Lady Scythe

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I like to make my face to be the most beautiful face in the world. That is why I always put a large amounts of make-ups on my face and it turns out to be great and it suits my beauty.

No one can tell me what to do now because I'm already 18. I stepped into the legal age where I can do whatever the hell I want. And besides, mom is not here. She's on a vacation to L.A. with my 10 year old brother and that is what mom always do every summer since dad passed away 4 years ago.

And now, I'm all alone here at the house with my old and senile grandma who tries to control me and acts like she's my fricking mother!

In the house, granda cooks and I do the households. I always wondered that this is not fair because there's a lot of household chores every single day and there's only three moments where cooking happens. But its alright. She's old. She can't move some parts of her body already.

"Jessica! Dinner is ready!" My grandma shouted as I'm retouching my face in my room.

"Coming!" I replied with the same decibels of sound as she did. But as I looked at my face in the oval mirror of my room, my face is not beautiful enough. It needs more make-up! I must be beautiful all the time! So I added more of titanium oxide to my face and headed down to the dining room carrying my imported lipstick and my purse.

"What are you doing with that lipstick here at the dining table?" Grandma ask with curiousity like she know I was into something.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you grandma."I answered directly before she step to the fridge to get some dessert. "I am going to Michelle's house tonight because it's her 19th birthday" I added while I put some raspberry-taste-like lipstick to my dry lips.

"Michelle? Your classmate?" She asked with a pitch. "But what about this dinner?" She added.

"I think I'll skip your mashed potatoes and steamed brocallis. There's a lot of food in Michelle's house right now." I anwered. "It's 8:30 and you know you can't fetch a cab here at our place." Said grandma with a voice having with some concern.

"Its just 300 meters away. I can walk it. And besides, there's no ghosts on the road right?" I answered her with glamour on my face as I add colors to my eyebrows.

"But what is all about this make up if your just attending to a birthday party!" Now, grandma shouted like there is something different. Like there is something she's afraid of.

"Haven't you heard about the legend? About the Lady Scythe!" She shouted again. This time with rage but I just raised an eyebrow to her as a sign that I don't know who the hell Lady Scythe is. But still, I remained silence.

"The Lady Scythe! The one who attacks women who are obssessed with their beauty! She is carrying two scythes to slice her victims!" Another shout from grandma. And still, I remained silent for a while then, the time has come for me to go.

"It's just old legend grandma. Nobody cares for it anymore. I've gotta go now goodbye!" Now, grandma can't stop me anymore. Even her old urban legend has no effect to my departure.

"Be careful my child! And don't forget to lock the door on your way out!" Said grandma while sitting on the dining table alone and watched me walk to the door.

"Ok. Bye"  I replied back without leaning at her.

After I locked the door, I opened my purse that I brought with me and checked all my make up if it is all there. Then I started walking to the road. To the house of my classmate Michelle.

Street lights are shining brightly and reflecting its light to my yellow skirt. The night is silent and not a single dog barked.
The wind is fair and trees are dark on the roadsides.

100 meters remaining, and I can see and hear the party going on inside the house of Michelle. I doubled my steps and finally I arrived. Everyone is shouting in enjoyment. Raising their cups of beers and making some groove with the disco music. I noticed that the dinner and the candle blowing is over.

Michelle is a daughter of both doctors. So what do you expect? Her house is full of friends and our classmates and some neighbors. I went directly inside of the house ignoring everyone on my way in then I saw Michelle and I hugged her tenderly. "Happy birthday Michelle" I whisper on her ears while hugging her for a moment.

"Thank you Jessy!" She answer after we break our hugs. "Why are you late?" She added.

"Ugh! There are tons of work to do in our house! Don't forget that its only me and grandma living in the house this days." I answered her question.

"Poor baby. Come on. Forget the works and have fun on my birthday! Now, I gotta go see dad. I'll see you in a bit." She tell the first line with a smile that almost reached her ears then she went to her father.

I put my self in the middle of the party, dance with a bunched of boys, drinking some beers, eating some foods and thinking to my self, "No one can stop me now because I'm 18"

The party went on. And I looked at my watch. It's 11:56. 4 minutes to go and it is midnight. The time makes me think that I should go home. And yes I should go home right now.

Before I walked outside Michelle's house, I search the house to find her to make some thank you goodbyes. But I didn't sensed her in the house. Then I think, "Maybe she already sleep." And that's what I assume.

I then go to the comfort room and looked at the oval mirror not quite similar to my room's. I saw my face and "God! I'm so ugly!" I shouted as I stare to my hagard face in the mirror.

After some facial retouching using the make up tools in my purse, I'm now beautiful like a miss universe! Then I went out of the comfort room and go straight to the main door.

Others are still partying and having some fun while I pass at all of them. Then, I am standing outside Michelle's house. Ready to go home.

I twist my head right to left for some clearings then I started to walk to the left road infront of Michelle's house. To the direction of our house. "Gosh! Another 300 meters!" I murmured to my self as I feel some diziness.

I am totally sober that night and I can feel that. I continue walking on the right side of the road and glance sideways.

Trees seemed darker this time and the wind breath so heavy. And I wonder why the street lights didn't shine brightly like the time I was just going to Michelle's house.

I finished 100 meters and now 200 meters left. The midnight breeze touches my skin. The silence made growling and whispering sounds everywhere. I double my walk.

My heart starts to beat with speed.

Then, I noticed from my very own ears that someone is following me. I continue to walk.

It is 20 steps behind me and I can hear from its foot steps that it is wearing 5 inches heels. The street lights seems so dim. Houses were silent. No one is on the road except me and the someone behind me. I haven't got the courage to look behind.

The road starts to create fogs and I feel that the wind temperature is dropping to 0 degrees. The sound of the heels behind me grew louder. I put a grip on my purse so tight that I almost break it.

I cannot control it anymore so I look behind me.

My eyes grew into its fullest size as I see a woman with two scythes. I drop my purse and I was shocked. I can't move my leg anymore. I stared at the woman for three seconds as she is approaching to me.

She wore long gown with the color of red not different to the color of blood. She is holding two scythes. I can tell that the blades was a meter long and so is its handle.

She walks like a fashion model with her head covered with hair and facing downward. She steps closer and closer until she was 10 steps away from me.

I coudn't help my self anymore. I almost peed. I lean back to my house and run as fast as I can. And while making a 150 meter run, I think about grandma's old legend. And now I think it is true. The Lady Scythe!

"No no no!" I whispered to my self thinking that the Lady Scythe will attack me.

Then finally, I'm outside my home. I took the key under door mat and stick it on the hole of the door knob with haste.

As I opened the door, I lean to the road where the Lady Scythe is. Now she's gone.

I fastly sit on the couch refreshing all the events and returning my breath. "I'm just imagining that's all!" I said to my self. Grandma is snoring upstairs right now. She  sleep tightly that even a nuclear bomb can't wake her up.

After a minute, I stand up from the couch and went to the refrigerator to get some water to heal my exhaustion. The fridge is 6 feet tall and the stocks inside was full. I grab the handle and pulled it. I lower my head and search for some water. Instead, I took some soda. Then I close the fridge.

"Aaaahhhh!" I scream all of my voice as I saw the Lady Scythe at my side after I close the fridge. And I stepped back and she stepped forward.

Just 2 feet away, we look at each other's face. I dropped my soda on the floor and it spilled everywhere.

I stepped back again but this time I can't move anymore because of the wall behind me and the Lady Scythe continue to move her face closer to mine. Until there's only 3 inches left from my face to hers.

Her face was full of blade wounds. Her eyes is dark and she teared with blood running to her cheeks and dropping to her chin.

I can smell her breath. It smelled like grave yard. Dead rotting rats.

"No no no!" I whispered softly as a handful of worms comes out from her mouth and her eyes.

Then finally the Lady Scythe talked. "Am I beautiful?" She asked this while putting a scythe to my right face. And worms dropped one by one from her mouth.

Shaking and afraid to be killed, I just agree to her question even though her face was hellish. Terrifyingly ugly. "Yes! Yes! Your the most beautiful woman in the world!"

"Am I?" Her voice is like voices of killers from different horror movies.

Then she transfered the tip of her scythe from my cheek to my throat. This time my blood rushed through my head. All of the parts of my body is vibrating so hard. I stared at the Lady Scythe as she stares at me with a wormy smile.

"You want to be beautiful don't you?" The devil woman asked me while worms drop from the inside of her mouth to my feet. I can feel them crawling on my toes and I shake them off.

"Why don't you copy my face so that we will both be beautiful." This is the last thing I heard from her before she sliced my face using her scythes a hundred times making slashes of blades and wounds of an inch deep.

Blood splattered everywhere on the wall and on the floor. I scream all I can because of the agonizing pain. She laugh wickedly while cutting my face. I feel my lips separated into four parts. I taste my blood as an amount of it reach my broken tongue. I screamed in terror while I am crying with blood instead of tears. The wall behind me was covered with my own blood. The scythes was too sharp making its tip reach my skull.

I'm still lucky because she let me live.

But all I see in my mirror each morning are slashes of ugliness and obssession. I'm the ugliest woman in the world now. I am no different to the LADY SCYTHE.

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