "Zack!" She knew that Zack was a ray of sunshine, fun, energetic, spastic even though he wasn't an Arivex like Sora. As she tried to reach closer, the ring of light got farther and farther away. The light on Sora's purple crystal glowed even brighter, it was almost blinding. The Arivex looked over her right shoulder and saw a blue crystal shine bright as a star. It radiated even hotter than a blue flame as it hovered in front of Sora's eyes and elicited a small feminine giggle that was similar to Stacey's. "Stacey?... No. That can't be right." Stacey's gem was green. Only María had a blue crystal in her possession as one of the Dimension Guardians. "Where is she?" Sora asked before she felt a terrible headache.

Her supernatural body was being overloaded with the Cosmic energy sending her on a loop. Glimpse of memories of her journey and the ones ahead of her were starting to cross, unable to distinguish what was real and what wasn't. Unfamiliar faces, new dimensions. An electric surge coursed through her supernatural body trying to summon a glitchy shield, as if her energy was suffering a short circuit.

A sensory overload.

Her shrilly scream came out as static, white noise before everything turned blank.

When she opened her eyes she was at another dimension. The first that she saw was the bright blue sky before her blue eyes descended upon a booth. A small booth that one you would see at a carnival. There was a young man behind the booth that caught her attention. "Thomas!" She walked up to him before realizing that it wasn't her friend, but a receptionist that had an uncanny resemblance to him.

"How can I help you miss?" He asked her with a toothy grin.
"My bad, I thought that you were someone I know." Sora Hasaki said, disappointment in her tone.
"There is a saying that you don't get to know someone completely. There is a song about it too, too bad that I don't remember the name." The receptionist responded attempting to her cheer up, just like Thomas.
"Where am I?" Sora asked.
"You're at the Gladatorium. It was originally called the Auctorian Stadium, but due to copyright, there was a delay in hosting the event." The receptionist commented, Sora eyed at the stadium for a second.

"It looks just like the stadium from the ad." Sora thought to herself before she looked back at the receptionist. Or at least she thought before the receptionist responded.
"It does. Are you hear to participate?" 

"I don't know, what's it about?" Sora asked.
"Glad you asked. The Gladatorium is hosting a tournament event for the winner to win a grand prize." The receptionist said.

"What is it?" Sora asked.
"I can't say it yet because that would get me in trouble with my supervisor, but I'll tell you this, the prize money that they are offering can be converted into any currency. You just have to get registered to be eligible to compete." The receptionist brought out the paper and pen for her to sign.
"Is there anything else that I should know about?" Sora looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
"There are only two divisions, the Magic Division is for magic users with supernatural abilities and fighters with magic powers, and the Melee Division is for average fighters that want to duke it out, old school. Magic users and magical creatures can still enter in the Melee Division as long as they don't use magic." The receptionist explained while Sora signed up for the Magic Division, as long that it will keep his mouth shut.
"Done." Sora as she put the pen down for the receptionist to grab it.
"You're name is Sora Hasaki?!" The receptionist said out loud.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"There were four people looking for you a while ago. One of them even showed one of their gems saying that they're a Dimensional Guardian."
"They have?! Where did they go?" Sora asked him.
"They entered into the stadium looking for you. Haven't seen them leave yet." He said.
"Thanks, gotta go." Sora ran into the Gladatorium to find them without knowing that the receptionist showed a devious smirk.

Written by Sky Ryerson

Note: I had to re-edit this page in order to confirm the Dimension Guardians' characters and personalities, this was the opportunity I had to correct any mistakes. Since these are Sky Ryerson's original characters. I just had to fill in the blanks related to the tournament. I'm also deleting the other page with the same title, it might be edited in my page, but on another reader's page it may look like there were no changes made to edit whatsoever.

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