Chapter 59 [Part- 2]

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I saw something flash from the corner of my eye and ducked down at the last moment as the blade sang past my head.

And then it was chaos.

Blades were launched on us and I immediately created multiple shields, thickening them and spreading them around to block the blades. My hands trembled with exertion as my shields deflected the blades aimed at us.

A chair swung around and slammed into a couple of officers, knocking them to the side. I shited to my right, unconsciously pulling myself in a group that we were creating.

Bang, six simultaneous shots sounded in the hall and I snapped my eyes to the officer holding a gun. He was pulling at his armed hand that was aiming the gun at the ceiling, twisted to stay upright as two more shots were aimed at the ceiling. The officers who had their guns out were fixed at the same position, with guns aiming at the ceiling.

I spanned out my shields around us but whip wrapped around my leg and I slammed on the floor as it was jerked. A sharp pain shot through my shoulder shaking up my body as my shoulder took the burnt of the fall.

An arrow came cutting at me and I swung my arm in front of my face to create a shiel. The arrow shattered against it, snapping in half and I scrambled to my feet, the pain dulled with the flow of adrenaline.

I let the blue be replaced by red and drew it into sharp daggers. I twisted my hands and shot them forward, slashing at as many officers as I could afford while keeping an eye out for the weapons flying our way.

Boris growled loudly when my dagger slashed his stomach, tearing the false uniform to draw blood. His murderous eyes stared at me and he spun and flung long knives at me. I jumped and ducked as the knifes kept coming at me with unmatchable speed. Pain hissed through my left arm and I clutched it on reflex. I winced as warm blood coated my palm and pain screamed from the touch.

I conjured a group of small knives and attacked him with them all at once. I forced my right arms to aim the knives and swung my left arm in a circle. My breath grew heavier and I struggled to breathe, chest expanding rapidly as I tried to pull my blue out while keeping the red daggers aimed at him.

A couple of daggers disappeared midway as blue curled around my fist. I pulled my hand back, letting the knives disappear and expanded a full shield in front of all of us, a screen separating them from us.

Boris didn't waste a second before hurling a swarm of knives all at once. My hands trembled and muscled burned with the exertion. Various objects were still dancing across the room, a couple of chairs and pole. Some of the officers were slammed on the wall and strapped there with the invisible force.

But it was not enough. We were not enough. Not enough against the 30 criminals cornering us.

My shield was cracking, the exertion vibrating my body with pain and exhaustion. My arms shook, barely holding the fragile shield together.

Boris didn't let any mercy and aimed bigger weapons at me. I reluctantly constricted my shield to focus on protecting myself. I desperately wanted to conjure a dragon, but if I let this shield go even for a second I will have a sharp sword going across me.

An inhumane sound left my throat as I placed my shoulder against the shield, adding strength to protect against the onset of blades. My head moved to the side and I saw Skye. He was bleeding around his waist, a heavy red splashed on his shirt. He shifted his eyes to meet mine, pride shining in his eyes while mine bleed in regret.

What have I done.

A strangled scream left my mouth as miserable tears climbed up my throat. The force against the shield was pushing my back, I steadied my feet on the ground and pushed my weight against my shield harder in futile attempts.

I swept my eyes across the room, Yasmin was fighting them with her steel rods, twisting and hurling them in the air to create an arm of defence around her. Zane, I moved my eyes around until they stopped at him. He was on our side, two defenders circled him with an offender. He slashed his cards around, fighting them through his wounds. Each one of us was fighting, ignoring the wounds and focusing on survival. But it won't be enough.

The door banged open and for a second my heart stopped, more officers?

Beckett's familiar face was a breath of relief. They filtered into the hall, a swarm of warrior that kept on coming like a tidal wave. The air returned to my lungs as they kept on coming, their number increasing and overwhelming the guards.

I felt a slam and I stumbled back, Boris was still focused on me. And he was charging like an angry bull.

A moss-green knife sliced through the air and stabbed his right arm, he growled and dropped his hand. An invisible force slammed into him from the side and he stumbled back, dazed, while clutching his arm.

Beckett stomped to him with a purpose, two more Colourless stepped after him and they circled Boris. I gave a sigh of relief and lowered my shield, I turned my head to Skye just in time to see him fighting against two guards.

A chill stabbed my heart when I saw one of the guards pull out his gun, he fired.

I threw my arm forward, my eyes focused on the bullet zooming across the air. My shield materialised before the bullet.

But it was too fragile.

The bullet shattered the shield, broken pieces flying around as it tore through it to achieve its aim. Skye staggered back, his steps twisting as red started soaking his shirt again. Fear nailed in my heart as the red spot increased in size.

A crestfallen scream escaped my throat, my mouth closing on itself as I ran to him. My feet felt heavy, and I struggled to reach him. The air seemed too thick, my gaze too unfocused. Skye stumbled on his knees. Eyes wide as he placed his hand on his wound on his left shoulder.

Another scream tore across the room, it sounded far away, hollowed. The rawness of my throat said that it was mine.

Movements ceased, the chaos stilled. And it felt like claws were sinking into my heart.

Another cliffhanger, God I feel so bad!!! 

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