Chapter 6- Change

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You guys are gonna kill me for this.
also, I couldn't figure out a name for this title (although I realise now that almost all of them start with 'c'), so it's a bit... eh.
For John, watching that kiss was... uncomfortable, to say the least.
He never really watched people kiss, so he was almost certain that all kisses were uncomfortable to look at. Then he reminded himself that he had seen many people kiss, so he realised it was quite a lame excuse. But when John gazed at the pairs of lips connect, it didn't feel right. It didn't looked forced, but there was something wrong, missing. It was like when one tries to solve a puzzle, and the pieces strangely don't fit together.
John shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he watched them pull apart, gasping for air. He peered deeply into Eliza's eyes- her pupils expanded so wide it looked like her eyes were as black as a bear's, her eyes could almost be oozing with hearts. John smirked as he understood why Eliza was drawing more closer to him as the night continued on.
Lost in Eliza's eyes with curiosity, he didn't hear Alex offer to take her outside for a walk. As the two stepped outside the circle, he felt a jolt in his stomach- which made him even more perplexed. His head and heart were disagreeing; his head told him that this wasn't right, and his heart told him that nothing was wrong, and he should be happy for Eliza. No, he insisted with a mental scowl, I am happy for Eliza! She looks so happy, how the heck could I not? I don't like neither of them, so what's up with you, Brain?
As soon as the door closed, the chatter that had died down before bursted through the roof, all tweeting excitedly at a rapid pace like birds fluttering around the room. Peggy had been so overjoyed for her sister that she unexpectedly swooped up the wine bottle and smashed it in the middle of the circle, so that tiny shards of glass flew everywhere. Shrieks of surprise and utter amusement echoed the room, making Mariah send her to the corner with a playful shove so that she could think about her "life choices".
John giggled as Peggy grumbled under her breath moodily, kicking the corner wall furiously. Scolds were thrown at her as if she was a little child, which made her stick her tongue out and blow a raspberry.
"Shame on you, child!" Maria nearly screamed out, making John nearly toppling over.
"Yeah, you sit in the corner and think about life!" Theo called out at her in a well fitting tone. Must be from working at a childcare for hours on end.
"You need to change your attitude! No swearing for a week!" Laf scolded, which made Peggy turn around with a fierce look and flip him off, which erupted more noise.
After about 10 minutes, the door creep open, and Eliza and Alex became visible through the door, their hands grasping each others lovingly. Woah.
"Oh. My. GOD!" Peggy neglected her punishment of standing in the corner and leapt into Eliza. Eliza squirmed and let go of Alex's soft grip, swerving Peggy into a hug. "I knew it, I fucking knew it! Are you two dating now?" She looked up at her sister eagerly.
Eliza put her sister down gently and glanced at Alexander, fidgeting curiosity with her loose bits of hair. Alex smiled softly at her, addressing the group who were listening eagerly. John's heart was about to burst out his chest... with excitement...
"Yes. Yes we are."
The group loudly erupted with cheers. The new couple smiled and squeezed eachother gently. When the two started making their way into the circle, John quickly realised that they were both sitting directly away from eachother, so John swiftly ducked into Eliza's spot that was in between Angie and Peggy. Noticing Angie and her solid look, staring at Alex and Eliza, he nudged her carefully. "You okay?"
She nodded her head weakly. "Yeah. I'm fine." She whispered, hardly audible to John. He shrugged, and turned tp face the middle of the circle to start the festivities again.

"Thanks for the night, guys!" John echoed out to the schuyler sisters. There was a three line chorus of replies from the girls, which made John smile. "And Peggy, remember, no swearing for a week!"
"Fuck you!" The child-like girl called out to John, and he could visually picture Peggy flipping the bird to no one in particular. He turned to Alex. "You comin? I live on the second floor as well, I can walk you-"
Alex put a hand on John's shoulder, which made him mentally jump. "Its okay. I'll see you you tomorrow."
John strained a smile, giving Alex's hand a pat then turning to the door. "Well, sure then. See you soon!"
Closing the door rather quickly, John strode down the hall way towards the elevator with tensed shoulders and pressed the rightful button. He hopped into the elevator and watched the doors close, giving out a long awaited sigh once they were. Eliza and Alex were together. That shouldn't mean anything to him, he literally just met Alex less than a day ago! He tried to investigate further, trying to figure out if the problem was Eliza or Alex. It just couldn't be Eliza, it would make no sense! John and Eliza had been friends for ages, she was like a big sister to John! Besides, he didnt even swing that way! He was gay, it made more sense if...
If the problem was Alex. He looked like a more sustainable root to a problem, so to speak, a more suitable companion to him. Not in that way, but it just made sense to John that it was a possible route for the two to be closer.
John groaned as he realised that he was thinking the most random things- nothing that he just told himself made sense! What is going on?! I don't even know what I think!
John mentally silenced himself and busied himself about Alex, picturing the boy in his mind. His long, dark hair that fell onto his shoulders in an ever so slightly splendidly manner. His dark brown eyes that matched the colour of his swerving hair, chocolate brown- his eyes were like as if someone was churning melted dark chocolate together with milk chocolate that bonded into an everlasting swirl-
John shook his head. Too far. He sighed again with a slump of his shoulders as he had completely forgot about the elevator, now he was standing in it, the doors wide open- in which had been open for nearly a minute now.
Darting through the doors and opening his dorm room briskly, staggering around the room in search for a light. When he couldn't find one, he shrugged and found a door closest to the kitchen- his bedroom. he collided face first into his pillow and took off his coat numbly with a groan, almost falling asleep instantly, not even bothering to look for the unsuspected dorm mate.
Then he realised three things.
1. He had just met a friend named Alex. That said he lived on the same floor as him.
2. His bedroom was near the study, not the kitchen.
3. He was sure that these weren't his bed sheets.
These three last pointed realisations were drowned in the ecstasy of sleep overwhelming him.

"Goodbye, my love." Alex bent down slowly and kissed Eliza's hand gently, making her pale cheeks tint humbly. She giggled gingerly.
"Thank you. You too!" She called out to him as he left the doorway and sauntered through the dimly lit corridor.
As soon as Alex entered his house, careful to avoid waking up his roommate by closing the door tenderly, he shuffled his shoes off and searched for a light switch blindly. Upon finding the kitchen light and peering open his bedroom door, he also found a surprise awaiting him in his bed. A small figure was sound asleep on his bed in the shadows of the cold room- eddmiting gentle snores causing the sheets to ruffle quietly. Alex stared in distress and confusion, a flush of panic barging in his brain and banging on every corner of his mind. Seeing the figure bestowed upon his bed he nearly had a mental breakdown and tripped over his feet in shock.
Alex froze, feeling his heart pound murderously as he watched the sleeping figure started to stir from the noise, pushing himself up as he woke. shit, shit, shit!
"Mmmr? What?" The boy mumbled dreamily in a daze of sleep, making Alex shiver familiarly. He watched as the drowsy man sat up and turned to Alex, exposing his face towards the kitchen light. He squinted his eyes and Alex could tell that he was trying to make out Alex's figure. His eyes widened with shock and he looked around the dark room. "Oh my- shoot, I'm so sorry!"
Alex watched as the boy shot off the bed awkwardly, alarm and panic written over his face as his long curls flung over his shoulders...
The freckled teen swung his head around, flabbergasted. "Wah... Alex?"
There was a pit of scilence, a void where neither of them could climb out of because words were disabled. Realisation was sudently struck at them at the same time, like a slap on the face- they erupted in chortling laughter.
"Oh my god, Alex?! You've been my roommate the whole time?!"
"I know, right?! What the hell are the odds?!" I should really change the book to "what are the odds?!" XD
"I had no idea!" John wiped his eyes from both laughter and sleep.
After a light conversation, Alex noticed that John's posture was slumping as his eyes started to droop and he yawned every so often. "You should get some sleep. Its quite late."
John snapped his eyes open and nodded quietly, straightening up slowly and easing towards the door, turning on Alex's light for him. "Night, Alex." He smiled weakly to Alex, his teeth twinkling tiredly. He closed the door lightly. Alex heard footsteps trailing up to the study room, which was next to John's room.
"Goodnight, John."

A small noise would usually cause Alex to stir instantly- but this time, Alex woke up to an aroma of peculiar smells. This was abnormal for Alex, as he was a light sleeper, and he would wake up to almost anything that disturbed his ears during their sleeping period. He turned his head to his alarm clock. 12:09.
Jesus, I slept through my alarm clock?! Alex rationalised with himself, rubbing his forehead insensibly.
Without a thought, he pushed himself up slowly to avoid a swoon of drowsiness, and climbed out of bed quietly. His mouth felt dry and tasteless, a tinge of Eliza lingering in his mouth. He opened the door with slumped shoulders, still rubbing his eyes sluggishly.
"Good morning, Alex! You're finally awake!"
Alex snapped his head up, his eyes twinkling with demoralisation. Alex peered at John, who had his curly hair up in a disorganised bun- his eyes twinkling with earnestness with a bright grin accompanying it.
"Good mornin." Alex realised that John was standing in the kitchen with a pan crackling in his left hand, sizzling loudly- he took a whip of the aroma- oh my god, Alex actualised, bacon and eggs.
"Is that...?" He peered into the pan curiously- sure enough, there was strips of bacon that were coated richly with a shade of brown. Eggs accompanied it delightfully, the moist scramble of eggs sitting quietly as the bacon yelled and cackled loudly. Alex was watering through both his mouth and eyes. "John. That looks amazing."
John blushed slightly and weakened his smile. "T-thanks."
"You never told me you could cook!" Alex protested with a thrilling smile on his face, he waved his arms around enthusiastically. Alex was definitely and fully awake now.
"Oh. It just never came up, I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck shyly. He then turned to the kitchen bench. "Take a seat, Alex! I made some for you as well."
Alex eagerly took a seat and surveyed John as he hummed and tossed through the kitchen back and forth. His olive eyes were bursting with creativity and his freckles fizzed with electricity. Alex cooed to himself. Awww, he's so adorable! How could anyone not like him? Alex caught himself off guard as he felt his face heat up irrationally.
John placed a dish in front off Alex and leaned his arms over the bench, beaming proudly. "Food's ready!"
John had placed half of the moist eggs on a piece off lightly toasted sourdough bread, along with a few strands of bacon. Alex carefully took his fork and made a skewer of bacon, bread and eggs, then lifted it into his mouth. The flavours mixed in perfectly, surrounding his tastebuds with a satisfied smile, and warmed up his tounge gently.
"Oh my gawd. 'his is so good!" Alex shoveled more down his throat, making John giggle softly.
"Thanks!" John took a seat next to Alex and began his food casually. "So... last night, huh?"
Alex looked up from his food with his mouth stuffed with a bundle of ecstasy. "Mmrrf?"
John forked at his plate then turned to Alex with a smirk. "You know... you and Eliza?"
Alex mentally chocked on his food. "Yeah. I guess we're together now."
Alex hadn't put much thought into being her boyfriend. When he kissed her, he thought that something was there. He had never known what love felt like. He thought thats how it felt. But now, Alex's love for Eliza was improper and mutual, faulted with disabilities- maybe even forced.
John sighed. "You do love her, right?"
Alex felt a twinge of unease surge through his body, and he looked back up. "What?"
He watched as John played with his food mindlessly- or as if something was on his mind. A spark in John's deep eyes lingered curiously and he faced Alex seriously. "Its just... I don't want her hurt. I want to know that you love her. So that she cant get hurt. Please, tell me you love her."
Alex felt a crack in his heart as he gazed into John's pleading eyes. He was so considerate and kind, not to mention the most adorable human being on this planet. He just made Alexander completely melt- he was such a good friend. "I...Yes, of course i love her."
Now Alex knew for sure that was forced out. John sighed with relief. "Good." John swung off his stool. "Now, what do you propose we do today? T-that is, if you aren't doing anything."
Alex shone a smile at John and shrugged. "Nah, I'm not doing anything."
John's eyes lit up and his fair skin practically glowed. "Great!" He made his way over to the kitchen area, where he started to clean up. Alex looked from John to his hardly touched food and raised an eyebrow quizzically.
"John, your food?"
"Huh?" John turned his head, then quickly spun back. "Oh, I'm not hungry. I'll save it for later."
Alex squinted with suspicious eyes. "Okay... if you say so."
After Alex gobbled down the rest of his food, and John finished cleaning up his mess in the kitchen, he had made coffee for the both of them and sat down on the couch. Alex took a seat next to him and took his coffee with a grateful smile. "Thanks."
"So, what do you want to do today?" John asked politely.
Alex shrugged defiantly. "I'm... not sure. Mabye some games?"
John nodded in response, then suddenly gasped and his eyes lit up so brightly, a lightbulb could have lighten up among the top of his head. He put his coffee down and turned to Alex, shaking his shoulder. "We should play Guns and Ships!"
Alex blinked at him in surprise. "How did you know I can play?"
John smirked. "Susan told me. She's a smart one, remember. She was the one who taught me! I have a set of cards in my drawers somewhere, let me go get it!"
Alex smiled gently as he watched the freckled teen scramble into his room excitedly. He seemed so sweet and nice. Alex felt his face flush randomly and his heart conducted a loud thump as John skipped back into the room with a deck of cards in his hands. "There we are!"
Alex faced the window as John set the cards up to hide his flushing face. Why am I blushing? Alex screamed to himself in disarray. He had felt his cheeks heat up before, but that was when John shook his arm before, when he brushed against his skin accidentally. It was only with John that he felt like this.
Alex glanced back at John, and all of a sudden, John's face illuminated and glowed to Alex, his flawless skin layered perfectly with the millions of freckles bestowed upon him, and everything around Alex stopped- it was exactly like the first time he saw him in the childcare. Alex's heart jolted and tugged vigorously.
Alex felt his mouth open as he studied John's delicate features. He didnt realise how beautiful John actually was until now- it was exactly how he felt in the childcare. A sense of de ja vu washed over him as John looked up from the card games with a concerned face. "Are you okay, Alex? You look a bit red."
Alex shook his head to shuffle out the angle's angelic voice. "Yeah I'm good. You ready to play?"
John nodded his head with a pure grin on his face. "Yep!"
Alex watched John throughout the game and studied his behaviour; he smiles secondly and genuinely every minute, he pokes his tongue out in deep thought- as if a child was colouring in a picture. His hair seemed curlier than anything, and his eyes were more deeper than a void.
This made Alexander swoon with every action John obliviously made.
This made Alexander fall even more deeply in love with John.
Yeah boi! That's what's up!
I am very proud of this chapter.
And most of you will have a love/hate feeling towards this book. I'm sure.
Also, as I explained in my camp AN, I was making this for 300 reads.
Now I have more than 620 reads.
So wtf?! Oh mah god! Thanks!
I was literally screaming in class because I checked wattpad and saw this.
Yay! Thankssss!

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