You're Mine

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Author's Note: Today's a long one (my longest yet), but I'm confident you'll love it!

PS Check out the picture and video above to see if you can figure out what is to unfold in today's chapter.

*The Next Morning

I dreaded my birthday. I knew Serenity would over orchestrate an overused song, Ross would make some joke about birthday sex, and Riker would tell me something that sounded like it came off of a birthday card. But my mother was gone, my father was gone and I was stuck with them. I'd never had a birthday away from home, so I was at least excited to watch the stars that were masked by the city's lights.

"Morning Birthday Girl!" Serenity skipped to the couch. "How does it feel to be 24? Old huh? Pretty soon you'll need adult diapers." Her feet pitter-pattered to the kitchen. "I'll make some pancakes with 24 chocolate chips," she examined the empty cabinet, a smile chiseled into her face, "Nevermind, maybe we'll go out to eat. That reminds me, wait till you see my gift, although I had to come up with the idea quickly because someone failed to tell me about their birthday." She reached out a paper thin gift that was placed in a pink folder beneath her thumb. "Just open it." She commanded happily, as if the sun had fallen out of the sky and into her smile.

I flung open the folder. A piece of paper? My fingers tugged it out, bringing it closer to my face to examine it.

"You like it?" She jumped and clapped her hands in excitement.

"Yes!" I almost wanted to hug her. Almost. Joy flared in my eyes, a smooth curve brushed on my lips. It was an open house ad in our apartment building. A two bedroom apartment.

"What do you say we check it out, roomie?" This meant I'd be staying, it would be final. I tried not to squeal, heaving myself up from the couch, tripping on my bags from the Lynch's. I yanked on new clothes and a fresh face. My future in L.A. awaits.

I was giddy upon arrival. The hallways were the same, identical to the last, but a different aura surrounded me; less of escaping more of a journey. The journey upstairs was quite enough for me.

As we showed ourselves in, a blonde woman approached us, but I couldn't be bothered. I wanted to experience it all without the persuasive rambling of a stranger, although Serenity graciously took up her offer to chat.

The apartment was a smaller, doll house version of our previous one. The only part I really cared about was my room. I waltzed quickly into the larger one. I could already imagine Serenity's wardrobe hanging in the closet, sparkles gleaming off the walls, bright colors dashed throughout the room. I couldn't imagine living there, so I scooted out of the room as if it was on fire.

The smaller bedroom was unusual and quaint. I twirled in the emptiness, spinning around until I was dizzy. Through my hazed eyes and boggled head, I gravitated towards the minute window. I watched the traffic snake up the street, lines of steel and tire, bathed in putrid fumes. The drab cement that laid out countless miles ahead like a ribbon along the broken earth. People rode in their self contained, colored worlds, guided by the blinks of luminescence and hums of aggravation. A common stream of sirens from rapid ambulances shouted, veering around cars. Fierce footsteps grumbled against the busy pavement. Skyscrapers reflected the orange glow of the late morning's sun. I wanted to take my first sip of coffee here, watching the myriad of tones shine. Like a foolish child, I reached my arm up to touch it, caressing the window's glass, each golden beam radiated kindly. A normal day in the city that I wanted to be all mine.

"Amber," I turned my head towards the voice, "So the woman says there's other offers so if we want it, we gotta sign now." Serenity rolled a black pen through her thumb and pointer finger.

"Where do I sign?" Happy Birthday to me.


"I know it's your birthday, but I had already made plans with Rocky a little while ago, would you mind if we just dropped by his place for a teensy-weensy second?" Serenity pleaded as we exited into the hall. "I could convince the boys to help us move into our new apartment!" She really knew how to make me say yes: free labor and the new apartment. I agreed humbly, after all, she did go out of her way to get us the most amazing birthday present yet.

As we skidded up onto the lot, a deep darkness covered the house. Pools of black that remained unwavered by the afternoon's undistinguished flame. I approached the home, crunching my feet against fallen leaves. "Are you sure Rocky wanted to meet you here?" I questioned, opening the front door.

"Yeah, I'll go find him. Just wait on the roof while I get him." Serenity cooed.

The inside of the house was etched in shadows, coloring me in charcoal. At first the black of the room deceived my eyes, they were dazed by the recent glare of the sun. I could hardly make out the dark lumps of furniture that surrounded me. I felt I was in a scary movie, I would be attacked by the killer any moment now. My feet were lured up the shuddering stairs, the intangible silence broke with each step. My breath felt absent as I creaked open the roof door....

"SURPRISE!" Voices bursted out at me, I had to catch myself from falling. A surprise party? My eyes scoured the crowd: Ross, Rydel, Riker, Ryland, and Ellington. Behind them was a trail of brilliant masses, strangers. Rocky and Serenity popped up behind me from the stairs with huge grins sewn on their faces.

"You should have seen your face!" Rocky bent over, his hands on his knees from laughing. "Got you," Serenity beamed.

"Birthday Group Hug!" Rydel chimed, widening her arms around me. No no no no. I ducked under her arms and away from the crowd.

A man's tall shadow castes on me. Riker. "Hey, um," he scratched his neck like be did on our first date. "I kinda had a late notice with your birthday and all, but I, uh, am really happy I got to meet you in that coffee shop. I'll never forget it." His hair covered one of his delicate eyes, but his other was set on me.

"Me too," My lips revealed a toothy grin. He stepped in closer, and began to lean in.

"Cake!" Shouted someone, packs of people stumbled and trampled us apart. I rode the wave to a foldable table with a tantalizing cake sitting on it. It had a delicious aroma that wafted into my nose. Each velvety layer was topped with candles, there was only about 10 candles, but I didn't mind turning 10 years old. They all sang the routine Birthday song and I gratefully plucked each flame away with a gasp of cool air.

Suddenly out of nowhere, I grabbed a handful of the pristine cake, gave it an experimental bite, then launched the excess splat in the face of Serenity. Her mouth dropped open,"Yum!" She laughed.

Rocky grabbed another handful from the cake, "Food fight!" Cake began to fly everywhere, I ducked to the ground and sheltered myself under the squirming legs. Crawling between a forrest of high strung feet, I managed to catch my breath in the corner of the roof.

"Hey! Amber!" Ross's came shuffling to my side, and plopped himself down next to me. I stiffened, "Don't worry I come in peace." He was dressed in my beautiful cake. They both looked delicious. I cringed at my inner self--I sounded like Ross.

"Is now a bad time to give you your birthday gift?" I shrugged. It's not like we're in the middle of a merciless food war. "Okay don't move."

He dodged the crowd left and right, cake soaring, managing to skim him. He returned with an acoustic guitar. He was giving me a guitar? Where could you possibly hide a guitar? "It's a battleground out there." He propped himself up against the edge and began adjusting the knobs on the guitar. Oh he was gonna play for me!

"Before you judge, I just started writing this so it's not perfect and it's just a few parts." He began strumming, I was hypnotized by each vibration. His fingers twisted into different positions and looped in different patterns. He appeared to be lost in each sweet refrain, that spoke a language only he understood.

Then he began to sing, and although it was raw and rugged, he sung with a passion he only had for music. I admired that greatly, I wished I could be so in love with something like music and just get lost in the moment.

"The minutes feel like eternity, all these words buried inside my heart. If I could give you the world tonight. Then I would, I'd still give you all my time. Let's take this moment, it's ours so own it. So come with me, don't let it go to waste. No you don't wanna m-miss out on us. I'm telling you regrets don't fade away. We'll listen to the airplanes as we count the stars, tonight I'll be your man. And give you all I can and tomorrow we can do it again." Do it again. I remembered that amazing night that started it all with him. We watched the stars dance alongside the city. I wanted it to be night already so I could compare his eyes to the moon. My heart was already throbbing at the cage of my chest.

"It's not done yet, but it's in the process." He set down his mahogany instrument, and dug into his pant's pocket. "One last thing, close your eyes." I closed my eyes gently, hearing him shift behind me, a small metallic tone jingled. His fingers pushed aside my hair, but instead the hair on my neck stood directly upwards. The metal was cold against my collar bone, a slight shiver overwhelmed me. I lifted my hand to it in reaction, my eyes fluttered but remained closed. It was a necklace.

"Okay, open." He clasped it tightly. I held the necklace and rubbed my thumb over it, a guitar pic. I crinkled my chin inward to read it upside down: R5. It looked familiar. He scooted back to his original spot, touching his chest. His necklace. I recognized it from the day I met him, drenched in water. It had always seemed like a normal ornament on him, a part of his skin. "Before you say anything, close your eyes again." He commanded. I hadn't had a chance to thank him still, but I reluctantly obeyed.

A mush of food hit my face like a catapult. He had taken this opportunity to throw my cake at me! Well played. As I was about to open my eyes and wipe it off, something else hit my mouth too. His lips. An intensity I had grown to know, and yet wanted more. It was hard and bruising and sent a curled warmth through my chest to my toes. My stomach contracted heavily.

His tongue shot a hot spark to the roof of my mouth, then separated for too long. He licked off icing that had smeared on my lip. "Mmmh," He murmured, "Tastes like you, only sweeter." Our mouths reconciled again. He had kissed me until I was dizzy, almost delirious. His hand was sticky, playing along my jaw line, I held up one of my own to squeeze his hand in comfort. I kissed him deeper, I was aware of every inch of him, pressing myself against his body.

Ross removed his hand to slide it into my tangled hair, holding me up and capturing my lips. I gasped. His other hand dropped to my torso, yanking me closer. I felt like I couldn't kiss him any deeper, any harder, any better, something I'd wished I could. My heart thrusted its hammer in my throat as he pulled away, releasing me. "I want you. I've never wanted anyone more."

I wanted to tell him how he made me feel, how each time he touched me I felt feverish. I tried to kiss him in order to remain silent, but he remained still. I stopped myself, reddening, and was out of breath, still trembling. My face was hot, I could barely remember what he'd said. I could only think of placing my lips on his again. There was an immense restraint it took to keep my hands off of him, so badly I wanted to reach out and run my knuckles against his shadowy stubble that lined his jaw. I'd never felt this before--this painful urge to touch somebody, so strong I felt as if I would scorch myself from the inside out. "I'm yours," I whisper.

He scanned my face, as if he didn't hear me. "I'm yours." I repeated louder. This instant revelation consumed me. A smile overtook my face. I repeated it again, "I'm yours." I felt like a child on Christmas, "I'm yours." I had to limit myself from shouting it.

His lips formed into a smile, that stretched to his dark eyes. They were lit with an unusual sparkle, I'd never seen on him. His normal smile had a faint curve to his lips, but now there was a new crease below his eyes, lifting to his cheeks. It was his sign of pure bliss. "You're mine."


Finallyyy, Am I right? (even though I'm the one who wrote it). Ambross is together. Comment below your thoughts and suggestions!

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