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Wow, I haven't been here in way too long ._.
Should've posted this last week but oh well

So last week's game we lost 31-30 and we would've won if we got the 2 point conversion thing but oh well either way we would go to playoffs. It was pouring before the game and everything was wet and I took 5 steps on their field and my shoes were soaked. It was awful. Meanwhile, the other schools guard (a group of dancers that's bigger than our whole band) is doing splits and stuff on that wet field. Oof. Also during 3rd quarter break I was watching a let it grow meme on youtube with a friend and someone 3 or 4 rows above us says "are you watching the lorax?" and I said yes and I'm still confused how he saw my tiny phone from that far away. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention their opener was our opener from last year and I had war flashbacks and our coach got angry because she didn't like last year's show.

The next day we had our competition and it was windy as h e c c.
When we were practicing outside the weather was nice, aside from the wind, because it felt cool, a rare thing to happen where I live. I never noticed until I got home and was about to shower that I got a sunburn on one shoulder, not both. The competition didn't have the awards ceremony like the other one so we watched a few bands perform and left. Also the school we went to had a barn and it smelled horrible especially when the wind blew the smell in our direction :P

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