Chapter 4- Coffee

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John felt himself tangled in what felt like a million sheets. He opened his eyes and, beginning a relapse of the previous night, looked for Eliza. He could not find her, but however, also discovered that he was back in his dorm, laying in his own bed. He yawned loudly, his mouth stretching open until he felt his jaw pop. Gazing out the window numbly,watching the raindrops trickle down his window, he pondered about how he would spend his morning. It was a Saturday, and he had nothing to do.
John picked up his phone and checked for notifications. As he began to scroll through Instagram mindlessly, he looked into his followers profiles, including Alexander's. John had forgotten what he looked like, sounded like, and, all in all, almost forgotten about him completely. It didn't really matter to John, anyway.
After he decided that he was wasting his time on mindless boggle, he decided to ring his friends. Calling Peggy first, he felt the phone vibrate against his ear irritably.
No response.
His eyebrows furrowed and he pushed a lock of hair out of his face. He stopped at the action then mentally slapped himself when he realised he wore his hair out while sleeping. He groaned in annoyance.
He then started dialing Eliza's number, but then reminded himself the Eliza goes to work on Saturday mornings.
Angie? No, John deadpanned, she's up in town with Theo for the day.
John dialed Hercules, Laf, and Maria, and even thought about calling Thomas Jefferson. He pushed his phone away from him before his thumbs did anything...dangerous.
Then after having a sudden thought, he swung his legs over the bed and quickly but quietly rushed over to his roommate's room. He creaked the doors open and saw a sleeping figure on the double sized bed, the doona casually rising and falling, back turned to John.
He sighed in disappointment and gently closed a door with a click, then slid down the door and let out another breath of air. He glanced out his window. Raining. Watching the rain made him calm, but even more fidgety and bored.
Walking to his very-well organised desk, he stared at his 'to do' list dumbly.

To-Do List:

...Well that was a waste of time. John facepalmed and turned to look outside his window. Still raining. What did you expect, John? He thought to himself in a scolding manner. He sighed exasperatedly. He might as well go outside and run in the rain. At least he wouldn't be bored. Wait, that's not a bad idea...
All of a sudden he let his body do the work and he put on some casual clothes and grabbed his coat from last night that hung over the bed lazily. Closing the door and exiting the building, he shrugged off the fact that he forgot the umbrella. Shivering occasionally, John let his feet drag him wherever, greeting others that he had recognised from his classes- finally he stopped himself at the front of Starbucks, the scent of freshly brewed coffee dancing at his nose. John unhesitatingly pushed the doors open and a strong sent of coffee beans overflowed his senses.

"Yes, Laf. I have done my biography homework.  I know, I know! I can help you with yours, but where-No! Not at my dorm!... Savez-vous à quel point ma chambre est désordonnée?! tous mes trucs sont tellement inorganisés, vous ne pouvez même pas trouver un stylo dans toutes ces conneries!" Alex took a quick scan around his bedroom and turned back to his conversation with Laf over the phone.
"...At Starbucks? Fine. I'll see you in 10. That is if you bail and decide to flake it with Herc~" Alex teased him and quickly hung up before laf could retort- then rushed around his room, gathering all of his things. Slamming the door after him, he hurried to Starbucks, his runners splashing in each puddle he ran into. His long hair was drenching itself among the raindrops, soaking his neck and under his shirt. Feeling the cold water drip down his spine, he grabbed his umbrella and fought the rain to open it.
Once reaching Starbucks, he scanned the crowd for the French man. "He better be here. I bet him 10 bucks that he ditched me for herc." He mumbled to himself, then covered his mouth before he could slip out anything else. Alex, stop talking to yourself, you look like a moron! He scolded himself.
His phone made a sound and vibrated in his jacket. He took it out and peered at his new message.
New message from: Laf
Laf: hey buddy . Sorry I can't come
Alex almost toppled over from laugher. "I knew it!" He whispered not so silently to himself. He looked around to see if anyone had heard him, then retreated back to his phone. So much for not looking like a fucking moron.
Alex: Haha, yo it's okay. Are you hangin with herc? ;)
Laf: what if I say yes ?
Alex: Then, I'll know for a fact that you like him- seeing how you dumped me for him 😂
Laf: bye
Alex was about to piss himself when He heard a whisper from a table behind him. "Psst- Alexander!"
Alex whipped his head around and saw a boy his age with his curly hair in a bun, with millions of freckles dotting his skin, his eyes beckoning for him to come over. Wait...
"Hi! Hello! I'm surprised you remembered my name!" John squeaked with a smile. "Care to join me? That is, if you're not waiting for someone."
Alex chucked and slid into a seat next to John. "Sure, I'm not waiting for anyone. Have you ordered yet?"
John shook his head slightly. "N-no, not yet. Did you want anything?" He started to stand up.
"Wait, don't worry about my coffee- here, I'll pay for it-" Alex began to pull money out of his wallet and hand it to John, but John declined it and shook it away.
"Don't worry about it! It's on me! So what will you be having?"
Alex grunted in exasperation at John's kindness then answered. "Um, I'll take a soy latte, please."
John smiled in response, then walked up to the counter to order.
Alex sat there in disarray and replayed what just happened. He hadn't seen this guy for months, and now here he was, having a coffee catch up time. Along with John, he was also surprised that he remembered johns name. How did John remember his name? And didn't Alex find John rather attractive last time he saw him? Wait, what?
Questions overflooded Alex's head as John came back with the coffees.
"Here you go!" John handed Alex his coffee and sipped on his own.
"Thanks." Alex stirred his coffee and stared into its contents.
"So, are you going to school? Like, at a college?" John piped up, trying to make conversation with him.
"Uh yeah, I'm going to kings. Kings college? You might not know it. It's up the road from... Huh?"
Alex stared dumbfounded at John's bewildered expression. John than burst into a smile, like a little kid opening up presents on Christmas- pulling out his wallet, he handed a card to Alex.
Alex commented on the card curiously, reciting his thoughts aloud. "A student ID to... Wait, no! Really?!" He looked back at John, with a smile dancing on his lips.
John's cheeks puffed out in excitement. "I know, right?! What are the odds?"
For the next 2 hours or so, they conversed about their life, hobbies and interests, and grown to get along quite easily. To Alex, John seemed like a sweet kid. Very innocent and kind. But still, Alex thought about the day he met him. He found John quite intriguing, didn't he? All the feelings that he experienced on that day were completely new to him. Did he still feel this way about John?
I hardly ever thought about him after that, Alex decided, so it's nothing, I'm sure. No, I'm positive.
Hours and hours had passed by, and alex had consumed almost 2 lattes and 1 cappuccino, and another hot chocolate- which he had chugged down to see if he could break his record of 3.7 seconds. John giggled uncontrollably at Alex's reckless actions, and almost spat out his coffee. This is beginning to becoming a common thing, using it? Alex thought to himself as he was reminded of both himself and Angie spitting out their coffee. John and Alex were in the middle of a conversation about turtles, when they both got a notification from their phones at the exact moment. They exchanged glances and John blinked in surprise. Alex raised an eyebrow at his phone and muttered under his breath. "Laf- is everyone down for... games night at the schuylers dorm...?"  He looked over John's shoulder quizzically as the bright eyed boy typed a message to someone. Almost instantly Alex's phone buzzed and his heart skipped a beat.
Turtleboi: sounds good! Just meeting up with a friend, I'll be there in 20!
Alex stared at his phone in disbelief. What the actual fuck? He screamed in his mind. Was John the same John that everyone was dying for Alex to meet? It makes sense, everything added up. John was just rambling on about his love of turtles, Alex argued to himself, and the users name who just texted was freaking 'turtleboi'! And the text said that he was meeting a friend. It must be him, there was no doubt...
Alex's head pounded and he tapped John on the shoulder. The curly haired boy looked up from his phone expectantly. "Hmm?"
Alex hesitantly opened his mouth to say something, then reached for his phone and started typing not the group chat.
AlexTheHam (lol wtf): John, is that you?
Soon enough after he sent the message, John's phone buzzed. He picked it up, his eyes widening at the message- looking from Alex to his phone multiple times. "Wait...Oh my... Are you Alex? The one all my friends are talking about?"
Alex half nodded, and his mouth squinted into a huge smile. "Yep!"
John started laughing, his dark curls bouncing along with him. "Oh my gosh, this is so crazy!"
Alex started to chuckled along with him. "I know, right? What the hell are the odds of that?!"
The boys laughed in unison for another few minutes, wiping tears from their eyes. Suddenly, Alex had a relapse about what Laf said about the boy. "He is the gayest person you will ever meet, I swear."
"Wait, so you were the gay kid Laf described to me!" Alex blurted out without a thought. When John turned a shade of maroon, Alex realised what he said and how stupid he sounded. "Oh wow, I'm so sorry-"
He was cut off by John shaking his arm and snorting hysterically at Alex's embarrassed expression. "It's okay," he started to stand up and grab his things, "We have a place to be, right?"
Alex nodded simultaneously. "Right."
And with that, the boys got out of their seats and made their way towards the dormitory building. It was now raining softly, the droplets pelting at their skin gently. John shivered and buried his neck in coat, feeling a strong sense of déjà vu. The other boy softened and took out his umbrella, handing it to John.
He blinked in surprise and shook his head, pushing the offer away from him. "It's okay, I can-"
"No, don't worry, my jacket is waterproof." Alex lied, pushing a loose hair from his forehead.
John looked at him hesitantly, before obliging and took the umbrella with a grateful smile. "Thanks."
"No prob, Bob."

Oh my god
So at the start i was finding i hard to write and i needed to get the energy going, so sorry if the start is a bit shitty.
Also I'm going to be writing charter chapters more often instead of long chapters. Now that the creativity is flowing through me and actual things are happening, i think it will be easier for me to write.
Also also, sorry for all the author's notes, i just needed to vent badly because i felt the guilt peeling at my skin.
Also also also (so sorry) thank u all for supporting this book! It's so nice to see nice comments from u guys! Cookies to all!
Thanks for being patient, I'll be updating soon!
Love u, Chazz 💜

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