Chapter 11- Rain

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The first scene is before the epilogue from the last chapter, btw. I hope it makes sense.
Also, I just realised that I have been spelling Lafayette's nickname wrong. I think. It's "Laff", not "Laf". Oops.
Eliza: Hey hon
Eliza: Can you meet me outside the dormitory buildings? It's important
Alex felt the pit in his stomach enlarge as he scanned over the texts just sent to him. He groaned, glancing over to John's untouched bedroom, not been opened for what felt like forever, but would've only been not even a day. Alexander panged and longed to see him, even so. He missed John so much. It would seem ridiculous to anyone else, but less than 24 hours felt like weeks and weeks to Alex, especially when the guilt from the night before still tingled through his body.
He decided to write another note to John, explaining how he didn't know about "everything" that had happened to him.
He hesitantly wrote the words "I love you." At the bottom, hoping no one else would stumble across it and discover his secret.
After collecting his things for his classes, he met Laf outside his door after closing it. "Eliza wants me to meet her outside the dorm buildings. You still want to come with me to next class?"
Laf shrugged. "Oui, i do want to have a word with her anyway."
Alex nodded solemnly, silently walking towards the elevator.
Once stepping foot outside the building, Alex spotted Eliza standing in the crispy air, staring down every leaf that fell. Catching eyes with the dark haired teen, she swooped next to the duo and continued walking beside them, not even saying good morning or placing a kiss on Alexander's cheek (not that it bothered him.)
After a brief silence, Eliza finally cracked her head up. "Ok Alex, what the hell were you thinking? Peggy told me what happened, and I am just blown away. Like, what the hell?" Alex froze up at Eliza's words, quite raw and new to Eliza's harsh tone.
Laf seemed to already be prepared and waiting for this, as he immediately retorted back, "Eliza, he did not know of John's fragility. Let it go."
Eliza stopped an turned to Lafayette. "Laf, how can you be so calm about this?"
"Because Alex did not know, nor did he understand how... deeply John would be affected." Laf answered, wisdom cutting through his voice.
"Yeah, but... I..." Eliza seemed to be at a loss for words.
"Alex did not know how...ah, how you say... cruel Henry Laurens is." Lafayette continued, 'I'm sure now Alexander understands and will be cautious next time, ai-je raison?"
Alex nodded quickly, not wanting to pitch in to the argument. "Oui."
Eliza hung her head in thought, leading them into the main campus. "I'm still not sure... something doesn't add up. I mean, Peggy told me that John explained that all there was was yelling, nothing more. But still, he's taken yelling many times before, so what was different now? Did something else happen?"
Alex stuttered. "I-i no, nothing bad happened, I-" Eliza raised an eyebrow and gave Alexander a fierce look, he pulled his hand to the back of his neck and rubbed it paranormally. "I just... I'm not lying!"
In one swift move, Eliza had Alexander's collar in her fist and gripping it tightly. "Alexander Hamilton, I love you, but you better be telling the fucking truth, otherwise I swear to god you will pay."
Alex nodded hurriedly, genuinely scared of the bubbling rage in Eliza's beady black eyes. She sighed, letting her grasp of Alexander fall as she continued walking.
He stood in perplexity and shock from Eliza's sudden aggressiveness, then shook his head and straightened his collar, rushing up beside her. "Can you just tell me where he is?"
Eliza turned to Alex. "He's in my dorm." Alex was about to retort when Eliza held up a finger. "But, I ask you not to go in there. No contact with him, don't talk to him, don't call him. Just... give him some space." Alex shifted his gaze to his fiddling hands. "Please, Alex. If you really are genuinely sorry, and you care for him, let him have this. He needs some time to think. Give him a day." Eliza lifted his chin up softly so Alex had no choice but to gaze into her engulfing jet-black eyes.
Of course I care for him. I'm in love with him. Alex desperately had the urge to scream out those words that were spoken in his brain, but knew that he was restrained by his own mind from doing so. "Alright."
Eliza smiled gently and leaned over to peck him on the cheek. "Thanks, hon. Love you!" She turned on her black designer heels and strode across the corridor, joining a conversation with Theodosia and Maria as they soon vanished around a corner. Alex looked back at Laf. "Girls can be so confusing sometimes. And scary."
"Oui, I agreed. She scared the crap out of me, I know for sure." Alex and Laf shared a look before bursting into unneeded laughter, wondering across to their first class together as they did.

The uneasy and ringing silence that stung at Alexander's ears carried him from the living room, through to the kitchen. Still having flashes of the morning events when Eliza had stared deeply and menacingly into his soul; or, what it felt like. Her eyes seemed so... out of place from her personality. This isn't any foreshadowing, peeps. Just some really deep stuff.
Reaching his hand towards the doorknob to John's room, he twisted the knob in hope of spotting the freckled teen in all his tranquility and beauty, but was only lead to a cold, unfriendly tempered room with curtains undrawn and everything untouched. Alex sighed and bit his lip, mentally cursing at himself for hoping too far, then made his way into the kitchen. Placing his bag on the kitchen bench he prepared to make himself a cup of peppermint tea that John always enjoyed. Placing a lime green tea mug on the kitchen bench where usually notes were placed instead, he turned to grab a tea bag-
Alex whipped his head back to the kitchen bench, where nothing but his bag and the lime green tea mug lied.
Just his bag and the mug.
No notes.
His notes to John were gone.
Alex felt a jolt of uncertainty and eagerness as he lifted his back up in search for the notes. Nothing.
They were truly gone.
This made Alex wonder, John must have taken them, who else would have?
Wait, but what if someone else took them?
"Alex, you idiot, no one can get into your dorm except you and John!" Alexander scolded himself out loud, suddenly switching to his voice rather than mind. He slapped a hand to his mouth.
This must have meant he was here... he's seen my notes!
Alex felt a surge of happiness and emotional distress as he pictured John in his head, remembered all of his overall experiences and moments with him, all of their movie nights, the time when he had forced on into wearing the green sweater-
Alex threw his head up. The sweater. (*GASP* THE SWEATER XD)
The sweater he had previously owned had more sentimental value to Alex now. It reminded him of not only him, but John as well. Flinging John's door open again abandoning his tea, he flew open the wardrobe and began searching through jumpers and coats, and at one point caught himself off guard by mumbling out loud "I am not a creep."
At last, he had caught a glimpse of a specific shade of green that Alex so familiarly remembered. He dragged the jumper off of its hanging wire carefully, holding it out of him. It was still the bright parakeet green that reminded him fondly of John's shamrock eyes that matched so well with the jumper. The size was still fitting for Alex, but he preferred how John fitted in it. So large and adorable on him, it reminded him of when John looked up to him that day, asking him if he could keep the jumper for himself.
"C-can I keep it?"
Alex felt an overwhelming surge of emotions and he collapsed onto his feet in a heap of sobs. Pressing the jumper to his chest, his tears melted into the fabric of the jumper.
Alexander looked up from the ground and fell eyes on the bed before him, where Alex had occasionally slept in when John was too afraid to sleep by himself. He crawled onto the bed helplessly, not bothering to pull the covers over himself. Alex didn't even understand nor comprehend why was crying so much. 
Maybe he just missed the moments when John was happy.
Maybe he just missed John in particular.
That made no sense, alex had just saw him yesterday.
Maybe I feel this way because this is how love feels, missing someone that you just saw a small while ago?
After letting out another sob, Alex felt his consciousness slip away as he drifted into an uneasy slumber.

This is the day after. Because time skip.
After a day of thinking, and countless hours of reviewing over his actions and events, he was fully prepared to face Alex. He knew what he was going to say.
He had an idea of what he was going to say.
John was still fuming at Alexander, as he still felt a small pit of brewing agitation deep inside of him. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But, his plan was to confront Alex, then scold him for his words. As much as he wanted to kiss him deeply and say that he was his, ("Bad Johnny!" John disparaged himself while pinching his arm in punishment) he knew that it was for the best.
Since he had no classes the day before, he was stuck in a slight jet lag, unable to concentrate on the maths teacher or his notes. All that he was able to concentrate on was the rain that destructively hammered on the roof, which was quite soothing to him. Keeping his gaze to his notes absentmindedly, but occasionally flickering his eyes to the window, he concluded to himself that there was a certain chance for a storm.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
After what felt like an eternity of staring out the window, blankly transfixed on the pattering rain that hard gotten even fiercer as the lesson went on, the bell screamed through the speakers, signalling the end of classes for the day. John scooped up his materials and dodged though the desks, flying into the corridors.
A struck of cracking thunder whipped through his ears, making him jump. John shuddered with excitement, as he was one who subtly enjoyed storms and rainy weather; it gave him a chance of tranquility, a chance to cuddle up on the couch in a heap of blankets drinking a cup of tea or cocoa while browsing through YouTube. Hurrying outside to make his way to the dorm buildings, he darted to and fro from different students who fortunately had an umbrella in their hands.
Finally stepping foot in the dorm buildings and making his way through the endless corridors of doors, he finally reached his own. John was in the midst of turning the key through the lock, but stopped himself before he could finish.
He sighed, closing eyes and leaning his forehead on the door. He took a moment to compose himself before facing Alex. He still could not believe that Alex, so to speak loved him. John, you don't know if he was telling the truth, or if it was just jibberish.
John shook his head and straightened up, pushing the door opened as his heart pumped vigorously. The living room was set up how it normally was, the kitchen was clean, and Alex...
Alex wasn't in his study. For once.
Huh, maybe he isn't back yet...
After joining into the uneasy silence that lingered through the rooms, he put his bag on the kitchen counter, where he took note of a tiny detail in which he had not seen before.
A new note.
That didn't seem to be finished.
It was scribbled down in a rushed and messy like manner, that stopped mid sentence.
Theres a storm coming
Ill be in my room
If you dont see me
Im really scared, i dont

A struck of lightning flashed outside the window in wanting attention, and another crack of thunder roared and tumbled his thoughts over, like as if the lighting had struck him across his head in realisation.
Alex is afraid of storms.
His heart raced as fast as he himself raced to his study, where he might be able to find Alex curled in a ball somewhere. In his absence, John muttered out his name that became louder with every call. "Alex?"
He bolted through Alexander's room, mentally slapping himself and asking why he hadn't searched there before.
He wasn't there either.
John started to hyperventilate, his gasped rasping through his chest as he searched the dorm again. He need to find Alex more than ever now.
He checked the bathroom.
He checked the study.
He checked the living room.
He checked Alexander's room.
He checked his own room.
Wait, John whipped his head around to his bedroom, feeling a joint crack feebly in his neck but not caring, I haven't searched my room!
John eased the door open slightly, uncertain but slightly hoping that Alex would be there.
"Oh my lord."
Alex was, in fact, there, huddled on the bed in agony and hyperventilating dangerously, not taking notice of John's appearance to him. John's heart snapped and he forgot about all of his anger towards Alex, rushing up to him. "Alex, Alex! Can you hear me?!"
Alex didn't seem to hear him at all, as if his words went through one ear and out the other. John stared at him with wide eyes, trying to figure out what to do. Alexander's eyes had been soaked with tears, his eyelashes had stuck to his eyelids. He was sweating profusely, drenching his shirt completely and sticking to him. He looked worse than he did when he was experiencing a panic attack he was sick.
John took a deep breath in, relaxing himself. He took hold of Alex's shoulders gently and spoke in a stern, but soothing tone. "Alexander, its me John. I'm here. I'm going to help you, okay?"
Alexander gritted his teeth and nodded his head helplessly. John sighed. The bedsheets were sticking to Alexander uncomfortably, not doing anything for alex put irritating him. "I'm going to take the bed sheets off of you for a split second, okay? Just so you can get comfortable."
Alex whimpered loudly, before nodding his heads shakily. John prying the covers off of Alex, causing him to shiver. John bit his lip and unmistakably pressed his forehead against Alexander's, whispering to him. "Shhh, it's okay, Alexander. I'm here. Just take deep breaths. In, and out." John pulled his head away and pushed his lips onto Alex's forehead before returning to prying the bed sheets away.
A crack of thunder raged outside and cracked through John's ears. Alexander screamed and cowered his shaking arms over his face. John whipped the blanket that had fallen on the floor up and covered it over Alexander, climbing in the bed with him. "Alexander, please, its okay. The storm isn't going to hurt you." John wrapped his arm around Alexander's head and pulled it closer to his chest protectively.
Alex hiccuped, swaddling his body closer to John. "No, i-it is, its getting c-closer-"
John rubbed the back of Alexander's neck, shushing him. "Shhh, Alexander. Deep breaths."
Alex took a shaky breath and cradled his face into John's shoulder.
"It's okay, Alexander, I'm here, Lexi."

It definitely makes up for the last chapter.
That was an April Fools joke that a lot of you seemed to take seriously.
Kudos to those who tried to translate it, but all that it was was a message at the start saying how you were wasting your time, and the rest was just chapter 9, copied and pasted into wing dings font. :P
It took a lot of thought and thinking, tho.
Also, this book just hit 7k!
Wowwww! Thanks!!
I think that's all i have to say
April fools, bitchesssss
Chazz 💜💜💜

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