Chapter 5 2/2- Game Night

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Warning- dirty jokes. Very dirty jokes. I went online to search for some pick up lines, and god, i was surprised.
Also, so much juicy shit in here boiiiis!!!!
Alex and John stood in the doorway, just like they did several hours ago, but both Alex and John were drenched in rain, that soaked their clothes throughout completely. Alex's expression showed off a bitter look as he glared at the group menacingly who were now in hysterical laughter. Taking seats back on the couch, Alex's hand still fumbled in John's dampened pocket. He watched John and studied his troubled look on his face as he glanced around the room.
"Okay... Angie! Truth or dare?"
Angie squinted her eyes in thought and crossed her arms. "...Dare."
Everyone was silent as they watched John struggle to think of a reply. After almost a minute of patient-not-so- patient waiting, Alex sighed then burrowed his eyebrows to think of a dare to offer to John.
Once coming up with a good-enough dare, he leaned into John's ear and whispered to him.
John's eyes perked up at Alex and grinned, nodding his head eagerly. "Good one! Okay, Angie, I dare you to go one Laf's phone and find the 26th contact. Then...?" Alex continued to whisper in his ear, "Oh! Dial the number on your phone and prank call the number!"
Angie smirked then turned to Alex. "Wow, where'd you come up with that?" She asked in a matter of fact tone while receiving Laf's phone from his hand. She scrolled through his phone in concentration, and soon, her face dropped from amusement to shock. "Oh my god..."
"What is it?" Eliza peeked over her shoulder, then covered her hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. "Oh. Wow."
Alex's curiosity grew more as the phone with the mysterious contact was passed around the circle, and with each person, the laughing grew louder. Once it was handed to John, Alex glanced at the contact's identification. The contacts name was Thomas Jefferson, with a picture of an ass. John giggled uncontrollably, and passed the phone to Alex in case he dropped it. Thomas Jefferson... It seems familiar, Alex pondered to himself, I don't know him, I think...
"Who's he?" He held out the phone to everyone. A mix of answers flooded towards Alex, giving him responses along the lines of "asshat", "fuckstick", and "macaroni fucker". Wow, creative names. Alex thought to himself sarcastically.
The phone was passed back to Angie, who gulped then dialed the number onto her phone.
Her shaking finger pressed the call button, and put it on speaker, causing the phone to both vibrate and shake. Alex held his breath and squeezed the fabric of John's pocket, folding it back and forth with anticipation.
After three rings, a deep voice answered the phone. "...Hello?"
Angie nearly dropped the phone, and made a face at everyone. She put on a deep voice. "Um... hi. I just wanted to know if..." she glanced up at the crew in desperation. "If... you sat in sugar... because your ass look sweet!"
Everyone covered their mouths as struggled to keep their laughter in. Alex shook uncontrollably and John grinned at him in amusement. Angie smirked in satisfaction. She kept it rolling.
"Are you a trampoline? Because I wanna bounce on you~"
Maria made a snort and Peggy threw her hands over her mouth with alarm. John just sat there with confused twist on his face. "Wait, what does that mean?" He whispered quizzicaly to Alex.
Alex sighed. He's that innocent.
Looking at his timer, he realised that 10 minutes had already passed, so in order to save John's virgin ears, he took his hand out of the pocket and covered John's ears.
"Are you a mirror? Because I can see myself inside of you-" Oh god, Angie.
There was a sharp beep that signalled the call ending, and everyone threw their heads up in amusement and laughed until they nearly shit themselves. John's ears were still being cradled by Alex, who was hiccuping and sobbing at the same time.

While in a middle of a round of 'What are the odds', Herc decided that things weren't heated enough, and things needed to escalate. So he suggested 'Spin the bottle'.
Alex was surprised when almost everyone agreed.
He wasn't a particularly good kisser, but only saying this in justice and defence, for he has never really kissed an actual person that wasn't related to him. He solemnly agreed to play, numb to his thoughts that were disagreeing to his mouth.
He watched the sisters walk off into the bathroom to have a 'Sister Talk', in which the girls all stole unreadable glances at him- he barely pointed them out.
After around 4 minutes later of talking to the freckled boy beside him, who's hair was now in a messy bun above his head, the sisters arrived and departed into their previous seats. Theo also walked back into the room with Burr with an addition of a empty wine bottle in her hands that she dug up from god knows where.
"Okay, you guys ready?!" She shrieked, making Burr clap his ear in the sudden noise. The group laughed for almost the 47th time that evening.
Theo placed the bottle in the middle, and twisted the top, making it spin. The anticipation rose in Alex's throat as the bottle swerved slowly. Soon it creaked and stopped next to Angie. She shrugged and turned the bottle to see who she was partnered with.
It made two full spins before landing next to Peggy. Angie smirked. "Seriously, my little sis? Too easy!"
Peggy just poked her tough out. "Eww, gross! I ain't getting cooties from you!" She mimicked in a childish tone. Before she could argue any further Angie leaned over and smacked her on the lips with a "Mwah!"
Peggy cringed and scrunched up her nose while the others scolded Peggy playfully like parents.
Maria reached in front of her to spin the bottle. It gently stopped in front of Peggy again, who groaned. "Why?" She talked the bottle with her foot laizily to make it spin.
Alex waited impatiently as it spun. She did a pretty good kick, he gave Peggy credits for that. Panic started to flush over him as he realised the bottle was slowly turning closer to him. Peggy was a great girl, such a great friend. Almost like a sister. But to kiss her? That's a whole new level.
Alex turned too John with an alarmed expression like Peggy's before, but his face turned into concern as he watched the colour drain out of John's face. Alex turned to the bottle cautiously, which was faced to John. A wave of relief and pity washed among him as he discarded everyone's comments and yells. "John, you don't have to-" he started.
John, to Alex's surprise, stood up and reached over to Peggy, who froze. Shit, Alex bit down on his lip, this is interesting.
All anticipation and tension broke as John swiftly pecked her on the nose, and smiled brightly to her. "There you go!"
Alex's heart melted at the boy's actions, and he was pretty sure everyone else felt the same. His loose curly strands bounced as he turned to sit down again, giving the bottle a gentle whack as he did. The bottle span in different directions, soon slowing to face Eliza. Angie and Peggy squealed while Eliza held her head in her hands.
The bottle spun, with every clang of the glass another second past, and with every second that passed, Alex grew more fidgety. He was eager to find out the next pairing as he did with the others, he just hoped-
He discontinued any thought as the bottle came to an abrupt stop. At him.
"Holy shit."
Alex stared at Eliza with blunt eyes- her dark brown eyes met his. Her face tinted furiously with a pale pink, she fiddled with her dark long hair anxiously. He looked over to Angelica, who had the exact same look on her face as him. Peggy was screaming her lungs out. "I knew it! I fucking knew this would happen!"
Maria swatted her, still staring with bewildered eyes. "Peggy, watch your mouth."
Yells filled the room as all began talking at once- Alex caught on to Herc and Laf chanting "Alex and Eliza, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Which made Alex realise that he was blushing furiously along with Eliza. He glance over at john, who had an unamused and bored expression on his face that didn't suit his personality. Alex stood up shakily and made his way towards the middle, meeting Eliza there.
They didn't talk, just shared glances and eye contact. Feeling everyone's eyes peeling on the pair, he brushed his hand against Eliza's shoulder gently. The move silenced the group sharply and no movement was heard as they watched on. Eliza looked up at him with willing eyes, moving closer towards him. Alex pulled her in closer, feeling both his heart and Eliza's heart beat in a fast, rhythmic pace as he held her against his chest. Him and Eliza were so close now that Alex could see small freckles hidden beneath her concealer, right on the bridge of her nose. He felt her breath hitch as he moved his head down to Eliza's, soon their lips brushed against eachother, uneasy at first. Then Alex pulled her in even closer and deepened the kiss, and he felt a wave of comfort rush up to his head with pleasure. Her lips felt smooth and ripe like cherries, although the colour of her lips were a baby pink. She was soft and gentle, and Alex fluttered his eyes closed as he savoured the moment. Eliza sparked a whole new aspect into his view of her as soon as their lips met, to Alex she now looked completely different, she looked beautiful. God, her lips felt beautiful. Is this what it feels like when people kiss?
Finally, the two pulled away, gasping for air. The group stayed stunned for a few seconds before erupting into cheers. Alex glanced at dear Eliza, who was grinning so hard that her mouth could brake off. She looked at him and smiled gently, still twirling her hair. Alex gave her a smile back, and offered her his hand.
"Mind if we take a walk outside?"
Holy shit!!!
I nearly died writing this chapter ahhhh so frikin cute!!!!
Also, oh my god, did i just upload another chapter in the spam of one day? I think i did!
Also also, i just realised that i have tortured all by no lams at all.
Well, shit.
It's 1am, i need to sleep
Hugs and cookies to all!

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