The Mission

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It was a normal day, for me. I am a level 8 agent in the FBI, the name is Cassandra, but i prefer Cass. My specilty is field work, and the unknown objects. I work with a close friend named Nathen, or just Nate. When i take the problem more seriously, he will make a joke out of it, or somehow get me to laugh.

We were sitting on the couch in his apartment enjoying a day off, when suddenly my comm piece starts buzzing. I reach down to the coffee table and grab my comm and stick it in my ear, I listen to the director give us a mission to find something that came out of a high energy force. They have know idea what came out of it, so they decided to call in Nate and I, the top in our division.

After reciving the news, I turn to Nate and give him the basics, then we go to get in our gear. I wear a zip up jacket with a sleeveless shirt under neath, with Black skinny geans, a modernized holster loaded with amo and two pistols. Nate walks out with a simular jacket like mine but sleeveless, and more his style. He had black cargo pants which held his equipment and a slitly bigger pistol than mine.

As we walk out through his special way, he leads me to his convertable and hands me my extra jacket that i leave in here to hide most of my uniform, and puts his own on.

We drive down to the location that we were sent, and jump out of the car, and leaving it in the near by town. When we reach the position, i saw foot prints leading towards the forest near by. "Ok." Nate says, "I think the 'it' is a he or she, but by the looks of the shoes, i'd say a he."

WE follow the footprints, until they stop. They stop in the middle of the forest, no more sighns of footprints to follow. I start to grab out a device that could be used to look for heat signitures, when the tree above me leave's start to rustle.

I quickly drop what i was doing, and stepped back holding my pistol at ready, "Listen to me." I yell up to the tree, "We don't want to hurt you! If you just slowly come down-" I never got to finish before the fight began.

Blue rays were being shot down at us, the person was hidden so well in the tree, i could'nt get a good shot. Nate quickly pulls me behind a tree right before i was hit, and starts talking. "Ok. We need a plan."

He was right, cause all we were doing right now was dogging blue rays, and trying to get a good shot "Yeah, Ok. I need you to quietly go behind, and try to climb up the tree without being noticed. Then i willdistract him from the ground." I say quickly coming up with a idea.

He nodds and takes off into the shadows, as i step into the light dodging the rays again.

Nate's Provision

I slip into the shadows after Cass gives me the plan. In a matter of no time, I was behind that tree, ready to climb. I had a good skill for sneeking up on people without being noticed.

As i climned up, i could see that this really was a guy, He had a wierd looking gun, that looked modern and acient at the some time. I looked down to see Cass doing a pretty good job too, she was fliping over the rays, she looked as if she was flying! And he never got close to hitting her once, 'Oh she's good.' I say to myself in my head.

Then one of her shots hit him, he fell back to the middle of the tree, and looked over to see me crouched there. And like lightning, he grabbed his gun and shot me, as i fell to the ground my eyesight became blurry, and i fell into unconsciousness.

Cass Provision

'Yes!' I say to my self inside my head, I had caught our oppenent in the shoulder. I look up to see a bright blue light fill the tree, i cover my eyes from the rays of light and then i hear a thump right newt to me.

I open my eyes and look to the ground to see Nate. He was groaning and sitting up and looked at me. I could tell something was wrong, his eyes where all black, no pupil, no sign of his crystal blue, only black. Something happened to him, he must've been shot, but what did it do?

I lean down to help him, but he quickly gets up and sends a punch to my face. I fall back down to the ground, but i get back up just in time to block a kick to my gut. I hear a sinister laugh from behind me as I black all of Nate's attacks, "Oh what have we got here?" The man whom i had shot asks from his branch above me, "Did he get hit with my little toy?" He asks from above me.

"What did you do to him!" I yell up to him not taking my eyes off of Nate, "Oh yes, well let me put it this way: he is mine now. His thoughts, his actions, everything is mine now." 'No' I want to punch that guys face right now, but i had to block Nate's hits, he had only hit me a couple times but i coudn't fight back, i couldn't hurt him.

"Well, if you want him back," He said smiling down apon me as i miss yet another hit, "You will have to fight."

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