Chapter 2- College

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This might be a bit of a filler chapter, sorry. No lams yet. Haha, I love teasing
Also I have the air condition on at maximum right now because its 32 degrees. I also am wrapped in blankets because I am freezing to death. Help...?

John put his phone in his bag and jumped onto the incoming subway. He took a seat and grabbed his phone out again, making sure that his phone wouldn't fall between the cracks. He opened instagram and searched up Alexander- after going through many profiles, he finally found the right one. He scrolled through Alexanders pictures in awe, and accidentally liking a photo from years ago. Oops.
Once Susan and Alexander departed, John could hardly focus on work.  the first time he had gazed into Alex's dark eyes, he had immediently fallen interest in the dark haired boy, and curiosity had suddenly over came him. John also had felt like Alex had caught him off guard, but any significant other would be able to recognise that it was actually vice versa. Imediently John worried about that and thought of the worst possible outcomes. What was I saying?! I must have freaked him out so bad! What was I thinking?!
John took a deep breath in, calmly reminding himself that he had just met him, and that he would probably never see him again. He sighed of dispair and relief at that thought, and by the time he had gotten off the subway, arrived at his house, an hit his head on his pillow he had completely forgotten about Alexander.

Alexander was woken by a beam of sun flooding from his curtain to his eyes. He groaned and sat up, rubbing them sorely. He glanced around for the sound of Maria, but it was quite silent. He quietly rose from the couch and made his way to his bedroom, knocking then opening. Instead of finding the two sleeping girls he saw his bed neatly made, with a note laid on top- he picked up the note:

Thanks for letting us crash last night, I really appreciate it. I got some coffee and a muffin for you as a thanks while picking Susan up. I also saw you were out of Instant coffee so I got some for you. I know you can't go without coffee in the morning.
Many thanks, Maria

Alexander smiled at the thought of coffee. He made his way to the kitchen, where, expectantly, he found Maria's gifts. He waved up the muffin and Starbucks coffee and put away the coffee powder. Once his breakfast was warmed up, he sat down on the couch and bundled himself in a blanket, watching stupid YouTube videos that would lead him nowhere. At one point e messaged Maria and had a full-on conversation with her.
Alex: thanks 4 the coffee
Alex: and no probs about yesterday. Ur welcome any time
Maria: Haha, you're welcome. Did you sleep well on the couch?
Alex: yea! mah couch be comfy af
Alex: what about u and susan?
Maria: We slept just fine.
Alex: what r u doing right now?
Maria: With Peggy at Starbucks.
Maria: Sent an image

Alex: haha, peggy
Maria: Do you want to come to Starbucks and say Hi? Peggy would love that.
Alex: sure I'll be right there
Soon Alex was whipping his coat on and he was out the door, facing the cold winter air.
Luckily, in Alex's opinion, Starbucks was just around the corner. And, also close to Kings College. Alex enjoyed the fact that after class he could savour a nice Frappuccino. When he arrived at Starbucks he spotted Maria and Peggy in a booth in the corner of the room, waving at him. He sat down next to them and Peggy squealed while hugging him. "Alex! It's so good to see you!"
Alex smiled at Peggy's optimistic personality, and hugged her tightly. "Its great to see you too!"
Once they had both pulled away, Maria spoke up. "What will you be having?"
Alex answered simply. "A frapuccino, please."
Maria went up to the counter and ordered the coffees, while Peggy and Alexander chatted familiarly.
"And how are your sisters?"
"Oh, they're great. Angelica came home from France a few days ago for college and Eliza is busy with her job. Although we have enough money for the rest of our days, I think she likes looking after little kids."
Alexanders eyes opened wide. "Is your sister the girl that works at Susan's daycare? Sits at the front gate, long hair, wears a lot of blue?"
Peggy grinned. "Yup, that's the one."
"She seems really nice."
"Yeah, Angelica says there is no one in this world more as trusting and kind. And she is soooo pretty,"she exaggerated quite a lot on the last bit, "she can get any boy she wants, but she has her eyes on particularly one." She wiggled her eyebrows.
Alexander gulped. "W-What are you on about?"
Peggy froze and bit her tongue, as if she had said something she shouldn't have. "Uh, I was talking about how she always flirted with Hercules."
Alex raised an eyebrow with confusion. "Hercules?" At this point Maria had already returned with thier coffees, watching on intently.
Peggy nodded and then smacked her forehead. "Oh yeah, you haven't met the crew. There's..." she glanced at Maria, sipped her latte, then looked back at Alex. "Hercules, he's buff and strongly built, but he actually a big softy and we all know it." She smirked.
"Laffyette is from france and is really tall. He's a good rapper, too." Maria added.
"Angelica is smart and sassy."
"Laurens is kind and adorable."
"Eliza, you know her."
"Theodosia, witty, but generous."
"Oh yeah, and Burr, who sometimes hangs out with us and Theodosia, depends if they're not snogging each other's asses off." Peggy and Maria laughed so hard that Alex's coffee squirted through his nose, making them laugh harder.
The trio talked and laughed for another hour, then decided to depart. Alex insisted he pay for the coffee but Maria declined his money and said it was the least she could do.
They started walking the streets to Peggy's lift. When Alex saw the tiny yellow Mini Cooper Peggy was starting to get into, he was bewildered. "Where's your driver?"
Peggy frowned, obviously confused. "I don't have one... I drive myself...?"
"Are you old enough to drive?"
Peggy gasped, pretending to be offended. "Are you mocking my height? How dare you?!" I'm 19!"
Maria giggled and shooed Alexander playfully. "Yeah, yeah. See you soon, Peggs."
As Peggy drove off, Alexander and Maria chatted qietly while walking back to his apartment.
"So, the crew are having a get together on Friday at the bar, do you think you wanna come and meet them?"
Alexander thought for a moment. "Will there be alcohol?"
"Well, duh."
"I'll be there." He reached to his apartment building, where he bid farewell to Maria.
"Thanks for the coffee Maria!" He called out while going up the steps.
"Anytime, dude."

Group Chat (you can probably guess who the character is by their username.)-
TurtleBoi: sorry, guys. i cant make it tonight.
FrenchBaguette: what y not
Angelica_775: What?
FrenchBaguette: we had planned this all week ?
Eliza Schuyler: He has to work the late shift again at work. Poor Theo got sick with the Flu again.
TurtleBoi: yup
Angelica_775: Oh, poor Theo...
HERCULES MULLIGAN: What up guys!!!!
HERCULES MULLIGAN: Oh sorry just saw the conversation
SayNoToThat (I couldn't think anything better T_T): Lol!
ANd peGGy: Aww johnnn we were gonna have so much fun! Don't be a downer!
ANd peGGy: sorry Eliza just scolded me because we were texting in the same room lol
Eliza Schuyler: Serves you right, there was absolutely no point! She just walked into the lounge room and sat down, then started texting!
FrenchBaguette: lol
SayNoToThat: Haha. And don't worry about tonight, laurens. You can go another time.
TurtleBoi:thx for understanding.
John sighed and put his phone down, looking out the window of his apartment showing all the tall buildings that showered the town below. He wouldn't have minded working late another day, but it had to be the one day he had plans, of course... And Peggy had told him there was a new recruit that I would love to meet. I didn't catch his name, though.
Thoughts buzzed through my mind as he realised he hadn't eaten anything all day. He checked the time, 1:52, he thought, I might as well grab a bite to eat before heading to work. John sat up and pent 30 minutes sitting around, getting ready and attempting to brush his hair. After five goes he gave up and locked his apartment door.
(Well shit i just realised that there isn't a lot of john pov, sorry. I make it up when they go to college.)

Third person sorta (also shit gets wierd, but hey, that's fanfics for you.)
When Alex walked into the bar he was told the crew were hanging out at, he was greeted with stenches of alcohol, sweat and humidity. Again, he immediately wanted to turn around and put his headphones back on. He would of, if a small hand didn't drag him to a table in the middle of the room. Peggy had sat down next to him with satisfaction, grinning ear to ear. "This, guys, is Alexander!"
He then realised that there were 4 other eyes peeling at him from across the table. They were also grinning. He scratched his chin nervously. "Hey."
"Hey." A buff man replied.
"Hey." Alexander repeated with a smirk.
"Hey." A tall man with dark skin grinned.
"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back!" Eliza chuckled nervously, her face flushing.
The others just looked at her while walked- ran to the bathroom door. A dark skin girl with frizzy hair stood up. She relatively reminded Alex of Peggy. "My name's Angelica Schuyler." She extended a hand.
Ah. T. 3. hat's why. Alex shook it. "Alexander Hamilton." He grinned.
"I'm Hercules Mulligan. A tailor." The buff one spoke up after the two hands broke apart. He patted Alex on the back, who just smiled like a little child.
"im marquis de Lafayette, mais vous pouvez m'appeler laf. Mon nom est en fait plus long que ça, mais je ne pouvais pas être dérangé en disant tout."The supposed Laf shrugged his last sentence.
Herc cleared his throat to catch Laf's attention. "Laf, English, please-"
"ah, lafayette. J'ai beaucoup entendu parler de vous. Je vous comprends assez, le français est fondamentalement mon premier launguage." Alex smirked.
Herc's jaw dropped. Angelica and Peggy exchanged confused looks, then looked at Laf, who was grinning even wider than anyone, his eyes sparkling. "Oui." He breathed.
Peggy started cracking up when Maria had walked up with shots, confused at everyone's different facial expressions. They all started laughing, then Maria joined in. They all laughed for another good minute, then Angelica stood up suddenly. "I going to checkup on Eliza." She walked into the bathroom and Peggy followed after her (Angelica's point of view will be up as a short bonus chapter soon).
Maria and the guys talked for a while, waiting for the sisters to appear. Maria had insisted that the boys wait until the girls came back so they could all play a drinking game. Alex figured the the two other boys would have self control issues so every time one of them would reach for a shot Maria would slap them away.
The were sisters finally coming back, all of the having their eyes on Alexander, each with a different expression on their faces. He shifted uncomfortably as they sat down.
"Okay, tonight we are playing a drinking gaaaame!!!" Maria roared.
Peggy squealed. "Ooooh, what is it this time? Truth or dare, Confessions?"
Angelica's eyes lit up as she suggested something. "I know! Never have I ever!"
Everyone clapped and cheered as a response, and Angelica smiled. "Alright, you guys know the rules. So, who's first?"
Eliza raised her hand enthusiastically. "Me! I got one! Never have I ever kissed the opposite gender except for my family."
Peggy, Laf, Alex and Herc all took a shot. When Alex looked at Maria, who hadn't taken a shot, all she did was shrug. "I don't really swing that way."
Peggy's hurt and dismayed expression was gone unnoticed when Hercules butted in. "Oh, come on, Maria! You're like the gayest person I know! Well, other than laurens." A few other snickered while others jus rolled their eyes playfully. Alex raised and eyebrow in question, and Hercules muttered, "He's the gayest person you will ever meet, I swear to god."
Alex laughed in disbelief. "I don't think anyone can be more gayer that Maria."
"Uh, hello? In the middle of a drinking game here???" Peggy snapped and the boys drifted back into the game. "Okay. Never have i ever been on bottom" Peggy gave a suggestive wink. Angelica, Herc, Laf and Maria all took shots, while Alex watched on and Eliza cringed.
"Never have I ever had an all nighter." Laf announced. Alex groaned and took yet another shot. Luckily he took alcohol well and he never got drunk often.
"My turn. Never have I ever had a crush on anyone in this room right now." Alex declared. Alex was stunned as he realised that everyone willingly took a shot. "Woah, okay. All of you, seriously?"
They all nodded sheepishly, thier cheeks rosy from the alcohol (Maybe except for Eliza and Angelica).
Alex sighed.
"This might be a long and interesting night."
(And just when you think its over... its about to get longer. I didn't know if i should have stopped here but what ever.)

For the next month until college started John had the exact same routine every single day. He would wake up at 6, have a shower and get ready. On his way to work he would stop off a the coffee shop next door and grab a coffee and a muffin, then he would be on his way again. The majority of his shift hours were 6-7 hours, but sometimes he stayed there all day until late. There were some occasions where he didn't have any work, but that rarely happened. When it did, he spent the day cuddled in a blanket on his couch, eating ice cream and hot chocolate (it was either one or the other, it usually depended on what mood he was in.), watching all kinds of reality tv shows and YouTube videos. After that he would get back to work.
Because of his tight schedule, he had no time for his friends, and had to politely decline every offer they gave him of going out. Finally, after a month of doing the exact same thing, he was free. Going to college. Although there were a few 'cons' to argue about, he relatively enjoyed going to College. He was packing his stuff when he saw it started to rain. He groaned because he had realised he didn't know how to bring all his belongings from his apartment to his dorm, as he would be walking. Why didn't this dawn on me sooner? He mentally kicked himself. As he pondered about what he would do, pacing around the room as he did, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He grabbed his phone eagerly, for it was the cinnamon roll herself, Eliza.
"Johnny, hey! Its been so long! So are you ready for today?" Eliza asked in a sweet tone.
John laughed nervously. "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about..."

"Eliza, thank you so much, I really couldn't have made it without you," John smiled greatfully as he strapped on his seat belt. All his belongings were tight in the boot, safe and sound.
Eliza smiled back. "Don't worry about it. I really wanted to help, seeing how you have been so stressed by working all those hours at work." Eliza knew how much john had been working. Every time he had dropped into her shift, John would be there. By each passing day, Eliza would see the bags multiplying under his eyes, and his once bright smile would turn more and more tired looking and weak. Eliza had wondered if he had gotten at least an hour sleep for the past 48 hours. He still had his adorable and optimistic personality plastered on, as he didn't want anyone to notice and worry. Of course Eliza did. She was so caring and kind, always concerned for others. At one point he had gotten so bad Eliza insisted he take the day off and she would take over. He said no at first but almost collapsing of exhaustion he had half heartedly agreed, and Eliza called for Peggy to drop him off too his apartment, as he was in no shape of walking. Or doing anything except sleep. As soon as they had got inside he collapsed onto the couch, giving out soft snores. Peggy put him in sleeping position and decided to stay and watch Netflix until she fell asleep too.
Eliza and john continued to chat and catch up until they arrived at campus. As they unload the boot in the parking lot, john heard Peggy squeal. "Johnnnyyyy!" She ran up to him and squeezed the living daylights out of him.
"Hey Peggy. How's it going? A-a little too tight there, gal."
The rest of the crew followed up behind Peggy while she was scolding him."How did you not realise you weren't getting any sleep, huh? You have to take care of yourself, for gods sake!" She held Johns head with her hands and shakes it up and down vigorously.
Angelica grabbed her little sister by the waist, hauling her away from John as the crew laughed at Peggy's motherly-like antics. Must have been hanging out with Eliza.
John looked up at Laf. "Are you and Hercules finished with unpacking?"
Laf grinned. "Oui. We all finished a while ago."
"Do you guys think you could give me a hand?" John squeaked with an innocent smile.
Maria cooed. "Aww of course, Johnny boy. How could we say no to you anyway?"
They all laughed and grabbed a bag each, talking over one another until they got to the front desk. "How can I help you?" The lady behind it asked.
"I'm checking in. John Laurens, Room 1782?"
"Ah yes. Your roommate shouldn't be arriving in a while, so go on in. Third floor, left turn. Enjoy!" She handed him his room keys with a smile then went back to work. When they arrived in the dorm, it looked like no one had claimed the place yet. Hercules plonked himself on the couch and stretched like a cat and lied there for a while. John rolled his eyes. "Um, i invited you over her so you would help me, not doze on my couch."
Angelica smirked. "Oh, don't worry, john. He's just waiting for Laf to join him, then they'll move to the bed and out of your way." She teased and wiggled her eyebrows smugly. The whole group was laughing maniacally, while Herc and Laf blushed for eternity.
For the rest of the day they chatted and made jokes while moving furniture and unpacking stuff. His roommate never came, even when he bid the group farewell at about 11 and jumping in his bed. He made a note to his roommate if he came in the morning-
Dear new roommate.
If I don't see you in the morning then there will be a high chance you get this note. I'm john,and I'm studying medicines. I hope I see you soon and I can't wait to meet you.
Much love,  John.

That was the first college note.

Yus I'm done! Whoooo hoooo
This was like a third bigger than my first chapter, but yay
I look back and i realise how long it is. Also yay
I also 'tried' to draw. The art was inspired by Sarahishamiltontrash , although it still sucks. and i talked to her about how i can only draw head and shoulders (which is totally true, by the way), and i was inspired by her whole body photos and hands. I can't draw hands.
Anyhow, i hope you enjoyed. Since I started high school the other day i will try to update as soon as possible (if I don't procrastinate lol)

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