58. long lost friends

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58. long lost friends


     SHE TRIED TO CALM HER BREATHING AS they hurried through the forest. The air smelled of smoke, the buildings of Terminus still burning behind them but she didn't look back, not willing to spend another second thinking about those people.

'Right 'ere,' Daryl suddenly said, pointing to the ground.

Rick bend down, taking a shovel from under a pile of leaves before starting to dig into the ground.

'The hell we still around here for?' The tall ginger man asked.

'Guns,' Rick replied while digging, 'some supplies. Go along the fences, use the rifles. Take out the rest of them.'

'What?' Bob questioned.

Rick stopped digging to throw to man a glare, his eyes filled with rage. 'They don't get to live.' He turned back towards the ground, the blue bag had become visible and he pulled it out.

'Rick, we got out, it's over,' Glenn said.

'It's not over till they're all dead,' Rick responded while taking his Colt Python out of the bag and putting it in its holster.

'The hell it isn't,' the pretty girl with the hat spoke sharply, 'that place is on fire, full of walkers.'

'I'm not dicking around with this crap,' the ginger spoke up again, 'we just made it out.'

'The fences are down, they'll run or die,' Maggie added.

Rick exhaled slowly, clearly not agreeing with their opinions, his gaze turned towards the ground as he considered the words that had been said but he didn't get a chance to respond as the sound of a twig snapping behind them made them all turn around.

At first, Quinn believed she was dreaming, that her eyes were deceiving her somehow but it wasn't until Daryl stormed forwards and embraced the woman in a tight hug that she knew it to be real.

It was Carol, standing there, right there, currently being embraced so tightly by Daryl that Quinn felt a laugh escape her lips. He lifted her up while holding her tightly, making the woman laugh softly as he placed her down again. Slowly he let her go, staring at her as if afraid he was dreaming before placing his head on her shoulder as she stroke his hair, like a mother calming a child.

Rick had stepped forwards, shaking his head in disbelief, frowning at her. 'Did you do that?' He asked, nodding at the smoldering building of Terminus.

Tears had gathered in Carol's eyes, as she bit her lip and nodded but before she could say a word Rick had already pulled her into a hug. She chuckled slightly before embracing him back and Quinn felt herself unable to stop smiling at the sight.

'You have to come with me,' Carol spoke, untangling herself from Rick's grasp.

They didn't ask any questions and headed after her as she led them towards their destination with determinated steps. Quinn wondered what exactly it was she wanted to show them and as they walked further into the forest her curiousity only grew.

Finally a small shed appeared behind the trees and just as they got closer, someone stepped outside. A familiar, tall, brown man wearing a beanie and holding a little girl in his arms.

She saw Rick throwing down all his weapons and the bag he had been carrying, running forwards with tears streaming down his cheeks, quickly followed by Carl and Sasha.

Rick reached Tyreese first and the man handed Judith over to him. A sob left Rick's mouth as he held his daughter in his arms. He turned to Carl who reached out to take his little sister's hand in his own. While Sasha attacked Tyreese in a hug.

Her heart felt as if it was glowing at the sight of two families being reunited and she couldn't surpress a smile. A hand landed on her shoulder and she turned to see Milo standing next to her, wearing a bright smile on his features as well. She chuckled, wrapping her arm around his shoulder and pulled him close as they watched Rick put his hand on Tyreese his shoulder, no words leaving his lips but his eyes saying it all.

'I don't know if the fire's still burning,' Rick said, staring at the smoke that rose above the treeline. He handed Judith over to Carl and given out the weapons from the bag to everyone. It felt like a relief to have her daggers back around her waist and she grinned at Milo as he threw the axe Rick had given him, into a tree to test it.

'It is,' Carol told Rick, staring at the smoke as well, making Quinn turn to look away from her brother.

Rick nodded. 'We need to go.'

'Yeah, but where?' Daryl asked.

'Somewhere far away from there,' Rick replied, pointing in the direction of Terminus.

And so they headed back towards the tracks, before turning to walk into the forest, leaving those damned things behind. She never thought train tracks would cause a trauma, but now they certainly had.

They walked under the burning sun, making their way out of the forest and unto the road. She was happy to feel some solid ground under her feet and have a clear sky above her. No matter how much time she spend in the forest the past few weeks, she would always prefer the open air.

Milo walked next to her and they talked, not about the horrible things they'd been through or whatever horrifying things they'd yet to face but just about the simple things. How the air seemed clearer now and the sun brighter, how the birds sang louder even though the world had become quieter. Things that she loved about this new world, things that had changed for the better because not everything had turned into a dark, endless nightmare the day the dead started walking. Which, strangely enough, included her own life. Of course she'd suffered, she'd seen things she wished she could forget but she had gained something she never had before.

A family.

In the middle of all the chaos, death and destruction, Quinn had found a purpose, a reason to live. And she was willing to fight for it, to fight until her very last breath.

She was so lost in her chat with her brother that she didn't even notice that the sun had gone down until Rick told everyone to stop and take some rest. They got a fire going and shared the small bits of food they had left.

Quinn sat down on the ground, leaning against a tree, her eyes wandering around the group, a small smile lingering on her lips as she watched everyone. They had no shelter, barely any food or ammo and yet she felt happy.

'Never thought I'd see that smile again,' Milo said as he sat down next to her.

She looked away from Maggie and Glenn, who were sleeping in each other's arms and turned to look at her brother. 'Never thought I'd see you again,' she whispered.

He nodded, his gaze turned to the ground, a small frown appearing on his features. 'What made you decide to come to Terminus anyway? It's not like you to have hope.'

A small chuckle left her lips. 'Thanks, Milo.'

He smiled at her but his eyes remained serious, making her laugh slowly die away as she took a deep breath. 'Let's just say...I was educated by a teenager.'

His eyes scanned her face, the sadness that lingered on the edge of her voice didn't go unnoticed by him. 'We'll find her, somehow. I know we will.'

'Yeah,' was all she said but her heart crumbled painfully in her chest. She knew the chance of ever seeing Beth again was incredibly small. And she didn't think she had enough hope to believe the blond teenager was even alive.

'Also, I think I should thank Daryl,' Milo suddenly changed the subject, probably wanting to distract her from the sudden sadness that had taken a hold of her.

Quinn scoffed. 'Thank him for what?'

'Keeping you alive,' Milo simply said.

She narrowed at her brother. 'I do believe I had some part in keeping myself alive as well. I don't hear you thanking me.'

A teasing smirk appeared on his face. 'Can you hunt?' He asked.

Quinn opened her mouth, only to close it again. Even with Daryl's lessons, she still wasn't very good at it but she was far too proud to admit that to Milo. Unfortunatly, he knew her too well and knew what she wasn't saying.

'See,' he said, his smirk becoming wider. 'I should thank him.'

'Fine,' she sighed, 'but don't expect him to say "you're welcome".'

'He hates you that much, huh?' Milo questioned amused.

'No, he just...' She threw a glare over her shoulder, watching Daryl sitting next to Carol in the darkness, his crossbow by his side as he talked to his long lost friend. 'He just doesn't like compliments,' she concluded, her gaze going back to Milo.

'Right,' he said before putting the last piece of his food in his mouth. 'We should get some sleep.'

Quinn nodded, watching as he made himself comfortable on the forest floor. She threw one last glare at Daryl before doing the same, laying down next to her brother and closing her eyes.

They made their way through the forest, weapons at the ready. The sun was beating down on them, burning their skin. She'd already taken off her jacket but that didn't help much against the heat.

Sudden footsteps snapped her out of her thoughts as everyone reached for their weapons. A shaky breath of relief escaped her lips when she saw it was just Daryl, holding at least five squirrels in his hand.

'We surrender,' he said dryly, staring at their weapons.

Rick sighed before lowering his gun and continuing their path. He threw a glare over his shoulder gesturing for everyone to keep up.

The tall ginger man, who Quinn now had learned was called Abraham, walked up to Rick. 'You ready to get some concrete under your feet?' He asked.

'I think it's time,' Rick replied, nodding.

'Oh, that's sweet music to my ears, Officer,' Abraham said. 'Take the next road we come to, try to get back to going north till we find a vehicle. Good?'

'Good,' Rick agreed.

Quinn was happy to notice he had become the man he was when they first met again. Strong, confident and ready to lead. It was what they needed right now.

'Still can't believe we found each other,' Michonne spoke, making Quinn turn to look at her friend. She hadn't even noticed her until she spoke.

'Me neither,' Quinn replied, a smile on her features. 'Seems like we're destined to be stuck with each other.'

A small chuckle left Michonne's lips but before she could reply a shout rang through the quietness of the forest, making everyone stop in their tracks. It was man, screaming for help, desperation evident in his tones.

'Dad come on!' Carl was the first one to speak up.

Quinn could clearly hear she snarls of walkers as the male voice shouted for help once again.

'Come on!' Carl repeated when Rick still wouldn't move. 'Come on!' And he started running into the direction of the sound, quickly followed by Rick, making the rest of the group run after them as well.

They raced through the trees and soon they saw the man. He was seated on top of a rock, screaming for help as at least five walkers surrounded him, reaching for him as they groaned and bit into the air.

Carl was the first one to reach them, raising his gun to shoot one of them down. Rick came next, smashing one of their heads against the rock while Michonne hit another one against the skull with the back of her riffle. Carol killed another one with her knife while Daryl shot the last one with an arrow and the silence returned.

'We're clear,' Rick said, 'keep watch.'

Quinn frowned at the man sitting on top of the rock. Cold sweat was on his forehead as he was desperatly trying to catch his breath. But what really stood out were his clothes. He was wearing a black suit with a white collar, like that of a priest.

'Come on down,' Rick spoke to him.

The man carefully climbed over the edge, while his entire body was shaking with the remains of the fear that still had a hold on him.

Rick frowned at him, clearly wondering how a man that afraid of walkers could still be alive. 'You okay?' He asked him.

The man stared at him for a second before turning around and vomitting on the ground, coughing to get it all out. 'Sorry,' he finally mumbled, turning back around. 'Yes, thank you,' he managed to say. 'I'm Gabriel.'

'Do you have any weapons on you?' Rick asked.

A nervous chuckle left the man's mouth as he looked around the group. 'Do I look like I would have any weapons?'

'We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like,' Abraham spoke up.

The man nodded shakingly. 'I have no weapons of any kind,' he finally said, 'the Word of God is the only protection I need.'

'Sure didn't look like it,' Daryl replied as Quinn frowned at the strange man.

'I called for help,' Gabriel explained, chuckling nervously once again, 'help came.' His eyes wondered around their group before finally settling on Rick again. 'Do you, uh, have any food? Whatever I had left, it uh, just hit the ground.'

Carl reached into his pocket. 'We've got some pecans,' he said, offering a few to the priest.

'Thank you,' the man said, smiling at the kid. 'Do you have a camp?'

'No,' Rick replied, 'do you?'

Gabriel seemed seriously intimated by Rick's rough appearance and stone cold glare and so it seemed like he couldn't bring himself to lie. 'I have a church.'

'Hold your hands above your head,' Rick suddenly spoke, watching as the priest slowly did as he was told. He took a step forwards, searching him for any weapons he might carry and Quinn frowned upon noticing he truly didn't carry any.

'How many walkers have you killed?' Rick asked while searching his pockets.

'I uh,' the man stammered, 'not any actually.'

'Turn around,' Rick said, waiting until he had done so to continue searching him. 'How many people have you killed?'

Gabriel seemed disgusted by the very thought. 'None,' he stammered.

Finally Rick was done searching him and looked him straight in the eye before asking the final question. 'Why?'

'Because the Lord abhors violence,' Gabriel replied.

Rick narrowed at him, taking a step forwards. 'What have you done?' He spoke softly and that question seemed to make the man very uncomfortable. His eyes drifted around without really settling on anything as he seemed unable to form an answer. 'We've all done something,' Rick continued.

'I'm a sinner,' the priest spoke, 'I sin almost every day. But those sins, I confess them to God. Not strangers.'

Rick sighed, looking away from him.

'You said you had a church?' Michonne spoke up making the man nod.

It seemed like they had found a place to sleep for the night.

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