Chapter 13- Peggy, Our Lord and Savior

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Betcha weren't expecting another chapter after I said yesterday that I wouldn't update for a while?!
Just saying, this is a filler chapter because I'm on holiday and I am meant to be doing other stuff, but the plane was delayed a fucking hour. This isn't very well drafted, but this is just suiting in for now. If you don't want to read it, there's a summary at the bottom.
There is no lams. Just a warning.
Hyperventilating on the bathroom floor in his dorm was a regular routine for John.
But this time it felt less composure and limits, mainly because he had a reason to do so.

He had just kissed Alex.
Alex has a girlfriend. Her name is Eliza.
Eliza is his best friend.

If that wasn't a good enough reason, he had no clue what was.
He couldn't believe that he had just made out with his best friend that already had a girlfriend. Not to mention that he enjoyed it.
Tears began to silently stumble down his flustered cheeks as he threw his head in his hands.

How could you do that to Eliza?! She doesn't deserve you as a friend. An enraged voice sneered in his head. John felt the voice gift him with unneeded dread and guilt.

He had no idea what to do. He had no idea what he just did, or what he got himself into. He just needed to talk to someone. Hazily, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and opened his texts. Tears beaded his eyes as he scrolled through his chats.

Herc and Laf? No, they're on at the French exhibition.

Aaron? He's too analytical.

Eliza? Well that's a fantastic idea. The voice growled in a not so sarcastic tone.
"Go away..." John mumbled to himself, constantly trying to ignore the negative comments and attitude thrown at him.

Peggy and Angie. ...Go for it.

Hesitantly, John messaged the two in a private chat.
John- Hi.
Peggy- hey johnny! whats up with the new group chat?
Angie- Yeah, why did you invite two sisters into one chat when they are facing opposite each other.
John- I need to tell you something
Peggy- :0
Angie- What is it.
John inhaled, contemplating how he should break the story to them. He had to tell them at least something. He had bottled up everything that had happened between his and Alexander. The argument. The storm. Now the fiasco that had just played out added to the list.

John hovered his thumbs over the keyboard with a clouded mind taking over him. After thinking, he decided that he would just let his thumbs do the thinking.
John- You know the fight that Alex and i had a while back?
Angie- Yes.
Peggy- what is it?
John noticed that it took a while for them to respond; he just assumed that from the Schuylers dorm the two sisters were discussing the matter.
John- I didn't tell you the whole story.
More desperate gaps between each texts.
Angie- I fucking knew it.
Peggy- what?! What else happened?! >:0
John- well
Peggy- John please tell us!
Angie-What happened.
John- fine. But, you have to promise.

John bit his lip subconsciously as he anxiously awaited their response.

Angie- Promise what.
John- That you won't tell Eliza.
Peggy- eliza? What did he do to eliza ? >:I
John- Just promise, please!
Angie- Okay.
Peggy- fine fine!

John started breathing heavily as he watching his thumbs type words that he could just comprehend.
Alex said that he was in love with me.

Send it, I dare you, his negative voice laughed with a cold sneer. They'll be sure to be your friend after.
"In fact, they will be my friends after this, thank you very much." John hissed at his self doubting voice, although he felt his words deflecting from his true feelings.

"John, stop talking to yourself," he tried to console himself to try and distract him from the fact that he had just accidentally pressed send. He reacted a few seconds late. "You goof, you look like a manic-oh my goodness I sent it, okay."

John began hyperventilating even harder as he stared dumbly at the message. No later than 10 seconds, his phone started to blow up.
Angie- Okay, what the actual fuck.
Peggy- youre shitting me john! What the fuck?!
Peggy- youre lying arent you ?
Angie- You idiot, John doesn't lie
Peggy- fuck
Peggy- please tell me that you are lying this time
Angie- As much as I dont want you to lie please tell me that this one is a lie

John sighed, his heart beating faster than horse hooves beating on the ground melodiously. He felt small thuds vibrating on the ground, but there was no knock on the bathroom door, to John's relief.

John- no.
John- this isn't a lie.
Angie- John Laurens you better explain what the fuck happened or i swear t god
Peggy- angie plz T~T
John- okay.
John- Alex had asked me why I wasn't talking to him
John- And then i snapped at him, I yelled at him and asked him why he cared so much about me.
John- And then he said it.
John- He said that he loved me.

John exhaled heavily, slightly relived that he got that off his chest. It took around 2 minutes to actually get a message from either girls.

Peggy- sorry
Peggy- I was trying to calm down Angelica. she just had a hissy fit -0-
John- Oh goodness, what have I done?!
Peggy- shes not mad at you, shes mad at alexander
Peggy- in fact, she's fucking pissed. -_-
John- Why isn't she mad at me?
Peggy- johnny, you didn't do anything wrong
Angie- yeah, I'm not mad at you.
Angie- but I'm fucking raging at Alexander.
Angie- Fucking Alexander!
Peggy- ikr. How dare he do that to Eliza
Angie- did he say anything else?

John tensed up and gulped subconsciously, hearing a slam of a door from outside.
John- all he said was that he really loved me. Then I screamed at him for betraying Eliza and ran to your dorm.

As much as he admitted it out loud, John couldn't hide the fact that he was thrilled by the fact that Alexander might love him. Another part of him scolded him again. You can't have these feelings. Alexander is Eliza's, not yours.

Peggy- hm.
Peggy- we have an idea
John- ok?
Angie- we are going to get the group together to talk to Alexander about this, and I need you and Eliza to go on a little outing, okay?

John thought for a moment. He was unsure if he really wanted the others to confront Alex- John was a very keep to himself person. But, if it was for the benefits of Eliza, he would do anything to help.

John- fine. What time?
Peggy- around 10am. We're gonna give Alex a piece of our minds. >:/
John- okay. I'm going to bed now. Thank you for letting me tell you.
Angie- Thank you for telling us.

John tilted his head back to the wall and shuddered through his gritted teeth. He didn't really want anyone to make a fuss about Alexander and him, but he couldn't manage it by his self. He couldn't manage Alexander's words.

Finally, he mustered up the courage to creak the door open. Alexander was no longer in his original position, and soft snores were stumbling out of Alex's room.

John took this as an opportunity to tip toe into his own room, turn on the warm coloured reading light and settle into bed, along with the attempt to ignore the tears that still spilled down his cheeks.


Angelica- meet us at our dorm. 10:15.

Alexander's chest filled with curiosity and uncertainty as he surfed his eyes over the words. Knowing all too well that whenever Angelica texted Alex, something was up.
What if she found out about last night?

That drew Alex to wonder where John was. After he had fleeted to the bathroom, he didn't come out for ages, and Alex just decided to go to sleep. He really wanted to apologise to him then- he couldn't stand the thought of losing John again.

After deciding to talk to him in the morning, Alex woke up to an empty dorm, other than himself. John had already left, not to be seen.

Then he had gotten the message from Angie.

He had around 15 minutes to get ready, so after changing into some fresh clothes, he headed into the kitchen- where he found a yellow sticky note stuck to the bench.

I'm out with Eliza for the day.
Enjoy your day with the group.

Alex hummed in realisation, then turned to grab a cup of coffee- not even wondering how John even knew about his meeting with Angie.

At quarter past 10, Alexander stood outside the Schuylers dorm, hesitantly stepping forward to knock. It took at least 2.3 seconds for a door to swing open by a completely red Angelica. Her dark brows were furrowed furiously, and she wore a deeply enraged expression. She pulled Alex by the shirt and dragged him inside, slamming the door after her. Alexander felt all the uncertainty flush away before immediately being replaced with fear. He had never seen Angelica- the most sensible, witty, charming girl he had met- so fired up and feisty.

He was shoved into the living room, where he caught eyes with all the group.
Maria was whispering to Theo, shaking her head in pity.
Aaron was nodding sensibly besides Theo, listening in to the barely audible conversation.
Herc and Laf were sighing at Alexander, barely making eye contact with him.
Peggy was glaring cautiously at him.
And Angelica was glaring daggers at him. He was told this by the sharp slap on the cheek that he had earned from her, causing all conversations to cease, and fall into an eerie silence.

Alex touched the cheek that he was struck on, raw with shocking pain. He stared at angelic, who was nearly in tears. "How dare you lie to Eliza, how dare you do this to her?!"

Alexander blinked as Angelica strode up to him again, but being held back by Maria and Peggy. "W-what do you mean?"

Peggy froze on the spot, then walked up to Alex after calming down Angelica. "Alexander, John told us what you actually said to him that night you argued with him."

Alex felt the pit in his stomach scream as it was burning in flames of guilt. "What?"

"You, my friend, got with Eliza at the start of the year, and I'm pretty sure that you didn't even like her then. But, you asked to be his boyfriend, for god knows what reason. And that night, when you were arguing with John, you said something that triggered him off the hook.
"Alex, you said that you loved John, correct? No wonder he was so upset. And now that I look back, I'm pretty sure he was more upset at you saying that you love him, not that you were yelling at him.
"Now, we all know that Eliza is beautiful and kind, outgoing. she is a wild, free spirit. John... John is the most precious, delicate, sweetest person that you will ever meet. He will put his life on the line for others, and that also applies for happiness. Alex, John will put anyone's happiness before him. So that's why, when you said that you loved him, he knew that Eliza would be devastated if she found out.
"Luckily, Eliza is a resilient person. So even what John told us was true, she can bounce back. This does not give you an excuse. But how dare you pretend to fall in love with another person? That's toying with their emotions.
You know what? I'm going to step back. Alexander, has everything I have said true?"

Alexander was dead silent from shock as Peggy ranted. It seemed that everyone else was just as shocked, or at least startled. Finally, he looked up into Peggy's desperate glare.

"Y-Yeah, I do love John. And I became Eliza's boyfriend because I thought that what I was feeling was love. But It was just my stupid conscious thinking it was love. After that, I didn't want to hurt her."
Obviously they were only aware of what Alex had said in the argument, along with theories that were suggested by Peggy.

"You will just ending up hurting her more, mon ami." Laf suggested wisely.

"I know, I know. I'm... sorry." Alex rubbed his face up and down.

"You shouldn't apologise to us, you should apologise to Eliza." Maria deflected, crossing his arms.

"You're right. What do I do?" Alexander rubbed his temples.

Angelica, who was on standby to punch Alexander when he dared to speak up, stepped from the living from table. "You need to break up with her."

Alex whipped his head around, surprised of her words. "What?"

Angelica shrugged, obviously trying to shield away her rage. "She's strong, she can take it. Just tell her how you feel."

Alex smiled gratefully, thankful that Angelica was sparing him. "Thankyou."

Herc and Laf suddenly coughed to grab attention. "So, off of that topic, you like Johnny, huh?"

Alex felt his face turn maroon. He stood lob sided, twirling a piece of his hair. "Y-Yeah."

A few snickered flickered through the group, causing Alex to hide his face in his peach coloured hoodie. Peggy had sat down next to Maria on her beanbag and squealed. "Awww, you guys would be the absolute cutest!"

Alex stared at her, confusion tumbling through his words. "I thought you thought me and Eliza were cute together."

Peggy shrugged. "I ship anyone together. Don't fucking judge me, bitch."

The whole group started screaming at Peggy for her swearing.

Ugh, i didn't really write this chapter the best. It's really filler. No lamsssss.
The next one will be lams, tho. Much lams.
Also, I am proud to announce that I had came out bisexual heteromantic to my mum, and my friends.
And I was so pumped and full of pride that I gathered up enough adrenaline to text my crush saying that I liked her.
She doesn't like me.
I can feel the adrenaline wear off, and I'll probably start crying in 30 minutes.
Because hormones, bitches.
I didn't even over edit this chapter because I'm that lazy.
Summary- John starts a group chat with Peggy and Angelica. He tells them that Alex said that he loved John. Angelica goes on a rage, and they decide to confront Alex the next day with a whole group meeting- and the two sisters ask john to take Eliza out for the day to distract her while the others deal with Alex.
When alex gets there, Angie slaps him and yells at him, then Peggy scolds him with a whole lecture. It makes sense if you read it. Anyway, he admits to being in love with John, and Angelica suggests to break up with Eliza.
That's all that's happened.
Sorry that this is not clear, my keyboard isn't working so it's more harder to write.

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