Chapter 07

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"So," I looked over the rim of the mug and saw Eric trying to act nonchalant.

"So?" I feigned innocent though I knew what exactly the look and the tone meant. Hell, I had been waiting for him to throw this conversation right into my face the first instance he gets. However, Eric Miller doesn't go with the conventional ways - nothing about him can be predicted. He was a surprise package himself and so were his tricks.

But didn't he know he was dealing with another Miller? I wouldn't easily spill it out unless he directs the question himself, in words.

I hear him sigh and by the looks it seems like he frames his question in his head before putting it forward to me. "Do you like Manik?"

There it was. Finally he had let it out though the question was still vague and I could play. Sure thing Eric was going to be all riled up by the end of this. At least that's what I think.

Before answering him, I narrow my eyes at him, studying his behaviour. "Yes." I shrugged as I added, "Am I not supposed to?"

"No." He scrunched his nose, "Yes," and shook his head and added, "I mean you can surely like a friend." I could hear an inaudible 'but' there in his statement.

"Of course, I like him as a friend." I settled my coffee mug on the coffee table and tucked my feet beneath me on the couch. "Also, he is your best friend," which has no influence over me to like him though but that was for me to know. I love annoying Eric.

"Nandini," His tone held the warning as did his eyes. He would only refer to me as Nandini when things were serious. "You know what I am trying to ask. I can see more." He turned his calculative eyes at me. "Are you," his words trembled across displaying his discomfort if not anything, "attracted?"

"Well, you cannot blame me if I find him attractive." There I said it but amused with the ease infused within.

"Attractive," I expected him to lash out but being Eric he rather shot me an arched brow in response.

Rolling my shoulders into a shrug, I stated as casually as I can, "Yes he is and so are you." Resisting the urge to roll my eyes at his typical brother behaviour, I added, "You had to be attractive for having drawn attention of almost the entire population at school, students or not."

"That still doesn't answer my question," He pointed out.

Note to self, Eric Miller can be damn persuasive if he sets his mind to. Beware of the Eric damn Miller.

"Okay, fine!" I threw my hands up in defeat. "I am attracted to him," I shot a glance in his direction to gauge his expression, anything that would give away his thoughts at present would do, but his face is stoic as ever. So I added not bothering to hide the complaint I wished to make, "You cannot blame me for that."

"I wasn't blaming you." He shrugged and my jaws dropped wide open. When in the hell did a brother start being so understanding and, well, carelessly carefree?

It was now my turn to narrow my eyes at him. Flaring my nostrils, I shot with a pitch higher than required, but who cares, "Then what's the point of this discussion? Please do enlighten me."

Folding my arms across, I tried to look serious. However, it didn't work as he responded with a heavy sigh, "Firstly, I would never blame you for being attracted to someone. It is natural to get attracted." The first thing that I thought of was - when did he get something implanted into his empty skull? But never mind. The point is, he has something in there and can use it, which he does rarely. However, times like this, when he puts his brain into use makes me want to throw myself at him and hug him tight. Hence proven, he can be smart and understanding. And, I may add, the best brother one can ever have. We might not be the typical pair of siblings but who cares; being one among the herd is so boring.

"Secondly, I wanted you to be honest to me about your feelings." I am sure I had the duh expression on my face as his eyes zeroed on me, warningly. But the thing is we are anyways supposed to tell each other everything. So basically, until and unless one isn't honest, everything cannot be shared.

Rolling my eyes at him, I gesture him to continue. Eric and his antiques, "You need to know that you can tell me anything -attraction, infatuation, liking, dates, boyfriends - completely anything."

Okay! Now this somehow should terrify me but it doesn't because I understand where all of the focus is - easy communication. However, I cannot go around and tell him about my attraction towards a particular male, my dates, boyfriends - though I don't have one currently - and definitely not my X-rated thoughts, if I put it bluntly. He wouldn't want to hear that unless he has a death wish. So I'd need a filter before I narrate him about any of these. However, thankfully he uses the term 'can' instead of 'should' which makes my life easier. I have got the choice.

"Most of all, I am glad you like Manik," this was a sure shot blow because I had expected anything but this. Oblivious to my reactions, he further states, "there won't be a thing that I'd worry about if you and Manik date," like the hell we would, "apart from worrying about the two of you ending up hurting each others' feelings, if things don't work out well."

Unbelievingly, I blinked my eyes at him. Did he really say that? Is he hinting for a relationship with Manik? The most complicated part is that he isn't concerned about how things would affect his friendship with Manik or me. Strange, he isn't calculating the hardship that might come his way but about the two of us. Not that it is a possibility.

That was surely unexpected to have heard such deep thoughts from him. I couldn't utter a word except for a "Wow!"

Recovering after few minutes, I was able to comprehend a statement that expressed my views better. "That was unpredictable." I mean who would have thought about Eric Miller giving speeches which are well-thought of. "I thought you were one of those brothers who are against the idea of their sister and best friend being together."

He wrinkled his nose as his eyes darted straight at mine, "Sadly the two of you aren't together," he paused and a glint of mischief sparked in his eyes. With a cheeky grin, he added, "not yet."

Why do I smell mischief - troublesome mischief?

Before I had a chance to pry, or warn him against whatever evil plans he is cooking in his head, he spoke further, "And I am definitely one of those brothers."

Speak about confusion.

He must've identified the puzzled look on my face, as he elaborated, "I am against the idea of my best friend banging my sister, or screwing up with her emotions." The words were blunt enough to make me cringe. "I would rather end up banging his head against the wall and a lot more that you don't need to know about." I had to control the urge to roll my eyes at him.

Hello, brother dear, nothing of that sort is happening, I thought of retorting back at him but decided otherwise.

"However, he wouldn't do any of that. Hence, I am pretty positive about the two of you," I shot an arched brow at him, to which he sheepishly added, "if that happens."

Never, I thought.

Then a particular thought flooded across my mind and I couldn't help but vocalize it, "So that means you are fine with me dating anyone." Making sure that each part of my thought was sinking into his head, I carefully chose the words. "I mean, there's no problem if I go around and meet guys from school or somewhere, and the casual things." The last part was pretty much rushed.

Inhaling heavily, I waited for him to respond. He took his time to evaluate the meaning of each and every term, it seemed, before he finally let out, "I am no hypocrite, little one." I didn't mean that.

"It's a part of growing up; learning new things. And that involves it. There's no harm in dating someone. The only condition I would lay is that you tell me everything about whomsoever you date; and if possible, let me meet him in person." I can imagine Eric trying to threaten the shit out of him. "Rest all is your decision and I would gladly accept it. I may not always agree to it but I would try to live with it and respect your decision." That was thoughtful of him. All I could do was bestow him with a gentle smile.

"However, there's one thing you need to know," he paused, his eyes searching mine for a brief moment as though he was looking for hints - which I had no clue about what though. I waited for him to continue, "I know I behave differently, unlike most of the brothers do." Yet, I am glad the way he is, I wouldn't have him any other way. Apart from that we both are learning, and I don't behave the typical way as well. "At least that's what I gather from the information around," I didn't know what information he was referring to but I had more important things to focus on than that. "Though one thing is for sure typical," I raised an effective brow at him, "I wouldn't let anyone hurt you." He whispered, "no one." I knew he was protective enough, but hearing it from him felt somehow comforting.

I couldn't help it this time. I had to hug him and so I did. He willingly wrapped his arms around me, embracing me. He isn't like the rest but that's what makes him the best; the most special. No doubt I couldn't ask for more as a brother. And for that I'd always be thankful to God.

"Go get ready. We are going out for dinner." I heard Eric announce as he pulled away. Willing to know where we were headed to dine, I was tempted to question him though I decided otherwise. Sometimes, surprises are good. Besides that he knows what I like and dislike, pretty much.


It wasn't until we took the turn at the curb and the flashy light of the diner was visible. After having parked Eric's car, I could see vaguely familiar figure padding across the lane; nearby. The person was shadowed in the dark, wandering away from the street lights. The breeze was chilling as it washed across my skin leaving me thrilled.

We got closer to the entrance; and the person. It was only after the person had dragged itself to the splashing lights of the restaurant that I figured who it was.

"Manik," my voice came ragged that it was barely recognisable to my own ears. His eyes flew to mine and his lips formed a heart warming smile.

Before I had the time to evaluate the sudden presence of Manik at the same diner, at the same time as Eric and I, Eric butted in. "Hey dude," he shook his hands and gave him a hug, bumping his shoulder with his. I snorted at his act of being cool.

Cool, my foot. It was more like being a fool, I thought.

His description to this entire act of greeting with hand shake, shoulder bumps and weird side hugs was that it made them look cool.

He stepped back and asked, looking at him surprisingly, "What are you doing here?" Manik's eyes grew wide and he stuttered in response.

"Dinner," was his curt yet acceptable reply, before he further added, "but my date ditched me." He looked somewhat dejected from the way he helplessly sighed.

Date? He had a date, just great! I snorted mentally. The information was a tad bit too much for me, considering my attraction towards him. It was already complicated enough for me to pursue even the thought, considering he wasn't just my friend but my brother's friend. Eric might approve the idea but I can't; I just can't. It was wrong in so many ways.

You'd get over it, I heard my sub-conscience scoff in response.

"But you," He was about to elaborate further but finally Eric cut him off by playfully bumping his fist into his shoulder, "Forget it. Now since you are here, come, join us for dinner."

Eric was too joyous for my liking. Not that I didn't like my brother or when he is in a good mood; but an overly joyous Eric reeked trouble, something that I wasn't up for.

However, Manik's response was clipped, "Looks like you don't mind me intruding your dinner plans," while Eric gestured him dismissively, his eyes found mine; "However, I am not sure your sister feels the same way." He held a challenging expression, as if my response would do anything but deflate his pride.

"Oh! She is fine. In fact, she is excited to have you with us for the dinner, right, little one?" Eric threw an arm across my shoulder and shot me a boyish grin. If I was any other girl, I would have drooled over the way his lips curled into a grin that would probably leave a girl's heart picking up pace; just the mere sight would do so, but thankfully I am his sister and somewhat immune to his charms. So I rather elbowed him in the gut.

Serves you right, brother dear, for embarrassing me, I thought dryly.

Instead, I scoff in response, "Your charms don't work on me, brother," audible enough for the two of us, only.

His hands instantly flew to clutch his fist over his heart as he threw a fake look of hurt in my direction. "You wound me, little one."

Before I had a chance to retort back at my brother, I heard a voice, "Excited," Manik's eyes danced with amusement as he repeated the one word that Eric had said, referring to my response. "So, just to confirm, you don't mind me," seeing his lips slightly twitch, I knew he purposely paused, "joining you," his eyes bored into mine, suggestively, as he inhaled before adding, "both, for dinner, that is." It wasn't a question but a statement, affirmative statement as intended.

I rolled my eyes at him. Boys and their self-centered nature, can't think beyond themselves. I marched towards the entrance as I looked over my shoulder to speak, "I wouldn't mind because I wouldn't even care to notice your presence throughout the dinner, hulk."

I knew it was rude of me but the hell if I could stay rooted and watch him smirk sinfully at me.

Feeling someone's presence behind me, I slowed. The air thickened as a huge, hard palm pressed across my lower back and simultaneously warm air blew across my earlobe, "You look beautiful." Feeling the heat rush across my cheek, I lowered my lashes. For a moment there I thought about it, I was casually dressed in a knee-length, sleeveless summer dress that had bold black stripes with my hair let loose.

That is hardly beautiful, I thought dryly.

Pardon me, if I don't know how a girl would respond to a comment like this, especially when it comes from the guy you are attracted to. I hadn't witnessed such a moment until now.

When his lips curled across the curve my ear I realized that his lips were on me and I was snapped out of my thoughts.

I turned my head to meet the glittering eyes. The result was unnerving though, the tip of my nose glided across his and our mouths were merely an inch or two away. The proximity had my heart rate quickening, he would just have to tilt his head and dip a little - that's all it would take for his lips to crash on mine. And to any passerby, with his head rightly bent to align mine, it'd look like we are about to kiss.

Calm the hell down, Nandini, I chanted in my head. However, it didn't help the jitters I felt with just the thought of him so up close.

Stupid, stupid attraction for the stupidly attractive hulk, I mentally stomped. The temptation to call the night off and walk out of the place was too strong that I had to use the trick to calm my nerves - count back from five.

Five, four, three..

I was getting a hold on my thumping heart but he being the devil he is, had to ruin it. "I'd work my way to make sure you notice my presence," he paused to kiss the tip of my ear, "throughout the night, kitten!"

Sadly he knew that his presence hardly went unnoticed. And I'd be the one to work harder to stick to my words. Let his presence go unnoticed.

And just like that he pulled away from me while I was still pondering over what just happened. With his palm flat and hard on my back, he led me to our table. I slid on the semi-circular, cushioned seat as he followed me. I had to ignore him. Avoid him at the best, or else he will go on with his wicked smirk throughout the night.

Wait, night! I thought - it was just the meal. Wasn't that the deal? After the meal, I am going home and he is going his way to his home.

For one last time, I thought, during this night I narrowed my eyes at him under scrutiny. He isn't going to get to mess up with my head. He is just teasing me, that's it, after all he knows me that bit at least.

My eyes found my brother, who strode in, oblivious to the heated temperature in the room. If it hadn't been about witnessing him walk mindlessly towards us, I wouldn't realize that I'd come for a dinner with my brother.

I suddenly felt the irresistible urge to throw my fist into his face. The guy had some nerve to leave me with his best-friend and engross himself with something on his cell phone.

Suddenly, I felt pity for the damn gadget for having manhandled. Rolling my eyes over the thought, Boys! I cleared my throat to gain his attention.

He dragged his eyes from the screen to meet mine and then again, shifted back to the screen, typing more feverishly this time.

Way to ignore your sister, when you are the one who happens to bring me out, brother dear, I huff in annoyance.

I took a moment to glare at him before throwing questions at him, "What's with you boys and your constant addiction to the damn gadget?" I find two pair of familiar eyes snapping at me. While one was narrowed, the other felt piercing into me.

"Sometimes, I really do doubt, what is more important to you all? The damn good for nothing cell phone or me?" I sigh, frustratedly. I am starting to envy the gadget now, like come on. Seriously?

However, neither of them utters a word, though I could feel slight vibrations to my left, where Manik sat. He surely found the situation hilarious. Well, it would be if I'd strangle down someone this night.

Eric slid to my right, taking a seat next to me and in the process sandwiching me between him and Manik. Now, I had no escape. I sighed; hopefully, the night won't be as traumatic as it started. At least, I can hope.

He slid his cell phone back into his pocket and pulled me into his side, "You!" Placing a kiss on my temples, he added, "You are more important than anything else, little one."

"I wish your actions didn't speak otherwise," I barked sarcastically, jabbing my elbow into his side.

Manik chose the exact moment to annoy me further. What was it with these two boys going around and annoying me? "Would the two of you cut it out and order something for dinner already?" He sounded irate while it should've been me. It's my right to be irritated; and not him. "And was that question even legit," I don't think the conversation was heading into a right direction, at least not where I wanted, "because the cell phone is obviously more important."

Oh! He just did not, I thought, drawing my eyes from Eric, who held an apologetic look to me while shooting a warning look at his best friend, I finally tuned my head, to look at Manik with murderous glares.

Before I could vocalize my thoughts, which I might mention was brutal enough, Eric butted in, "Manik," his voice held warning. I hurriedly turned my eyes to Eric, ignoring Manik, "I think we should order. I am hungry." I masked all the emotions other than joyous, playful ones - not willing to satisfy him for having hit the throbbing pulse.

As someone rightly said - Ignorance is a complete bliss. And that's what I did throughout the dinner, completely ignoring Manik's comments, no matter what he spoke.

It all went good until Eric's phone rang up. He cursed and looked at me apologetically, "I need to take this," I shot daggers at him, "Please," looking into his puppy-dog eyes didn't help me keeping a straight face.

How was one supposed to stay mad at him when he throws that look at me? How do I resist that? How can anyone resist that?

I was melting, "It's urgent," that was all I needed to hear to nod in affirmation at him. He took the call and headed towards a corner.

A few minutes later, when he returned, he still had that pleading look as if asking for something, that it puzzled me.

Taking my hands into his, as he slid back in his seat, he started, "I need to be somewhere else," before I could interject, he continued, "Manik will drop you home." It wasn't a request for Manik but a firm statement that left no room for argument.

I ignored the latter comment, that's to be dealt with some other time and asked something that bothered me, "Is it something you can't avoid," I wobbled with uncertainty, "for a little longer?"

Letting out a sigh, he shook his head, "I wouldn't have asked if that was a possibility."

"Is it important?" I questioned further, unable to hold back the question back. He nodded in response.

"You can drop me home then?"

He shook his head in negation, "Not happening," his eyes zeroed at mine, "you should continue with the dinner. Later, Manik would drop you home. Okay?" He held uncertainty in his eyes, apparently waiting for my response.

"But," I was interjected by his annoyed voice, "I won't take no for an answer. So, stay," his eyes softened, "Please."

"Fine," I gave into his demands, exhaling heavily. "I'd manage my way home."

"No, you don't need to." His brows scrunched in dismay, "Manik is going to drop you home and that's final." As though judging from my expression, he knew I was about to disagree, "I don't want to argue over this. If you don't want me to bother about you having reached home safely, you need to let Manik drop you home." His eyes averted to Manik and he gave a curt nod.

He leaned to kiss the top of my head, as he murmured a 'bye' into my hair and left. My eyes were solely trained on his retreating form, until he disappeared from my sight.

I slightly turned in my seat, still not meeting the pointed black eyes, pinned at me. "You don't need to." I grabbed my clutch, willing to leave the moment I discard the last deed for the night. "I'll pay at the counter."

I had hardly moved an inch in my seat, when a firm grip encircled around my wrist. I let my eyelids shut

"Where do you think you're going?" His thundering voice made me shiver. "You think you'll get away with this, kitten?" His husky voice purred into my ears, I felt his nose sliding across the tip of my ear, "or me?"

His hand clamped across my waist, along with mine as he held my wrist in his grip.

"I am capable of paying for the dinner, kitten; and surely, capable of dropping you home, sound and safe." No doubts there, however, that takes me down the memory lane, and so much more.

The soft vibration of his chest, as he chuckled at my futile attempt to free myself, rumbled against my back, made my heart beat accelerate at a faster pace. The intoxicating masculine fragrance filled in my nostrils jiggling my thoughts and the ability to make any coherent ones. Trying one last time to wiggle out of his grasp, I stuttered hoarsely, "Manik!"

Great, now that doesn't even sound like my own voice, the voice seemed alien to my own ears. I wonder what he would take it.

"Don't," he commanded in an authoritative tone, I didn't know he possessed. His rushed breath tickled my nape; he spoke in a tender voice, whispering right into my ears, "What have I done to receive this silent treatment?"

Made me furious, I wanted to snap back but the words didn't roll out of my mouth.

"Tell me," his tone sounded more of a plea than an order or request.

How does he goes all gentle and soft in seconds, after being beasty arrogant, I wondered.

"Nandini," the way my name rolled out of his tongue, helplessly, I understood he was still waiting for me to respond. Not knowing an appropriate answer to his question, also the inability to voice out anything, I opted to shrug.

The very instant his head dropped onto my shoulder and I gasped. "Let's finish the dinner and then I'll drop you home."

With his hands still around my waist, he turned me to dace the table. Grasping the clutch with the other hand, he placed it on the other side of the table. I stared at my dish which no more seemed appealing.

So toying with the food, I blurted out, "You had a date." The instant the words left my mouth, I regretted it. My tone was laced with disappointment and I silently prayed that he wouldn't have noticed it.

The clattering against the plate indicated of the fork being dropped or placed, I was rather opting for being slammed though. I felt his eyes trained at me, "Yes, why?" The note of humor was unmistakeable in his words.

He finds it funny, while I don't. Way to sound like too desperate, Miller, I snorted at myself.

"I was just wondering," I purposely paused, sensing his eyes boring into my skull - he would bury a hole if he continues with this, "that she either was blind or had a blur eyesight." Slowly turning my head, my eyes met his and a smirk stretched across my lips as I took his smile disappearing.

Without giving him a chance to counter, I added, "You have got an ego as big as the size of a dinosaur with an empty skull. How could any girl agree to date you?"

"Kitten," his lips twitched into a lopsided grin, "you'd be surprised to know that it's me who has the option to agree to a date; not otherwise. Also, any girl would be flattered to dine with me," his eyes gleamed knowingly, "though you have got the opportunity, all to yourself."

I averted my gaze, wandering my eyes everywhere but him. He's got a way with words - a way that sends tickles across one's form.

Picking my fork, I stuffed a bite into my mouth. All this while, his eyes still rested on me. He was watching me hastily stuff food into my mouth; and I felt self-conscious.

"Eat," I mumbled, jabbing my elbow into his side.

I had busied myself in the food, when I suddenly heard, "Cousin," I snapped at him, confused, "dinner date."

"Uh, what?" His words didn't make sense to me at all.

"My date," he whispered back, "my dinner date tonight," I nodded still confused, "it was with my cousin sister." Furrowing my brows, I looked at him. Seriously, he was here on a dinner date with his cousin?

As though having read my thought, he answered with a sheepish smile, "It wasn't a date actually."

Still you addressed it like a date, way to create confusion, hulk, I though sarcastically.

"But we are weird that way," he added. I couldn't agree any less. However, I was one hell of a weird specimen as well.

"Oh," that was all I could say before shoving the food into my mouth, yet again.

"Were you jealous?" He mocked-innocently, though he was anything but.

"No," I whisper yelled in defence.

"Sure, you were not," his words fell in acceptance, though his expression gave in. He was biting onto his lips to suppress his laughter and his eyes were twitched in amusement.

"Whatever lets you sleep at night, kitten," he teased, "whatever," he hinted mischievously, making the heat rush towards my cheek.

Controlling the smile that was now creeping across my lips and resisting the rising colour of my cheeks, I rolled my eyes at him. "In your dreams," I snarled back at him.

"You wouldn't want to know what my dream consists of," he grinned mischievously, yet so boyishly that suggestively inked dirty thoughts across his face, "not even the slightest bit, kitten." And with that he burst into the fits of laughter.

I elbowed him which just ended up as a shove into his gut. However, it silenced him for long enough and he didn't utter a word throughout the dinner; not any that gave indication of him having dirty thoughts.

Later, relishing the food and the mouth-watering taste of the meal, we sat silently having our dinner.

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