~New Arrivals~

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Percy's P.O.V

I sat at the Griffindor table while Professor Dumbledor was talking.

"It may come as a surprise, but the next two guests have come early. Please welcome them." He finished. I blinked slowly as the doors opened and my cousins walked in. Thalia and Nico are early. There was a polite applaud and Nico spotted me. He nudged Thalia and she waved at me.

"GRACE! THALIA!" The hat screamed and it was placed on her head.

"GRYFFINDOR!" Thalia took the hat off and came to our table, sitting next to me.

"DI' ANGELO! NICO!" The hat called. He sat down and the hat was silent for a moment before screaming,

"GRYFFINDOR!" He slowly walked towards us and sat down next to Thalia and Hermione. I saw Harry glaring at us. Everyone was staring at the new arrivals until Dumbledor stood up again.

"Alright, you may get back to eating." He announced. Noise rose in the hall as people continued their conversations.

"Hey cuz." Thalia said and elbowed me.

"These are my cousins, Thalia and Nico." I introduced them. They all looked shocked.

"Cousins? You guys don't even look alike." Ron said. We all glanced at each other and laughed.

"Well, our parents are quite different." Thalia said and we grinned.

"Well, this is Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry Potter." I introduced.

"Right, the person who defeated whatsits name. Moldyshorts I think." Thalia recalled. Nico and I snickered. I cleared my throat.

"Um, Thals, it's Voldemort." I said, holding back my laughter. She blushed deeply and glared at us. Nico couldn't hold his laughter in any more and was soon in hysterics.

"Cut it out." Thalia muttered and punched his arms.

"Ow!" He cried out and held his arm, glaring at her.

"I'll get you back." He growled.

"What are you going to do? Summon skeletons to attack me? Will forbade you to do that!" She said. Nico glared at her. I nudged Thalia and gave her a pointed look that said,

'Don't ruin our cover!' I looked to Ron and Harry and saw the looking very confused.

"Don't worry, they fight like this all the time." I assured them.
"I thought that you weren't coming until next week." I said to Thalia and Nico.
"Chi-" Thalia cleared he throat, suddenly aware of her mistake. "Mr. Brunner sent us early to get used the schools." She said, but her face said,
'The monster attacks are getting worse at camp.' Everyone was silent for a moment before Ginny said,
"What are your specialties in magic?"
"My specialty is water and horses." I said.
"Mine is shadows." Nico said.
"Mine is the sky, wind and thunder." Thalia said.
"And Pine tree's." Nico added. I laughed as Thalia turned red. Ron, Harry, Ginny and Hermione looked confused.
"Why Pine tree's?" Hermione asked.
"Her father turned her into one when she was younger." I said, trying to keep a straight face. Thalia glared at us while they looked shocked.

"So, tell us a little more about your school." Hermione said.

"Well-" I was cut off by a student running into the hall screaming bloody murder. I instinctively gripped Riptide and watched the student babblin to Professor Dumbledor. The teachers all looked worried. Dumbledor stood up.

"Attention all students, please make your way to your dorms. Don't leave without teacher supervision." He said. I glanced at Thalia and Nico. They looked as confused as the rest of us. I stood up and went to the teachers table as the students started leaving the hall.

"Professor, what's going on?" I asked. Dumbledor looked at me and sighed.

"A basilisk has been spotted in the halls."

Harry's P.O.V
Ron, Hermione and I followed Percy, Thalia and Nico to the teachers table.
"Professor, what's going on?" Percy asked. Dumbledor looked at him and sighed.

"A basilisk has been spotted in the halls." He said. A small gasp escaped Hermione's lips.
"Where?" Percy demanded, a determined look on his face.
"It was seen near the library." Dumbledor told them. Without another word, they ran out of the hall. I turned to follow but Dumbledor put a hand on my shoulder.
"Harry, don't go after the Basilisk." He told me. I gaped at him.
"B-But why not?!" I demanded.
"Percy, Nico and Thalia are more powerful then you realise. They can handle it."
"B-But I defeated it before! I've defeated Voldemort! I'm strong enough!" I protested.
"Harry, just let them work. Do not try and help them." Dumbledor said and left. I was fuming. Who the hell do they think they are!
"Come on. We're going to go hunt a basilisk." I growled.

Me: Hello children of the big three.
Percy: The what? Is that what people are calling us now? Nico: Yeah, I don't like that
Thalia: Me neither.
Me: Alright, I'll call you something different.
Thalia: Good.
Me: How about Guinea pig for Percy?
Percy: No, please no!
Me: Pine Tree for Thalia.
Nico: *snickers quietly*
Thalia: No! Anything but that!
Me: And Corn Plant for Nico!
Nico: Don't you dare!

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