Chapter 5

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Astrid's plan to follow Faim and Mewmi didn't last long. Mewmi headed upstairs to reach the 2nd floor to take her seat while Faim walked back to the waiting room where Mewmi dragged him out, so Astrid had no choice but to pick who was she was going to follow, since Faim was also competing in the tournament, it made perfect sense for Astrid to follow him.

Meanwhile, Adrian brought the forms towards his office to save the information that he collected from his competitors: Saki Chong Soo, a mute, 18 year old, tan skinned female that resorts to rune magic to help raise her defenses with an introverted personality. Felix, a 24 year old male that carries a musket loaded with mana bullets that can be reloaded at any given time with a sadistic smile gracing his features with great intellect about his prey. Hong Yuhua, a woman with Chinese ethnicity that wears a pink uniform with metallic gloves with spiked tips that can be shot with attached wires which can be ignited. Chris, a 250 year old Venusian with a preference to wearing blue suits, his golden mane, clean skin and his sky blue eyes can attract females within a 50 mile radius along magical abilities that can be used to heal or summon weapons. Maori Knaiver, a curly brunette with hazel eyes, a young female thief who teases anyone she meets, a glaive wielder with a capacity to shoot fireballs accompanied by Rax, her sidekick, a baby blue dragon that controls water and serves as a moral compass. Maggie Mazzi, an Italian raven haired magician girl with a bob cut and amber eyes, sporting a typical magician attire and a top hat and wand, magic abilities to summon circus animals and use magic cards as shurikens, deadly darts and knife throwing. Accompanied by her pet cat named Jinx, a black cat with matching amber eyes which can cause bad luck to adversaries. Mewmi, a female gijinko than can shapeshift from human to cat, in her human form she has golden blonde hair and blue eyes, in her cat form she has blonde fur, in her gijinko form she has long golden blonde hair and fur, and red eyes, in her hellcat form she grows a lion's mane, crimson eyes, sharp claws that can cut through steel and can run 85 MPH. Faim, a 23 year old martial artist, a brown-eyed blonde with messy hair with a braided rat tail, sporting a sleeveless orange gi and brown tabe boots. No magic abilities whatsoever. He saved the data that he typed, then headed up to the 5th floor.

Faim returned to the waiting room, the young martial artist was happy to see that the Yamitzu master was still there. "Sorry about that, Mewmi can be really stubborn. Once she wants something, there is no force that could stop her. Speaking of force, what was the last form of Yamitzu that you were about to tell me?" Faim recalled.
"The fourth form of Yamitzu is called Horiani, it focuses on using your opponents movements to generate your own yamitzu force and it is best used as a defensive form." 

Astrid entered as she saw the other competitors, Faim took a defensive stance in order to practice this technique, however Yin advised the blonde martial artist to wait for the right moment to practice.

Scale and Annabell walked out of the arena, in the waiting room, he saw a blonde teenage girl sitting on the couch while he saw a teenager with dark bangs talking to a tall creature with beady eyes and spiked legs while Hwa Hae Ji was talking to a little girl with shaggy brown hair. "Scale, are you okay? It seemed that you zoned out for a second." Annabell waved a hand between his eyes.
"What? Oh, I was checking, I can hear the tall man with the top hat or the little girl talking but I can't sense them." Scale explianed.

"So you have like infrared vision, like an actual snake?" Annabell smiled. 
"Yeah, you can say that." Scale's eyes locked on someone on Hwa Hae Ji and then at June. Then Annabell got in the way and asked. 
"What do you see when you look at me?" In his natural reptilian sight he saw her body have shades of red, pink, orange and yellow. He blinked twice and saw that Annabell had wavy brown hair, slightly tanned skin, her brown eyes, and her purple cloak. 
"Warm colors." Scale gave a thin smile.

Maggie sat next to a wizard that had silvery white hair and yellow eyes. He had a similar eye color to her and Jinx. Her black cat laid on her lap while Maggie petted her with a gloved hand. Eros saw the black cat while keeping a stiff posture. So the black cat wasn't part of Annabell's imagination. Jinx purred while Maggie caressed her back. Micah stood from her seat to go to the restroom. Ximo headed to the restroom as well after digesting the protein shakes. 

Patricia stomped angrily at the hall, thinking what Hexice said to her. "You are nothing more than a puppet waiting to be thrown out. Whether by random or by choice, your ending is the same." 

He's nothing more than a charlatan. His cards won't determine my fate. Patricia thought to herself as she plastered a smile on her face while her green eyes flared with concealed rage. Just when the thought that it was the last time she saw the deity in the halls he took over an empty booth for his card readings. Great, just her luck. 

Micah got out of the stall to wash her hands, she took off her black gloves and threw them away in the trash bin, she washed her hands on the sink, when she was about to leave, she noticed something written on one of the mirrors. "You'll burn out like a star." Something smelled like it was burning alright. In the mirror, she saw a hole in the stall door, the bottom edge of the hole was melting at a slow pace though some of the edges looked crispy. Thankfully there was no one injured unless it was directed for someone particular. "Stella!" Micah ran out of the restroom as fast as she could, until she found the Izarian talking to one of the raptors.
"Hi there!" Stella politely, but I don't know if they heard me. Stella asked politely, hoping that they could hear her.
"Scientifically," started Suzanne, "palm reading is an incorrect form of divination, which is incorrect unto itself. Only humans do that stuff." Blue began to form a ball of fire in her claws. "That idiot needs a fire bath," she said, eyeing Hexice. 

"Like you said it is for humans. I, a deity, do the readings for people who fail to accept their reality," Hexice explained which made Patricia fume from afar off.

"What is she DOING?!" Micah blurted out as she started to sweat while she watched the Raptors talking to Stella, fearing for her safety.  
"Oops. When was the last time you brushed your teeth Ripper?" Ripper rolled over to conceal his scars. "Ummm… a while ago.
Shadow took out a bag of potato chips and the phone and start texting and eating. 

Stella received a text message from Micah. [Stella, get the VOID outta there!] Micah 10:38 AM. 
[Why?] Stella 10:38 AM. 
[Those 🦖 s will bite your 🦲 OFF!] Micah sent. 
[You don't know that.] Stella sent back. 
[Yet you would go to a stranger to get your palm read.] Micah sent the text.  
[There's a palm reading booth?! WHERE!?] Stella 10:39 AM. Then Micah sent Stella an emoji with a facepalm. [🤦🏻‍♀️] Stella put her phone back in her pocket. "Are any of you going to fight in the match? I signed up to compete." Stella asked.
Shadow raised a hand. "I will. My friends are spectators." She paused a second. "Where do you come from? I didn't think many worlds had phones." Shadow inquired.

"I need you to get the Indoraptor's name so that I can register it into the Auctorium's archive. Their names will be announced and televised in half of the dimensions that have advanced technology and I don't want any more setbacks." The hostess's request came back to Patricia's remembrance. "No problem."

"I'm from planet Izar, but my friend and I took a pit stop on a planet that was announcing the tournament." Stella replied.
"My name is Stella," the Izarian stretched out her hand to the black and purple Indoraptor to get a hand shake, "Stella Spacey."
Shadow shook her hand. "Shadow Vividstripe."

So it was that simple.

Patricia stepped away from the hall to inform the hostess.

"And on that note, I have no interest in your scales and claws." He then turns to Stella. Giving a wide smile, he stared at her with his spade eye. He shuffled the deck and spread them in front of her. "Pick 3 cards."
"Oooooh!" I picked the three cards that caught my interest. Hexice looked at the cards Stella drew: 2 of cups, 8 of wands, knights of swords. "Ah…" he exhaled. "All images are upside down. A dissonant bond that lead to internal dismay and impulses. To all which ends with a burn out. But worry not. This is simply a warning." 
"Dang." She paused for a second while trying to keep a straight face. "At least its better than the reading I received at a casino in Pinwheel Galaxy." 
"Perhaps, when this is over you can visit my casino," Hexice chuckled. "Well, not exactly mine, but I do oversee the players. You know, make sure that they are not cheating. Quite a boring job when I know they will just as they step past the threshold."
"Not sure I'll be stepping in a casino anytime soon." Stella admitted.
"I can see I am not getting anywhere anytime," Hexice sighed. He took off his black cloak and flipped it inside out. He wrapped it around his waist and turned into a skirt. Then, took out his long brim hat and wore it. "Why is that? Luck not on your side?"

Stella recalled Carina escaping the casino in Pinwheel Galaxy leaving thousands of hooligans and gamblers injured while she chased after with galactic guns and blasters. "You can say that."
"Then allow me to add," he leaned closer to Stella. His diamond eye opened. The pupil shined golden yellow. "Let's just hope you don't burn out like a star." He gave her a wide smile showing his pure white teeth.

Then it reminded Stella what happened a while ago in the restroom. Carina snickered in the background.
"I hope so." She smiles back at Hexice.

"I really need to be on my way." He said, pivoting on his toes. "If you see a human with a 10 feet tall wind up doll and a poverty stricken child, let me know". 
"Sure thing." She said as she took out her phone and a stylus to take notes muttering human with a 10 ft wind up doll and poverty stricken child as she walked out of the scene.

Ximo returned from the men's restroom. "Let me guess, the protein shake." Uiwo crossed his arms. 
"Not. Another. Word." Ximo gritted his teeth.

Vilma headed to the infirmary as she heard groaning from a patient. "Nae yeodongsaeng-eun eodi issseubnikka? (Where is my sister?)" Joon asked before coughing. "Sir, you need to rest." Nour insisted for him to lie down on the bed. 
"Geunyeoneun eodie issni? Geunyeoleul bol pil-yoga issseubnikka? (Where is she? I need to see her?)" He asked, as he looked within his surroundings. 
"You will do whatever it is that you need to do after you get treatment. Okay?" Nour tried to persuade him.
"Nurse, I need to borrow a phone. I have to call my sister." Joon requested.
"I understand, but you have to be patient." Nour insisted.
"Just give him what he wants." Vilma came in unannounced and kept her distance from the sick wizard. "What's your sister's phone number, I'll call." Vilma took her smartphone out of her pocket.
"Vilma, the patient needs to stay calm." Nour adviced her. 
"It's just a phone call," Vilma said before Joon winced in pain, and coughed droplets of blood. Nour had to resort to a spinal injection, his illnesss must be affecting his nerves. Judging by his ghastly complexion and bloodshot eyes, he must've been sick for years. The internal pain subsided, but he barely had the strength to move. 
"Hae Ji... Hae Ji." Joon muttered while Nour administrated the morphine through an IV. Joon closed his eyes his body relaxed.

Vilma got closer to the nurse before she noticed that Joon had an electromagnetic cuff attached to his wrist. "Is that an EMcuff? Why is he wearing one?" 
"Ask Patricia, she's the one who brought him here in these conditions." Nour countered, before she opened a cabinet to replace the used syringe. "Matter of fact, why are you here? I thought watching sick patients made you queasy." Vilma looked where she stored the vial of a potent sedative and snatched it.

"I need you to increase the dose on my meds. They're not working." Vilma lied, while she pocketed the vial of sedative.
"I'm a nurse, not a pharmacist." Nour reminded her.
"But you and Jen store all the medicine, help me out here." Vilma whined just as Nour discarded the empty syringe in a trash can.
"Then ask Jen or Sky, they're the ones that bring the medicine to the infirmary."
"Fine." Vilma walked out of the infirmary.

The hostess held the form that Patricia gave her. Shadow Vividstripe. "Thanks for bringing the form. Now I can finally start the tournament." Natalie archived the name and sent it to the database.

Patricia smirked as she recalled how she persuaded the Indoraptor on how signing the form. After the Raptor Squad split up to collect the shipment of humans in their world, Patricia caught Shadow turn into a human taking a purple diary with black binding out of her satchel. In Shadow's human form she has long black hair in a ponytail, red eyes, and wore a long sleek black shirt along with dark red pants.

Hello Diary,
Today I spent time in human form. It makes the humans less nervous, though I think I like it when humans are nervous because then their hands smell better.
Not like I'll take them for contestants.

As Shadow scribbled her name on the diary. Patricia was merely inches behind her.

"Nice calligraphy," Shadow flinched from Patricia's surprise commentary, "I apologize for intruding, though I would have to ask you to sign a form. Apparently, the letter S does not count as a name according to the one in charge of this tournament." Patricia explained with a smile on her face as she took out a pen. "Follow me to the reception. The sooner you'll sign, the sooner the tournament will commence." Shadow's red eyes glared at Patricia, then at the her hand holding the pen. "Right this way."

The hostess headed to the 5th floor to meet up with the other staff members. Her curly black hair in view as her dark brown eyes beamed in delight before seeing the rest of her crew dressed for the occasion. Johnathan Smith was sharp as ever alongside Eleanor Baker. Adrian got dressed in a black suit, as his stubby fingers adjusted the tie. The Luna sisters, Mia and Lizzy with their own stunning dresses and accessories, though Glen kept the casual striped shirt and sport pants, his white cap shielded his eyes from the lighting. "This is it! Everyone go to your places. The tournament is about to start." The hostess announced.
"Is about time." Adrian said, Brandon simply shook his head before joining Marie and Erica for surveillance and editing.
"What are you all waiting for? Let's go!" Nat clapped as the others rushed to take their positions.

"Look, Ruben. People." Ratu nudged at the angry Cinnabarian before Ruben II looked down on him with a scowl.
"Don't even think of stealing. Not on my watch!" He snapped at the little runt before leaning in tl whisper into his ear. "At least not yet anyway. Go and be on your best behavior. I'll give you the signal for you to drop out when I snatch the prize money." He warned him while he went up to take a seat. I didn't spend Ř300 for nothing. The freckled ginger thought to himself. Herring Ja finished practicing his warm up before he spotted Piros on the front row. "Oi!" The native Pirian waved at him before he noticed him. Piros heard Herring shout his name before seeing him waving, walking towards him. "Oi, Piros, do you wanna help me warm up for the tournament?" He asked as he jokingly punched the air before taking a fighting stance. "I can't see why not?" Piros stood from his seat and followed him, reaching the arena. It started with a playful punch before the ruddy lad took his turn to punch him on the shoulder. Violet walked into the stadium when she spotted the competitors fighting before the tournament began. If they kept going at it, they wouldn't have enough energy to fight off their opponent. They haven't realized that this tournament is a trap. On the other hand, it will help me eliminate them from the match sooner, that is, if one of them will become my opponent. Violet thought to herself as she opened a fan, covering the lower half of her face starting from the bridge of her nose. Jacinto walked up to find his seat amidst thousands of spectators. Spectators that he'd never seen before, from the tall mysterious deities to the average looking men, women and children. Once he found an empty seat, he ran up to it and sat on it.

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