Chapter 38

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" Your training is going to start tomorrow. You all can go now but be back here tomorrow by 1 a.m. sharp." Oreana ordered and everyone nodded at her picking up their things and making their way to the door one by one.

I was half surprised how readily they listened to her without any further question. But then again she seemed like a commanding person.

The kids approached me first, warm smiles on their faces as they circled around me, introducing themselves one after the other. " I am Tammy and I can fly 7 cards" The same girl from before spoke and I smiled back at her introducing myself with dramatic effect.

" I am Tobias, her brother and it is nice to meet you miss" Tobias, the thin boy from earlier gave his sister a shove and extended his hand for me to shake. I giggled at them and shook his hand.

" You are an offender. What is your colour," Another one said and suddenly they all seemed very interested in seeing my colour, huddling closer in curiosity.

I chuckled at him and looked around me for Zane, I don't know if it is appropriate to show them my color, seeing that they lack their own. I don't think the kids will mind but the others can easily get hurt by my open display.

I found him looking back at me from a few steps away, he was in a conversation with two other guys but for some reason, he seemed to be concentrated on me and openly ignored them.

I met his eyes and raised up my hand a little, signalling at it. He understood my meaning and gave a nod of confirmation and resumed back to his conversation, peeling his eyes off me.

I look back at the kids and spiled my wine red colour, it floats in the air in patterns like a ribbon.

Seeing their smiles my mind goes back to the kid I heard back at the station. So young but still wronged. My eyes immediately search for Zane.

He was born and raised here.

His words came rushing back to me, "If you had to grow up as we did under the boot of an officer, of the fucking governor as they tightened our lashes you would know."

I shake my head to get rid of the dark thoughts, no wonder he is so bitter.

If it weren't for my extra colours nothing would have saved Ash from being dragged to that station and strapped to the chair. Not even dad's connection or position would have been of any use.

The kids filtered out of the door with their bags and one adult followed them. I quickly saw the pattern here, each adult was assigned a youngster to communicate back and forth with safety.

Most of them came to greet me, introducing themselves, and expressing their gratitude. I smiled at each one of them feeling a different kind of connection with them, the serene and spiritual kind. I respect their determination and they respect me for helping them, a coloured helping them gain their freedom.

We barely had to wait for five more minutes before the hall was cleared out. Leaving me, Skye, Zane, Jerek, and Oreana alone.

"What you both said had some truth but I want you to give a solution for that. If we are not doing it my way then give me a better plan" Oreana got straight to the point and folded her arms across her chest.

I tensed at that, honestly surprised that she is willing to consider an alternative. But it was necessary, if she wants us on her side she will have to compromise and she knew that well.

Skye hummed at her in confirmation, saying nothing more than that.

" And we need to do it fast, we can't overstay our welcome." They all know what I am talking about. A silence fills the hall as everyone thinks it over.

We have two, three more days max before they start getting suspicious. Not to mention Ash is in Athesy and our lies won't survive for much longer when the sports camp starts. If we have to do something, it needs to be in these three days.

" Jerek you should go home, I will drop Skye back" Oreana nodded at him and Skye scowled like someone just asked him to wear a skirt. I cover my face with the back of my hand in pretence to wipe my face as I try to suppress the giggle at my own joke.

" No thanks I am perfectly capable of walking" Skye snapped at her.

" Ya and get caught walking alone, no thanks" Oreana taunted him and Skye seemed to get more agitated at that, glaring her down.

I bit my lower lip to stop a laugh to escape out because if I laugh now at his face Skye will surely kill me and throw my body down the cliff.

Oreana was locking the skatepark and she was almost done so I returned to wait with Skye and Zane. I stepped up the stairs and Skye's voice reached me.

" Listen here, if you dare pull a stunt like you did earlier just know that she is far more stronger than her size. She may excuse you for a second but I won't so keep your hands to yourself " Skye hissed at Zane and I tried to study his reaction without coming in their line of view.

Oreana came up to the steps behind me and I started walking to them. Acting nonchalant as if I didn't just hear my brother threaten Zane.

It is no big deal, it is almost like a protocol for Kayden and Skye to chase any boy who even dares to look at me. Ash is just ten but by God's curse he seems to have picked up the same habit naturally.

I seated myself behind Zane and he started his bike, I felt the vibrations as the vehicle roared to life. Oreana and Skye left a few minutes ago much to Skye's displeasure.

We were out of the alley in a minute, Zane raced the bike down the street as dawn broke through. The sky started to rise to throw light on our surroundings.

ith each ray of light Zane sped up in a hurry as he pushed his bike faster. I clutched onto him, wrapping my hands around his waist for balance. My hairs flew wildly all around me and I tried to turn my body in tune with the bike.

It seemed almost thrilling until another sound of a bike from the right joined us in the silent morning. I tensed at the sound. Zane took a sharp turn to the left to avoid direct confrontation.

Zane continued to take harried turns in a zig-zag in an attempt to lose the bike that was following us. My adrenal rush reached the peak as my heart roared as loud as the wind in my ears. I took a shuddering breath as the sound followed us, two more joined in the chase.

They will find us.

Zane took rushed turns, left and right any opening he found. His body taught under my hands as he twisted his bike in risque curves. The air refused to enter my lungs as I held onto him, poisonous dread creeping up my spine and I tightened my hold on him.

They are behind us, following us and I don't have to be a genius to guess who. I sneaked a glance behind me, turning my head as my hairs flew into my face.

The street behind us was empty but the growling engines were not far behind. Zane kept on losing them and but they followed us like a ghost guided by the sound of our bike.

We can't lose them.

I can hear them getting closer and I held tighter onto Zane.

They will catch us.

The same thought rang in my head. The sun was slowly rising bathing everything in a warm red glow.

Making everything and everyone visible. Even if we escape this in one piece there is still a possibility that they saw us.

Zane took a sharp turn and raced towards a car parked in front of a house. I jerked to a stop as he pulled the brakes. Without needing his directions I jumped off the bike and he put it on a stand behind the car in a swift motion. My eyes darted around anticipating, as dread filled my stomach.

He grabbed ahold of my hand and we started running towards the cramped alley. We slithered in between the small gap as my mind remained concentrated on the bikes, their sound dulled by the drumming of my own heart in my ear.

We rounded a corner and someone jumped in front of us, my breath caught in my throat as a scream got choked in my mouth.

It is Skye.

I tried to calm myself with that thought as we followed after Skye. He took a few turns and entered an ally, pressing his back to the wall. Oreana stood beside him, eying us.

Skye pulled me to him and I glued myself to the wall beside him trying to calm my breathing coming to terms with what just happened.

We are safe, for now.

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