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Big Friday football games update because I keep forgetting:

3 weeks ago Friday's game:
-Yet another away game. (Most of the rest of these games are away games.)
-So one of our buses popped a tire as soon as we got to their school. It sounded like a big bass drum fell down, which is what I thought happened at first.
-The other school had majorettes with batons that had lights on the end of them.
-I think their halftime show was Prince of Egypt theme. It was very cool.
-They couldn't get a second bus in time, so they tried to cram as many band kids on to one bus. All the kids whose parents drove to the game had to leave with their parents, and 5 of us in guard had to ride on the cheer bus. No one wanted to go with them, so it was hard to get 5 of us with the cheerleaders. It ended up being me, Pickles, sis, one of our captains, and "rice cake". (Yeah I guess I'll start calling her that on Wattpad.)

-Our rifle captain had a concussion from dropping the rifle on her head earlier in the week and couldn't perform. One of the other rifle people (home slice) wasn't there either. So it was just me and bread slice on rifle.
-It was drizzling during our show and I thought it would get worse. Luckily, it was only a light drizzle, and it stopped before the second song.
-Since we were the only 3A band at the competition, we got best percussion, best color guard, etc. in 3A class.
-Story time! So after we performed, we had to change on the bus, but we had to leave our hair and makeup. I was in line for food, and a band kid from another school looks at me and starts nodding. I was very confused and just nodded back at him. A bit later, he says that he liked my makeup. I said thank you and he says that he's also in color guard. We chatted for a bit more and he compliments my makeup again. After that, I was just thinking "was he hitting on me?"
-When we were going back to our bus after awards, there was another school's band next to us and we started cheering and clapping for each other. Guess who I saw... it was the guy who was talking to me earlier and I turned to bread slice and I was like "that's him, that's the guy who was talking to me earlier!" and she was like "ooh, you found your mans"
-I feel kinda bad, I should've asked the mans what his name was... I was wearing my sunglasses that have my name on the side, so he could've just assumed what my name was...

2 weeks ago Friday's game:
-Another away game! Who would've guessed.
-It was the other school's homecoming week, so we didn't perform the halftime show.
-We got to talk to their guard at the beginning of the game and they gave us little bags with candies. It was really cute.

Last week Friday's game:
-It was finally a home game. Actually, it was senior night for band, cheer, and football.
-There are hardly seniors in band. Meanwhile, half of guard is seniors.
-The other school had a LA themed show and it looked good.

Last Friday's game:
-It was the homecoming game, so obviously it was a home game. It's the last home game of the season.
-It was also alumni night, so I saw some band alumni.
-The weather was awful and was expected to rain a lot. It didn't full-on rain, but it was drizzling for a while. It's the first time this season we had to use the raincoats.
-We did the pre-game show instead of at halftime. Which means that halftime is our food break and we play in the stands for all 4 quarters.
-I think this was the first game in at least a month that all 4 rifles performed together. The other 3 "died" at different points in the season, while I'm wondering how I didn't die.
-Some of the drum majors from previous years conducted some stands songs.
-We played a lot of stands songs, including some we haven't played in a while.
-The game dragged out so long and it was so anti-climactic. The other team was awful (I think they said they were 1 win and 6 losses for the season) and the final score was 62-6.
-Sometimes we do this thing after home games where we snake around the football field. We call it the snake. I don't like the snake because it takes long, especially since they play cadences at slower tempos than normal. Also I stepped in a puddle as soon as I got on the field, so that was bothering me too.

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