Part 4- Foreshadows

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"Okay now come let's go, Abhi, you too Alia." Neil said as he finished eating his breakfast.

"What do you mean?" Alia asked surprised, the spoon she was eating with hanging mid-way in the air, as she sat there frozen.

"He means let's go to work, idiot." Abhi said with a chuckle.

"Yes, now that you've graduated from college, we all think it's time for you to start helping out with the business."  Ragini said with a smile.

"What? Whyyy, so early? At least let me enjoy my life and party a little." Alia said in a whiney voice making a face, as she put the spoon down.

"You had two months of free time over summer break, and the only party that you had was a sleeping party because you slept the whole summer away." Abhi said jokingly with a chuckle.

"Hey, I know how to party." Alia said in her defense.

"Oh, do you now?" Ragini asked sarcastically, giving Alia the look.

"Son, look in front of you, this is what I call hitting your own foot with a hammer." Neil whispered to Abhi jokingly as both of them watched the 'deer caught in headlights look on Alia's face as Ragini glared at her, both of them quietly chuckling at Alia's predicament.

"No Mom I-... wait, Dad, Bhai, I'm coming too!" Alia yelled as she quickly got up to follow behind Abhi and Neil as they walked out of the house, to avoid Ragini's questions.

"Mission accomplished." Ragini said to herself with a chuckle, as she watched Alia all but run out of the house.

"So what were you so mad about?" Naitik asked curiously, as all of them were having breakfast.

"Ugh, Dad why did you remind me?" Amrit asked in a whiney voice.

"Oh stop exaggerating, it couldn't have been that bad." Akshara said knowingly.

"Yes, it was, what kind of idiots can't think of a name for a product in a week?" Amrit asked making an annoyed face.

"Wait that's it? That's what you were so mad about? A name?" Neha asked unbelievably, all of them chuckling at Amrit's expense.

"Huh, what happened? I wasn't sleeping you were sleeping!" Purab yelled in his defense as he was woken from his sleep by everyone's laughter.

"Oh God, what do I do with this boy?" Akshara asked as she facepalmed herself but with a small smile.

"Nothing, Purab beta, if you're sleepy then go to bed." Neha said lovingly.

" 'Kay Goodnight." Purab said half asleep, as he sluggishly walked up the stairs toward his bedroom.

"Goodnight, at 9 in the morning?" Akshara asked unbelievably.

"Well he was tired, so yes." Neha said coming to Purab's aid.

"And the only reason he was so tired was that he was out partying all night." Akshara said in exasperation.

"Dad, Mom, and Bua's fight will continue forever, let's go before they drag you into it too." Amrit jokingly whispered to Naitik.

"Oh yeah good thinking, and on our way, I can also help you think of product names." Naitik said as both of them got up and all but sneaked out of the house, leaving Akshara and Neha who were still fighting but all in good humor, behind.

"This is all your fault." Pragya said as she and Dev were sitting at a long table in the conference room of the office building, their meeting with shareholders having ended a minute ago.

"How is it my fault? You're the one who kept chasing after me even after I ate the whole omelet. What did you think you would get it back? And calm down we were only two minutes late, it's not the end of the world." Dev said half serious and half-jokingly.

"Good morning, Sir, Ma'am." Said a woman as she entered the conference room before Pragya could say anything in retaliation.

"Good morning, Aditi." Only Dev said since Pragya was too busy making an annoyed face at him.

"I just wanted to ask what time you want me to book your flight. So that I plan ahead for your trip and do hotel reservations." Aditi explained.

But none of them gave her a response, just looked down at the table, an undefinable look on both of their faces.

"For now you can go, we'll tell you when we decide." Pragya said in a mere whisper, to which Aditi nodded and left.

"You know we have to go back to Mumbai sometime." Dev said in a mere whisper too, after a short silence, the atmosphere in the room becoming somber.

"I know, but why now? You don't want to go either." Pragya said knowingly, with a faraway look in her eyes, to which Dev just let out a heavy sigh, having nothing else to say because he knew that she was right.

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