Chapter 12- Taste

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You guys are gonna love this chapter.
I hate what I wrote at the end ughhhhhh
I'm changing my writing style, btw. I'm putting gaps between each paragraph.

Like this.
And i know that everyone already knows Alexander's backstory, so i didn't write it. You're welcome.
Also, in the first chapter i said for you to except 1-2 chapters each week, this is the third chapter this week. No complaining in the comments.
Also also, excuse me for all the an's, but for some reason i cant unpublish the April fools chapter. Every time I unpublished it, it published itself again. Wattpad's a bitch.
Also also also,I have a lot of comments flooding in every day, so if I haven't replied to your comment, I'm looking at it!
Also also also also, i got the hamilton book. I love it. It's very interesting to read and study all the historic characters.
John and Alexander sat on the couch together on a Saturday morning, unproductive and unable to think of how to spend their time. John sat crossed legged, staring at his laptop screen; admitting soft giggles and mumbles to himself occasionally.
Alex wasn't paying attention much to his surroundings, as his eyes were transfixed to the tv-  which was currently screening an "Exclusive" documentary that was focused on the government ripping American communities off with unneeded taxing and billing's.

It had been around 3 days since the storm was conducted, and Alexander could not recall anything that had occurred that rainy afternoon. This worried Alex, as he might have admitted to his backstory to John, why he was afraid of storms, as such.
He decided to put that behind him and focus on the fact that John is an incredibly understanding and forgiving person- so if Alexander did let something slip, it wouldn't matter much to John.

Alex focused his vision to the TV, his mind, but not his eyes wondering about. After the storm had abated, not a single word of the argument the two shared had came up.
Instead, Alex woke up the next morning to his arms clutching onto John's waist and his head buried in his freckled, but covered shoulders. After John had woken, a string of apologies spilled out of his mouth, giving Alex a tinge of misunderstanding. He should be the one to apologise, shouldn't he?

Alex finally ripped his eyes from the tv screen and his mind from his thoughts and peered over at john. He was in the middle of a paragraph of what looked like an online novel, and he was giggling to himself beneath his breath, his eyes glowing with humour under the brim of his...


Indeed, John was wearing hazel-golden, round rim glasses that covered his eyes completely and hung above his spotted, button like nose. He looked fucking adorable, to say the least. Not to mention he was wearing the parakeet sweater. That itself was a self explanatory bonus.

Alex stiffed a snort as he gazed at the freckled boy marvellously. Why does he have to be so goddamn cute?
John finally looked up from his laptop and glanced at Alex momentarily before tilting his head. "What is it?"

Alex bit the inside of his cheek as an attempt to stop giggling. And blushing. "You're wearing glasses."

A hint of salmon pink crept onto his face as John grew flustered and turned his face ahead of him. "Y-yeah, and?"

Alex nudged him. "I've never seen you wear them!"

John snickered, Alex didn't pickup the tone, whether it was genuine or bittersweet. "T-there's a lot you don't know about me, Alex!"

"But you've never wore glasses before!" Alex protested. John took off the oculus ringed glasses and grinned.

"They're just for show! I don't need them, I just... I like them." John mumbled shyly, pushing the glasses back on his nose. His cheeks turned back to his rosy colour and his eyes filled with a slight panic. "It's okay if I wear them, is it?"

Alex parted his lips in a supporting grin. "Yeah, of course its fine! They look adorable on you!" Before Alex could stop himself the words flooded out of his mouth.

John puffed his cheeks out and flushed even an deeper salmon. Alex felt a natural smile grow on his face as he watched John go red. "T-thanks."

Alex suddenly stood up, gleaming at John with familiarity. An idea popped into his head. "Hey, instead of wasting our times sitting here, doing nothing, why don't we... go out?"

John was struck with a flustered and bedazzled look on his face as he heard the words "Go out".
Alex shook his head and his eyes widened. "Oh, haha! Not like that! Just a casual outing, like best buds!"

The elegant curled boy gasped with a twinkle of exhilaration and mischief. "Good idea, Al! Let me get some stuff, first!"

Alex smiled to himself at the nickname that John had given him; as the shorter boy had been making up dozens and dozens of nicknames for Alex in reply of Alexander calling him "Freckles". When John fled from sight into his room, Alex flew his hands to his face to cover his overwhelmingly coral coloured cheeks.

Of course it wasn't going to be a real date, but Alexander badly wanted to pretend to himself that it was such thing. A full day with an eloquent beauty like John Laurens was unimaginable. Not unimaginable, seeing how Alex always fantasised about a life with John. Make all the sexual jokes you want in the comments, I don't give a shit. It was impossible.

As soon as Alex finished packing a bag for himself, John waddled into the living room along with a satchel in his side, beaming. Alex looked up. "You ready?"

John nodded enthusiastically, a bright grin on his freckled face. "Yep!"

The pair walked out into the fresh air of a Saturday morning. The wind blew slightly against their faces as if it was placing a hand on their cheeks. The concrete was damp from the nightly shower, and auburn coloured maple leaves stuck to the ground delicately.

John addressed Alexander. "So, where are you thinking to go?"

Alex shrugged, not proposing an actual plan before suggesting it to John. "I don't know... I just thought maybe just casual things people do together. Like coffee, the museum-"

John gasped dramatically as Alex mentioned "Museum", his emerald eyes sparkling with ideas. He grasped Alexander arm. "Alex, can we go to the aquarium, please?!"

Alex rolled his eyes playfully at John's adorable pleading. "Seriously? Haven't you been there millions of times?"

John shook Alex's arm harder. "Please, Lexi!"

Alex felt his heart bump viciously from the physical contact. He shook it off immediately. "F-fine. We can go."

John flew from Alex and pumped his fists in the air victoriously, like a young child. "Yes! Thanks, Alex!" Before Alexander could protest or speak another word, John tugged his arm over and dragged him to the nearest bus stop.


Staring at a fish tank for 4 minutes straight was... almost impossible for Alexander.
He just couldn't understand the reason of common people paying $20 just to watch little fish swim around in a tank on end. Fish aren't really that fascinating. He had never been to an aquarium, and he had just learnt from others how boring it is.

Still, the only amusing thing there was the fact that John was gasping and waving excitedly at every fish that passed the circular tank. Alex was pretty sure that John had waved to this one orange spotted fish at least 6 times. At least John is enjoying himself, Alex smiled warmly, That's all that matters.

John finally wandered back to Alex. "Can we move on to the other enclosures?"

Alex blinked. "There's more...?"

John stared at alex for a split second before breaking into giggles. The soft, heavenly giggles that Alex longed to hear. "Of course there's more, silly! There's lizards, snakes, turtles, sting rays, crocodiles and turtles!" John squealed delightfully.

Alex raised an eyebrow. "You said turtles more than once." Again, John had already grasped Alexander's arm and was pulling down another section.

After going through a few more habitats, Alex was starting to enjoy himself. Mainly because John was enjoying himself, and also because he was having personal time with the 'secret' love of his life.
He adored the fact that every time they had entered a new enclosure, John beamed and scurried over to the rails, poking out his tongue in utter awe and concentration.

The pair had finally reached the turtle enclosure; there was a mass window in one corner of the room, and a tranquil lake-forest like habitat, with less than 6 turtles visible. The area was quiet, as there were no other visitors than them.

Alex looked over at John, who he expected to be blowing a fuse with excitement- but instead John had a peaceful, at ease smile on his face as he sauntered over to a bench shaped like a rock to fit in with the other scenery. He turned his head to face the turtles, as if he was having a simple conversation with one.

Alex smiled humbly and slowly moved over to the rock. After a small comfortable silence of just watching the turtles, John finally spoke, breaking the silence. "I remember this place quite well."

Alex turned his head to John. "You've been here before? I thought you lived in South Carolina before coming here."

John raised his bright green eyes from the habitat, staring out from the window. "I don't like to talk about it, but... When I was 16, a company that created marine biology information books called my father and asked to feature some of my art of turtles.
"He agreed, obviously because I was getting paid to do so. Anyway, they flew me here, to this exact aquarium so that I could study turtles in further depth." Alex felt his eyes widen more and more as the story progressed.
"So... I got featured for three of my sketches of turtles. Those ones, to be precise." John pointed to three turtles as he explained, "I studied here for days on end. That's why I know the place so well."

"Wow, John. That's incredible! I never knew that you did this." John's cheeks rashes out with embarrassment as Alex praised him.

Alex scooted closer to one turtle that was glaring his beady eyes out at Alexander, as if it was challenging him to a staring contest. Both teens didn't seem to realise how close they were getting to each other, and as soon as Alexander glanced over at John, his nose was barely touching his spotted cheek.

His heart pumped thunderously, begging himself furiously to go closer; and before he could scold himself for his thought process, John was facing him,

And their noses were bumping.

John blinked with a slightly flustered, mostly shocked expression and Alex took it as a count to move away. Expecting an awkward silence to occur, Alexander stood up, his heart thumped dreadfully and faster than before. Instead, looking back at John,
He was laughing.
The shamrock eyed teen smiled up at Alexander, and stood up, walking to the exit. "Let's go to another enclosure!" He held out his hand to Alex.

Compared to John, Alex looked completely flustered and speechless. His heart bumped on every side of his chest in exhilaration. Hesitantly, he reached for John's lightly freckled hand and took it. Immediately John smiled childishly and pulled him through to another enclosure.

All the ads you see in this chapter are real ads. Ive based the names off of real commercials I've seen that makes me question my existence.
"Oh my god, thats so stupid!"

The couch was once again that day, occupied by both John and Alex, but instead they were laughing at commercials that lasted for 30 minutes and rambled on about "World-changing-products". Currently the two were munching on a box of cinnamon dusted popcorn, pointing mocking the commercial playing on the screen- "The FatFighter: It really works!"

They had just finished airing a whole marathon of 'Friends', after coming back from the aquarium and a small stop at Starbucks.
John sweetly recalled the memory of Alex accidentally dipping the top of his nose in his froth. John nearly spat his coffee through his nose while laughing.

He also recaptured himself confidently holding his hand out towards Alexander, which was totally out of character for him. He was usually shy and timid, not courageous and self-sufficient, and holding his hand out to his crush.
What was even crazier is that Alexander took his hand. John started to squeal internally in his head as the Tv played.

Stop it, John. He has a girlfriend.

But, he said he loved me.

Oh my god, we've had this debate so many times!

"Who?" John flew a hand to his mouth.

"Huh?" Alex mumbled, his fixed gaze on the screen breaking.

"O-oh, nothing!" John gave a squirmy laugh before shutting down his mindful debate and turned to the new ad that was spoke- "The EarWax Wonder- Just shove it in and twist!" I just realised how wrong that sounds ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

After a while of laughing horrendously at ads that were obviously fake, John attempted to dip his hand into the popcorn bucket; before he could manage to grab any, Alex snatched the box away, not taking a second glance from the TV. John scoffed. "Alex!"

Alex stopped munching for a second before resuming his chewing. "Alex!" John taunted, trying to grab his attention.

Alexander finally looked away from the screen with a smug look wrapped on his face. "What is it, John?"

"Give me some popcorn!" John nagged, trying to take a swing at the popcorn. Alex grabbed the box and placed it out of reach of John, to the freckled boy's dismay. He groaned.

"Lex, you've had majority of the popcorn, you hogger, give me some!" John reached over Alexander as another attempt, but Alex, yet again, swooped the box out of his reach.

John lifted himself onto his knees with pure determination, grabbing onto Alexander's shoulder as the taller boy kept clasping the box further away. "Nice try, Freckles."

John made one final attempt of trying to grasp onto the popcorn box, but failed as Alexander placed it on the table beside it, out of reach for both of them. John let out a frustrated groan, then sagged on his knees-

Then he realised that he was sitting on Alexander's left knee.

And Alex's knee was between his legs.

John tensed up and gulped, facing Alexander as his heart thumped uneasily and his face grew hot. Alex was just staring at him with large eyes.

The two finally met each others eyes, giving a sense of warm tension.

Alex was the first to speak. "Hey...John?" He mumbled incoherently to John, barely breaking contact with the freckled boy.

John seemed to be just as breathless, stumbling for words. Alex was obviously going to ask him to get off. "Yeah?"

Suddenly, Alex crashed his plump, luscious lips onto John's fragile lips, and John felt a shocking sensation rush through his body, his heart racing as fast as the quickest melody beat ever created. On an accidental impulse he let his eyes flutter shut as he felt the longing sense of Alexander's lips on his own. The taste he could sense was passionate, rough, felt like desperation.

All too soon, Alex had pulled away, the red on his flustered cheeks easily noticeable to John even in the dimly lit room. He gasped for air roughly and stuttered, seeming for a loss of words. "Oh my god, John, I'm so sorry-"

John felt the desire and thirst for the taste of Alexander's lips still strongly surge his body, and he grabbed the top of Alex's shirt and dug his lips back into the other pair.

John felt Alexander hesitate for a second before moving his lips with John in sync. He pulled John's waist closer to his own and John sat on his hipbone, legs wrapped around his own waist and lap.
Alex slid his tongue into John's mouth lustily, causing the freckled boy to freeze suddenly then continue and oblige to Alexander. He carefully swarmed through John's heated mouth, intertwining his tongue with John's.

John wasn't very skilled in any kind of physical contact with others, and he was slightly uncomfortable with the move that Alexander pulled off, but he was in too much of a daze to care.

John accidentally admitted out a soft moan as Alex slipped a hand under John's sweater and shirt, sliding his warm hand up and down. John shuddered with slight pleasure, and parted the kiss. "A-Alex."

Alex looked up at John, eyes full of need. "Hm?"

"I-I..." John bit his lip, know fully in his head that he was not thinking straight. He plunged his lips back into Alexander's, tugging at his straight, messy hair. Alex groaned lightly into the kiss, still roaming his hand through John's body. He felt like he need more. He did need more. He completely fazed out the fact that Alex was already occupied, it didn't concern him.

Until he had thought of the raven haired girl suddenly flash through his mistaken mins.

John felt guilt pickle through his skin heavily as he realised that he was doing wrong to Eliza.

Oh goodness. What am I doing?!

"A-Alex." John shivered lightly through the kiss, still experiencing a light exhilaration from Alexander's nipping hand. "Alex, p-please."

Alex looked up steadily and broke the kiss, panting. "Huh?"

John shook his head, signalling Alex to stop. The taller teen gave a panicked gasp, his hands flying to his mouth. "Oh shit. John, I'm sorry, I didn't want it to go that far."

John sighed unsteadily, shaking his head again. "It's okay, I just... I'm going to go to the bathroom to... think."

And with that, John scurried into the bathroom and quietly shut the door behind him, leaving behind a distressed Alexander.

John licked his lips and sank down to the ground, savouring the sweet taste as if it was his last grasp of it.

I edited the last few paragraphs for more fluff. I'm so guilty.
Edited it again because I couldn't stand thinking about the grossness.
But like, do you know how gross it was for me to write that?
I've never experienced a kiss, or... that.
And it kinda shows, so... :/
Gross. Is all I can say.

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