~Basilisk Is Back~

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Percy's P.O.V
I ran through the halls, Thalia and Nico right at my heels. I took a left then froze, Thalia almost running into me.
"What is it?" Thalia whispered.
"I hear something." I told her, closing my eyes and concentrating.
"The Basilisk?"
"No. Someone." I said and turned around. I studied the surrounding area but saw nothing. Suddenly Nico frowned. He tentatively reached out a hand and grasped at the air. With a yank, a cloak materialized in his hand, revealing Hermione, Harry and Ron. They all looked shocked.
"How...How did you see us?" Harry demanded.
"I sensed death." Was all Nico said.
"What the Hell are you doing here?" I demanded.
"We're here to fight the Basilisk! Alone! We don't need your help!" Harry said, glaring at me.
"Oh gods." I muttered, running my hand through my hair. I don't have time for this.
"Look, now that we're all here, maybe we can help each other." Hermione said, trying to make peace between us.
"You're right. We should work together." Thalia agreed.
"By now the Basilisk won't be by the library. We should split up into three to cover more ground." I said.
"I'll go with Thalia." Ron quickly volunteered. Thalia glared at him.
"No. I'm going with Nico." She said coldly. Nico smiled.
"I always knew you like me more than Percy." He said smugly. She rolled her eyes.
"No. Percy is probably the most powerful out of us, so he doesn't need our help." She said.
"Alright. I'll go with 'Mione then." Ron said. Guess I'm stuck with Harry.
"Alright, let's go." I said and started walking away. We walked around the halls for about fifteen minutes before hearing something. I stopped walking and looked around the corner. I signalled for Harry to stop as I saw a long, dark snake slithering across the floor. Its body was as thick as a tree and it was almost as long as a giant. Its fangs were like sabers (swords). It looked like the exact same Basilisk that came from Polybotes' head, only his one was a hundred times larger. Harry inhaled quickly at the sight, causing the Basilisk to freeze. It slowly turned towards us and I only had a second to register Harry's warning.
"Don't look into its eyes!" He shouted and covered his eyes. Unfortunately I was too late. Dark, piercing eyes studied me intently.
"Why mustn't I look into its eyes?" I asked cautiously as the snake slowly came forward.
"It'll petrify you!" Harry said.
"Yeah, I don't seem to be petrified." I said. Harry cautiously opened his eyes and saw, with shock, that I wasn't dead.
"But-But...how?!" He demanded. I shrugged then grabbed Harry and jumped away, as the Basilisks mouth closed in on the space that we were just standing on.
"How is a Basilisk that big?!" I demanded.
"Welcome to my world." He said grimly. The Basilisk opened its mouth and spat acid at me. I ducked and jumped away.
"Move!" I commanded and pushed him behind a wall as the Basilisk blew fire at us.
"How the hell is the Basilisk breathing fire and spitting acid?!" Harry demanded, panic etched on his face. I smiled grimly at him.
"Welcome to my world." I said, quoting him. I was about to get out Riptide when something bright suddenly appeared. Harry gasped.
"Fawkes!" He cried. I then realised that it was a phoenix. In its talons was a sword, with the word Gryffindor etched on it in golden lettering.
"Yes Fawkes, give me Gryffindor's sword!" He shouted. The glorious bird swooped down and dropped the sword. It fell downwards, Harry's arms outstretched in anticipation of catching it. Except it didn't fall in his hands, it fell in mine. I instinctively caught it and studied it. It was well balanced but didn't fit in my hand as well as Riptide does. I considered dropping it and using Riptide instead but I decided not to. I leapt out of my hiding place, rolling under a burst of acid and slashing upwards at the Basilisks mouth. It shrieked and retreated but I kept going at it. Slash, jab, duck, retreat. I fought with it for what seemed like minutes before I rolled under a strike and stabbed upwards. The sword went through scales, flesh and bones, its blood dripping down the blade. It shuddered once then collapsed on its side, surprisingly, not turning into dust.
"Huh, strange." I muttered. I turned around and saw Harry glaring at me. "What?" I demanded.
"I'm the true Gryffindor! I was meant to have the sword!" He shouted, his face red from anger. I frowned and looked at the sword.
"What are you even talking about?" I asked, confused.
"Percy! Harry! Where were you..." Ron trailed off as he saw the Basilisk's dead body.
"Hey Perce." Thalia said as she and Nico appeared. She glanced at the body, completely unsurprised then gave a confused look. "Why is it so big?" She asked. I just shrugged and retrieved the sword. Ron and Hermione both gaped.
"Is that..." She trailed off.
"Yes." Harry said grumpily.
"Come on." I said to Thalia and Nico. We all turned and was about to leave when Hermione stopped us.
"Where do you think you're going?" She asked.
"We're going to tell Professor Dumbledor that the Basilisk is dead so the students can stop panicking." I replied and left. I stopped at the teachers lounge and knocked on the door. Dumbledor answered it.
"I'm guessing that the Basilisk is dead." He said. I nodded and handed him the sword.
"I have no idea why your phoenix gave me this, but I used it anyway." I said. Dumbledor smiled.
"That means that you are a true Gryffindor. It doesn't really surprise me though. Well, off to bed you three." He said and shooed us away. I led Thalia and Nico to our dorms.
"Poseidon's owl." I told the painting. I heard Thalia and Nico laughing as the painting swung open.
"Wow, they go it so mixed up." Nico said. I smiled and led them to our rooms.
"This one is yours and this one is yours." I said, pointing them to their allocated rooms.
"Night night Seaweed Brain." Thalia said.
"Good night Pinecone Face." I shot back.
"Hey! That was years ago!" She said angrily.
"So?" I asked, "You're still be a tree to me." Nico snickered.
"Shut up Death Breath!" We both said at the same time. He put his hands up in mock surrender and disappeared into his room. I went into my room and lay down, not even bothering to get undressed. Second day of Hogwarts down, another year to go.

Hermione: Hello there.
Harry: What do you want now?
Me: Hey! Show a little respect please.
Harry: Or what?
Me: I control you. You do not want to get on my bad side.
Harry: Ha! Please.
Me: *glares at him and starts writing*
Harry's eyes widen in fear as his throat constricts. He claws at his throat, desperately trying to breath. He chokes and collapses onto the ground, slowly suffocating. Then suddenly it stops. He greedily gulps for air.
Harry: *glares* Alright. You may have won this time.
Ron: Remind me not to get on your bad side!

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