Chapter 10

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Before anyone goes around to grab some rotten tomatoes and eggs and probably, all that's within your reach to be throwing my way; I apologize. I sincerely do apologize.

That's if there are any readers reading this any more. I know it's been long and people tend to forget the storyline and the plot; and most importantly they loose interest in the story. So I won't be surprised to find many of the readers to have called a quit over this. It's natural, I believe. But I had been stubborn over one fact throughout my journey of jotting down tales, I would never leave a story midway. Even if I have to complete and not publish it; and just keep it to myself, I would do that.

So, if there's anyone still reading; I be got a few things to say -

I had my own reasons, life had been mess and I wasn't in a state to write. Over and above that, I had gotten pretty much busy with the work front. It's been messy and hectic; both at work ever since I started - that's pretty much a couple of days later when I had posted the previous chapter of this book. Yes, that long.

The only time that I ever got was during weekends and even that is hell tiring. So apologies for the long delay.

This chapter is a dedication to ps_angel and MereWhispers; and to all those who have been patiently waiting, or at least waiting and willing to read.

ps_angel for provoking me by asking me 'when in the hell was I planning to update this?' well, in a very subtle manner. Trust me, you have got no clue what you have done. You provided me with the push that I needed to kick start this one.

MereWhispers (Aishwarya) for all that she did. Right from hearing me out to kind of being there and motivating me; and even for reading the drafts when I was being nothing but conscious. Who wouldn't be, I hadn't written a word in almost a year. Words no longer seem that familiar to me; not that easy. Trust me.

Okay, now back to the point - 'Collision'

I am sure it's difficult to recollect the story if it's been updated after a long time. So it would only be fair to give you all a short synopsis of the story and a quick preview of the previous chapter. Though it's just a little rough and not that apt but I hope it is sufficient and elaborative enough.

So here's it-

Story so far:

Manik's and Nandini meet for the first time at a mandatory school party; where they enter with their respective partners. Leo, Nandini's partner for the night tries to misbehave with her and while she tries to get away from him, she bumps into a couple (Manik and his date) making out near the garden area.

Intrigued by the sweet voice, Manik turns and helps Nandini getting rid of Leo's claws. Offering her a walk back home, he accompanies her down the street. The night brings a different shade into their lives as they are still to realise that their lives are further woven with each others.

It so happens that Nandini and Manik are linked with a person who plays a vital role in their lives; both individually and otherwise - Eric; Nandini's half brother and Manila best friend.

Nandini is in town to build her relationship with her brother - Eric. They gel along well and are working to get their relation stronger when a ride hits their sand castle as Leo's revelation comes up in front of Eric.

Though the roughness of the situation only helps them build a bond stronger as Manik makes Nandini understand the hardships Eric had gone through and that he wasn't going to give up on her; and that was what she had to.

Manik's endless support led her to befriend him.

Leo had apologized and depicted his genuineness. He gradually earned Nandini's friendship. Eric didn't like the fact but respected Nandini's decision.

Throughout, there had been Manik and Nandini bantering while comfort seeped into their friendship.



His expressions faltered and he shook his head, turning to face me, "Why bother ourselves with perfection and imperfections, when I have a beautiful sight sitting right in front of me," his eyes transited to a mischievous ones and I knew that he had switched to his usual playful zone.

The moment continued with light and fun talks until the time he decided to leave. Dusting off his pants, he stood up for his departure and offered me a helping hand along. Leaning forward, he smashed a quick peck onto my cheek with a promise, "See you tomorrow, kitten," and winked.

"Tomorrow, hulk," I stated smilingly.

Twirling onto his feet, he left. I stared at his retreating figure and once he was out of my sight, I collected the coffee cups headed towards home thinking of how unusual Manik behaves at times.

I wonder what he really is like. And still wish that he is just like as I know him.


Just a warning before anyone plans to read, that is if anyone does - I am directly posting the draft with merely any changes. So, beware you are about to get bored, probably. It's long, maybe a little dragged with a particular bit. It's not the best that have written, not that I write exceptionally well, but just not my best. So get yourself prepared for everything right from grammatical mistakes to typos to probably, more of it.

I think that's enough for me to say, time for you all to judge.

Here's the chapter for you. Over to you guys.


Chapter Ten:


I let my head fall back onto the couch as the movie was about to end. It was the last scene that was playing across the screen.

Phew! Eric and I had watched a couple of movies by now. It was yet another Friday movie marathon, though this time we could start with the movies once we were back from school. Luckily, he didn't have work to attend today and that left him with more time to spend with me.

Sparing a quick glance at the clock, I saw it was about evening time and we had gone through a fair amount of movies for a day.

I am sure, there's only so much Eric could handle of the mushy romantic comedies for a night.

I heard Eric's concerned voice, "Tired?" and turned my head in his direction to meet his eyes.

"Yeah," I answered genuinely, "and so are you," I stated as a matter of fact. He looked drained out. It had been this way since a couple of days. I had been arguing that he overworked himself but he being the stubborn Miller that he is, just wouldn't agree to it.

I thought this movie session would somehow help him out and he would relax. It doesn't seem to have worked, though.

"Let's take a break," I declared while grabbing the cushion that sat on my tummy and placed it aside before I padded towards the kitchen along with the dishes and mugs.

"Sure," he rolled his shoulders into the most casual shrug and with that he picked up his cell phone, engrossing himself into the damn gadget.

I seriously envy that thing in the name of gadget called cell phones, now, I thought.

Just then a thought struck me and I turned on my heels to ask, "What about some chit chatting over the coffee?" He must have seen the hopeful eyes as his eyes drifted to meet mine, because he gently smiled my way.

His smile grew wider as he replied, "As you say, little one," I couldn't manage to conceal the goofy smile that crept across my lips. I am sure even if I would have managed to suppress it, my eyes would have given away. My joy would have reflected in it.

His eyes glistened with affection in response. I don't understand how, but I find affection and adoration in his eyes, always. No matter how tired he is, his eyes would always hold love for me.

Sometimes, I just wonder what all had I been missing in life. Eric was just an answer to all of it. At least, that's what I believe so far. There's nothing else, so far, that I would wish for in my life.

Life seems complete; and more like a dream.

Having said that, I need to live that dream, more. Quickly pouring the steaming hot coffee into the mugs, I carried those towards the living area, where Eric was indulged into a conversation over the phone.

He was seated on the couch with his cell phone pressed against his ear, whilst his other hand rested over his head. Had I not known Eric, I would have stated that he was having some chit chat with one of his friends. Well, the scenario could be that way, only this conversation of his didn't seem like the casual chit chat as soon his fingers crawled over to his forehead and started massaging into circular motion.

Not being able to help but stare at him suspiciously, I slowly yet cautiously padded towards him. My eyes never left him, because I could see the seriousness masking into his expressions.

His eyes flew to meet my gaze, and he slowly relaxed. Instantly he spoke on the phone, "Bye," and just like that he hung up in the other person and placed the cell phone onto the coffee table.

My eyes widened at his lack of courteousness. He just hung up on a person he was in a conversation with. Oops! That's pretty much rude, brother dear.

I placed the mugs onto the coffee table, "Err, that was rude of you Eric," I stated pointedly at him only to have received an amused grin from him. Frowning at his expressions, I queried, "What's so amusing?" I threw back at him.

He rather answered me with a sheepish grin, "Because you are cute," he gently pinched my nose and added, "even when you are trying to be bossy." If it was possible anymore, his grin grew wider. I shook my head at his tactics and plopped besides him.

"I won't ask you whom you were talking to or what was that serious conversation about," I mentioned casually, I didn't want to dig information for something that he might not be comfortable sharing. Though, he might not think so, I didn't feel it was the right thing to ask.

So instead I asked, "But why did you hung up that way?" I knew I was being a little cautious but hesitantly I added further, "that rudely?"

He seemed to be chewing his lips, I eyed him expectantly to have answered in a word, "You."

Could I be more stunned than this? No way. Never would I ever be; not that I can think of. My eyes widened and my jaws hung open at his response but the confusion still floated into my eyes.

Why? It was all that ran across my mind.

His arms flung across my shoulder as his reply rang into my ears, "You, because there's nothing else that's more important than you, little one. I will keep anything and everything aside for this little sister of mine." He poked the side of my cheek only to have glared back in response. But soon melted as I saw him smile goofily at me.

"Now let's drop the boring topic in the name of that stupid conversation," his eyes pinned me with a plea, "Please!"

I sighed, realising that the conversation might upset him, I thought it was better to drop it at that. "Okay," I said in agreement. He straightened himself as though preparing himself for a fun session.

Turning to face him, I pulled my feet over the couch and pressed my back against the armrest. Collecting my coffee mug and the cushion that I placed onto my lap as I took a sip from the coffee.

Popping the first thing that came in my mind, I held his eyes, "I know you don't have girlfriend or never had a girlfriend;" noticing the path that the conversation might lead to, his brows ticked at me which only made me quickly add, "not that I know of, but have you ever liked a girl?"

Suddenly I felt like I might have chosen a wrong question to start with. I tried explaining further, "I mean have you never felt attracted to a girl," I stated thoughtfully, "I mean do you like someone or anything?"

He threw his head back, bursting into fits of laughter. My eyes knitted in confusion, Eh, what's so funny?

Once sobered, his eyes trailed back at mine yet the humour in his eyes hadn't died away. "I am only a human, little one," he said with amusement laced in his voice, "So, yes, I did like a couple of girls in the past. And, of course, I was attracted to a couple of girls as well," he stated with such an ease that left me amazed.

"But," his eyes turned calculative as though he raked through his brain to choose the appropriate words, "that was all physical," he casually rolled his shoulder into a shrug and grabbed his mug.

He sighed, "I haven't found a girl whom I could actually like; mind and soul apart from the looks." His nose scrunched up thoughtfully, which was a cute sight to look at.

I thought of pulling his cheeks for all the cute tactics he does; and I might add, unintentionally. But I chose rather not to, he would instead end up throwing that coffee which he was sipping, at me.

He hadn't show any sign of hesitation, as if all of this came naturally to him; stating everything as it is. Speaking up his mind without having to worry for filtering his words before he uttered. At times, I fear of the worst; not having to live up to his expectations, to let him down, to hesitate. But then I am only reminded of his words:

"It's all new to me as much as it is to you. We are just learning; and we will always keep learning to refrain from falling apart."

Keeping that thought into mind, I threw another question at him, "So kindly enlighten me, how should a girl be whom Eric Miller could like?" I couldn't hide the cheesy grin that spread across my lips as I anticipated a long list of requirements for him to shortlist his special one.

Though, what I didn't expect was, "I haven't really given it a thought," I was left a little disappointed at his words though I tried to mask it with confusion. "I don't want to think of something for which I don't have the time," he reasoned as he placed his empty mug back at the coffee table.

I was on the verge of flipping another question at him when he stated oh-so-egoistically, "For now, I can have some fun, I am so dearly entitled to," he tucked his lips into a boyish grin that could melt any female on the planet but I had somehow grown immune to his tactics. It happens to do nothing but leave me frowning in disgust.

He purposely pulls off such a stunt to irritate me. Putting aside the coffee mug, I grab the cushion and hit him with it until I felt like stopping. "You just had to mention that," I groaned in distaste as I knew the meaning of his fun.

No matter what, he always felt the need to turn each and every conversation into a playful one. Letting a conversation close at a serious note, was not Eric's style.

As the humour in his eyes faded, his words popped up with utmost sincerity, "Though, whenever it happens, you will know. I would walk up to you and tell if I find a person I genuinely like, with all my heart." He promised.

A soft smile curled up on my lips as I spoke, "I am holding onto this." I didn't need a promise to know that he would; because he would. He has always been about sharing everything, so there wasn't a doubt that he wouldn't. But the words somehow gave a sense of assurance.

And the conversation was then followed by yet another shot of questions and answers; and some random talks until we ran out of words.

The thickening of the air around made it difficult for me to comprehend a sensible statement, as my mind drifted to a certain path of thoughts. As though sensing my nervousness for some reason, Eric had placed his hand gently onto my knee as a gesture of understanding.

Though his words came out with mischief written all over, "I am not going to eat you alive, little one," the corner of his eyes had crinkled as the glint visible in them.

I shot back the deadliest glare I could manage but that only resulted him to let out a chuckle, "You look cute even when you try to glare at someone." He leaned in to pull my cheeks.

Huffing my cheeks in annoyance and folding my arms across my chest, I looked aside, turning my head, not bothering to look at him, while I spoke irately, "I was just thinking how to break to you that I feel lonely here, without hurting you," flaring my nostrils, I continued my rant, "but you just chose to make fun of me instead."

"You, what?" I heard his strained voice that broke me. Slowly turning my head in his direction, I found his expressions blank and his eyes cold. This wasn't a sight I would wish to witness ever again. I frowned, recollecting my thoughts.

Having replayed my words in my head, I realised how it might have sounded to him. Shaking off the thought as my eyes went wide, I whisper yelled, "No," my hands flew to cover my face in embarrassment. "I didn't mean it that way," I mumbled into my hands, unsure if I was audible.

I heard him exhale heavily, his fingers wrapped around mine as he tried to tear it apart from my face; whilst he softly requested, "Then explain to me what you meant."

Shutting my eyes close, I tried to choose my words correctly as I spoke, slowly and carefully, "I hardly get to see you more often than just the weekends," for a reason, it seemed to my own ears as though I was blaming him, so I quickly added, "but I understand you've got work and can't be around all the time, even though I wish that way," I added the last bit as a whisper, inaudible yet with a tinge of disappointment.

He didn't interrupt even though his eyes held as if he had a lot to say as my eyes flew open only to get a glance of his expressions. I was glad because had he interrupted I wouldn't have been able to complete probably. Brushing up through my mind, I reasoned, "So without you the place seems empty. I did try a lot of things but nothing can substitute for your presence. I do spend the spare time with my friends; they even try to come up with ways to entertain me. But," I looked up at him and spoke, "I miss being with you." Not being able to resist my lips rolled out into a pout.

He spoke calmly, "When are you planning to go back, then," rather too calm. Had I not known him, I would have assumed that nothing mattered to him. I didn't matter to him; but the fact was I did and somehow listening to my words might have shaken his confidence in me; in our relationship.

"I wouldn't," I shot back at him. I knew it would have such an impact on him. Though, my only intention was to communicate my feelings to him. Nothing else.

His eyes sprung expectantly at me, though I chose to ignore and continued, "I just wanted to vent out how I felt, nothing else," pinning him under a harsh glare, I added further, "you aren't getting rid of me that easily, brother."

He let out a hearty laugh as he spoke, "I don't want to, little one," his eyes reflected joy and so did his words.

"Though the whole point of sharing that with you was that I wanted to discuss something else," he gave a curt nod as the joyous expression drained out of his face and was replaced by seriousness. He signalled me to continue, "I am thinking of probably engaging myself in some sort of an activity to eliminate the thought."

"What sort of an activity?" His stern words held curiosity as well.

Rolling my eyes at him, I answered with ease, "Haven't given it much thought, I wanted to discuss this with you first," running through my mind, I added, suggestively yet with uncertainty, "probably some extra curricular activity or something." I shrugged.

"I think that's a nice idea," he spoke thoughtfully, "you shouldn't lock yourself up in the house for most of the day. That's not good," his words reminded me of someone's similar;

"Don't lock yourself up. You are grown up and mature enough to know how to utilise your time well, kitten."

Those words had somehow led me to this.

"Alright, think about it; what interests you and what you'd enjoy; and I will help you in any manner I can," he stated enlightening hope in me.

Sigh, I had indeed done the right thing by discussing this with Eric. I looked over at him planning to discuss it further only to witness his drooping eyelids. He had his head leaned back.

"We will discuss this further but some other time," I spoke with a hint authority in my tone and sternly looked at him as I stated further, "for now, you better go and take a nap."

He sprang up from his leaning position and fought back, "No, I am fine."

"I am not going to listen to you any further Eric, better go get some rest by the time I prepare something for dinner," I ordered before clearing the coffee table.

One quick glance in his direction and shot daggers at him. I don't leave a room for any further argument, brother dear, I thought stubbornly.

Complying to what I said, he shot up from the couch, dusting off his shirt as he tried to smoothen the wrinkles formed. About to head to the kitchen with now empty mugs, I turned on my heels exactly when his phone sprung to life as the ringtone swallowed the peaceful silence in the room.

I peeked a glance at his direction only to find him mindlessly ignoring it, while he requested, "Could you please answer that for me?"

Within a beat of moment, he disappeared. Not even bothering himself to get an answer, while his cell phone still chose to explode as it continued to ring.

Now I was definitely curious to find out who was it. Sparing a quick glance on to his cell phone, I saw the name of the caller flashing:

Manik calling...

Quickly managing to hold both the mugs with one hand, I grabbed Eric's cell phone and answered, "Manik," I whisper yelled into the phone.

I was padding towards the kitchen, while I heard nothing but silence from the other end. Not bothering myself much, I hurriedly disposed off the mugs into the sink as I prepared myself for a quick bashing session.

He better have good reasons to have rang up Eric so desperately and then going all silent on me. Before the silence got intolerable, the Hulk finally chose to roar.

Not literally but he did break the silence as his silky voice washed over me, "Kitten," my name rolled out of his lips, woven with amusement as he spoke.

Rolling my eyes, though I simultaneously felt a sudden warmth across my cheeks, I snapped back, "Thanks for acknowledging, Hulk!" However, it wasn't required, I chose to stress on the term most suited for him, Hulk.

"Not that I wouldn't have done, it just took me by surprise that you are the one answering Eric's phone call," his words held a smile; soft yet attractive.

"And that reminds me, where's your brother to have you attend his calls?" His questioned teasingly.

Had it been a couple weeks ago, when Manik and I had just met; I wouldn't have cared to answer that. But know, I could easily communicate with him.

"He's tired," I sighed, my shoulders slumped in defeat.

"I understand," his soft whispering words felt calming, though I was clueless of what understanding he had.

"I just don't know what else do I do," the words stumbled out of my mouth. He was that friend on whose shoulder I could lean on. The fact that Eric was his best friend made it a lot better to discuss with, because he knew Eric better.

Even before he could state something, I added further, "Why don't you come and join us for the weekend?" The thought that he could probably be of more help than I was, had me question but the sudden thought made me quickly add, "that is if you've got the time."

I could hear the smile retuning in his voice as he playfully replied, "I've always got the time for my friends," his soft chuckle rang into my ears while he continued, "and I've definitely got some for you, kitten." He might have stated the words rather casually yet his words were laced with a certain genuineness that destressed me to an extent.

"By the way, is this a date," I could feel him smirking.

I rolled my eyes at his one-tracked mind but rather purred into the phone, "Yeah," and chewed the inside of my mouth imagining the numerous reactions that he could portray for it. I added with a soft voice,  "with Eric!"

That only led me to burst into bubbles of laughter. This is entertaining. He threw various words at me while I wasn't in a state to get even a single one busy giggling at his state.

After a couple of minutes, I sobered and cleared my throat, trying to subside the rising giggles as chewed onto my lips to hold back.

"Just so that you know, I am straight," his firm voice pinned me with an image of Manik hovering me with narrowed eyes, "so, I would only accept the offer if Eric's little one accompanies." His voice cracked into a smile.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, "whatever lets you sleep at night," I shrugged my shoulder.

"This surely would," his words slow yet igniting that burned the tips of my ear for an unknown reason. He hummed in approval making me gulp.

Thinking of ways to slice the thickness of the air that enveloped around me, I pretended casual, "Whatever," though I was anything but.

He didn't need to know.

The conversation picked up from that as we finally concluded in between our banter for him to join tonight itself. Politely declining his offer for getting us takeout for dinner, I rather stuck to preparing it myself. It was getting darker outside indicating that we had only a couple of hours for dinner. I quickly wrapped the conversation, instructing him to get home as soon as he gets his stuff from his place and kicked myself into the kitchen starting to get the dinner sorted for tonight.

Hours later, the bell rang and I approached the door to witness Manik standing there with his hands stuffed into his pant pockets and a sly smile playing gently on his lips.

Unconsciously my eyes trailed onto the handsomely looming figure that stood in front of me. Adorned in a white round neck t-shirt along with a khaki jacket of over it paired with a pair of black denim jeans. He looked at comfort and, edible, if not more. The trail of thoughts were abruptly halted at it as he simultaneously cleared his throat.

My eyes snapped back to meet his mischievous ones, while passing a toothy grin my way making me flustered. I averted my gaze, wandering off at the scenery at the back; anything by him.

Stepping aside, I bobbed my head signalling him to get in. He stepped forward, leaning in and pressed his cold yet gentle lips onto my cheek; kissing me.

Straightening his jacket as he stepped back, he spoke, "Hello to you too, kitten," and walked past me after closing the door shut behind him, trying to conceal the smirk that spread across his face. Though, his words couldn't conceal it, "Stare at me later, you've got me all to yourself."

His words stunned me.

Gathering myself together, I stomped my feet as I made my way behind him. He simply had a way to rile me up. I don't think that I would ever be able to get used to his ways.

Such an egoistic jerk, I thought.

Seeing him plopped over the couch with an ease in posture, I was about to throw a retort back at him when a voice caught me off guard and I snapped my head into the direction of origin;

"Dude, you better get your ass out of here. You are my best friend but it's my time with my little one; and I won't lend you a single minute of it. So buy yourself some other time to spend with my sister. Out, now!"

Eric stood with his hands rested on his hips while directing a warning glare with sleepy eyes towards Manik; though trying to get rid of his sleep. My jaw dropped onto the floor as I held my eyes widened at Eric.

"Eric," I whisper yelled at him with a hint of warning. He better not utter another word without having thought about it twice. Hell, scratch that, ten times if he needs to.

What in the hell was that for, I thought with terror in my eyes.


Not sure if I should be expecting someone reading it but if there's any, kindly post your reviews. Most of all, do list your opinion; your thoughts, whatever it is. Your thoughts over this chapter as well as what you expect for the upcoming one. Anything, just write down.

Also for the readers from the forum, you know which one I am talking about if you know the origin of this story, I will be updating this there if in case the thread gets unlocked.

I am jotting for 'Voyage' as well. So be prepared, if you are reading and interested to read more.


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