BONUS CHAPTER- Angelica Interlude

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"I'm going to check up on Eliza." Angelica stood up with a smile and made her way to the bathroom, Peggy following after. Angelica had many reasons to excuse herself and get out of there, but it had come down to three fundamental truths-
One- She needed to get some "Air" from all off those boys.
Two- She knew some thing was up with Eliza . She knew that girl like her own mind, of course.
Three- Alexander. Angelica just wanted to scream out at Peggy and say "Did you see those eyes of his??? Oh, his eyes!" Alexander had hit Angelica harder than a fucking anvil. She felt her face flush as Peggy guided him towards out table, and out of her own instincts, she shot out her hand. Nice going, Angelica. The way his lips curved into a grin was unbearable for her to watch, as he extended his hand and shook hers. "Alexander Hamilton."
She felt her cheeks flush as she recited that moment in her mind over and over again, smiling meekly while doing so.
Angelica opened the door and found a lot of drunken women putting on make up, heaving over toilets or slurring out drunken words at each other. Angelica peered her eyes in the crowd and her eyes wandered to two girls who were...
She covered Peggy's eyes before she could follow Angelica's uncomfortable glance.
As they looked for Eliza the crowd began to flood out. When Peggy questioned this, Angelica just shrugged and said because it was 'Happy Hour'. Once only a few was left they shortened out each occupied cubical they had finally reached a cubical with that the girls could just peer into and see the light blue trademark fabric she would always wear. Peggy knocked and spoke. "Betsy, it's your sisters. Open up."
The door suddenly flung open and Eliza's lovestruck eyes looked among the two, her lips were formed into the most giddiest grin and a tint of red had spread all across her pale face. Angelica's stomach dropped as she gazed into her eyes in more detail. Her eyes are so...
"Helpless," she cried in a overjoyed whisper. "I'm so helpless!"
She slid down the the floor with her head between her knees. Peggy knelt down next to Eliza, then slides her arms around Eliza's waist and grinned. "Oooh, is this about Alexander?"
Angelica felt the blood rush to her head and felt her chest tighten which every heartbeat as Eliza grinned even wider and nodded her head vigorously. "Look at those eyes, Oh my goodness! Have you seen those eyes of his? Oh, his eyes!" Angelica's heart smashed into a blister of pieces and felt like she would cry and be sick at the same time. Instead she numbly sat down next to Eliza and soothed her back as she exasperatedly commenced on rambling on about Alexander. Angelica nodded along with a fake smile plaster on to her lips. She was good at those. She used them to let people be happy who deserved to be happy- like her sister. She was so trusting and kind, and she deserved Alexander. Besides, they would make a great couple. Eliza was quite resilient and determined, and they seemed like a duo that would get married and how old together. Angelica debated thoughts in her mind until cutting off Eliza mid sentence, who was in the middle of talking about his messy hair.
"Bestsy, I saw the way he was looking at you." She cooed.
Eliza whipped her head towards her, her face twice more flushed than before. Peggy, who was unsure how someone could even turn that shade, snickered. "W-what do you mean?" Eliza stammered, hope twinkling in his eyes.
Angelica smirked. She wasn't lying when she saw the way Alex was looking at Eliza- curiosity. That was the first sign. "Yup. He was staring and all of it."
Eliza's face was now a beetroot red, which Angelica laughed at and Peggy stared in horror, wondering if this was possible and wondering if her sister was an alien.
"D-do you think h-he may..." She was cut off when Angelica planted a kiss on her forehead and ruffled her hair delicately.
"Don't you worry, Betsy. I'll set you up with that charming Alexander. He seems to give all the signs. He just better be the best towards my sister." Angelica declared while Peggy nodded with determination.
Eliza's eyes widened and sparkled as she tackled her sisters in a hug. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! But don't go out of your way. If he doesn't like me, then that's that."
Peggy giggled. "Awww, you are too innocent for this world. Don't worry about that, sis. We will try as hard as we can." She stood up and helped Eliza to her feet with Angelica. As they tumbled out of the bathroom and made their way to the table, Angelica made a witty remark to Eliza.
"You know , that Alexander is quite dashing. Maybe as a reward for all my efforts your could share him with me...?" Angelica smirked.
Ha. This is quite overdue. Sorry I haven't been uploading, i just got a shit ton of homework that i need to do.

That, my friends, is a procrastination excuse.
I'm working on chapter 3 , don't worry. It shall be up soon, definitely during the weekend.
Sorry that this chapter is short, i just want to get back to writing chapter 3.

That is also a procrastination excuse
Love, Chazz

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