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No madder what that freaky man up in the tree said, i would not fight Nate. I could hurt him severely, i had to find another way. 

I look up to see the man clearly for once, he had a long cloak on, black hair, and a wierd sort of helmet thing. 'The helmate thing!' i exclaim inside my head, if i could get that off of him Nate would be free from this mind control.

'If i could somehow get it off of him.' I think as i miss and block Nate's blows. Then i had an idea, I shoved Nate back and let down my defensives. [my arms] Behind Nate i heard the man laugh, "Oh finally, she starts to fight!" As Nate charges at me, I use him as a spring board and launched myself at the cloaked man to meet him at his branch, and took him down with me when gravity kicked in.

As we fell to the ground, the guy put up a good fight, but was obviously not trained in hand-to-hand combat. As i fumbled with the helmet, he laughed at me and said "Oh try all you want mighty hero, it can only be realesed with my touch!"

I smile back down at him saying, "Oh. Is that so?" I could see in his face that he knew that he had made a mistake. In mid air i spin us around so he was the first to hit the ground.

Once we did, he imediently fell into unconsciousness. I quickly grabbed his hands and used them to take of the helmet, and just in time, cause not a foot away i heard Nate drop to the ground behind me.

I hand cuff the man and put his helmet far away from him, than rushed over to Nate's unconscious body on the grass. I open his eye lids to see his crystal blue eyes again. I sigh in relief then called headquarters, "I need a queen jet please, and can you make that 2?" "Sure thing Cassandra, i have 2 coming to get you right now."

I looked back down to Nate's limp form on my lap. He was breathing steady, good. Only a few minutes past and i had the ray gun and the helmet in a bag ready for testing, when i heard the queen jets landing near by.


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