Chapter 59 [Part 1]

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Ariel's POV

I couldn't tear my eyes off my tablet that was lying on the floor, broken in half. Jerek couldn't do it. He couldn't send the evidence to my brother in time. It was written all over his face

One of the officers picked him up and dragged his to throw him at the other end of the line. His head was bowed down and he didn't even once look up to pass me a glance. Anything to confirm that it was done.

And now they know what we were trying to do, it was clearly written in the scowls of these officers. Or should I say criminals that were hired by Sorin. The doors closed behind with an imposing finality as Sorin left.

"Who was it?" The man from the station lockup boomed, his echo louder than him. I snapped my eyes to him.

He sighed loudly, shaking his head. Kai dragged a chair and slammed it on the ground, and this man, presuming their leader sat down with another sigh. He cocked his head to the side. The officer gripping my arm pushed me away and removed the gun from my head.

I blinked in confusion and saw that the officers were stepping away from us.

"Which one of you snuck into our station, twice?" He held up two fingers to motion two, glaring down at all of us with poorly held rage. I held my breath, twice? How do they-

'You never break the cameras Ariel'

The thought chocked my tears, they are here because of the cameras that I broke? That is what tipped them that we are up to something?

"I ASKED YOU A DAMN QUESTION," he yelled loudly in our faces, bulky body raising up and down as he breathed out, his nose flaring as his red-rimmed eyes stabbed us with a dangerous glare. But nobody said a word, not Zan, not others and certainly not me. My lips were waxed shut, I couldn't come to the terms with what I had done. They are all here because of me. Oreana is injured because of me. Jerek almost suffocated because of me. We got caught and they know that colourless are planning a rebellion. It is because I stupidly broke the cameras and entered a station. All because I was too impatient, too reckless and too curious to wait for Zane to tell me as they had planned.

All because I was too impulsive, too stupid and pretending to be a hero.

"Okay don't answer that's alright, I am sure it was your leader, I will deal with her then," he said in a sing-song voice, a sadistic glint in his voice. My hands shook as he walked to the whimpering Oreana, his steps sounding hollow. Oreana was drenched in her own blood, one hand clutching her injured leg and the other was wrapped around the hilt of the knife, she was attempting to draw it out.

It is his colour, it belongs to the burly man walking towards her while folding his sleeves. He is going to torture her. He bent down in a crouch, tilting his head to the side.

"It was me," I screamed at him, my voice hitting them as the man stopped, he rose up from his position, back facing me as he stood in silence.

Yasmin gasped from beside me, she grabbed my jeans and pulled frantically, clawing at it because she can't say anything in front of them. I refused to meet her eyes, I didn't look to gauge anyone's reaction.

"And who was with you? You couldn't have done it all alone without any help," the man asked, still facing away. I bit my tongue.

"Do you even have to ask Boris? Of course, it is Zane, the love birds have been going everywhere together," Kai spoke sarcastically as he walked forward.

"It was me, just me," Zane spoke firmly.

"Let's not fool ourselves Zane, you don't have a colour, you are weak and you would have never made it out alone," Boris laughed, crossing his arms across his chest, his smile hidden behind his beard.

"Don't touch her, I told you it was just me, she didn't even step inside the station," Zane yelled, thrashing in the officers hold as they dragged him to the centre of the hall and threw him there, facing me. Zane crashed on his knees and our eyes met. They are going to hit him again, just like Resen. Just like before.

I kept my eyes on him, my clenched fist shaking as they surrounded him, one by one till I couldn't see him.

"Don't kid me Zane," Boris spit out the words.

I turned my eyes away from him when the sound of footsteps caught my ear. Kai was walking towards me at a leisure pace, a sinister glint in his eyes as they wandered on me. My lips twisted in disgust. I solidified my glare on him, clenching my teeth harder with every step he took towards me.

He stepped closer, withing an inch of me and I stepped back to create some space. But that didn't stop him because he took another step forward and I took another back. Another step back and the wall brushed against my back, the grainy texture sending dread pricking my chest.

"I told you to watch your back bitch," he whispered, bending his face to be in level with me. I drew my face back, pinching my lips in disgust. He grabbed my waist and slammed me back on the wall. My back hit the wall with an audible thud, slight pain shimmering.

I intensified my glare t him, "And I told you to keep your hand off me," I snapped at him, my voice roaring as I grabbed his wrists, digging my nails into his skin to prey his hands off.

"Looks around you Ariel, there is nothing that you can do to stop me," Kai chuckled lightly, shaking his head and smirking. I kept my narrowed eyes at him. His smirk melted and he scowled, tightening his hold on my waist, painfully digging his fingers in my skin. My skin crawled and the instinct to scratch his hands off me intensified.

I tightened my grip and twisted his wrist but he didn't even loosen his grip.

He drew his face closer to mine, and I recoiled back, my head pressed on the wall. But not enough to get away from him.

"They have a gun against their head Ariel," he whispered in my ear, pressing closer to me, "I would keep that in mind if I were you, the trigger can go off at any time." My grip grew slack on his hands as my hands trembled. All the voices got sucked out of my ear and the yells faded with Sky's voice as those words hammered again and again.

'They have a gun against their head Ariel'

His hands slipped inside my shirt and travelled up, like claws dragging across my skin.

'They have a gun against their head Ariel'

I dug my nails in my palms, harder, the pain was feeble, it didn't help me bring my senses back to my numb body.

'They have a gun against their head Ariel'

His hands swept down and I clenched my eyes shut, sealing them. But that was not forgiving, my ears picked up the sounds, yelling, thrashing, screaming. All sounding like they were miles away.

'They have a gun against their head Ariel.'

The darkness wasn't understanding, it was torterous and the memories clawed their way to my head.

Rain was crying down as I walked alone on the unknown street, darkened by the night. Clothes drenched I stumbled forward, my knees were scratched and eyes lined red with tears. I shouldn't have run out of school, I shouldn't be here.

My thoughts got mashed as a hand wrapped around my mouth and another around my waist, crushing my small body. I thrashed, I clawed, I screamed as I was dragged across the street and behind an abandoned shop.

His hands explored further and a tear slid down my eyes as he pressed closer.

'They have a gun against their head Ariel'

Let me go, I screamed at the top of my lungs once I was thrown across the ground. Hel. Help. I screamed as my mouth filled with my own tears, my legs shaking badly as I tried to stand. He walked to me, his crooked teeth shining in the dead darkness. I scrambled up on my feet and took a step back. I turned around and ran. A shield materialized before me and I slammed on it head-on. I fell back on my butt.

You are 10? 11? What you don't have a colour? He laughed.

'They have a gun against their head Ariel'

His hands burned my skin. My colours rippled, struggling against my barrier.

I crawled to the corner when he deflected my feeble daggers.

'They have a gun against their head Ariel'

I clenched my fists tighter, hot blood pooling in my fists along with my colour.

He stepped towards me and I shook like a leaf.

'They have a gun against their head Ariel'

'They have a gun against their head Ariel'

'They have a gun against their head Ariel'

'You have to hide your colours Ariel'

'You can't use your colours Ariel'

'Stay careful with your colours Ariel'

'You are weak Ariel'

'Promise me Ariel, that you won't let anything like that happen to you, ever again. Fight, fight as long as there is breath in your body', Skye said, hugging me, as the rain fell down.

My eyes snapped open and my fists uncurled. And it happened in a snap.

Kai stumbled back, his eyes wide open and hand wrapped around his stomach, wrapped around the dagger embedded in his stomach.

It disappeared in a second and pale purple dripped out of my hands, and legs. In a rapid movement it knit itself together in a dragon, it grew bigger and bigger, touching the ceiling.

The officers jumped, dazed. In another second the dragon disappeared and I twisted my hands to conjure a shield and thrust my hand forward at Kai till he slammed on the wall across the room.


So umm, this was an intense chapter and a long one too. 

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