Chapter 5 1/2 - Game Night

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I got injections the other day. My shoulders fucking hurt.
This is a short chapter, but I really enjoyed writing it.
"Come in!" A deep voice yelled from the other side. Alex twisted the doorknob open and the two boys were greeted by the familiar faces of Theo, Laf and Herc, who were all staring at them in disbelief. John guessed that there were two reasons for that-
One, Alex was dripping wet in the doorway, with a bittersweet look on his face-next to John, who was perfectly dry, his face red from the changing of environments.
Two, John guessed that the three were stunned seeing the two students together. John figured this out by Herc's expression when he mumbled "How did you...what?"
Alex and John burst into hysteric laughter, which made the group even more befuddled. As they explained the mishaps of their meeting and afternoon together, John noticed that Angie had came into the room, a phone glued to her ear. Spotting Alexander, she made a quizzical and peculiar face that the freckled boy could not identify. He waved at Angie with a bright smile to snap her attention. As if she were dazed, she stared dumbfoundedly at Alexander, the same look plastered on her face as before. She then glanced at John, whom she had finally noticed, then smiled back at him, her lips curving into an 'Oh' in realisation- then turned back into the kitchen, resuming her coversation that John had assumed was with Eliza.
"So, that was that, huh? I mean, what are the odds of that?" Theo responded to Alex's rapidly spoken story, her legs swinging up on a chair as she did.
Alex shook his head and laughed as John moved in front of him, his arms waving excitedly. "I know, right?!"
After a period of chatter thrown amongst the group, Angie finally returned from her phone call, and took a seat next to Theo. "That was Betsy. She just finished her shift, she'll be here in a few-"
She was cut off by a slam of the door and a pair of footsteps edging towards the front room. "Betsy?" Angie called out to the doorway.
Instantly the two alike figures walked in with a glamorous strut and attitude, arm in arm, placing themselves on two beanbags the same colour as their attire.
Herc raised an eyebrow. "Well, where have you two been that's got you guys so excited?"
Peggy lapped her head up, as if she heard about a new sweet shop opening up. Her eyes sparkled with eagerness. "We just got pampered!" She boasted with a burning passion. Maria grinned, holding out her nails.
"Spa, hair treatment, and would you just look at these nails?! Damn gurl, we got it made!" Maria high-fived Peggy with caution, and then held out her hand for the others to watch in awe. John took in that they had painted her nails a blood shade of red, with red dots speckling over it. Glancing over at Peggy's new nail do, he realised that her's had a yellow base, along with black stripes horizontally painting across.
While everyone threw comments at the girls, John started to stare off into space. It was like when one stares at one thing for so long, but they're not actually staring at it, they're staring into space. That's exactly what  he was doing, but not realising his sudden zone out. Soon, John had started a random conversation to himself in his mind- and the topic? What bugs would everyone be, if we were bugs? John wondered alike to himself.
Wait, but if Maria's a ladybug, then Angie has to be something pink. A worm...?
And Eliza would be a butterfly, of course.
And Laf would-
John was dangled back into reality when sensing a gentle tap of his shoulder. Alex shook at his with a concern and awkwardness look on his face. John just kept staring, still not understanding his thought process. When Alex tapped him again, his dark freckles popped with a shade of unnecessary red. "Huh?"
"Mon ami, you were staring at Alex." Laf chimed to a once confused, now flustered John.
John turned a bright shade of red, his once lightly brushed with red freckles now bursted like a balloon. He finally figured out that the whole time his eyes comforted itself at the wrong place to stare into space- Alex's face. Scanning around the room, he saw Angie's eyes glimmer with unease, Peggy's mischievous eyebrows were crinkled into a burrow of laughter. Laf and Herc just grinned, while Theo and Maria communicated through their eyes, glancing at John occasionally with a smirk.
John's face boiled until its reaching point. "Oh, s-sorry! I was just staring into space, and... I sorta didn't know where i was looking- so yeah." John buried his face in his scarf, his neck retreating into his 'shell' like a turtle. He hid his laugh among he fabric of his clothes, watching carefully at everyone's amused expression, occasionally agreeing with his stuttered statement.
"Yeah, I do that a lot." Alex chuckled.
After the amusing "incident", they awaited Eliza and Burr's arrival. Once hearing the doorknob staring to click, Theo, Angie and Peggy all scrambled to the door like puppies awaiting their owners. In the doorway stood Eliza, her bag shrugged slightly over her shoulder. Theo pouted like a puppy who was disappointed that her owner has not yet arrived. Eliza noticed and made a sour expression. "What, you not happy to see me, or something?" Which made Theo grin with a wild expression. She then turned to her sister, who tackled her in a hug, squeezing her and her bag. "Wait, wait! Carful with the bag! I have muffins!"
Everyone's ears perked up at the word, and started yelling to Eliza to bring them over.
Eliza just laughed, letting her sisters drag her into the living room. "Okay, okay! I just- wait? Oh, wow!" She noticed John and Alex sitting next to each other. "You guys met already?"
Alex rolled his eyes playfully. "Ugh, I've told the story so many times-"
John snapped Alex off lake a rope, eager to tell his perspective. "Ooh, ill tell you! And geez, alex, we've only told the story once!" John responded to Alex with a playful shove.
As Eliza handed out the muffins, John told the story bit by bit, Alex occasionally butting in. The group laughed at John's sparkly attitude and Alex's unenthusiastic expression, who was still draining water out of his hair. By the time the story was finished, burr was leaning on the wall, listening to the story, cradling Theo in his arms. Soon, Maria stood up.
"Okay, seems that we are all here, how about we start?" The gang made whooping noises and hollers in response, forming a circle as they did.
Laf clapped his hands gleefully. "So, vat shall we do first?"
John shot his hand up immediately. "Truth or dare!" He exclaimed with an expressive tone. There were 'oohs' and 'aahs' of agreement, and Herc nodded in response. "That's a good way to start. So, who goes first?"
All the gang started talking at once to volunteer, but Alex's voice stood out the most, his once bored tone completely overthrown by aggression. "Me!"
Herc smirked. "Okay, Alex, truth or dare?"
"Dare, obviously!" Alex rolled his eyes.
"Okay, I dare you to... out your hand in John's pocket and leave it there for 10 minutes.
John raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" John murmured, who didn't even get to process the dare- for his pocket was already stuffed with Alex's hand. John huffed and awaited the next truth or dare.
"Done." Alex surfed the room carefully. "Okay, um... Eliza!" Eliz fluttered as she heard her name called out. "Truth or dare?"
"Truth. I play it safe."
Alex clicked his tongue, his hand rummaging around in John's pocket fidgety. "Damn, truth is too easy! Um, okay...Ah! If you were on a boat, and it was about to sink, and you had the choice to save Angie or Pegs, but you could only save one, which one would you choose?" He chose his words carefree. John knew that the sisters wouldn't get upset at the question, they aren't girls who get thrown easily. They can be tough. Brutal, sometimes.
Eliza didn't even wince. "I would just jump and kill my self, so that i could live with my sisters in heaven." She admitted. The group gashed at Eliza's cinnamon roll like antics and cooed. She then turned to John.
"John. Truth or dare?"
"Dare!" John blurted out, then jerked his hands to his mouth. "I mean-"
"Nap, you've already said dare!" Eliza cooed, causing John to groan, "So, I dare you to run out in the rain  and stay there for a minute!"
John just sat there, gaped. Alex looked down at his watch, which was timing how long he needed his hand in John's pocket. "My time isn't up, do I still have to go with him?" He groaned.
"Yep!" The group cheered on in unison.
"Shame on you!" Alex laughed as they stood up.
Well, John miserably said to himself as he stepped through the door with Alex, his hand still in the pocket, this should be fun.
More of the party games will come in the next chapter, yo
I couldn't miss the opportunity to write out hilarious senses like this!
Anyway, hugs to you!

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