Chapter 06

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Bunching the pillow under my hold and pulling it closer as I snuggled into its warmth, I threw my leg over it, "Hmm." Saturday mornings are the best because I can sleep for long hours.

I felt my comforter being tugged upon and I growled in response. "Get up sleepyhead." Eric's gruff voice reached my ears. I swear if this was one of his 'I need to tell you something important'; when it's not really important, things I would bang his head till he bleeds.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Eric?" I cracked open one eye to look at his smouldering figure. What happened to him at this hour in the morning to be all riled up? Who the hell crawled up in his dream to have him in such a foul mood? Zombies?

"We need to talk," Manik popped his head from behind Eric's shoulder with a furious look directed at me, I figured that hulk. Wait, Manik?

What the hell was that hulk doing here? Not to forget; in the morning while I was still in bed?

Thankfully the comforter was pooled around my waist, covering my legs.

My eyes trailed back at Eric to find him standing there with his arms folded across his chest and his steely fierce gaze fixated at mine. Intimidating - that's how he looked to me. A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead.

Uh, would someone please bother to fill me in about what the heck is going on, here in my bedroom, I thoughtfully framed the question in my head.

I was freaking on the insides and it wouldn't take me long to freak out completely. "Eric," I painfully gulped the lump formed in my throat, "what is all of this?"

As though my panicked state was visible to Eric because his eyes softened a bit and he muttered, "We need to talk about something important," his voice was marginally toned down as compared to the harshness in his previous words.

I bobbed my head, "Give me a minute to freshen up and I will meet you downstairs." I received curt nods from the two and they left with Eric closing the door behind him. I sighed.

I still had no clue what all of this fuss was all about. Clearing my head I headed towards the bathroom. For I knew one thing for sure, Eric wasn't going to cut me off from his life; nothing else could be that scary to face.

It had been more than three weeks since the fiasco and we had been good. At least our bond was getting stronger and I had got to pull out a lot of information from him. When I had returned from home leaving a startled Manik on the sidewalk to clear his head, I had marched in on Eric. First things first, I queried about the stalking that he had done for me. Making it clear that I didn't need to hear information from a third person, even if the third person was Manik, when that information was to be handed the information by him first. He thankfully agreed.

We spoke about a lot of matters and a few issues where I had also curiously asked him why Manik hadn't realized that it was Eric's home when he first dropped me home. I heard the most unexpected reply though it explained a lot.

Eric stayed with a group of boys at an apartment which was the only place known as home to his friends along with Manik. It was only when I decided to come and join him; he planned on getting moved to this house. He had feared that I might start running off in the opposite direction if I met his roommates. It explains.

When Eric decided to call it a night and suggested we could carry on some other time, according to him whenever we felt like; I saw a message from Manik on my phone. He had texted me an hour ago. The text read:

I thought we had been friends since the morning we met at your place; where I was introduced as your brother's best friend. But never mind, I will take you either ways. ;)


I smiled at his weird tactics and also the innuendo.

Unfortunately, you didn't stand a chance; not until now.


I quickly replied back. There was an uncertain feeling that hoped he wasn't asleep yet.

My phone buzzed within a minute and I hurried to scroll across the screen to read it.

Is that so, kitten? I would like to show you, how much of a chance do I deserve *winks* *grins*


I shook my head at his comments. The guy was really full of himself, still had a way to put up a smile on my face. And that was just the beginning of the text marathon we had that night.

Though the next day was a complete hazard and doing a text marathon the night earlier didn't help either. The clinging dimwit whose name was Kate barged in when I along with Eric and Manik walked into the school. She was into dramatics as Manik informed me later that day which explained her animated way of talking, well it partly did.

She started calling me names and what not, I couldn't really think that all of those names could have been labelled on me but she did. She really needs to get a life and stop poking her dirty nose into others' business, especially mine or people related to me.

Eric stepped forward shooting deadly glares at her. The entire fuss had caught eyes of many and we were crowded by curious eyes. And my world was blew with just one statement of Eric,

"Mind your tongue when you even speak as much as a damn word about her. I wouldn't tolerate a word against her because messing up with her would only end up messing up with me." He declared with a tone that left no room for an argument. Even I wouldn't have led an argument after hearing that tone.

Manik side stepped, making me realize he was there if I need a shoulder to lean on. I was grateful to have found a friend like him, also a brother who was almost kicking out on someone who as much as tried to lay an accusing eye at me. My fingers were laced with larger ones, as Manik took my hand into his intertwined together and declared, "with us." His eyes travelled from mine, over Eric's shoulder to where Kate stood. "Mess with her, you mess with us."

Eric shot him an approving look and shot his eyes back at Kate, "So better not. She is my sister and I won't have you causing any trouble to her." He bit out.

He looked over at the crowd and repeated, "My sister - Nandini Miller."

And that changed most of it.

While I was showering, I heard Eric groan, "I thought you said a minute and not twenty." I could imagine him glaring me through the door with his hands folded in an intimidating posture, though nothing in Eric is intimidating.

"I will be out in five minutes." My voice pitched higher to make sure he hears my response. I knew it would annoy him further but that's what I am for.

However, he might know I will take more than five minutes to finish and get downstairs, he said nothing but I am sure he would have left with a disbelieving shake of his head. He loves me though.

Once I was done, I lazily moved downstairs as if I didn't have two frowning boys to take care of. I found Eric and Manik in the kitchen area. Manik, who was so far pacing to and fro with his hands on his hips, stilled and his fierce eyes held mine. Eric sensed the change and turned mirroring Manik's expression as he looked at me.

"What is wrong with the two of you?" I screamed as I raked my hands up in the air, frustrated. "Anyways, can we discuss this over breakfast?" I asked but that only sharpened the fierce look on Manik's face, Eric's was melting though.

Knowing I wouldn't get my breakfast before settling whatever this issue is about, I hopefully looked at Eric with soft eyes and pouty lips as I delivered a plea, "Can I at least have some coffee?" Eric's mask was dropping and a ghost of a smile was slipping onto mine.

"Please! Please, pretty please!" I tried a little harder and finally found Eric disbelievingly shakes his head. I knew he couldn't resist that face.

Manik darted his eyes disapprovingly at Eric, "You really can't fall for this."

Too late, hulk, he has already fallen, I thought over-enthusiastically, unable to hide the cheeky grin that widen across my face.

It was during the last weekend when we decided to have a movie night on Friday. He had picked action movies while I opted for romance comedy. Fortunately, I didn't have to deal with action movies and we ended up watching a few romance comedy movies over the night. Throughout the night I had the control to rewind, replay and even fast-forward. It was only when we decided to crash that Eric stated, too firmly, and I quote, "You better not make those cute puppy-eyed faces and make me watch chick-flicks, and especially not replay any of the scenes - not even once - forget about as many as ten times, like you made me watch these romance-comedies."

It was only after a couple of seconds that I realized I made faces whenever I requested and he melted instantly.


I shrugged while my pulling my lips into a pout, "Damn you! Nandini Miller. I wouldn't stand a chance to deny a damn thing if you pull those faces, request or not."

That's my brother, I thought.

I sipped my coffee, while Manik reached out for a tablet that lay on the counter, tapped his fingers through the screen and snapped the screen on my face. Stumbling a step back just to absorb the shock and then concentrated on the screen, looking at its contents.

I recognized the website as the unofficial-yet-popularly used and browsed site of our school. The headlines read, 'Eric and Manik - are an item.'


It was after the news of Eric having a sister went viral and the entire school knew it, that I was bombarded with stupid questions from fellow students. Also few girls displayed their willingness to become friends with me, which by the way was just for the sake of getting in touch with either Eric or Manik; some even had the high assumptions of having to get in touch with both.

I didn't have a problem with being friends but my problem was their motive. I wasn't going to be fooled. Agreed, my brother and his best friend were exceptionally good looking for someone in school but that didn't give every girl a right to throw themselves at the heavenly-gorgeous-male-bodies; especially when the two of them were deliberately keeping all of the attention at a bay.

Trying really hard I somehow managed to get through with that week. It was crazy all around and I had to finally pull Eric and ask to help me out.

All he did was shrugged as he advised, "They are just hanging onto you since you are the new catchy news until they get the next juicy news."

Catchy news, Juicy news, what is it all about? I thought.

I managed another week but I somehow knew I wouldn't be able to hold on for long. However, all this time I was also aware of the extra attention that I had gained from the male population at school. It made me hyper-aware and self-conscious, with every step that I took. I sometimes found Leo appearing and pausing to pass a smile in my direction; and at times I had either Eric or Manik by my side when the scene with boys used to get a little overboard for me to handle.

Ugh! I hated it.

Later, I had ended up declaring that Eric and Manik didn't do girlfriends to the bunch of girls who encircled me. But that didn't stop the damn thing. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at them.

Somehow the comment didn't settle well with them and a new rumour started around. 'Eric and Manik swing the other way.' In short, they are gay. To stop the unsettling population of guys around the school, who weren't straight, approaching me, I ended up making a stupid statement.

"The two of them have got each other, so none of you need to worry about it."

And this is how they had taken the statement.

'Eric and Manik - are an item.'

The entire article had a detailed description about how the two most desirable boys at school are not available to anyone. It also had a quote or two that I had made on them. But I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Seriously, who on this planet could believe that these two can swing on the wrong side and be indulged in a thing with each-other? Eww!

My laughter died at the sight of the two boys scowling at me. I looked apologetic and started to ramble, "I am so sorry. I didn't mean it that way. Everyone was behind my back, trying to gain something or the other. I was just tired." My eyes drifted to meet Manik's gaze, "I swear, I didn't mean it in that sense. If I had even a slightest bit of clue I wouldn't have said a word. I swear."

Eric's shoulder slumped and he strode towards me. Throwing an arm around my shoulder, he pulled me into himself.

"I will take care of this article." Eric declared as he pressed his lips on my temples. Washed with relief, I looked over at Manik to found him sighing heavily.

"And you need not worry about any other things, we will handle it." Manik propped up with assurance laced in his voice.

"By the way, are you sure you both are straight?" I asked with my brows knitted in confusion. Tilting my head upwards and my index finger tapped on my chin, still held in his protective embrace, I looked at my brother with a thoughtful expression. "You both told me that neither of you do girlfriends." They both had admitted to that. So were they really together?

"That doesn't mean we are attracted to boys." Manik bit out harshly, Ouch! That hurts, you, hulk! I thought. "We have casual flings, at times." Eric spoke with such ease and casualty, though I still had to gulp down the information pretty much painfully.

"Gee, thanks! I didn't need that information." I said with a disgusted face.

"Pays you well, little one," He teased while his head rolled back and a melodious laugh filled the room as he left.

I turned around just to find Manik still scowling at me. "You really think I am into boys." He pointed out.

Was there a question in there? Because there was supposed to be one, I thought.

I rolled my eyes at him - I didn't need the whole scene to repeat once again - and thus, went to get some breakfast for myself. "I hope you won't mind breakfast," lifting my eyes to assess his expression, I continued, "with me, hulk!" I showcased my toothy grin at him.

The best way to tackle a guy with a foul mood is 'change the damn topic'. And I was in no mood to deal with the same topic twice for the day.

It works well for me though, "Stop calling me that." He whined.

"Why should I, hulk?" I agree for a fact that I do it purposely but even he calls me 'kitten'. So it shouldn't matter.

"You do it purposely?" He had his fingers pointed at me, while he came and stood at a foot or two's distance. Raising my brows at him, I challenged him to prove that to me.

"You call me that to irritate me; whereas I call you kitten because you seem like a kitten to me." He seemed to be justifying though the justification didn't quiet settle well with me.

"You seem like a hulk to me," I shot back, "sometimes even like a mad caveman." Okay! Maybe I exaggerated but he does that, going all crazy and nuts over nothing. And he surely looks a younger version of hulk; whereas I, in no sense look like a kitten. I might be tiny framed as compared to him but it isn't my fault that he is tall.

We have had this conversation earlier as well. It wasn't until he had repeatedly called me kitten at school, where we had an audience watching us with amused eyes. I couldn't help but snap back at him and end up calling him hulk. Ever since then I call him hulk.

Pays well, I shrug thoughtfully.

He annoys me, I annoy him back.

"Breakfast or not," I was annoyed and didn't bother to falter my tone when I snapped at him. He can go around calling me kitten and I cannot call him hulk. Rolling my eyes at that thought, I shoot him a look and wait for him to answer.

He exhales before answering, "Of course," his shoulders slump as he settles down on one of the stools.

We were having our breakfast when my cell phone rang, I pulled it out and saw Shelly's name flashing on the screen. I quickly answered it, "Hey!" My voice threaded with excitement which I couldn't help.

"Hey yourself," She shot back instantly but I could hear her giggle on the other end. It was good that we were smoothening things back again.

Though she had to get her thoughts straightened out by Leo's conversation wherein he explained to her the events and maybe made her perceive things the way I did. It did feel a little off to me that she had to rely on Leo's words to see things from my angel but at last we were being friends like we were, before the incident. Though, I am thankful to Leo that he took an initiative which wasn't really needed from his side but his effort itself mattered a lot to me. I'll talk to him as and when I will have my thoughts about him sorted.

"So tell me, is this news true?" She seemed anxious.

I frowned, scrunching my nose I asked, "What news?"

"The Eric-Manik thing?" She asked in a duh a tone. I couldn't really blame her though. She had openly declared her attraction towards my brother to me. And I didn't really bother because most of school girls, and even some boys, are attracted to Eric. However, she had things going good with her current boyfriend and I hope the same.

"Naah!" I sounded bored and apparently enough to have Manik's attention, "The crowd took my words in a twisted way."

I looked at him, "The two are very much into girls," I paused and saw his eyes widening and I continued fighting the urge to hold back the smile that was to slip any moment, "though nothing like the ones from the school."

We had grown comfortable around each other and could pull each others' leg or tease one another. At least I didn't need a constant filter to my thoughts when he was around.

"Oh My God!" She let out a dreamy sigh and I knew she was drifting into the dreamland.

"Does that mean I stand a chance?" Her enthusiastic squealing tone made me pull the cell phone away from my ear.

"Eric or Manik," My tone expressed the smile that I held. It was fun to tease a friend over her hopeless crush or infatuations.

"Either would do." Desperate was the word for her. Even with a boyfriend in her pocket she couldn't stop drooling over the cute specimens around. But she was as harmless as a casual flirting would be.

And that's how we probably ended up talking during the breakfast.

Since it was Saturday, we didn't have much to do. Mostly, during weekends it was me and Eric spending time together by either staying back at home and watching movies, cooking together or just silently having a conversation about anything and everything. And if we did opted out to go out and have some fun like going to his favourite cafe, trying different restaurants, going to the park and anything that pleases us.

Though I had no clue what was on our schedule today, we never had anything planned. I looked at the time and realized that Eric hadn't returned from wherever he had left to. Dragging my eyes across the room I found him leisurely sitting on the couch with his legs resting on the coffee table, crossed at his ankles. I had second thoughts about him having some serious issues; like avoiding his friends and socializing or chit chatting with people over the phone. He was, as usual, furiously texting over the phone.

Spare the Goddamn gadget, you, fool, I thought as I registered the sight in front of my eyes.

"Where is Eric?" I asked him, hoping that he was rather texting Eric than one of the clingy dimwits from school. However, I knew the answer. He doesn't pay a heed to any of those dimwits, it's them who keep on throwing themselves on him.

Lifting his eyes from the screen, he looked sceptically at me. I just asked him about Eric, what was the big deal about it? I had no clue. "Clearing the mess you created," he stated after a long pause and then continued with what he was doing minutes ago; chatting.

"How many times do I need to repeat it for you to realize that I didn't do it intentionally?" With a few strides, I stood near the edge of the couch and glared at him.

Unfolding his legs, he sat up straight and pointedly stated, "I never said you did it intentionally," though his actions or his words indicate the contrary, "It's just that it all started because of your statement." He shrugged.

"You know I didn't mean to create trouble," at least I was hopeful he didn't mean it.

"But even you can't deny the fact that you actually thought, even if it was for a minute or so that I and your brother swing for the same sex." He gave me a pointed look. He was in foul mood today, agreed, but nothing in the world gives him to be mean.

"You did give me mixed signals." I snorted back.

His one brow shot up and he asked, "Did I?"

Of course you, fool. Who told me that you didn't do girlfriends? Guess what, bonus points for me, because it was You! I thought sarcastically.

I nodded my head in response while my eyes narrowed at him, dare speak otherwise, I will show him what a mess I can create.

He shook his head, "Nope, I never did." He sang it off casually irritating me further.

Don't tell me I didn't give you a chance, hulk! I thought inwardly.

I picked up the cushion from the nearby couch and started hitting him. Whilst he tried to get a hold on my wrists, I wiggled and continued hitting him. I both attacked and struggled against him. Shoving my hands aside, he tried steadying me which didn't go well. Somehow I ended up over the couch, right beside him; more like leaning into him.

Glaring at him, I tried to get off of him but the hulk is too strong to let his grip loosen around me.

His arm snaked around my waist and his mouth dropped over the shell of my ear, tracing the curve. His hoarse voice purred into my ears, "Let me prove it to you that how straight I am," I felt the goosebumps all over, "without any mixed signal." His voice held promise which stunned me.

I gaped at him, widening my eyes as I met his darken ones. There wasn't much room for me to pull back with his arms locked around my frame. I gulped audibly.

Trying to pull out of Manik's grip was in vain because he didn't budge. I blew my cheeks and leaned into him, "Manik," I whispered. He seemed to have dazed. Like seriously! Grow up!

I did the only thing that I could think of. I pinched him hard and twisted his flesh under my hold; hard enough for him to spot a red mark for a good long time.

He screamed, "Oow!" His other hand instantly flew to rub the spot where I had just pinched him and he looked at me with scrutinizing gaze. Pulling my lips into a pout, I pulled up my innocent look.

He shook his head and pounced on me with his fingers striking the ticklish spots. He was tickling me. I was going to face severe stomach ache, if he didn't stop now.

"What's happening here?" startled with the question, I snapped my head in the direction from which the question flew. So was Manik. He seemed to have not yet realized that his best friend was home. Wow! Just wow!

His hands flew apart from me and he raised it in the air. "She started it." I shot daggers at him. If only, daggers could burn a hole in that empty skull of his.

Blame the poor soul, won't you?

"Nothing," I shrugged though Eric eyed me suspiciously. Damn! Is there anything he can't see through? However, he chose to remain silent, I was sure there was going to be an interrogating session the next time he finds me alone.

Kill me, now!

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