Chapter 37

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Ariel's POV

We have left them in the room, contemplating over their actions. We have delayed it for now but they don't even know that we have a train tomorrow afternoon.

I don't know how they plan to achieve what they said, how can Oreana bring down the government. But she seemed self-assured as if she has been planning and plotting about this for long without even considering the consequences. Their colourlessness is their leverage, a surprise for their opposers.

I spot a group of kids, the younger ones playing among themselves in a circle. I start walking to them, three girls and four boys.

"Hey your turn, show us how many cards you can fly" The girl with blond hairs childishly mutters pushing a deck of cards to a thin boy.

All of them from 10 to 22 or even older are here, at 3 am out of there beds training.

They remind me of myself, of how reluctant I was to train my colour. But all my childish reluctance melted into a stubborn determination fueled by pain and fear.

With the next breath the ghost from my past tried to resurface, and I clenched my fist digging my nails into my palm in an attempt to ground myself and not be drifted away by them.

I have seen the same struggle in Zane's eyes, trying not to drown in the echo of the past. His words had stung me then, they still stung me now. Partly because I never expected him to be so rough with me and the other part being that he was so wrong in his assumptions. But like always my mouth was sealed shut, I didn't correct him, couldn't correct him.

How many times I have tried to tell Thane, Maven, or even Valiena and backed out the last second because I couldn't bring myself to let the secret in the air.

I can't have them staring at me like a freak. But I know they won't ever do that me.

I shake my head to focus on the kids. I don't have it in me to approach them and interact with them now. I would have loved to but everything feels too heavy, like a burden I don't wish to bear. So I take a seat on a ramp-like bench, closer to them, and place my hands on either side of me.

The boy with the cards swings one in the air and it stays there, stationary. Another follows and the kids start counting with each card that sticks midair.

"1- 2- 3- 4- 5-" They stop at 5 as the 6th card floats to drop on the ground, the boy seems to be concentrated on making the other cards stay in their place. Not at all bothered by the one he couldn't save.

The poetic realization that my thoughts bring draws a shuddering breath from me. Life is not like these cards, each one matter and each one has equal potential to leave a gaping hole in my heart.

My Nanu, my sweet Nanu. These people had imprisoned him, away from his family just because of his lack of colour. How many generations are here? My thoughts float back to Zane and Oreana, even Jerek.

They have a reason to make the government fall, a very strong reason that I support. I am willing to do anything to make it better for them, for my family but stepping on dead bodies is not something that I am going to do. Never.

If I am as cruel as them then what is the difference between us.

" It would be good if Ash can learn all this" I am forced out of my thought by Skye's soft voice. I turn to him but he is looking all around us. I follow the line of his eyes.

" Maybe we should inform Kayden to start his training" I chuckled at the thought. With Skye here, he won't have to deal with too much of training but Kayden can begin teaching him a few things.

A guy my age has darts floating in an arc around him, I see a dart shoot at the dartboard and hit the centre.

I move to the next group, it is further away. They are older, practising with heavy bowling balls. The few of them spread around are doing their own thing, practising with random things.

I place my head on his shoulder, leaning on him. "The train is today, afternoon" But we are not leaving. I hear behind his words and give my silent agreement.

"Mom will want to meet Nanu. Did you tell her?" I asked my voice heavy at the thought. Our conversation is whispered, meant just for our ears alone. To remain between siblings.

" I couldn't Ariel. You know she won't be able to meet him and breaking the news on the phone-" He didn't complete the sentence.

He didn't have the heart to tell mom that her father is still alive.

" They deserve everything Oreana said and much more," I said.

" But not at the cost of so many lives"

I divert my attention to a girl trying to climb on the floating chair. She turns around and places her hand on the armrest pushing herself up. The chair wobbles a little but she keeps on going and finally manages to slide into the chair with it still afloat at least 2ft up. She extends a hand forward and the chair rises in altitude, my heart beats faster with every ft she gains. The exertion is visible in the way that her arms are shaking.

I am at the edge of my seat, both from excitement and in preparation to attempt to catch her if she falls.

The chair wobbles and she clutches the armrest tightly, sealing her eyes shut as the chair drops from the air.

I am at my feet in an instant but I see the chair stop mid-fall.

Zane walks forward to her, a hand outstretched and look of disappointment evident on his face. He slowly lowers the chair to the ground and the girl jumps from it.

"What were you doing Morean?" Zane asks standing before the teen, hands on his waist as he towered over her, demanding an explanation.

"Training?" Morean mutters in an unsure voice. What she was doing was dangerous especially without any supervision. Although Skye and I were watching we are offenders, we can't stop the chair falling from 5ft up.

"That is just playing around" Zane reproaches her, shaking his head.

" All right everyone gather around" Oreana's voice rings in the hall as she claps her hands loudly to gain our attention. Everyone starts moving to form a circle and I look at Skye, he nods and I shrug in response falling into the circle.

" We have two offenders with us and we are going to train with them"

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