Chapter 12: Astrid Matsumoto 🆚️ Chris

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Alexander, Ash, Astrid, and Tr met up at the rendezvous point. Alexander and Astrid held hands while Ash and Tr discussed about potential suspects.
"I still think that the guy in the white robe is a suspect." Tr insisted when he referred to Eros.
"Again with that?! Just because he wears white doesn't mean he's trafficking Rave parts." Sorchya admonished her green-eyed teammate but he was still adamant on that suspect.
"That's what he wants you to think!" Tr watched as Sorchya spat out expletives at him while he rolled his eyes. Their leader arrived a minute later just before the announcers revealed who were the next combatants.

"Coming right up in the Magic Division is Astrid Matsumoto versus Chris." Johnathan chimed in. The Rave huntress heard as she looked at Alexander.
"I have to go." Astrid let go off her boyfriend's hand and ran off. Alexander's blue eyes watched as she bolted out.

"Alexander." Logan put a hand on his shoulder. He looked at the rim of Logan's glasses while the leader of the group informed his team.

"I downloaded the map of the stadium's infrastructure. As it turns out, there is a hidden passageway somewhere between the backstage of the stadium and the restricted area where the employees work." Logan smirked as he showed a holographic projection of the stadium.
"Let me guess, you hacked the stadium's website." Sorchya commented as she looked at Logan's smug face.
"Obviously." Tr interjected as he crossed his arms.
"Where's Octavia?" Alexander queried.
"She's probably watching the tournament like everyone else." Logan gave a dismissive wave as he zoomed in as he moved the projection to zoom in on the infrastructure.

"Good luck." Sora said, smiling at the handsome Venusian. Chris gave a light nod.
"Likewise." Then he headed out to the Arena.

Octavia Kumar heard the name of her teammate and the name of her opponent. Wonder who she'll be fighting? She took one more sip of her coffee before she drank it all.
So he's fighting in the tournament this time. Tony thought. "Let's see how long this will last." Tony muttered absentmindedly.
"I'm sure it won't last long." Octavia replied. "I feel sorry for whoever that loser is going to be."
Tony looked at the tawny skinned girl with an are-you-kidding-me look.
"My brother cannot be beaten so easily, I'd be more worried about her if I were you." Tony hinted. Chris got out of the awning and into the railing to fight in the arena. Octavia's mouth hanged open.
"You can do it, Chris!" Tony hollered at the top of his lungs.
"That's your brother?!" Octavia gasped, and to think that Astrid's opponent was going to be some random loser instead of that handsome blonde.

Chris waited casually as he waited for his opponent into the arena.

Suddenly the gates started to open and in stepped the most beautiful woman Chris had ever seen.

"Well, well what do we have here?" Chris asked as she walked closer to him.

The girl blushed and lowered her head to hide her red cheeks.

Chris stepped closer to her and started to circle her as he looked her up and down.

He noticed that she was wearing fighting gear which struck him as odd for a lady to wear.

"If I may ask my dear lady, but what are you doing here?" Chris asked her as he gently stared into her beautiful shining eyes.

"I-I'm here t-to fight-t you." She stammered.

"What!?" Chris asked, surprised.

The girl nodded her head up and down.

"I can't fight you! You're a woman!" Chris stated, taking a step back.

Astrid looked over Chris's abashed expression, taking in the mixed feelings she got from his comment. She picks at her pink strands of hair. "I..I think that's very sweet of you, um, Chris. B-but I'd like to think of this more a-as a friendly spar? Something less formal. So you can go easy on me, i-if that's what suits you.."

Chris shook his head. "Madam, with all due respect, I simply cannot lay my hands on a woman. It is out of my nature." He looked so completely taken aback by the thought of hitting her, it made her wonder about the world he was brought up in.

As he stated this, Astrid could feel the furious waves of insults TR was trying to kill Chris with from the stands, and she resisted the urge to whip her head around and glare him down. He's just being considerate, TR.

Astrid cleared her throat. "Um, so! What type of powers do you have?" She asked this curiously, in a tone known to slightly reveal her Japanese accent.

"Well it doesn't really matter since I won't fight you, but since you're so curious I'll tell you." Chris stated more in his normal self.

"Okay." She said.

Chris snapped his fingers and a wall appeared next to him, and he leaned on it as he spoke, "Well I have pretty much all the powers. I can turn people into my own little puppets, make anything I want appear with the snap of my fingers, and pick things up with my mind. I can also have my surroundings be weapons for me, but it doesn't matter because like I said I won't fight you."

Astrid eyed Chris and realized that he was bursting with self-esteem, and it would be quite easy to stamp down on it. Plus since he wouldn't hit her it would be easy to win.

"You're right it will be easy to win that way, but I have an easier way for you to win. Do you happen to have a white cloth?" Chris asked, smiling devilishly.

" Yes? I-I'm not-..." Astrid checked her pockets for what he described, only to come up empty handed. She shook her head. “No, sorry…” 

She decided not to glance around, which is what she usually does in fear of making people uncomfortable, but to stare down his blue eyes. She didn't like the attitude this 'Chris' was radiating anyway, so she decided to stand her ground slightly. 

“It won't be much of a fair match if you can’t fight me, Chris….” She faltered at the end of her statement. This guy isn't planning to fight her at the slightest, so shouldn’t she just take the win? It makes this all the more quicker, since this fighting isn't even the real reason she’s here.

Astrid shook out the thought and assumed a fighting stance. All those things TR had taught her back in the facility raced through her head. She didn't like confrontation at the slightest, but she hated being underestimated even more.

“I can handle myself.” She announced, taking care to hide the shaking in her voice.

Chris looked her up and down and then broke out laughing.

Astrid closed her eyes and brought down her scythe as hard as she could, and to her surprise she hit the hard floor.

Astrid slowly opened her eyes and saw that Chris had moved a few inches away from her and was untouched.

"Just because I'm not going to hurt you doesn't mean I'm going to let you hurt me." Chris stated, laughing hysterically.

Astrid brought down her scythe again and missed. This went on for a while and Astrid was getting out of breath.

"Are you done now?" Chris asked her leaning on a wall that he made appear.

Astrid then hit him with her time freezing power and Chris was frozen to the spot. She swung her scythe towards him as hard as she could, but to her surprise Chris disappeared.

She felt a tap on her shoulder behind her and turned to see… Chris standing behind her!

Her expression was enough to send Chris laughing again!

Astrid glared into the laughing boy’s face. No matter how much she swung her scythe, no matter how many hits she calculated and aimed, Chris was always out of reach.  Always one step ahead of her. 

She frowned and stepped back from him, anger bubbling inside her from his last statement. “Am I done now? What exactly do you take this for?” 

His lips curled into a seductive smile. “A ‘friendly spar’. Just like you wanted.” He winked at her.

Astrid twirled her scythe in one hand and slammed it to the floor, a rush of wind waving the tips of her hair. Her eyes glinted a powerful yellow while the air around them was quickly sucked of warmth. “Don’t you patronize me.” Were the only words spoken before she let loose the peak of her ability; time reversal. 

The area in which they were located slowed, leaving the stadium itself and the people inside it to stare in pure awe as Chris’s movements rewinded. Astrid charged, waiting for the right moment to take her shot. An opening showed itself when he was frozen, just for a moment. She could see he was quickly breaking out of her ability, so she needed to act quick. 

She pivoted her weight onto one leg and used the momentum she had gathered from sprinting to smash the other leg down in a wide roundhouse kick, one of the moves TR had taught her. Her ability lifted just as she did so, and she smiled. She finally got a hit on him- 

“I’ll admit, you almost had me with that one.”

Astrid whipped her head around to see Chris on the other side of the area, stifling a laugh and leaning against a wall he had created.

"But how?" Astrid asked puzzled.

"You really think I'm going to let you hurt me?" Chris laughed.

Astrid then realized that there was no way she was going to be able to get him like this. She would have to think of something else.

Chris just continued to lean against his wall and giggle.

"I'm not going to fight you so why do you insist on fighting me?" Chris asked her.

"Because me being a lady has nothing to do with anything!" Astrid yelled, now beginning to get frustrated with him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, a lady shouldn't lose her temper." Chris stated, wiggling his finger at her.

Astrid had had enough! She quickly pulled her dagger out and rushed Chris.

Chris took a surprised step back, but he was too late.

Astrid stabbed the dagger into his stomach and Chris hunched over in pain.

Astrid took a step back in horror! She had broken one of the rules! Not to kill anyone!

Chris fell onto the floor, and Astrid bent down over him and turned him over on his back, but to her surprise the wound was gone!

Chris suddenly disappeared, and Astrid stood up quickly and looked around her but Chris was nowhere in sight.

A voice clears behind her and she turned around to face Chris standing before her, as fine as ever.

Astrid frowns. She’s tired out from using her ability to its extent, and this Chris guy's way more powerful than she thought.  She’s backed into a corner.

“Fine.” She sighs, drooping her head, raising her hands above her head and stepping away from him. “You make the first move.”

Chris looked at her with an amused smile and a raised eyebrow, his arms crossed over his chest. “My thoughts on this battle still stands, madam. I won't hit a woman, no matter the circumstances.”

Astrid bites her lip to contain her rage. She isn't known to be stubborn, and she’s very rarely annoyed or even angry, but this man has managed to pull both of those things out of her in one day.  

“Well I guess we’ll both just be standing here, won't we?” She mumbles harshly, dropping her hands to her sides and leaving her scythe on the floor. 

Meanwhile in Sydney, Australia. A man with long ashen blonde hair was cruisin' in his black ferrari. He was listening to classical music before he changed the dial to a radio station, something new to listen that wasn't completely garbage. He then switched to the AM radio to hear something other than the aforementioned wildfires or the pandemic. The needle pointing at 873. "Coming right up in the Magic Division is Astrid Matsumoto versus Chris." Johnathan chimed, Simon internally scoffed: “As if my son was silly enough to-”*
"--or the Venusian dreamboat?" A feminine voice confirmed his dismissal.
"Venusian?" Simon smirked before he clicked his tongue before he heard the advertisement that was announced on the radio. Enjoy the new taco pizza, hamburger pizza, and pizza rolls at Mia Pizzeria. Mmmmmm, mama Mia! Simon made a left turn. Now you can order your favorite pizza and get it delivered right at your door by using Ultra Eats or Gimme-A-Bite on the app. The black ferrari headed to the nearest pizzeria to the Sydney Opera House.

So you're fighting at a tournament. How careless. You shouldn't be messing around with hooligans, son. You don't know who will take the gem when you're not looking. Simon thought darkly as he drove.

Jacinto, Baci Llus and Maggie were impressed with the match, though Eros found the match to be child's play. "Well this is dull." The gray haired wizard with white attire stood up to get some food first, and look for Annabell later. Maggie stared at the blonde Venusian while she petted Jinx the black feline sound asleep. Some of the abilities Chris displayed reminded her of her of former mentor, Magnus Mac, the Magnificent Magician. Her former idol had a similar approach to his performances though he encouraged a lovely assistant from the audience to perform with him for one night. Is he going to be in the Tryout too? Maggie recalled when she had signed up hours ago. She had read some of the names on seperate forms. On of them seeing his name, and Maori's before Adrian had organized them. She kept her amber eyes on the combatants.

Chris gave Astrid his most charming smile and then snapped his fingers. A chair popped up and he sat down and pulled a sandwich out of his pocket, and started to eat.

Astrid watched him chew every last bite until he was done.

"Oh how rude of me! Would you like a sandwich?" Chris asked Astrid handing her a sandwich.

"No. Thank you." Astrid answered now losing her cool.

"Well, okay." Chris said as he put the sandwich into his pocket.

"Are you really not going to fight me?" Astrid asked him.

"No. I am not going to fight you. Now I have much more important affairs to tend to. So if you don't mind." Chris stated as he reached into his pocket and pulled a white cloth out.

Chris then swung it in the air and yelled, " I yield! Please have mercy on me!"

Chris then looked over at Astrid and saw that she was fuming.

"Oh I'm sorry. It seems I had a white cloth the whole time." Chris stated with a sly smile.

Astrid rushed Chris with the intent to tackle him, but he was teleported out of the arena.

"Well that was unexpected." The hostess admitted. Tony wasn't sure if he should applaud him for his performance or smack him for making him look bad. Octavia gave a Cheshire smile, not only was Chris was such a gentleman that Astrid took the victory, but she had the satisfaction of seeing the Venusian sitting next to her, abashed.

"What a match! Let's hear what our judges have to say about that." Johnathan announced before the screen showed the judges.

"I was impressed with Astrid's time altering powers. The funny part is that seeing this live is completely different than playing rewind at an old TV screen. I would like to give her 10 points for girl power, though if I'm going to talk about the real match is that in terms of speed and accuracy you get a perfect score. I would give you 8 and a half points because it took you a while to strike." Marie commented before she gave her a thumbs up. "Chris, I loved your performance. And your laugh is contagious. I don't know if you were using mind control or not, but I'm gonna give you the score: 8 points in total." Marie showed a sign with the number before flipping the sign to the side to make the eight look like an infinity symbol for a second before turning the sign back into the number 8.
"Astrid, your defining moment was when you finally gave a strike at Chris. So you get a perfect score. You didn't get hit, you didn't quit, you gave it your all, and despite not being able to defeat him the way you wanted to. At least you won. I've seen fighters who've used their powers to manipulate their opponents to quit, to walk out of the arena without wanting to. Heck, there was one participant that put his opponent to sleep in the first second of the match with a snap of his fingers. You've earned it." Lizzy commented before showing the 10 sign. "Chris, I like you, but I'll be honest with you. You were being kinda sexist. I know you were being a gentleman killin' it with kindness and all that, but mate, it's a match. Men and women participate to fight on equal grounds. About your performance, Imma give you 9 points in total. Better make that 7 points since you were a tease for eating that sandwich in front of me when I'm hangry." Lizzy critiqued before she showed the seven sign that had a sandwich sticker on it.
"Mrs. Matsumoto, I have to be honest you. Your performance was sloppy to say the least. You showed hesitation, not only that, you allowed Chris to take advantage of your insecurities and you've proven his point by lashing out and flailing your scythe around trying to score at a teleporting whack-a-mole. I know how difficult it was for you to hit your opponent dispite that he chose to yield. What I'm saying is that you have to be prepared in any given situation. You have to be adaptable, not predictable. So you get 1 point in accuracy, 2.5 points in defense, 2.5 points in evasion, and 1.2 points in speed. In other words, 7.2 points in total for your performance." Adrian critiqued before he turned to look at the blonde Venusian. "As for you, Chris, you did an excellent performance. I expect nothing less. However, you made two mistakes: 1) Never reveal all your abilities to your adversaries, no matter how impressive they may be. 2) Do not underestimate your opponent. Hubris leads to folly. And I would like to mention that chivalry will lead you nowhere in the Tryout, unlike the tournament, there will not be a drop out. With that said, your performance was 9.5 in total. 2.5 in accuracy and in speed, 2.3 in defense, and 2.2 in evasion, but by yielding, you reduced your performance to 0." Adrian gave his critique to Chris.

Fight scene cowritten by Fifuwool & MsPizzaGirl

Additional scenes made by me.

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