Chapter 1-Childcare

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As he opened the door from his apartment room and made his way outside, Alexander took a deep, cold breath in and sighed, watching the hot air pour out of his lungs. He rubbed his arms shakily through his layered coat- although it was around 3pm, it was still freezing cold outside. Alex wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing. While he started walking, he realised that he had never seen snow, but when he first saw it in books and photos, he concluded that it was quite beautiful. By the rate of how things are going he was sure he would see it in no time. He plucked some headphones out of his deep pockets and put them in his ears, playing some calming music. He was lost in all his thoughts and ideas that he almost forgot where he was going. Right, he thought, the Childcare Centre.
A few hours ago one of Alex's closest friend, Maria, asked him if he could pick up her daughter, Susan, from childcare, because the dining cafe she worked at was busy and she had to stay back late. He knew for a fact that James, her abusive boyfriend, wouldn't support her in any way shape or form. The only reason that James was still with her is because she was attractive, she cooked and cleaned, and used her for taking out his anger and sex. Otherwise, he would of left ages ago. He was still in college, along with Maria, he found out, but poor Maria was only 19 when she had gotten pregnant with Susan. Now whenever the college semester starts she leaves Susan wit her mother. Maria had told Alex all of this when he had met her in a coffee shop. He sighed heavily and made his way towards the gate of the childcare, pushing away Maria's past and present life.
He stepped inside and took off his headphones, where he was greeted with a lot of yelling, laughing, and wailing. He immediately wanted to put his headphones back on.
Alexander walked up to the front desk, where she met eyes with a young lady around his age, with long jet black hair in a low ponytail, and dark coloured eyes and fair skin.  She wore an array of different shades of light blue, and held a crying child at her hip. She also wore a badge on her chest with the name "Eliza" on it. She gave a smile to Alexander. "Hello, how can I help you?"
Alexander spoke over the wailing child Eliza was carrying. "I'm here to pick up a young girl, Susan. I'm friends with her mother. Here," he scrolled through his phone and found a message from Maria explaining what to do when getting to the childcare. "That's from her." When you get there, you walk up to the front desk and greet the lady there, Eliza. Show her this text and tell her you are picking up Suzan. Eliza  inspected the message and frowned in concentration, then her lips cracked into a smile again. "Ah, Maria. You are friends with her as well?"
"Yes. She can't pick Susan up because she's working late."
Eliza nodded slowly. "Right." She must also have been told of  Maria's circumstances as well. Alexander thought to himself. "Come right through." Eliza spoke while she opened the childproof gate for Alex. He stepped inside, searching for Susan. He was soon following the voice of a high pitched Maria, along with a gentle, man voice.
"Johnny, can we play horses after we finish this game, please???" Susan's tiny voice begged.

The man voice chuckled. "Alright, but only after. I really wanna beat you!"

"Ahem, I'll have you know that I am the best ever at playing "Guns And Ships", and everyone here knows it. Even you! I am the unstoppable champion!"

"Not as soon a I'm done with you!!!" The man voice cackled evilly. Alex heard Susan's tiny giggling as soon as he had located the conversation, and walked around the corner to be struck with a beautiful sight.

The man voice had happened to be a young boy around Alexander's age as well, and he had long, dark curly hair that fell onto his shoulders elegantly. His tan skin was blotted with millions of freckles, which were like little constellations that were carved into his skin perfectly. His peach pink lips were in a comfortable smile, showing his pearly white teeth that glinted. His eyes were the most purest of emerald green and golden, which were swirled together with joy. He could stare at this man for ages.
Alexander shook his head. Geez, Alex, falling in love with a total stranger, huh? That's low, even for you. He straightened his back and reminded himself why he was here, then walked up to them. "Hey, Susan! I'm here to pick you up!"
Susan looked up from the card game and smiled, running over to Alex and flinging herself onto him. "Hi Alex!" She giggled.
The gorgeous caretaker stood up and smiled. "Hey there, I'm John-"
"NOOO! I want to introduce you!" Alex was very impressed with her choice of vocabulary as she hopped out of Alex's arms and grabbed Johns hand. "Alex, this is John. John-" She pointed at Alex, "This is Alex, my sometimes babysitter." She finished, choosing her words carefully.
John met eyes with Alexander and continued his previous sentence. "Hey there, I'm John. Susan has been a great girl today, and helping out all the children." John beamed at Susan proudly.
Susan smiled back with pride and turned away. "I'm going to get my stuff and say goodbye! Be right back!"
John chuckled and looked at Alex. "You know, she has an incredible and intelligent mind. Especially with a father like hers." He muttered the last part quite darkly to Alex.
Alex stared at him, stunned at the curly haired man. "You...know about-"
John smiled sadly and cut him off. "Yeah, I know. Maria is good friends with Eliza and I. This isn't my place to say things, sir, so we can talk later, maybe ." He brightened his smile as soon as Susan started waddling up to them. He bent down to match Susan's height. He gave her a look of competition. "Until we meet again, I leave the championship title to you."
Susan giggled and clutched a hand onto Alex leg, her other fist pumping in the air victoriously. "Yes! I told you so!"
John snickered and stood up, returning to attending to other children. "Goodbye, Susan! I'll see you soon!"
As Alex and Susan walked away, Susan brightly waved at John, while Alex just stared at John's kind smile, and feeling a tint of blush overcome his cheeks, turned away quickly to check out. He opened the gate and checked Susan out. "Bye, Susan! See you guys later! Say 'Hi' to Maria for me!" Alex heard Eliza call out.

As Alexander and Susan walked down the street to get to his apartment (which was, conveniently only a few blocks away), he busied himself by asking questions to Susan to get his mind off of that wonderful man he had just met, but alas, like most kids, she only presented yes, no, or boring and non-conversation starter answers.
"So Susan, how has Kinder today?"
"Did you do anything exciting?"
"What did you do today?"
"Not much."
Alex realised that the conversation wouldn't escalate more then this, so he left her in silence and let himself defeatedly drown in the thoughts of John.
Who was he, and where did he come from? He had a tinge of Carolina accent in there...He seemed so kind... Then again anyone from a daycare is nice. How old was he? Is he bi? Maybe even gay? Maybe there's a chance that...
Alexander stiffened when a thought overcame him. His head flooded with disappointment as he realised that he probably wouldn't see John ever again. He knew that he might shrug the boy off at one point like he did with every other boy-or-girl that he would see in public, but still, it hurt at that point.
Alex was still lost in his thoughts that he didn't realise they were walking up to his apartment door. He swiftly took out his keys and unlocked the door, letting Susan inside.
His apartment wasn't too shabby, not first class- just enough for him to afford and get him by. Soon he would start at Kings College an he wouldn't be here so often because he had a dorm. He told the landlord of this building that he wouldn't be here while he was in college, and she kindly offered that he can pause his payment at anytime, with confirmation, of course. He also was told at Kings that you would share a Roommate, and he would swallow hard a few times at the thought of a roommate. He would start Kings College in about a month or so, then he could busy himself as much as he can with writing and hopefully be able to avoid his roommate at all costs. He set his bag down. "Do you want anything to eat?" Susan looks up from her journal (something very superior to have at this age, Alexander always wondered).
"Just some water for now, please."
"Sure." Alex smiled at her manners and poured her a cold glass of water. He set it down next to her and sat in front of the TV, turning it on. He flicked through all the channels until he came to Nickelodeon jr and set the remote down. "What do you want to do?"
Susan thought for a moment, then grinned. "Guns And Ships."
Alexander raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? You always win at that."
Her grin slit even wider. "I learnt from the best." True.
They played for what felt like thirty minutes but was actually a few hours-they had only realised this when they heard a knock on they door. Susan's droopy eyes lit up and leaped from the couch. "Mommy!" She leaped into her mother's arms and hugged her tightly.
Maria chuckled. "Hello, Susan. How was your day at kinder?"
Susan beamed. "It was great! All the kids were playing tag and I was the fastest and even caught up with Ryan the mean boy! I sure told him what I was made of..." as she dragged on and on Maria had sat her and Susan down and Alexander rolled her eyes and smiled at Susan, who would only open up to her mother.
After a while Susan had calmed down and fell asleep in her mother's lap. Alex and Maria were quietly talking about College plans when Maria had checked the time. 12:57. "Oh, geez! Its gettin' awfully late, I must take Susan home..."
She started to stand up when Alex swiftly sat her back down. "Hey, don't sweat. You can crash at my house," Alex saw the fear and hesitation in Maria's eyes, and quickly added,"If James isn't home, he wont know, nor will he be too wasted to care."
Maria thought for a moment, then nodded. "I'll sleep on the couch."
"No, no, no. You and Susan sleep in my bed and I will sleep on the couch." He shoved Maria into his room with Susan and closed the door. "You can use some of my clothes." He called out.
He sat for a while, getting more and more drowsy while scrolling through his Instagram. Maria soon emerged with one of Alex's red t shirts that went down to her knees on. She smiled. "I put Susan asleep in one of your shirts. She looks cute af. Thanks for this, Al. I Really appreciate it."
Alex nodded slowly, drifting in and out of the dozing zone. Maria started folding her clothes, talking about some of the friends she knew. "Peggy is starting her soft more year, and she would love to see you again, and her two sisters will be there as well..................And there's Laf and Herc who look considerably similar to..................Man, he is such and shithead, Running around like a fancy ass. Always hitting on girls............"
Alex was starting to lose interest as sleep overcame him. The last name she heard drift from her mouth was "Laurens", but he hadn't had a clue who that would be. He decided that he couldn't investigate any longer, as he drifted off into a peaceful, deep sleep.

Hell yeah! I finished this after 2 sessions of writing and it has over 2000 words! Although it was quite short and had a lot of backstory and filler, I'm quite proud of mah first chapter on Wattpad! Yippeee - O -
There also wasn't a lot of lams in it, which even pissed me off as the writer, but be prepared for a make up for it. I promise there will be a lot more Lamssssss ;)
I'm Chazz, a shitty writer with no life. I have family problems, a case of "Retardedness" and a cat that pisses me off. But I still love her ; ) I'm also starting high school next week... well, shit o_o
This is my first ever fan fiction, and I think my writing is crap, but whatevs. If you happen to stumble across this, congrats! You have officially made a new friends! Hugs! Be sure to expect 1-2 chapters every week!
Love, Chazz

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