Chapter 11

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I know you people might be really pissed and what not, but trust me the work front has been hectic and well, tiring enough to drain every bit of energy I had with me. Not an excuse, but it really is difficult to maintain a calm mind and ensure your health and still sneak out some time on and off to work out some write-ups like these.

Just a small disclaimer, this might not be the perfect chapter for Collision, but I have tried hard to get it back on the track, and I am still trying.

But without taking much time of yours' lets directly jump in.

Apologies again. Not sure, how many would be still reading or be interested in this one. *scratches my head*


Story so far:

Manik's and Nandini meet for the first time at a mandatory school party; where they enter with their respective partners. Leo, Nandini's partner for the night tries to misbehave with her and while she tries to get away from him, she bumps into a couple (Manik and his date) making out near the garden area.

Intrigued by the sweet voice, Manik turns and helps Nandini getting rid of Leo's claws. Offering her a walk back home, he accompanies her down the street. The night brings a different shade into their lives as they are still to realise that their lives are further woven with each others.

It so happens that Nandini and Manik are linked with a person who plays a vital role in their lives; both individually and otherwise - Eric; Nandini's half brother and Manila best friend.

Nandini is in town to build her relationship with her brother - Eric. They gel along well and are working to get their relation stronger when a ride hits their sand castle as Leo's revelation comes up in front of Eric.

Though the roughness of the situation only helps them build a bond stronger as Manik makes Nandini understand the hardships Eric had gone through and that he wasn't going to give up on her; and that was what she had to.

Manik's endless support led her to befriend him.

Leo had apologized and depicted his genuineness. He gradually earned Nandini's friendship. Eric didn't like the fact but respected Nandini's decision.

Throughout, there had been Manik and Nandini bantering while comfort seeped into their friendship.



Straightening his jacket as he stepped back, he spoke, "Hello to you too, kitten," and walked past me after closing the door shut behind him, trying to conceal the smirk that spread across his face. Though, his words couldn't conceal it, "Stare at me later, you've got me all to yourself."

His words stunned me.

Gathering myself together, I stomped my feet as I made my way behind him. He simply had a way to rile me up. I don't think that I would ever be able to get used to his ways.

Such an egoistic jerk, I thought.

Seeing him plopped over the couch with an ease in posture, I was about to throw a retort back at him when a voice caught me off guard and I snapped my head into the direction of origin;

"Dude, you better get your ass out of here. You are my best friend but it's my time with my little one; and I won't lend you a single minute of it. So buy yourself some other time to spend with my sister. Out, now!"

Eric stood with his hands rested on his hips while directing a warning glare with sleepy eyes towards Manik; though trying to get rid of his sleep. My jaw dropped onto the floor as I held my eyes widened at Eric.

"Eric," I whisper yelled at him with a hint of warning. He better not utter another word without having thought about it twice. Hell, scratch that, ten times if he needs to.

What in the hell was that for, I thought with terror in my eyes. 


Chapter Eleven:


The darkness blanketed the sight that lay still in front of my eyes. My hands curled over the railing while my eyes adjusted to the darkness; I tiptoed cautiously, descending the stairs. My shoes squeaked against the wooden staircase, even though my steps fell smooth and delicate over it. The sound fell crisp onto my ears as enhanced by the silence of the night.

I drew a sigh of relief when plopped down the last step of the staircase. Carefully making my way towards the kitchen, I approached the switchboard. My eyes fluttered into a fits of blink as I flipped the switch for the light right over the kitchen counter area. I padded slowly towards the space and spun a good glance at the counter.

Without wasting any further time, I reached over to the cabinet in an attempt to grab a mug and a few more things I needed at the moment.

Just as I shuffled through the refrigerator to grab a container of milk, the faint footsteps had me alert. The lump of fear started to form at the back of my throat.

Bad, bad, bad. It was a bad idea to sneak out of bed at this hour of the night, I cursed the moment I decided to do so.

Straightening myself, I pushed the door of the refrigerator back in place and my mind drifted towards the footsteps that grew sharper with every breath I inhaled.

A warm breath tingled across the side of my neck and I jumped, startled. My body twirled and my back smashed flat against the refrigerator while my wide scared eyes collided with the drowsy brown ones. The source of my fear stood right in front of me, trapping me with the droopy and lousy gaze. The beast himself, the hulk.

My hold over the milk bottle loosened and the bottle slipped through my fingers. Had it not been him, the bottle would have thrashed across the floor, which wasn't something I wished for. He caught the bottle before it shattered, placing it over the counter beside as he turned his stare back at me.

Releasing the breath that I unknowingly held all this while, I let my stiff shoulders loosen a bit. "Manik," I breathed, though I didn't put up an effort to conceal the warning underneath.

"Yes, kitten," his sugarcoated sleep driven voice sent a thrilling chill that could barely be explained in words. His eyes lazily crawled over my frame.

Damn, no doubt the guy has mastered the art of charming the whole population off of their feet. No matter what their gender be, I thought while my fingers curled tightly over the handle of the refrigerator and pressed my back flatly against the door of it, harder.

Even when in sleep, he has got some moves. The urge to roll my eyes was strong, though intensity in his eyes were stronger. Having his eyes dropped, the air around us seemed to have thickened. The frown marred his expressions, confusing me further. The feather light brush of his fingers as he lifted his hand, sent a trail of goosebumps on it's way. I felt uneasy to breathe while his eyes zeroed down at my lips.

What the hell, I panicked on the insides.

He tucked his finger under my chin, while the thumb gently brazed across my lower lip. Pulling it out, he freed it from the grip of my teeth. I now realized that I had been chewing my lips all this while. My tongue rolled out, swiping across the lower lips as I registered the burning sensation. This only made his eyes grow darker.

Damn! Curse him for my unconscious behaviour.

He dropped his head closer to mine while I dug my head into the hard refrigerator door with my eyes going wide. There was hardly a scope for me to escape as his hands dropped to either sides, trapping me. I felt the jitters tingling in the pit of my stomach as his soft breath blew across my earlobe, indicating the proximity of his lips. My eyes went shut, inhaling a deep breath.

His voice dripped with softness, purred into my ears, "I have warned you not to tempt me with those delectable lips of yours, but you never fail to amaze me with your attempts, kitten."

I gaped; my eyes shot open and instantly went wide at the choice of his words. Surely, I wasn't the one to forget his not so subtle warnings, especially when he had his eyes raking through me as though I was a meal - probably, only to prove his point.

His head slightly leaned back, while his eyes grazed through me. He gauged my expressions and his nose scrunched a bit. "Not helping your case, kitten," he complained, yet with a slight amount of amusement laced in his voice. He was enjoying all of this. He always did - at my expense.

"Not that I get time to prepare myself," I whined with a pout, "unlike you," I muttered under my breath.

"I don't," he stated, as his words hung midway. A soft chuckle left his lips, and I felt his chest vibrating against mine.

At that, I diverted my attention towards the motive I came downstairs for which indeed plopped a question in my head. "What are you doing here, by the way?" I asked; my shoulders sagged, as I relaxed against the refrigerator door while he had me caged.

"You called me," he puzzled me with his words. "You asked me to stay over for the night," he added in a hushed tone.

"I meant here - as in, in the kitchen right now," I explained further.

"Why, did I startle you, kitten?" His voice held a smile, while his eyes held the mischievous glint. He bit his lips in an attempt to stifle the laughter. He dropped his head against the refrigerator door, while his warm breath fanned across my right shoulder blade. The hair at the back of my neck rose into goosebumps, as he inhaled sharply.

Hell, what does one say to it? I thought, internally gritting my teeth at it.

Yes, you startled me. You set my body on fire with mere words. Oh, wait, scratch that, with a mere sweep of eyes.

And, can I just add, this shouldn't be something that I should be experiencing. I groaned mentally.

I mentally rolled my eyes as I was aware that I cannot respond like that. Flattening my palms over his lean chest, I made him roll his head back at its place. I masked the expression with a straight face. My eyes softened to their normal size while trying to control my staggered breath. Letting out an exaggerated breath, I uttered, "You just took me by surprise. That's all."

Pushing him aside, while I straightened my thoughts or more likely pushed them aside as well. I walked past him, ignoring his eyes that no longer held sleep in it.

"Means the same," the voice plopped from behind me. Might I add, the smile never died from his tone.

Damn, the cheeky jerk, I flared my nostrils in frustration at the thought.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes at him and kick-started to prepare my coffee.

"Wouldn't you offer some to me, kitten," he asked from behind. He wouldn't leave me at it, now would he? The stubborn jerk in the name of a friend.

"I thought, you'd prefer to go back to sleep," I stated as a matter of fact.

"Well, I would rather accompany you," he worded with shoulder rolled into a casual shrug. My eyes landed onto the empty mug he had placed besides mine.

Puffing out my cheeks, I started preparing one for him as well. There's no point in arguing with him. At the end, he would ensure he gets what he wants; what he sets his mind at.

The drama that unfolded earlier this evening had my bones wrecked with anxiety. I had rightly labelled these males of my life as - Jerks!


Eric stood there with his hands resting on his hips while his eyes narrowed at Manik. But the upturn of events left me baffled. I hadn't expected Eric to react the way he did. Also, the way handled it had me stunned.

While Eric had his warning glare pinned at Manik, ignoring me completely. Manik seemed unabashed with his best-friend's behaviour. Rolling his head back onto the couch, he simply stated, "She called me for a stay over."

I gulped. Damn, such a smooth way to dig a grave for me - without having to do it actually.

Before I could explain any further, Manik added, "to spend sometime with you."

Eric turned his eyes questioningly at me, as though waiting for a confirmation. I meekly nodded in affirmation.

Within mere seconds, Eric dashed onto the couch next to Manik with a shrug as he brushed off the topic with those simple words, "Cool then, if you don't mind him."

And just like that, I stood there, completely stunned with how the scene that mere seconds ago felt a battlefield for a heated argument, now seemed to be a chilled out session for the two friends.

I puffed out my cheeks and blew out in frustration. Eric was definitely having a major mood swing.

"Okay," I twirled onto my heels as I started towards my room. I didn't know what to say, or how to react when he simply embraces the presence of Manik and relaxes into the presence of his best friend. That was what I wanted, without having him overreact that is.

Noticing a light tug onto my wrist, halting my steps, I turned to the origin of restrain - Eric. Pulling me right next to him on the couch, he threw his arm around me with a soft look adorning his face. He looked almost like an innocent child.

"Thank you," he whispered, "it means a lot to me."

He didn't fail to amaze with his reactions or words. To say that Eric Miller is a complete mystery package in himself, would never go wrong. He can amuse one with anything and everything. He is unpredictable.

"I realize the efforts you put in and I can never be thankful enough to have a sister like you, little one. Nothing can suffice to explain how much you mean to me." Those words stirred up the pile of emotions that sat still deep within me.

"Eric," his name was all I could utter, while I threw my arms around him. Words couldn't express what our relationship was like. Probably, actions could. All I could think of was a hug. Hoping that it would express my emotions which were not different from his.


A gentle tap over my shoulder broke the chain of thoughts that went into my head. I turned my head to meet his eyes.

"I believe the coffee is ready," the soft whisper made me aware of the coffee that was long done.

"Damn," I muttered, forcing my eyes shut at my stupidity. No matter what, I was always drawn into the pile of thoughts. Always!

"I am sorry," I apologized gazing back at him. I genuinely felt sorry. It wasn't a good thing to zone out on someone. But I did.

"It's okay! I understand you can't have a control over your thoughts when I am around." He puzzled me. "Accept it, you can't stop thinking about me." He smirked, fueling the rage that I felt within.

Without a doubt, he proved that he was so full of himself. Jerk!

"Yeah, right!" I rolled my eyes at him, "I can't stop thinking about you," frustratedly, I added while handing his coffee to him.

Expect him to have one switch feelings, from guilt to rage; from fondness to annoyance. Well, that would be just there for a bit, I held an unconscious thought. I knew he had pretty good tactics rolled up sleeves to ensure I don't stay annoyed for long. That's how it always had been.

I felt him nearing and my eyes instantly shot up to collide with his piercing ones. Placing the mug onto the counter, he stepped ahead. He stood at my right, while holding me in place as his left arm held my waist. Gasping at the closeness, I held his stare with my wide eyes. I could feel the warmth radiating through this palms even over the fabric of my t-shirt. I gulped, as I saw his head dipping down to mine.

"You look pretty cute when you are enraged, kitten," he whispered, his mouth hovered over my earlobe. I could feel his lips stretch into a smile, while his lips stilled there for a moment longer. A hint of mischief was all that I saw in his eyes when he straightened himself.

"Manik," I smacked him across his arm. He withdrew his hold off of my waist and I was relieved. Though, the sudden coldness over my skin had me quizzed.

Wrapping his palms around the coffee mug, his eyes wandered around. I cautiously took a sip. "Come, I think that I know a better place to have coffee." He did not bother to ask but held my wrist and pulled me along.

Dragged across the hallway, I saw the dim moonlight seeping into the room through the window. He plopped onto the cushioned seat next to the window, whilst his back rested against the adjacent wall. He motioned me to take the seat across his. My eyes stuck at him as I sat in front of him, mirroring him. His eyes drifted back to the window and he stayed silent. This was unlike him.

After a long silence, "I have a suggestion," his voice rang into my ears in the silence of the night. I curiously glanced at him. "I have a plan for sometime this weekday, you might as well join along," his words trailed at the last bits as he still gazed into the endless sky. Something in his words, his tone was to be suspicious about. Though, I was more anxious; what could it possibly be that he was playing out of his character. He was playing safe.

"And what would that plan be?" I inquired, carefully. I found his gaze shifting to meet mine as he tilted his head. There was a tad bit of gleam to his eyes. A soft smile. 

"Don't worry, kitten, I am not asking you out," he tried to conceal the grin but failed. There, he was back in his character. He mumbled something to himself. I thought as if I heard his words "not yet, at least." I wasn't sure, though.

"That's because you know, you'd be turned down." I retorted with my arms folded across my chest. "And just to add, that wouldn't be something you usually experience," I reminded him with a smirk adorning my face.

"Maybe, it's because I don't want to prove you wrong," his shoulders rolled in a shrug and he babbled, "or there is still a lot more to do before we get to that," he stated casually. His casualness would have my head in splits one day. 

"You know, lot more to do," his emphasis on the term 'lot more' had me gaping at him. He still had the audacity to wink. "Look at your terrified face," he chuckled, "it's priceless." 

Would this guy ever stop shocking me? I really doubt. Shaking the thoughts aside, I blew out before asking him again,"You haven't answered me yet," I reminded. "What plan were you talking about?" my eyes questioningly pinned at him.

"That's going to be a surprise," he leaned back while his eyes held mine. Not having seen my eyes falter even the slightest bit, his eyes turned soft and he spoke, "Trust me."

He forwarded his hand to hold mine. His body leaned forward, while his elbows rested on his thighs. Grabbing my hands in his, he turned his eyes that held genuineness in them and looked deeply into mine. "There's nothing that you would have to be bothered about."

I know that, I thought, but I still wanted to know.

I peeked hopefully at him and queried, "There has to be a way to find this, isn't there one?" He simply nodded in negation. "Not even a single way out?" He again shook his head. My shoulders dropped, "You wouldn't tell me, right?" I puffed my cheeks in disappointment. 

He pinched my nose and laughed, "Sorry to inform you but even these cute tactics of yours aren't going to help you, kitten." His smile widened and I wasn't left with any option but to roll my lips out. 

He grabbed the mugs and padded towards the kitchen leaving me engrossed in my thoughts. The riddles and questions he has left unanswered, were a mystery puzzle for me to solve. His words are as mysterious as him.

'You have to come along to figure it out, kitten,' I heard his faint voice that held a mischievous smile. I had to wait to find it out. 

And I will find it out. 



A small help required, kindly come up with some names. New characters on their way, I just need to clear out my head to get the perfect names for these characters. So please do give out a try and suggest a couple of names. 

And till keep thinking of the mysterious plan that's cooking in Manik's head. :P

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