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Last 2 weeks updates:

Last Friday's game:
-The school we went to had so many bugs and mosquitoes. I got bit by mosquitoes a lot and whenever I felt a twitch, I got paranoid that it was a mosquito.
-I think it was this game that the bus driver got into some road rage with a motorcycle driver. The bus driver was either on the dotted line or a bit past it, but there was a guy on a motorcycle who was getting mad at him and he flicked him off. When we stopped at a red light, the bus driver opened the door and the two started arguing, then the motorcycle guy eventually drove off to a different street.
-The other school had a steampunk themed show. It was so cool. The guard was wearing corsets, the xylophones had gears on the front of them, and the people in the pit had goggles on... I loved it. There was even a part when the band set down their instruments and pulled out of their sleeves a tiny swing flag and the entire band was doing flag choreography!!
-We got to talk to the other guard and they were really nice. After talking to them, I realized that I should've brought Jerry over... what a missed opportunity.
-This was the last regular season game, so playoffs are starting.

Last Saturday's competition:
-So at practice on Thursday, "bread slice" hit her thumb on the rifle and apparently tore a ligament, so she wouldn't be performing. So we never performed as whole guard at either of the competitions.
-The weather was cloudy and rainy. (Keep the rainy part in mind.)
-For once, we actually went against other bands- 3, to be exact.
-It was drizzling a bit, and a little windy during our performance, but overall I think it was pretty good. I think I did good. I stepped in a big puddle in my guard shoes (which are basically socks) as I was coming off the field, which was a little disappointing.
-Here comes the fun part. So after all the 2A and 3A bands performed, we went on dinner break (this was around maybe 5:30). At some point during the break, the announcers said that there was lightning in the area and that they would try to resume the competition at 6:30. Around 6:30, I feel a raindrop. Then I feel another and I'm thinking uh-oh, this can't be good... Then the rain starts to pick up. Luckily, we're forced to always keep a rain jacket in our bags. I pulled it out as quickly as I could (it was under everything else in my bag) and everyone went under the bleachers.
-It was torrentially downpouring for a long time before it eventually became a drizzle. Then it picked up again (not as bad as it was before) and went back and forth for a while.
-We were really bored. I theory, I could've taken my DS out of my bag and start playing on it, but I didn't because I didn't want to risk getting it wet. Sis kept trying to splash in puddles and she wanted to stay in the rain. Then there's me, acting like a worried parent and getting concerned she might get sick. I had my earbuds in the whole time, which was probably dumb since I could've gotten them wet, but I didn't get them wet.
-Then at some point around 9:30, we finally got news: since the field was a wet mess, everyone had to go into the gym and they would continue the 4A and 5A bands in there. Obviously, they wouldn't be marching.
-Take a look at when dinner break started and when we finally continued with the competition. We waited for the rain for 3 hours. Some schools had to leave, since they were far away from the school we were at. (I heard one school was 6 hours away... I can't even imagine driving 6 hours to a band competition, just to miss the entire second half of it because of a torrential downpour.)
-The other bands we saw were pretty good. But everyone was so tired and everyone wanted to go home.
-So it's awards time and they're calling the different awards. We got best music and best general effect, as well as the sportsmanship award. So they call fourth place and it's school A. I'm thinking "ok, we're in the top 3". They call third place and it's school B and I'm just mentally preparing to hear our name for second place. "In second place, with a score of 65 point blah blah, school C" and my eyes got huge and everyone is like "nani??" Everyone started cheering. "And I first place with a score of 65.65, our class 2A champions, (our school)" and we start cheering again.
-When awards ended, we left the gym and we started chanting one of the cheers that the cheerleaders say at the games (we are the best, bmchs). It was great, but ironic since we won the sportsmanship award.
-After that, we started walking back to the bus. The band director says "we didn't leave anything behind" and I swear I heard him mutter "except the other people in the dust"
-We got back to school at 12 in the morning, yee haw.

This past Friday:
-It was an off week, so there was no football game. Thank goodness, I really needed a break.

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