The Forest

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October 28

Here we are! Going to one of the most astonishing forests here in Surigao, Philippines! I'm so excited because my friends are with me! Jake, Ella, Miguel, and Antonette are here and we are about to make the most amazing jungle adventure ever!

The bus we are riding today will take 8 hours to reach Surigao and I think that's 1/3 of a day and we'll just have to sleep to make the time faster hehehe.

I brought my backpack with tons of food and some drinks and clothes and surviving equipments just in case. My friends also carry theirs but I can see my pack is bigger than theirs combined together! Gosh! I'm so excited! It's been a while since my last jungle adventure and I heard that the forests in Surigao are the best forests in the Philippines with so many trees, animals of different species and different landforms!

We will arrive tomorrow at 6:00 give or take. So, I should sleep now coz I'm so excited! Three girls and two boys, this will be fun!

October 29

Yes! We finally arrived! After we left the bus terminal, we went to a store and we bought some stuff like foods and drinks because we plan to stay here for a week! Yeah yeah I know it sounds crazy but the adventure is fun!

After that, we travel directly to Mount Araya using a jeep paying 40 pesos per passenger and now we are here at the foot of the mountain.

I thought I am the only one here who is obsessed in adventure but when I saw Ella and the two boys, I was shocked because they too are so eager to rush at the mountain! But Antonette is just calm. She does adventure every week. And I guess she's immune to fun anymore hehehe.

We are not alone here. There are others who are adventurers. More confident than us.

After we gather at the Security Station for the briefing of survival methods in case someone might get lost in the forest, we camped here on the very foot of the mountain and we build fire for us to get warm. Tomorrow is when the real adventure begins! So, I must sleep early tonight and gain more and more strength for tomorrow's excitement.

October 30

I wake all of my friend up when the alarm on my phone rings when the time hits 6 o'clock.
We packed everything we need. Foods, water and other useful things.

The excitement cover us all. At 7:00, we started climbing to the mountain. Our mission was to reach the summit and that's my mission every mountain adventure.

As we walk on a path that only human can fit, we hear different sounds of birds and other creatures. The mountain is covered with a forest too wide for different kinds of trees. Trees that we never see before. Big old trees that is covered with wild vines and trunks in a size of houses. As we gaze through the sky we see birds of different feathers flying freely in the bushes of the leaves.

We walk for a mile then Antonette utter for tiredness "I think we should rest for a while. My foot is burning."

"Yeah. Let's just sit here on the rock." My friend Jake answered and all of us rested for 10 minutes. We grab each other's bottle of water and we drink. The air of the forest is so refreshing and cool but we are not there yet. in the summit.

We continue to walk. The trees are getting bigger. More broad green leaves covered the sky. I look to my watch and its just 10 in the morning. I checked my phone and there is no signal. I open my phone's gallery and it is full of pictures we take from this beautiful forest last 2 hours ago.
But this time, the sky was covered by branches and leaves. Only a small amount of light did pass. We continue to walk. We hear birds flying and sounding like crows.

It is now 4 in the afternoon. Four hours since we ate our lunch.

"I think we are in the heart of the mountain." Miguel frowned. He's biology major in school and he knows a lot about living things. "Look at those trees. They're older than the ones we crossed a while ago." He added.

Then we saw a tree. The biggest of all. Under it was a plain grass field in a basketball court size. We camped on the grass field and we create a bonfire. We cooked the fish that Ella bought in the market before we arrive here in Mount Araya. Each of us is carrying one portable tent. We take the tents on our back and made a shelter under the gigantic tree.

The fish was delicious maybe because that is the last fish for this time. All was left was canned foods. Hundreds of canned foods.

Its 7:00 now and it is very very dark the moon light can't reach to the ground because of the thick bunches of leaves. I can't sleep because of the sound of insects. Something is different here. Under this giant tree. But I think I can help myself to sleep.

October 31

The sound of small birds wakes me from my slumbering and I went out of my tent. Then Jake suddenly shouted before I can get a glimpse of him. "Antonette! Antonette! Where are you! Antone---" he stopped as I interruptedly asked him
"Jake what are you doing?"
"Antonette is gone! She's not in her tent." Jake's voice made Miguel and Ella rise from their tents. "Guys what happen?" Ella asked. "Antonette is missing!" Jake answered.

"She must have been taking a pee or poop or something." Miguel said.

"We should find her come on!" I suggested.
"No. She will come back. She's just taking lonesome viewing to the trees that's all. She will come back." Ella stated.
"And what if she didn't come back? Fine! I'll find her myself!" I growled with a little anger then I quickly went to the broad green ferns to start looking for Antonette.
"Sarah I'm coming with you." Jake shouted then he followed me.

Ella and Miguel stayed under the big tree while Jake and I are browsing to the deep forest in search for Antonette. I took the lead in searching and I can see no path everywhere on the ground and we are walking on thick ferns, grasses, shrubby plants and wet ground. My skin itched as it hit the wild leaves and I can see to Jake that he is suffering the same thing as I am.
We shout simultaneously.
We walk in the forest for 2 hundred meters from where Ella and Miguel is.

"Where the fuck is Antonette!" Jake starts to get angry. "She must be somewhere. Wait, is this ---" I stopped when I looked  to some red fluids under my foot. "Blood!" Jake screamed. My eyes almost popped out in its sockets. "Look there!" Jake pointed the rock not far from my front. It was covered with blood.

We went to the table sized rock in crouching stance. Slowly, and slowly. We both looked to the rock. It was really blood on top of it covering it like a bed sheet. There was a lot of blood.

"Oh my God! It's Antonette!" Jake shrieked as he pointed the body beside the rock.

I puked. I puked like all my inside are pouring out of my mouth. It was Antonette! Her body was ripped into two parts! Her left arm is gone! Her internal organs are missing! It's like something had devoured her that her legs separated from her waist! Her left eye was facing the sky while the right one was missing! Something took it and it is not human. Her legs were fleshless and right breast has been ripped off. Her blood covered the ground where her two-dimensional body lies. I started to cry and the tears rushed to my cheeks.

"We must run now!" Shouted Jake then we ran back to where Ella and Miguel are.

The picture of Antonette is terrifying. It was a total macabre. Something is here in this deep forest. Something carnivorous. It is impossible that an animal will do such thing.

Jake and I arrived at the grass field and we saw that Ella and Miguel are missing! "Guys! Where are you guys!" I shouted. They left their tents and their backpacks.

"We should leave now Sarah." Jake said scaredly. "But what about Ella and Miguel?" I argued.

"Help!" Ella squealed in terror from a distant place.

Jake and I stared to each other's bulging eyes. "It's Ella!" I said shockingly. Then Jake and I run to where Ella's shout is. We didn't mind the itch caused by the jungle leaves. We ran and ran until,

We suddenly stopped.

It is Jake's turn to vomit now.

We saw Ella lying on the ground. Her pose was different to Antonette's because she faced the ground with her head divided into two. It's like a watermelon chopped by a butcher knife and squashed all the red parts. We saw gray particles on her broken head and we know it was her brain. The remains of her brain. Something took it. Jake did not stop vomiting as I didn't stop crying in agony.

It was not only Ella's head that makes a terrible picture but also his body. Her limbs entangled each other like a contortionist in a carnival but this is different. Her thumb and pinky finger on her right was plucked from her hands leaving tendons and thick bloods. She's like soaking in a bath tub with fresh-scented blood.

The terrifying part was the hole on the back of her chest. Ella's heart was taken. Broken ribs scattered on her the ground. She was brutally fucked!

Jake covered his mouth when he emptied his stomach by means of vomiting. He then created a muffled voice. "Sarah look over there! Oh God!"

I lean to the direction of Jake's finger. God! It was Miguel! Impaled by a sharp edged branch of trees! He was hanging like standing on the air. But standing wasn't appropriate to use because he lost his left leg! The impalement struck his heart. Blood was flowing on his right leg. Deep wounds are on his shoulders which resembles claw marks that he dragged up the tree and barbecued with a branch.

I was crying no more. The violent shaking substituted my tears. Jake was still holding his mouth and his stomach.

"We should leave now!" Jake ran then I followed him. Our goal was to reach the foot of the mountain that was 3 miles away. We didn't stop running on Jake's lead. I was following his fast legs running in the wild. But then something attacked him that made him off the track. I scream with all my remaining voice as I saw the something that hugged Jake like a cheetah attacking a deer. It was in a human form. I looked for Jake hoping his okay. He was 10 meters away from the original track and when I saw him, the ugly creature strangled him and bit his neck with its canine teeth about 3 inches long.

It has ears of an elf and brown skin. Its feature is like the smiggle in The Lord of the Rings. The claws burrowed under Jake's leg. He shrieked for two seconds then silenced like getting stabbed with a knife in the stomach.

He's dead. I knew it.

Then the monster put its eyes on me. It was green and hellish like the eyes of the monster Envy. Without hesitation, I ran for my life leaving my dead friend Jake and the cannibalist monster. I didn't look back. I run and run and run.

I was lost. Out in the middle of the forest. It was in mind that I was lost so I hid my self under the bushes of the 7 feet-long grasses I look at my watch and it was 12:23 and hunger was not on my mind neither on my stomach. Now I am staying here. Under the green grasses. I stayed for 2 hours and the surrounding was silent.

November 1

The hustling of the wind woke me. I look to my watch and it is 1:31 in the midnight of November 1. I am still writing now with this little notebook with pen that is in my jeans the whole time which serves as my memory bank for every adventure. My phone is dying now. I use all its power to light me when writing this. Besides, there is no connection here.

I forgot that it's Halloween.

Maybe that is why the creature lurks. Because it is its time to hunt.

I can't forget about what happened to my friends. I'm still crying here. Out of the dark.

Whosoever picks up my notebook here, please find my body for I know that I'm already dead. And please, beware about the creature in THE FOREST!!!

Vote if you love it.

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