Chapter 20-Surprise

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John (Direct)
The last time I was awake, I was in the living room of the Schuyler mansion.

So why on earth am I on a soft mattress in a dark hollow room, listening to the snores of other people?

And why is there something stroking my hair?

"Ugh..." I pushed my arms up and rubbed at my eyes, hallucinating circles flying through the room. There was a small light coming from a window, and i could vividly spot in the darkness a figure beside me, looking up directly at me with their arm out. Presumably Alex.

Then i get a sharp intact on where I am. "Oh, the bedroom." I mumbled.

"What, Peaches?" Alex frowned in confusion.

"I dunno. What is going on?" I shook my head incoherently.

We both stared at each other blankly for a few moments as I gained my common sense and my mind set itself in the right place. Silence stung my ears, shooting me with a sense of nostalgia from when Alex and I first discovered our room mates were each other.

"What time is it?" I grumbled with a sour tone.

Alex let off a small chuckle, slipping his arms around my waist and tugging me down beside him causing me to yelp. "About 6:30, baby."

My nose was just inches away from his and i could basically melt into those marvellous eyes of his at this point, seeing how i was so close. "D-Don't call me baby, Lex." I smiled through the pitch blackness.

"Why not, baby~?" Alex cooed, pulling my body closer to him as i lied on my side facing him. "Everyone else is asleep." He lowered his voice into a hushed tone and closed his eyes slightly.

"What happened to the competition?" I scrunched up my nose.

Alex cocked his smile to the side, and i felt my stomach drop slightly. "I won. Everyone fell asleep after a few hours in, Maria was the last one to fall asleep. We were up late talking about the "incident"."

"What incident?"

"Oh..."Alex's face dropped.

Was he talking about the kiss? I wasn't awake for that, though- I know that Maria and Lex went off to talk, then i dozed off again. Now here we were. Lying in each other's company at 4:30am in the middle of a pond of snores. "What happened?"

"Well, after Maria and I talked, we came back in the lounge room and found out that everyone heard our conversation." Alex admitted, fumbling with some strands of my hair.

"And what was so big about that?"

"...Maria came out to me."

"Pffff- what?!" I pushed myself up again, staring down at alex with a bewildered smile. "No."

"Yeah. She came out as queer. She like to use the term queer instead of labels." Alex nodded. "Except everyone else heard when she didn't want them to know. Makes sense?"

"Mhm." I uttered softly, lying back down next to Alex on my back and reaching for his hand. I intertwined my  freckled fingers between his and nestled my head into his neck with his chin resting on the top of my skull. "What happened with Peggy?"

"Well, they stayed far away from each other for the whole night. In my and Maria's conversation, she had talked about how she wanted to be with Peggy, but she didn't want to tell her that because she thinks Peggy doesn't like her."

"I'm about to rip my hair out." I let out a soft giggle.

Alex scoffed. "I know! Its so stupid. Anyway, Peggy heard everything and found it out and since they both like each other we're waiting for one of them to make a move, except neither of them are so it's just getting really awkward. I wonder what it will be like in the morning."

"Probably even more awkward." I snickered, laying my spare hand on his chest and rubbing the fabric of his t-shirt between my fingers.

Alex let out a soft hum, snuggling up closer to me. "I love you."

Does he?

I nodded slightly, suddenly feeling my eyes well up. "I-I love you too. So much. P-Please never leave me."

"What?" Alex sat up slightly, looking me dead in the eye and breaking my contact with him. "Why would you think I'd leave you, Freckles?"

"I...I don't know, I just..." I covered my eyes with my hands and turned away from him shamefully. I think I do know why.

Because he doesn't love you.

"Peaches..." Alex started to trail his fingertips among my back.

"I just thought that you... might not actually... y-you know, I mean... you might not- love me?" I mumbled hesitantly, immediately wanting to take my words back.

"Oh my god." Alex whispered behind me, taking his hands away from my back. "Peaches, look at me."

"I'm sorry, I just- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I felt the tears that prickled my eyes sizzle into bigger tears that didn't hesitate to threaten me.

"John, baby, look at me."

Alex grasped my wrists from my shelled face and pinned them down either side of me. I finally turned to him, giving way to a small, silent sob as the tears finally unleashed themselves. "I-I'm s-sorry-!"

"Freckles..." Alex towered above me as I started to weep quietly, tears falling off my skin and onto my pillow. I tried to look up at Alexander, but i just couldn't. I just kept my eyes shut tight as if my eyelids were glued shut.

Suddenly, my restrained wrists were let free, only before Alexander wrapped his arms around my waist and hauled the top half of my body into his lap, holding onto me as tight as can be. It was more than comforting.

His arms rocked me back and forth- one under my neck, another secured on my waist- and his head bumped with mine and grazed against my cheek. "Please Freckles. Don't apologise. Hey, hey. It's okay- shhh. It's fine."

I felt my alerted levels simmer down a bit at his words and smooth tone, and I inhaled a deep and shaky breath in. "That's it. Deep breaths in, Freckles." Alex murmured in my ear gently and tugged on a lock of my hair.

"I'm s-sorry. I just- I don't know, h-have this feeling th...that you don't really love me, like with E-Eliza..." My voice managed to sustain itself as i spoke in a horse tone, only cracking a few times.

"No, no no. No. Freckles-" Alex pulled my hands to his chest and i faced him, dead in the eyes. His chocolate coloured eyes, they were hollow and filled with remorse. I could even spot a prickle of tears in his own eyes. Or maybe it was just me. My eyes were still glassy with tears and i could barely see beyond my nose.

"John, listen to me. I love you so fucking much. It's god's honest truth. I love you so much it hurts. You are so beautiful and amazing. And you're kind to everyone around you. There's no way that I couldn't fall for you. Never, ever, ever doubt my love for you. I'll say it a million times over. I love you, I love you, I love you. Please. Never doubt that. Please." At this point, Alex started to laugh between small sobs, but only loud enough to be kept to ourselves.

Everything about Alexander is amazing. Even the way that his elegantly chosen words roll off his tongue is brilliant and intellectual. 

I cupped his cheek and sniffed, beaming up at him. "I love you. God, i love you." I grabbed the back of his neck and pressed his lips against mine. A soft, sweet, needing, loving kiss that filled me to the brim with tenderness.

"I love you too. So much." Alex smiled between our lips, "wow, I'm tired now. Tears really tire me out, don't they?"

I let out a small sigh, my lips curling into a beam as i started to lie down again and take Alexander down with me. I tangled my body around his, and let myself fall into a state of peace, right in my Alexander's arms.

"I love you." Alex stroked the side of my cheek as he whispered to me. "I love you so much, Peaches."

...But does he?


Watch out. This gets a bit...suggestive. Bit of mildish smut. Not intercourse, though. None of that. Its like reliving the.... shove it in and twist.

"Come on, Alex! You have to get up!"


I huffed, scanning the room for a way for him to acknowledge me. It was currently 11am, and everyone else except Peggy and Al were already awake and dressed in the living room- and it was my duty to wake up both Alex and Peggy from slumber. And i know both of them too well to know that they don't take mornings lightly. Alex gets really pushy and stubborn, but Peggy becomes a full on gremlin.

I reached for a pillow nearby and smack it over Alex, causing him to yelp and turn his back on me. "Shush, I'm sleepin'."

"Seriously, it's like- 11am! That's as late as can be!" I whined, hitting the pillow over Peggy's head.

She snorted groggily.  "Dude, 11am is early as fuck."

"Then how long do you guys suppose you'll sleep into?" I got no answer for at least a few minutes- noting that Alex and Peggy keep dozing in and out of slumber during our one sided conversations.

"Just- 5 more minutes..." Alex let out a grunt then flipped over onto his other side.

Peggy, who was a stomach sleeper, mumbled into her pillow- dialogue I could bare translate into "Maybe until 1pm, I guess..." her voice wavered and drifted off as her body became limp again.

I groaned out of pure frustration, my voice started to crack slightly. This is hopeless.

It was still funny, though. Watching my two best friends drunkenly slur out make believe words in their times of slumber. If i wasn't a nice person, I would have taken a photo of them both.

Instead, I called for extreme measures.

"Angelica!" I screamed at the top of my lungs to the lounge room- my voice became high pitched and squeaky, causing Alex and Peggy to cover their ears groggily.

Moments later, Angelica prodded into the room, her face stern and confused. "I'm sorry. What the fuck is this ruckus about?"

"These lazy children won't get up." I crossed my arms lightly. "They just...sleep."

Angie inspected Alex's limp body first, then Peggy's. She then took Peggy's hand and pulled her out of her mattress with a huge grunt.

Peggy shrieked, and fell onto the ground with a thud. "Wha the fuck!"

"Get your ass up!" Angie dropped Peggy's hand and stomped over to alexander, doing the same thing. He let out a wail as Angie dropped his hand and harshly kicked Alexander. "You won't get any presents, Peggy. Like last year."

Oh dear. Last year. When Angie threatened Peggy to throw her gift into the fire and Peggy still didn't get up, Angie through a box wrapped in paper into the fire- and Peggy came skidding through the halls. This time, seeing how Peggy was still half asleep, she must have been too delirious to realise that Angie was tricking her.

"Oh shit!" Peggy immediately toppled to stand up and rushed out through the halls. I turned over to Alex- just one more to go.

Angie, who started to follow after Peggy, looked back at me with a wink. "I'll leave you to it." She slammed the door behind me, leaving me in the room with a drunken sloth of Alex.

"Thanks..." I murmured more to myself than her, as she had already hauled herself down the halls. Turning back towards Alex, i sunk on my knees and shuffled over to him. His thicc, dark hair that loosely slipped out of his messy done ponytail that he tied up last night was sprawled across the pillow, and his eyes, with less dark circles under them, were fluttered closed. Not to mention that his lips and rosy cheeks were full of luscious colour; unlike that one day.

More the less, alexander looked peaceful- it was rare to see Alex at a state of peace in a bed, hardly at all one would see it. I just didn't want to disturb him. Then again, he will miss out on all the 'fun' everyone will have on these kinds of events. His loss then if he doesn't wake up after this attempt.

I still didn't know what I was doing when I lightly stroked Alexander's cheek as a stir to wake him up. He didn't budge. So much for that tactic that i didn't have.

I had decided to wear my glasses that day, and when I unconsciously pushed the brim up, I felt my spine shiver with an idea.

A secret of mine: I, in fact, was not that innocent. Of course, I had no idea what '69' was or 'masturbating' and 'jacking off' was- but I wasn't innocent enough to be called 'pure'. I knew my facts.

I recalled from a few weeks ago when i had my glasses on, Alex remarked them to be 'sexy' on me. I also remember having to lie down for a few hours after screaming my organs out into a pillow to calm me down. Alexander apologised a humongous amount of times that i still found it funny to this day.

My plan was to lure him out with my seduction. What a dirty plan it was, but it would work. I was sure of it.

I took out my hair and folded a clunk of it over one of my eyes. I attempted to get myself into a 'seductive' state. I cringed at the thought. I was still innocent to be sure, but i tried to remain comfortable. This is stupid. Just...Have fun with it. What the actual fuck am i doing. Help.

"Alex~" I let out a purr, trying not to wince out loud. GOD SAVE ME GET SOME HOLY WATER UP IN HERE.

Alex let out a small grunt in response. At least I got a response.

"Wake up, Lexi~" oh my god. I can't do this. I felt myself slip into a slight panic, yet I continued.

"Mm. Hm?" Alex finally creaked an eye open and squinted up at me. The fact that he looked so attractive like that made me go on.

"You need to wake up, Lexi. Otherwise, you won't get your present and surprise~" I changed my grip on him and pinned my hands on either side of his shoulders. I looked down at Alex with a sly grin- he seemed to finally get the memo of my seduction, and was blinking up at me with wide, yet sleepy eyes.

"J-John...?" He seemed to be slightly nervous and confronted, maybe even fully awake now. But i didn't stop there.

i crawled over him and sat up on his knees, giving me flashbacks from the 'shove it in and twist' scenario. "Baby, you have to get up. Don't you want to have some fun~?"

"I..." Alex let off a gulp- at this point his whole face was burning up. "Ah, John, I... Um." He sat up so that I was inches away from his face, and i shifted over a bit so that I was sitting on his lap, facing him. I still wasn't convincing enough. I had to push it.

"Come on, Lexi~" I pushed up my glasses and blinked at him with innocent doe eyes. I reached my hand to his back and trailed my fingers down his spine, reaching under his shirt. Alex gave off a shiver, looking away from me with humiliated eyes.

"Aw, baby. Don't be shy. Look at me, Lexi~" I smirked, licking my lips hungrily and tilting his chin towards me. Then I unmistakably- rather so forcefully to myself- rolled my hips on his slightly.

"A-Ah, John- w-what... are you... d-doing?" Alex looked up at me with hesitation, trying to hide his visible panting. I had to admit, him becoming helplessly flustered and turned on makes him look so hot. I was seriously wondering if i could even say i was pure.

"Lexi..." i purred again, trailing my lips closer to his until they met slowly. I swirled my tongue inside his quivering mouth slightly, teasing him as only the tip covered his lips. Such passion like this hadn't been shared between us since the 'shove it in and twist' scenario, and it wasn't as heated as this. Maybe it made a difference seeing that i feel more dominant over Lexi.

My trailing hand at his back started to roam through his body, gradually making its way to his covered chest.

"John- wh-why're you..." Alex whimpered in confusion, "Am... Am I still asleep?" After blinking multiple times, he roughly pinched the inward of his arm and winced. "Definitely not a dream."

"So~" i trailed my fingers down his chest lightly, face close as can be. I could practically smell his lust and fear radiating out of his breath. "You're wide awake?"

"Y-Yes. Definitely awake." Alex whimpered with a stutter and nodded vigorously. My other hand slid from under his shirt and started to twirl and yank at his hair. I had him wide awake and wrapped around my finger, now I had the chance to do as i wished.

So i teased him.

"Alright, then let's go into the lounge room to open presents!" I clapped my hands and pulled away from him, climbing off the bed and over to the door.

"Wh-what?" Alex shot up in an instant, back straightened. He stumbled out of the bed. "You're doing me like that?! Make me aroused so that i have to wake up. How could you?"

I only giggled, opening the door for the two of us. "I dunno, I had to do something. This is what you get, Lexi~"

"This is so unfair, you little squirt." Alex mumbled bitterly with a slight smirk. "I thought you were innocent."

I shook my head slightly with a tut, grabbing a hold of Alexander's hand. "You said yourself you were awake. Let's not put that to waste." And with that, I tugged on his hand a speedily led him into the lounge room.


"Okay, there's one last present you all need to see, but we need you to close your eyes." Eliza wagged her finger as she informed us. After around an hour of just opening presents. Alex was still a bit disgruntled from his form of waxing up, and he had shifted around uncomfortably in his seat often next to me. But i only smirked at him- mainly because no one knew of the happenings of that morning.

Theo blinked, and was about to question until Maria's familiar tune came ringing from her red coat. Momentarily she froze before tiptoeing outside and away from everyone with an apologetic smile.

I turned back to Theo, who started to speak. "We? Present from whom?"

"You'll find out soon enough." Eliza pressed her finger to her pursed lips with a wink. "Now close your eyes, or you'll ruin the surprise."

A few grumbles and eye closing later, I felt a light, creased sheet of paper folded into my open hands as i sensed Eliza fluttering across the room.

"Okay, you can look now." Laf piped up, signalling all of us to open our eyes. What was in my hand was not in fact a piece of paper, but an envelope.

"Open it!" Angie edged us on. I tuned it over and ripped over the side- though it seemed like Alex had beat me to it, breathing an "Oh wow!" Out loud. I didn't want to look, I wanted to be surprised for myself.

But what I saw was not what I'd ever imagined.

2 plane tickets, to what seemed to be, Paris, France. A return and a departure ticket. "No way..."

"Are you serious?" Burr chirped in subtly, a smile creeping at his lips.

"Yea! Dead serious. Betsy, Pegs, Laf and I have been planning it for months. It's a treat from us to you. We're all going, you don't have to worry." Angie informed us, although failed to keep her cool slightly. I was worried she might brake another vase. All of Angie's talk and my babble was drowned under the incoherent squeals from everyone else- except the fact that it was quieter that Maria was outside and Peggy was gloomily staring to her from a distance.

She suddenly stood up slightly, an unlikely of Peggy face smeared across her face as i studied her walking into the garden.

I turned back to alex with an uncontrollable smile. "Oh my gosh, we're going to Paris! Paris!" I squealed in ecstasy, shaking Alexander's shoulders so hard I could've knocked the wind out of him.

After many minutes of screaming, squealing, hugging and jumping around, the two devilish duo, also known as Maria and Peggy, sauntered inside hand in hand, looking less tense and upset from when they did a moment ago and more friendly to each other, despite recent occurrences.

"Yo. What's the deal with you two." Angie raised an eyebrow with a sly grin.

Maria gave an even brighter grin. "James broke up with me. He fucking called it off, everything. He's out of my life, now... now." Maria glanced off at Peggy, "now i can start over with this little lady." She planted a small kiss on Peggy's forehead.

Silence filled the air as deathening as death itself- then the screams filed back in.

The loudest, most fangirlish screams I had ever gazed ears upon.

That was the shittiest ending ever, i was tired, it was 12:30am.
Excuse the smut. I wanted to SAUCE things up a bit.

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