Chapter 13: Hwa Hae Ji 🆚️ June Lily

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Simon walked towards the Opera House and saw Jane Doe by the entryway, she was talking to Geoffrey before the male receptionist walked away to return to the reception. When she looked outside, she saw a handsome man with ashen blonde hair and a goatee. Her brown eyes ogled at him for a bit longer than she had anticipated, if I wasn't a married woman, Simon was looking at Jane in a suave, seductive manner before he took off his sunglasses. His sky blue eyes glinted as he gave a devious smirk.
"It's a really nice day, it such a shame that I haven't met you sooner." Simon lied whilst Jane blushed at the compliment.
"That's very flattering, but if you must know, if you're trying to get in for free, that it's not  gonna happen. The entrance will cost you 30 dollars." Jane warned him.
"Is that so?" He loomed over her before got Jane in a trance. "I didn't come to watch the show. I want you to find Chris and bring him out here, what I say, goes." Simon gave her a command before he snapped his fingers to break her out of the trance. The next thing she knew, the handsome mysterious man was gone.

Ryan and Felin had finished eating their lunch after they watched the match between Astrid and Chris. Faim had also finished eating his ramen during the match with the company of his friends, but after Adrian mentioned that Chris was also participating in the Tryout, he had to stop Mewmi from going after the Venusian. Needless to say, that didn't stop her from catcalling first, then yelled, “COME FIGHT ME, CHRIS!” in front of everyone. At least the blonde Venusian had the courtesy to not give in to her provocations and ignored her.

"Tch, as if a gentleman would give attention to a stray cat." Dirlu said with smug smile on her face before opening her fan to cover her wicked smirk.
"I heard that!" Mewmi yelled before her nails sharpened to look like claws.
Dirlu's smirk faded when she remembered something. Where's the money I invested?

Ratu and Ruben II counted the money that they collected from the wager. "Not bad, runt. I'm almost proud of you." Ruben admitted while he sorted the currency by symbols.
"And the strangest thing is that the plan hasn't gone wrong yet." Ratu said before Ruben smacked him from the back of the head.
"Don't jinx it, ya little rat." Ruben rebuked him while Ratu rubbed the back of his neck.
"Ow!" Ratu winced before they saw four men standing in front of them.
"We want the money that we betted on." One of them said.
"Who did you bet on?" Ruben asked.
"Faim!" The others said, the Cinnabarian recognized that one of them was lying.
"How much did you pay?" Ruben interrogated them, testing each one. The first guy was a tall burly man with a blonde buzzcut said 300 rubles, the second guy was a tawny skinned man with an average build and blue clothing said 1,500 rupees, the third guy was a short redhead with a long beard and fine clothing said 600 coins, the last guy was a lanky man with a corn braid said ₩50. Ruben punched the last guy in the face, knocking his teeth in. The lanky man fell down on the velvety carpet in with his face bleeding out, his long nose now crooked as he wailed in pain. The onlookers watched as their eyes were on the Cinnabarian and the four men.
"You take me for an idiot!? There is no ₩50. You see this?!" Ruben showed the won bill to the men that were standing, "This is a ₩50,000 bill," the yellow won bill had a face of a woman akin to a geisha, "and that person betted on Herring, dunghead!" Ruben walked out of the stand and yanked the collar of the guy who lied. "I know a face when I see one. Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Ruben shook the lanky man with the corn braid while the lanky man looked at Ruben's round freckled face. "I maybe a fat stiffnecked ginger, but I'm not a buffoon." Ruben showed the bill at him for the man to get a better look at it. "Is this your ₩50?" Ruben asked again before the guy shook his head, scared of him.
Ruben let go of him before he returned to the stand before he collected the money and returned the money to the three men with interests when Dirlu showed up with Eimy.
"Hello gentlemen." Dirlu greeted at Ruben and Ratu, even though Ratu was still a boy. "I would like to receive what I wagered with interests." Dirlu recalled before Ruben gave her the money.
"I didn't have the time to convert the money. You can come join me if you have any doubts." Ruben suggested.
"Oh I'll join you alright, I want to make sure that I'm not getting swindled." Dirlu replied, knowing that they're not real employees.
"Ooohhhh." Ratu made a smug expression, teasing Ruben, before the fat Cinnabarian turned to glare at him. Ruben walked out and Dirlu followed him.

Nour had brought her salad to eat at the infirmary while Joon was sound asleep. When she was halfway done with her lunch, Joon woke up groaning while she was eating. She had to stop eating to attend the patient.
"Are you ok? How are you feeling?" Nour asked, though Joon looked at the Tunisian nurse.
"Hungry." Joon replied though he omitted that he felt parched and that he wanted to see his sister.
"What do you want to eat?" Nour asked him.
"I want kimchi and a sundae." Joon replied.

June thought about what Faim told her. "I was so obsessed in fighting the biggest tough guy that I hadn't realized that the one who has been by my side got taken from me. When she'd gone missing, I lost my will to fight. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even to my worst enemy."
Then she looked at Herring while he was talking Hwa Hae Ji. "I don't blame you, I'd be overprotective too if I had a beautiful sister like her." Herring walked closer. "If this was a duel for her hand, I'd have no problem taking her off your hands." When June had walked up to Faim to congratulate him earlier, he looked anguished, his fists clenched while his nails dug into the palm of his hands. She knew the feeling of not knowing the whereabouts of a loved one. The inlking of dread that he tried to hide, resonated with her. When she heard Herring laugh, it made her angry. Who in their right mind would overlook abduction as a guise for a sick twisted joke? June glared daggers at the hue-man before she stood up and headed towards them.
"What is a boba anyway?" Herring asked her.
"No way! You don't know what a boba is?! You're clearly missing out! It's a bubble tea drink. You should try one." Hwa Hae Ji told him.
"No thanks, I'm more of a sake kinda guy." Herring declined. June approached Herring before she confronted him.
"I saw the match. What you did to my friend out there was really disrespectful." June said to the Rubrum-Pirian native.
"That's how fights are supposed to be. Getting dirty, throwing punches..." Herring gave a non-committal shrug.
"You were deliberately taunting him." June stated, glaring at him.
"It was only a joke." Herring clarified.
"Well it wasn't funny." June gritted her teeth.
"It was just a match, you shouldn't get so worked up about it." Hwa Hae Ji intervened.
"Well how would you feel if someone took you away from your brother? Or take away your sister?" June lashed out.
"What did you say?" Haeji seemingly asked calmly.
"You heard me! How would you react if your brother or sister got kidnapped? It's not so funny now is it?!" June answered, Haeji grabbed her scythe tightly, glaring at June. Herring, June and even Breloq shuddered at the sudden attitude from Haeji. A drop sweat dropped down the side of June's face.
"Careful Haeji, I sense a lot of power coming from the person you call June." Mochi said, surprising everyone.
"...her cat can... talk?" Everyone thought almost forgetting that Haeji was on the verge from murdering everyone in the room and then herself.
"Don't worry Mochi, I only pick fights... that I can win." Haeji said as she made her way towards June. "My brother, kidnapped?" Haeji paused as she grabbed her collar, picking her up. "My brother is everything to me, if that were to happen, I would kill that person faster than you, any of you, could react." Haeji said, raising her scythe to June's neck.
CAUTION, MS. JI, YOUR BLOOD PRESSUE IS SLOWLY RISING, PLEASE CALM DOWN. A device rang into Haeji's air pod that qas stuck into her ear. Haeji let out a sigh, letting go of June and walking away towards the arena.
"S-sorry, just don't say that." Haeji said, opening the battle ground doors before going out the awning as the doors closed.

I would do the same for my sister, Haeji. Make no mistake, I won't let you stop me from rescuing her. June and Haeji met im the middle of the arena where Glen stood to remind them about the rules.

"Here are the rules: Magic is not allowed in the Melee Division. You can defeat your opponent in three ways; by knock out, by ring out, or if your opponent drops out." Glen as he raised three of his fingers for emphasis.
"Yes." Both of them stated.
"Let the match begin." Glen said before blowing the whistle.

Hwa Hae Ji swinged her scythe towards June's feet. June jumped up, trying to avoid the scythe. She landed on Haeji's blade, making it weigh down, but not completely touch the ground. June ran towards Haeji on top of the pole of the scythe, then tried to kick her, but Haeji blocked, making her backflip away from Haeji. Hwa Hae Ji charged back at June while she pulled her scythe backwards, ready to swing. June jumped up, trying to dodge Haeji's scythe.

"Mochi! Jump!" Haeji called out to her cat as the feline jumped higher than June and pushed the blonde down, forcing her towards Haeji but before she could strike, June kicked down her head, and then her gut before Haeji coughed out splotches of blood.

"Hmm... interesting." A certain woman with blonde hair and a tri-colored said while she looked at the arena while the two were battling against each other. "Will the Korean thief Haeji win? Or will she lose against her opponent, June?" Patricia mused as she saw the Daoitu thief fight against an opponent that had similar attributes to her, the green eyes and blonde hair that June and Patricia have really made Haeji's angry. "I hope she knows what will happen if she fails, otherwise I have to teach her a lesson." Patricia snickered as she watch Haeji cough out blood.

Haeji wiped off the blood that landed on the side of her mouth. Mochi landed back on her shoulder with a meow. Haeji dropped her scythe into the ground, making a small hole where the blade of her scythe would be. June takes out 8 daggers with holes the size of a finger on each end. "Hwa Hae Ji, I don't intend to kill you. Do you?" June said while putting each dagger on her fingers except her thumb.
"I don't know... do I?" Haeji said as she took out her katana. The two jumped well about 30 feet and sparked against each other. June threw one of the daggers at Haeji's head, she quickly ducked but the dagger had cut off her pony tail, leaving her hair to fall down to the middle of her nape. "Tch!" Haeji tsked as the both landed on the ground.

"Her reflexes are amazing, I mean, that dagger would've hit her in a second but..." Breloq spoke to Ryan and Felin while he scratched his chin.
"Yeah, but June's ability to use those weapons just like that is incredible." Shadow said, joining in on the conversation.
"Sure, but I wonder if either one of them will lose blood? Or limbs!" Blue asked Felin while smiling like a maniac.

Haeji threw one of her katanas at June, but missed before Haeji could regain her stance amd try to cut June her last katana. June threw three of her daggers at Haeji, one of them cut Haeji's cheekbone, drawing out blood. The second one hit her thigh, leaving a deep wound. The third Haeji caught, she took the two daggers and threw both of them at June. The dagger hit a wall behind June. Haeji jumped backwards and put her hands together.

Joon Wen looked at the hologram that showed the arena where his sister was fighting. "Haeji, by the way you're fighting, you're thinking aren't you?" Joon said, smiling at the hologram with a hint of worry in his voice. Joon opened a locket that had a picture of him and Haeji eating ice cream together. "Hnn..." he hummed, putting the locket back in his pocket.

"Hmm." Haeji hummed as she stood back up before she handed something to Mochi, then told him to go off. "June... our match will end in... five minutes." Haeji informed her while she picked up her scythe. June and Haeji charged at each other before she swung her scythe at June, but June blocked it by taking two of her daggers and hit her scythe away. Haeji grabbed the two daggers and threw them on the wall on her right. While Hwa Hae Ji was distracted with the daggers, June took a dagger and stabbed her stomach.

Haeji doubled over and took the dagger that June stabbed her with and threw it to her left. Haeji jumped away while Mochi jumped towards the wall that Haeji leaned on. "Mew!" Mochi meowed as he handed Haeji something before she dropped her scythe, surprising June and everyone in the crowd.
"Five minutes... have passed." Haeji breathed holding up her hands with a string.
"What do you mean?" June queried getting into her fighting stance before she recalled that this was the second time that Haeji raised her hands.
"I said that I would beat you in five minutes didn't I?" Haeji said as she slowly pulled the strings that Mochi gave her before June came to the realization that their spar was a distraction before she glared at Haeji. "I missed you on purpose. I just used your daggers for places the string could sit. So when I pull them..." Haeji pulled the string bringing all the daggers at June, the blades pointing towards her. "And don't worry, I placed the daggers in places that aren't vital. You'll live." Haeji said before the 6 daggers flew towards June. As Haeji was about to leave, she collapsed.

"Oh no! Are they ok?" Felin asked, gripping the railings of the stands.
"Yeah, I mean, you heard Haeji. She placed them to where it couldn't kill her. And she got stabbed in the stomach. Nothing fatal." Shadow said before she saw Blue."Awwww man, I wish she lost at least one limb right?" Blue whined.
"Her battle plan was well thought out, but it looked like June gave her a hard time." Ryan commented while Shadow gave Blue an arm for her to chew on so that she could stop whining.
"June's skill in weaponry was great, but I guess it wasn't enough to stop Haeji's strategy." Breloq commented while he scratched his chin.
"Well, I thought both of them fought well, but both of them look really bad." Felin said while gripping on the rail of the stands. Hexice watched the fight. His eyes squinted with interest. He already saw the ending and knew how it would play out. Yet, his diamond eye was opening. A shrouded future repeated in his head. A wide smile appeared on his face.
Then he bursted out with thrill, "How exciting! This sensation is unbearable! It's so good!" The neighbouring crowd stared at him as they avoided him.

"So my dear Haeji won her first match?" Patricia asked as she sipped on an alcoholic  drink despite already knowing.

Two women came into the hallway, picking Hwa Hae Ji up. "We'll take her from here." One woman with brown hair said as she put Haeji on a stretcher, another woman did the same for June.

"Bummer, I was hoping June would win this round." Faim admitted, after he watched the match.
"Look on the brightside," Ximo said before he put a hand on Faim shoulder, "at least you don't have to fight June on your next match." Faim looked up at Ximo.
"That's not funny." Faim said as he knitted his eyebrows.
"Ignore him, Faim. Ximo will find anything to provoke you to fight him. Or anyone for that matter." Uiwo remarked as he glared at his brother.
"You got a little pent up aggression?" Ximo cooed at Uiwo, taking advantage of Uiwo's short stature by goading at him, "Then fight me bro." Ximo said before Uiwo swatted Ximo's elbow away.

"How's my sister? Is she ok?" Joon asked before Nour went to check on her.
"The stomach wound is deep, she won't be able to fight. Unless I can find someone that can use white magic to heal her." Nour said while she applied antiseptic on Haeji's stomach. "In the meantime, she can't eat anything spicy, salty, or acidic, it could cause gastritis." Haeji groaned, before she saw one of the nurses bring kimchi and a sundae to her brother.
"Joon, can you give me some kimchi?" Haeji requested.
"Sorry sis, you heard the nurse." Joon said before he took a spoonful of kimchi. Haeji crossed her arms and turned the other way, pouting.

Fight scene written by Jen L.

Chapter edited by me.

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